f * . *- ( M W in ■ M w r .t.tw t ,o fto d « t o a s e « » o o 4 4 * w b — » 9 .¿ t * ' * ïf W •rt v > .i-. î ' î ............. V ' ■■•..:’ BP JÌU'L»IÌIMJLS. t» « « » ko- wró- ■4 4 da U dAs » b id i n « 4 e o > • * » '♦ » » o s o » » » s »O S W > o<, • t , , f h i I t I ■’ — , c " V ¿“ ‘ ■ v*1 !' ‘ • *àr h-*- A H w n *t «M f • 0 s I S » 4 4 S s»S»s 4w» ees e s > e» ■ « ' A B irthday D e n to a M re U 1 A rattRp u h rty belbbrated thh birthday df M r. Claude CfovdfottB on Sunday ld lt, w ith A wonder­ ful d ih h ir ahd Ofe «fttot ht the h«ms or Mf.’hhd to. c i m e Cleveland; hkar Gold HW . The dinner w a i a real feast, with a lovely birthday cake * B a central feature. Beatallful flowers brought added bes'Uty and many cobgrdtuiatlohs weird « U to E . A n d rew s, E d ito r ' Tuesday, May 11.— Past Matrons’ ito to n k HUH. p , MAy ÍG .— ju n io r It. L ltH li High P. T. A .* O rd a , HaW- *> » :••* < , -¿ ¿ ;< tj action. ¿ ¿horno Trinity ,0 , r lg U - Wednea- Pariah House. * H ! Club. * Church Parlor i. Host* Friday, M a / t . — H d tttil Mis« «Mae, Mrs. C. V . ' H oftell and : Loma pwroora p««ns. <«♦» Mrs. Grace B. Andrew*. .“ Club House? Public -Invited. Friday. M ay 7— Prafornal Broth- Thnroday, M ay 1R — H lfh School I rehood Meets. Bventhg. ' t . <|irols 9 . T. A-. Mrs. R nrl P. Nlms, hostess. < Saturday, May 8^—College clnb; ; Medford. Hostess, Mrs. L . IS. Thursday, May 18^-^3overed dish picnic, Civic Club and families, ; W illiams. * . s • :td p. m. In park, If weather Mowday, May 10.— FTO M l Cltth. „ -permits. Otherwise» In Clpp ostess. Mrs. Mr ( Gr*ca ft. to 1' Hostess. U ® ' s ¡ ¿ b ¿ & & í í P. drena,11 2 | ttawuy, Map A— [oaday. May * T. A. Circle, J: 10. A t building, of American feom ajt i Blectlbn^ F. H all. . B y e t o t t m : I • M M M Mny ' ll^ - V p p e r Valley a t t i dfcb. M r t W . ' O ; Community Tucker, D e w n tr o * ’ } i,fh e following from the Sunday Mall-Tribune w ill ba of interest to M m . friends of Mr. and MM. m Ashland. , moro ber h of the Redman and Pocahontas lo d g es gave a pleasant surprise party on Mr. And M ts.‘ Rolli« Rinabarger re- W e b e lie v e in g iv in g cent newlyweds, In their lovely p eo p le a ll th e y p a y fo r— new home on Vancouver avende. A fte r an inspection tour of the hew home, M r. and Mrs. Rlna- hatger were presented with beautiful Moor lump, the g ift of member« glow?»«« „ resent. « i 5 a s-jx - T h a -g ro h ih g b to tyeht ih games, music and dancing after whloh Mr. and MM. Rtnahregat BLOW r rT W ATCH served Ice Cream, cake and wafers td the th irty guests present, Th party lasted until a late hour, the honor guests receiving many good wishes to r their happiness together 4a the years to cone.*« f t ft ft Upper V alley Community d a b — The tipper Valley Community Club, holds Its regular monthly ■ M in g an TUeeday. M ay l l . at the home of Mrs. W . 0 . Tucker. All members and friends are cordially Invited to come and en foy-tke fceettag together, ft ffoo program of helpfulness Is always provided end the Coe aty Dem- entmatioa xsmmt. mim Ada Brewster w ill be present with her coaasel and advice. W. C C o n u K Is to give an aluminum Mhratlon at this meeting. *- ft ft ft tau» ,4 mt Matrons' Card I*nety_ * I ? « Past Matrons- club Is glv •8 .0 0 t o . .it A. 1& 0» J. i W HITE E N D H B 8 ftU Ö C K ’ l i t A t o r t party oh Tuesday a v - n tn g i to Which not ogly their «row 1 membership Is Invited but the public Is welcomed. -A ty r o f their friends Who wish to.cesne la Invited and Is assured that ¿he,'evepiag Io planned for every ones pleasure; the differ­ ent card gabies gre provided I any ode wtrtf Just Wishes to visit will find ample opportunity. No doubt table* may be en­ gaged M t groups of friends by ceiling Mrs. I * >. Brow«, 441 R. — ■WS “Oh! Man, They're Good!" •«■w M f- I ' » it/ M ut rttf*""’« ' : ; i ’? C -i£ lÙ 5 4 ÌZ I f ) . : h -L. 1 » . i r J ». i e h * Ma s s wej a o .si We wam to ie > a s e s o' s wéww e d s s > i ^ w ^ to w m H s k s a en h _ i s . tore .... _ _ The Aostepoes for the afternoon nactfon with longer r i s aie A SA «re i « 4 S i a ¡ i l e Ito» i tíeAQttftol ré' tth dalhUaree 1 ' -w 4U eh-aU -em >, •a d fMgm Qrace MF.11 tohn Bonar o l Improvem a hear Phoenix w ith M m , Black* Wood were guests of Miss Gsrtl? Mean and. Miss Bdna Goheeh at dlpner Bppday. * The sfternoog w a*. spent bi vlg- Mrt ’ Boner hen h • » fctog tehosen fyeto, ih la Prdnhytoyy tn I attend General Assembly. They, Will leave shortly for, thefr long trip east. . f t f t ft Free Clinic H e ftU . offered the one Whoes birthday was the occasion of ths M ttlv tl. Many gifts from friends marked the occasion tlstf. ' Those golhg from Ashland were Mr. and M rs.J , E. Fill eld, Mr. and Mrs., Lee F lfleld, Mr., and Mrs. oi»hn Addis and Mr. and Mrs. Clement Cleveland and the host and hostesfe, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Cleveland, Of Gold M ill. Mrs. Claude Cleveland was for­ K r tT lñ 'th e s i beach ctogt’ merly Mlfes Ruth Fllfold. J ft f t ft — ■ ...«. ............ - *'l ' ■■ - A rt Club M eehs i. ■ A t Monday night’s meeting of w lth 'n prosperous church, which e je c ts to build a new edifice In the- A rt Club the .hostesses w ill ’ be Mrs. Lous Schweln and Mrs. the near future. W hite friends both in and out 3'. W . Corcoran. Mrs. J. W . Corcorans home 649 of the church regret the going Bast Main, Is the place of meet­ of M r. and Mrs. M eritor and ing and all members are to keep family, MU appreciate the fklth- the place and date In mind. More ful And efficient service given so recently the club has been enter­ cheerfully and ungrudgingly, and tained In. the homes h f Its mem Wish for all the fam ily abundant bers each taking her turn as happiness in the new field of ser­ hostess. vice. Larger opportunities In the . f t ft ft Hawthorne jft, T. A. Qbvle larger field are- offered and tM friends are fclad that the advahdfe- M toto-» i Hawthorne R. T. A. holds its ment In Opportunity with It* annual «lection bf ¿tfieeta at the commenShfats remuneration has meeting schadmed tor Friday a t come to them. The Rev, Mr. Heritor leaves al­ tetnoon at tha Hawthorne build­ ing nt t:SO p. m. most immediately for the new A ll members are urged to be home hut Mrs. Mergler and Betty present a t this meaHng. Patents w ill remain until after Com­ and friends whether mefhbers or mencement for Stephen graduates a member of the caas of *26. not are Invited to come. The family are guests this evo­ « ft ft king at the hoihe of Mrs. H.i Neighbors o f W oodcraft Meeh— A fter the business session of Andrews for seven o’clock din­ th» Neighbors Of Woodcraft, at ner. which a large class of candidates A number of social eugage- were thltlathd, the evening waa taentS and oUtlngg have marked spent in a d elightful social htyut |h e past week, particularly during D h t of the pltosant fea ^ re s IfcW MMt df Mr. Merglar’s sister, of the evening wag the entertain­ Miss Mergler, of Cincinnati, who left Monday to continue her ing rending of MM. ftd High. Those In charge served dells- homeward Journey. lo ts Cskh and the cream at the ft*« tt close of the evening. Leaguers Visit Oaves— M f t ft Tweuty-flve Bpworth Leaguers Junior High P. -%A. Meets— traveling in five cars, left laat Junior High P. T. A. w ill hold Friday evening on a trip to the Its mtotltlg Wednesday, May 19, Oregon Caves. They reached at 9:90 p'. m., at the Junior W lldervljle with little trouble H igh baftdlng where supper was prepared and A ll members and friend* a rt tEb evening spent around the urged to be prosen t since the elec­ tion of officers will be the princL camp fire In songs and stories. - The usual routine of breaking pal thing to be considered In the camp took place In the morning bustaesd Session. and th« party started on their a t» « way at 8 o’clock. The cavee were Mel Circle Meets— reached at < l | .a n d the trip Behool Circle P. T. A. through them was started at w ill gold Its regular session at thg MOme of Mrs. K arl P. Niros. |1 j |0 Saturday m o ilin g . I t took •two uourt and a halt to hike 299 Vista, on May 18^ at 2:08 threagk the marble cavet The p. m. Leaguhto then left Immediately glace this Is the last meeting of the Current year a ll members for the government camp at the bottom of the h ill where dinner are urged to. be present. The waa eaen rather late In the after­ a r i tton of officers Is the princi- noon. thlng to he cousldered at this When everyone was satisfied meeting, also, and a full attend­ the homeward trail was resumed, ance Is desired. the cars became separated and ar- ft» » rlvd *home one at a time late Saturday evening. * The Jolly times and beautiful On Friday evening of this week commouotng s t t i l l y n the pu* trip Is one that will long be re­ plle^gl Miss Lolita Pierson will membered by the participants. In recital In a varloJ ft ft ft and p lehg lhf progfum, at the Civ­ Legion A uxiliary Meets— * ic 0Mb house. , The American Leglpn Auxil­ T h e ,p s M lc in m rd la lly Invited iary met Monday. May J, at the to be present on this occasion Armory^ A fter a short business Persists and friends of the pupils meeting, stickers ware put on the are eatoetnlly urged to eome. poppies, which are to be sold the Tour preaenee lends ebegnrage- last of this month on popular fte h t to tpOse who nro on the corners Of Ashland. 1 program, showing the Interest The mgmJbershlp contest Closed felt In the pupil’s advancement, With Mrs. Cook’s sldfe winning. to » m Ie Cream and wafers were served lire. Addis, Mrs. ApptewBlf», and Mrs. Hubert Bentley. * Mid Mrs. George Mathes f t f t ft and hostess Tuesday Wednesday Club Meets fthdues- ng the Rev. . and Morglsr. who leave On Wednesday of next' week, tor new* home In Osn- the Wednesday Club will I meet in the pdflors of the PreeL,_____ ibto«ip*- •by terian ih tfh l dinner was serv- chV ? h f o |l its regular social af- ? u < With ebvers laid fo r Mr. teynotm. y intertw ining numbers I , hav- George Mathes. Mr. a n i been provided f « ( the »ragtaD . itse. ro .re a m and aad for the social hdur, Aoirk Will be 'planned or - ladles may ,bring lier and Betty. I u | l e th e ir Taney woft|. L o rely flowers B w Y jB e g ib e f of the ethg'ega-! ah« ito m i t o i ', ï t ;«t ; V! ilon la Invited; atraagors fo tbs df tod friends t h | oven rity partleniarly. « M t o unger memhry. It «ay one knows of remooa The Rev., [ft«lhr meoas Who ft jaot ac­ ite ( o f sualntod It ts urged that thè In­ ehurch o f vitation be given to that one and _____» City Bf that tha strangers be brought to ahma i t h t t o ’.tbouaand'qrepalaUon, the .d u b m e e tin g ..x .. ................... I t hag bean hftABgbd th keld • free clinic for eripfttod chUdren a t Medford. M ay id , m t the Mint Baptist church. Appointment* mMy be a t ton office o f th* Giha- ty Health U n it In the Court House at Jacksonville. Patients aye planking th tyfth frbm all parts of the coahty te meet thh specfaliafcg with w ill t o present a t thia elthte. •tor. Richard D lllh h u t, orthh- phdlc specialist, a ld toean Of the Club la on the - i W ' ; » J ," « # ito i f mem to r . hf to d District e membe “It ha* io ‘¿ to D ofd tock erfttod ityl > r chUdren, ahd t i seko! Lodh Tund which to used to h< gifts obtaih an hidtotlon; U to e Itotettyahd'tte d t o hhunto l i ­ sten an tottwsntie« pump to thh toiemefct to Bart end « r é . M aftrtj < M , ’tótwr tore frota tto V to m fti rodete to d the' «od« 'isw m g ro e wu» r tabs Unci «ftàpsoa,* Mrs atra, sm m a orear were hsetlrn L w id fotodfip of three wero tó h íflt; and reire W h n tffo lty h _____________ fflig «id-. _ „ bettyMtoa t o Mm A fthri- B oftft altó vasto bf plbb rode« at ean M evo lU tlto The DelphMft Intervals wftB wreathilte «prïys «folti > Thh A ahlM rt MhMe of white bloeeolh« h«»Wn tha m a i, • «ponsòMM tabla, i toe ti a id er ahd* Î While clnb -5* ?&-*« *• W’ Jv ciaft » an« llh lbfcU&a center t f Unlveaalty ht OTOgoh Miftical Club a ll su» programh. school had to*. Lawrence Belling, ■deh apprettare« talk wad tltdn «h ndrve sphdhlbt, I» « Conductln» hr A tto rte! . Bf. ft. Brtyfes «a this Clihle h t the IhVitetlon of “Woman’s Fropèrty RtfBU In the Jackson CbuntR Mhdteal so. Oregon.*1 • ' cthty.- They come'tft Medford dh* ? "We piato« bdr club io n ia at America'S g e « t dhr the eithttblon derview * k the thè disposai hf thè AahUfad M a­ University Oregon. for W om en apd lìe Stuip c i d i for a Very t in i ra­ In fthveihber, 1224. the & lb' confer with that hbdÿ y»- ilä g ’ Ina coming keleftfotlodf w n . » « p n a ttih t tod to Miss Cha*nberfoh i . s ti ,w > i r ii.y r e -.A \ WSonllhied on Fata F ile ) * * K pow n M oke Y oung W om en We cWpetofod A tti thè ChkMber òf held in Jackson chanty i òum m ere», k «iving a reèeptiob these same physicians in eha f o thè « u ftftto fto rm il « U rta ta ; A t this clinic « t children werh ohe to fa '*<•' tha «tfarn ar A rt examined and thh eapseshe fpr « ft hf PTOtt fhntitwfo and fot- X -ray pictures etc., Were paid' an «ihlfto «f ite wbrk «ras the K iw s n ls , slab , b f Medford. « a d e r i t o fthdftbhi.ùf thè Theses cases hhdu hhhn foUhWto up by thh public Kftalth Stress A t o r e t Display le belng pnt oh Jority h id « received treatm ent, hh this Fiordi by tt o Ashland ‘ and school nurte and • large mfe that some With clnb font o r tfttst- hd arms of a year ago hM how r:"Lftft fan it was decided fe normal, w ith no handicap, A to v a a reg alar “Ftwwur Show” number were sent to the Shrin- and tha lobby a t the U th fo IT s Hospital, Portland, ah« th «pringa H e t « Was secured for IL the Junior J Lsagna cltnte In Port- The eft»w scored A woadertal W e- lto d . ¿oes, hoto In paint a f exhibit» -B a iy d t i i c 1> was held m and of attendance. ..Ba much are d hh Abril it t h ; another thuatasm wre aroused that the wiff-M hftd tha 10th o l Hay. Achlaad Floral rtetety Wad form- These ¿links are held here the M M a roaalt ami an annual third Thursday of each month fo Floral Bxhibit f t an adtorod that reveals and, ¡bbh’t>cfoid rt’ ^T*° ImprOT*' assures you of what you ' r e t M b f w l a ¿very; T k i nam e «hoe pdfch&te. Akfclknt. thing. A schedhld of these free clinics “W e feel that hah made hbdh out tor the re­ mainder of the y to r. Ashland's cowlhg as stated, tha third Thurs­ day bf bath fto h th; Medford, the second Tridhy bf bach month; Talent had one M ay 8 and 4 ahd Central Point, May 4; and again June 80; Lost tr e e k the 7th of M ay; Jacksonville the 91st of MM«; Oftd Hill the 27th; Apple- tafo, Atthu It PkOhhlx. JUiri 4; Bagfo Point, Jane 7; RogUe R iv­ er, June 91 j Bprlag Crehk, the 22; Antieeh, July 1; Trail. July 7; ThMe Rent, duly 24; Ander­ son Creek, July 22{ gams Valley, the i t ) Rrevelt, Aagust «, and owua O refoa Lumber company LhK Cam». August parhnps' dm most worthwhtfo. totag We da fa tpa permnneat Baby Clinic, which le held a t tha Club house the third Thursday of each month. The club furnishes the meeting blare, ail chhirottencefc, ahd the T o K n o w in A d v a n c e T h a t Ycfu’ll B e S a tis fie d — by G et­ m atron’s osrvieee. üetaally about t in g W h a t Yott W an t. 20 babies or ahlldron b f pre- The Queen Quality Trade M ark Identifies add so­ sc^odl age are exftmlned«and giv­ tie makers w ith ldi au s distributors ut In their soclates tha with en adWro Bythe physician hnd responsibility for ybnr satisfactlo*, enabling you to résilié in Queen Qhallty shoes Tour expectation nursed of the Jatteon County ef perfect style, perfect fit, perfect Service^—eatle- Health AnWelatfod. ‘ ••A «tare auareeftai “¿«mrnage Bale” was held and the proceeds Put « t o a sinking fund. A t this time aire many families la need Were supplied with warm cloth­ ing either fire or at srt oxceed- lagly law seo t gpeelul clinics may be arranged • "TWo bhbri play« were prosent­ adtommototy tha summer ad « the Vibré* Theatre m con- roUhft-tt» of pro-echdol children., MtoiH volunteer worker« for all the cintlto bf the ttaalth UnU ft pro- Vidud fcy the Jahkson County l»Uh- llc H ealth Association which aim to bears tha expense and furnishes blankets, sheets, and klmonas for the uee la cllnlae where needed. M ft ft florv>rity Mntectsdwe^— Last week the Phi Alpha Chi Sorority entertained thh- Y ount Peoploe’ D epartm ent of the M eth­ odist church at i plena* supper in Lithie P a r i. F b lty -tttv tot at the fong tables and M io to fl ■ovlded t ÿ the«« the (M il pro mdteh Who aré mi ftntoú' R. L. ftm»<*í4ftto d a t Bchtoì Cíaas. Oto fonhlbnua gafare. stories of tire: «remi itmg’s wpta^taîaraanti Beeldas t the o * regular members of to’» the guret Mat In-’ ln- this department gueet list eludedi «ev¿ hhd ltod Mfft M. . f. R. PftH- Pi M fft H VT. Gregg,. Beaver. Misa >wnd M r. a n i ford. lift« I eedsy’s meet ill* b f tyft CIvM Improvemdat d u h of Aeh- lani, th r folfowiug hdfamftPF « the ; prove ftB- H a lt w o rk « The Ita ratlrtng waa sahalNttsd by t, Mrs Gurd­ on M aceratore, who, in assuming the to ftf* re Jlfote- B w t o A M ' A distinctive Style W ith spike' hrel in. Pat.. Satin and Rid. A smart Gore Pump w ith Cuban heel in Pat., and Satlh. ( i ■I < U .