1 MALARIA GEBMS • j lot survive three months ht thÄich ozone at Asfiiand. Pare domestic water help«. « The Tidings Has Been Ashland's (United VOL XLIX Successor to Ute Sami-Weekly Tidings. Volume 41 CHAMBER WILL SPEND BIG SUM ' FOR PUBLICITY tt iff Newspaper P ot Nearly Fifty Years Wire Service) v Z ASHLAND, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 6, 19Ü6 NO. 20Ô GUARD RAIL TO '“ '" 1' Str,k J P -S T O D E N T S BE ERECTED ON OF NORMAL TO, STATE HIGHWAY HOLD REUNION „ TRADE NOT TO STRIKE O f London O f M ilk S u p p ly • Ashland dairymen, at a meeting yesterday,^ we nt on record as favoring the employment of a regular inspector to grade and in­ spect all m ilk sold in this vicinity, but they thought this expense should be borne by the state.* Fourteen of the local dairymen met at the home of L. D. Payne where they elected M r. Payne as chairman and perfected a temporary organization.A permanent association is planned and the remain­ ing dairymen w ill, bo urged to Join. Another meeting will be held at which time a report w ill bo made by a committee which was ap­ pointed to examine the proposed dairy Inspection ASHLAND CLIMATE Without the use of medicine cures nine cases oat of ten of asthma. This is a proven fact l,y $$• tt tt >eer LONDON, May ay 6. 5.— (U » P ) — The first 24 hourB of tt tt the strike brought about tt tt a beer shortage. The fa­ tt mous Cheshire Cheese tt 8 Advertising Ashland Will be 8 Safeguards Will be Main­ Premier Baldwin Told By Chop House, known to tt: Former Pupils of Old Ash­ One of Major Projects ‘ 2 tained on Ashland-Klam­ Labor Spokesman Gov­ all American tourists, « ! land School to Meet in for Current Year ' ernment Must Fix Terms ath Road This Summer closed Tuesday night be­ tt! Portland June 21 cause it ran out of beer, tt 8 APPROPRIATION MADE 8 au experience which has .» F O R M LOOK - OUT CONTINUES PROTECTS MOTORISTS ORGANIZATION not occurred before w ith­ :: 8 Budget ComnHttt-e Increases Sum Strlk.ars Remain Firm in Original Division Engineer Get» A uthority tt in tlic memory of Its 100- tt Committees Selected to Plan For for W o rk; Land Settlement Oeiuanda; Labor Leader to Proceed W ith Needed Gathering o f Men and tt year htatpry. Other tt Assisted Thrown in Jail W o rf Women of State tt “pubs" are closing be­ » tt cause the strike cut off tt Advertising A shland*w ill be a ~ F l o n d o n ( May e.— ( u p )— Construction of 2000 feet .o f PO RTLAND. Ore., May 8. —- tt delivery of their supplies. major project of the Ashland 8 ' Labor replied with an unqualified tuard railing on the Ashland- tt (Special) — A t a meeting held in chamber o f commerce for the en­ ' “No“ to Premier Baldwin's de­ tlam ath highway between Keno Central Library, Portland, a few tt tt suing year, and the advertising mand that the strike be' called tt ■nd tho Jackson - K lam ath couc- nights ago, plans were perfected and publicity, committee w ill im­ off as the price of the govern- tt y linp has been authorized by the tor a general reunion of old Ash­ tt mediately hold a meeting with ment'e rose motion of nagotia tt Rate highway commission at land Normal students. Several tt Secretary F u lle r to map out tions for peace. tt former studeats who live In Port­ Salem, according to word receiv­ tt plans for such a program. This The trades union spokesman 8 ed here today. C. C. Seeley, resi­ land were present, and the date tt I was' the decision of the board of I said that labor is still seeking an 8 tt1 dent highway engineer, has been Business was set tor June 21; the place. Manager John directors at au extended meeting honorable sapem ent, w ith a 8 authorized to proceed w ith the Peninsula Park. If the weather »I Enders Makes Appeal last night. withdrawal lock-out notices, but 8 ordinance. work at once. is unfavorable the Peninsula Park tt Fcr Contributions The report of the budget com­ he added that it is up to the gov­ Lumber for the guard rails has Community house will be used, mittee was presented to the ernment to bring about a situa­ been' purchased and w ill be sea­ Approximately $200 more is and all who come can easily be hoard, and aside from h i regular tion which will permit peace ne­ soned for two months before It needed to insure the success of accomodated. AU former pupils necessary operating expenses of gotiations. is placed. Mr. 8eeley expects to the Ashland baseball club thia/ are invited, and messages have Hi chamber, the largest Item was put up the railing early In July. year. It wa i announced this af-J already been received from dist­ for advertising and publicity. It O T H E R ST R IK E S P L A N N E D The guard rail fences w ill be ternoon by John Enders, business ant parts of the state, assuring a was felt that Ashland now. has ______ SYD NEY, Australia, May 6.— constructed on bad turns and manager of the club. The mer­ large attendance. The picnic din­ greater reason than lftretofore Local Booster Club is Asked' - FoUowIns the lead of the donated ner will be held iq the evening, other dangerous spots on the chants generally havo for undertaking an energetic and to Attend Rn.il Cele- Engl,ah coal miners, the mine en- Jiberally, he said, and ho now i making it possible for all to at­ highway. extensive advertising plan. Whil? gineers of New South Wales have asks that citizens proffer some1 tend. The fences, painted a glaring bration in Eugene this has been contemplated for given notice op their intention to white, w ill considerably lessen the financial support for the club. A business meeting w ill be held, several years the necessary funds I t w ill The Lithians today were es­ strike next Shthrdity. The players are working out at which time it la expected that accident hazard on the Ashland- have been lacking. Miss Ernestina Calles- li), uaughter of President Calles throw 50,000 men out of eraploy- nightly and a gpod baseball team to ; In. order to take care ot this tended a rormal invitation of Mexico, is touring the United States. This photo was Klam ath Falls highway. To a is in prospect. Suits are expect- a permanent organisation w ill be raent. take part in th^ big celebration motorist unfam iliar w ith the road, having as its object the Important feature of the cham­ taken in New Orleans, where she admitted she is a flap­ hair pin anfl right angle turns j ed to arrive tomorrow and the effected, at Eugene In August, celebrating] Welfare of the new Ashland Nor­ ber work, the budget committee LEADER IS JAILED per and said she is proud of it. "■ bail park at Jackson Hot Springs mal. insofar as we can Influence are a constant -danger. has reduced some of the other the completion of the Natron- I LONDON, May 6 .— ( U P ) — is being put in good shape. cut-off by E. E. Chadwick, secre-l inquirers in this part of the appropriations and a concentrat­ Shapurji Saklatvala, British com­ Mr. Enders urged that farm­ state. It is hoped in time to build ed effort w ill be directed to the tary of the Eugene chamber of of parliament, ers in the outrlylng section give (■commerce, who is making a tour munist member work. up an organization that w ill be was imprisoned today. He was of the state in the interests of contributions to the club as well of real help in giving publicity Much to A dvertise arraigned on a charge of making as local residents. A ll checks Ashland, Jt was agreed, has tho the big celebration. to the Ashland school. seditious utterances and when he should be mailed to J. E. Enders, Cities from every part of Ore­ finest park, the best equiped ho­ The temporary chairman Is W ill was unable to provide suitable business manager of the club. SAN FR AN C I8CO , » May C. tels, auto camps, mineral baths, gon will be represented at Eu- J I Wood, and the secretary Vora gene for this celebration, he said, 9ureties Waa "ent to J»*1 fo«* exceptional school privileges and Trade Unions Urged to Give" A fter telling Manuel Bonaparte .Underground Stream of Lava Storey Sowers( Mrs. R. H. Sow­ n n d ih « m m v n tin iH o « zx# ___ months., P o r i of Tlovr’« » D ow ♦ to t onpatAil 1 v that 1 rl rtrxf 1 _ __ i wv . « repeatedly that alio she <1 did not tunnt want I opportunities for industrial and and tho communities of Southern ers.) Part Day’s Pay is Heard Near Crater, buslhess growth. With this as a Oregon are urged* to participate. Support Strikers AM former students of the Nor­ ! ° dearrt her husband and fun is Report Mr. Chadwick was accompan­ basis it was thought a careful away with him, Mrs. M arla Lopez mal are moat cordially invited, MOSCOW, May 6.— (U P i advertising plan would be of ied her« by R. R. Kipp, manager met her admirer's persistent ad­ HONOLULU, th„ May 6 — A with their families. General Com­ or tlie m arketing department of Russian trade union council has vances w ith a revolver bullet. She rushing underground stream of great value to the city. mittee : appealed to all trade unionists to is held on a charge of attempted lava, discharging heavy The board voted to cooperata the state chamber of commerce, gases Mrs. Beulah Newman, Mrs. contribute a quarter of one day’s murder. with the Jackson couny land set­ who is on one of his regular visits through crevices overhead, was Up-River Fishermen Sapply Inez Collins, Mrs. Mabie Jacobs. about the state. pay to support the British strik­ tlement committee In any plan Demand While Lower heard by a party of campers near Mrs. Olah Neidenoff, Mrs. Maude Last Hope of Wilkins Expe­ ers. A sum Estimated at $1 - to send a Jackson county repre­ River Strike if en ihe source of the Hoopuioa flow Robiey, Mrs. Ada Roea, Mr«. dition Shattered by Ac­ 800,000 could be raised in this sentative to Southern California. from the volcano Mauna Loa Vivian Lawrence. Mr«. E. L. cident Tjiis M or n in g ASTORIA, Ore., May 6.——Des manner. Approximately $130,- A rthu r Foster of the state land they reported today. Blandford, Misa Martina Thiele, pite the continuance of an effec­ 000 has already been telegraphed settlement bureau reported on hla This, together with thin spirals Mr. and Mrs. H arry Sayle, Miss FA IR B A N K S , Alaska, May C. to the British trade union coun­ recent trip to Southern Californ­ of smoke constantly seen rising tive fish strike throughout the Glendora Thompson, Mr. and Mr«. — (U P )— The airplane Alaskan, cil. ia and said Jackson county and from Mona Loa's craters indicai-- entire lower Columbia river dis- W ill Wood, Mrs. Vora Sowers. the last hope of th« W ilkins polar all of Oregon hag an excellent op­ cd that the mountain Is still ex­ rlc, most of the canneries at PO RTLA N D, Ore., May 6. — expedition, was wrecked today, Astoria packed salmon for a time Local Woman is Candidate portunity of interesting many of periencing some activity. (IP) — The body of a man iden­ perhaps beyond repair, on an a t­ this morning. I he Owens valley farmers in com­ for State President of Two of the seven cones that tempted take-off for Point Bar- tifie d from papers in his pocket The quantity available for ing to Oregon. ' Women’s Clubs took part in the recent nctlvity row, from which the outpost H a r p P r r v I i i k i t i / x i V * 8 John Lake, 40, of Roseburg. packing wag not great, as the re­ are believed to have become dor­ LA GRANDE, Ore., May 6.— flight over the north pole was to sult of the combination of tho mant. ----------- « | W illam ette river early today by — Miss Grace E. Chamber­ be attempted. strike and the extreme shortage The rlple motor g|ane, D etroit­ C O N STA N TIN O PLE. May C.— ’ Jack Bowman, watc|iman. The lain of Ashland, and Mrs. C. J. of fish In the river. Frankel of Portland, are the two er, the second craft of the expedi­ The Turkish government has pro­ hody is now at the morgue where W hat fish were packed were J. J. Snodgrass, Who Work­ nominees for president of the tion, was pronounced too heavy hibited the drinking of cham- it was estimated It had been in taken by seines aid traps or were ed in Jackson County, for use last week. When Cap­ pagne, whiskey and imported 'the water for a month. Examlna- Oregon Federation o f Womens shipped into Astoria from up riv­ Convicted in Portland - The move 1« tion disclosed no Bigns of foul •clubs in the annual election to tain W ilkins and Pilot EJelson wlnes in Angora. er points. start off for Point Barrow today seen as the first step toward na- play. be held today. The winner will Coroner’s Inquest in Chicago PORTLAND, Ore., May 8.-—(U not be announced until the clos- the plane rose a few feet and tlonal prohibition. Killings Reveals Gang­ P ) — J. J. Snodgrass, also known Seven Convicts Overpower then lowered to the ground where ig session late this afternoon. land Crime Plans aa J. J. Carey and Jackson Street­ hole in the field. Peter Klein and Stab Miss Yhamberlaln asked th a t) 1 srtuck “ a ------~ er, former dry enforcement offie- her name be not presented to thJ crush,nS the r 'ght W,ng* • Him Through Heart CHICAGO, May 4.— New light er for Southern Oregon, * was Was thrown on the machine gun convention for the presidency, but found guilty today on charges JO L IE T , III., May 6.— (V P ) murders of W illiam H. McSwig- her many friends throughout the of representing himself* as an of­ Deputy Warden Peter N. Kinin gin, assistant state's attorney, and stafe Insisted that she permit her was killed in an attempted break Bathing Beauties Will Be ficer and thereby obtaining pos­ OUDJDA,' Morocco, May 0.— two gangster companions, by tes name to be'presented and a live­ session of an automobile. Snod­ at the Illlhois state penitentiary Selected at Annual Qon- timony presented at the coroner’s ly election contest Is predicted. W A S H IN G TO N , D. C., May 0. ( U P ) — W ar w ill be resumed in grass was first tried last winter here yeserday when seven con­ vention on Coos Bay Inquest Tuesday. — ( U P ) — N ight sessions were or­ Morocco tomorrow m orning it but the Jury failed to agree. He victs. five of whom were serving Witnesses reconstructed the en dered by the house today to meet was announced today following M A R S H F IE L D , May B, -w (LP) was allowed 10 daya in which to time for murder, trapped him In tire scSne of the slayings in ac­ Body is Found Hanging to the demands for debate on pend­ the collapne of pie ace negotia­ a solitary cell house and stabbed — The program for the state con­ file a motion for a new trial af­ counts which differed materially Clump of Trees on Island ing fartp relief legislation. A tions between the Rlffians am] him through the heart. vention of the American Legion ter tha Jury reported Its verdict from those originally accepted by three-hour* session w ill be held representatives of the Franco- of Hawaii on Coos Bay Augudt 5, 8 and 7 will today. authorities. Spanish allies. tonight and tomorrow n(ght. - I include a bathing beauty contest HONOLULU, May 6. _ (|p) One of the Important new PASADENA, Cal., May 6.— (LP) to determine Oregon's most per­ points disclosed by the inquest —»-Thomas B. Slate, noted,invent­ An investigation o f the death of fect beauty. Every legion post In was that McSwlggln and his or of fuel improvements for a ir­ Robert W illiam Pelow, 22, elec­ the state w ill be asked to select friends were 'killed in daylight. craft, announced that he had trician's mate of the U. S. 8. R- a beauty queen to represent It at This leads directly to , the conclu- been given a contract by the gov­ 12, hds been started by navy of­ the contest which will be conduct­ slon that the murderers knew ernment to construct a super-dir­ ficials. B O O N EV ILLE. Ind., May G— ed during the three days of the whom they were killing. Pelow’s body was found hanging ( U P )— Thirty-three union min­ igible capable of making a non­ PORTLAND, Ore., M ay,«. — convention. The complete tenta­ ers were fined $25 and costs In stop flight to the North Pole and In a clump of bushes near Aiea. tive program for the convention. (LP) — Dr. Loren Caln. St. Helena Pelow was earnest and studious, CJtgUlLjSOIlEA today by Circuit return 1» most serve one year In with apparently no reason to com­ Judge Lindsey for their part In jail aa a result of hla conviction 'han 87 years. K L A M A T H F A L L 8 , Ore., May mit suicide. attacks on non-union miners at of driving while drunk, and failure* In speaking of Mother's Day to­ B. — A t leant one mother who Hat the John Bull aqd Possum Ridge to give aid to Injured persona. passed the century mark in lift day, “ Dad” who is a fam iliar fig­ • * • «1. mines two months ago, w ill be the recipient of bright flow ure on the streets of Klamath i,— . era on M other’s Day, May nimh Falls stated that not once since • x /io ' r She is Mrs. M artha Volltaire ot thd inaugauration of . the day ,ia The stage fare between Ash­ 1209 had he failed to send his Washington, D. C. A new Chevrolet Landau sedan land and Klam ath Falls)has been belonging to Newton Harrison of 8ÀN FRANCISCO, May 8.— (LP) Today her son 8. Hi “ Dad*’ VolR mother flowers each year. reduced from $4.75 to $8.20, act Medford, former resident of Ash­ — An inventory of liquor stocks Italre of the W inters apartments. Beside« his mother Iq the east C A M B R ID G E. May 8. — For cording to'Word received here to­ land. was stolen last evenig. The in a. government warehouse here Is celebrating hts eighty second Dad" has two slstera living in the' first time in Massachusetts’ KANSAS C IT Y . Mo., May 6.— day from Salem. Howard and car was parked In front of the has disclosed disappearance of $1,- birthday and telling , his friende (Washington, D. C., one who re When Mrs. Lora Simmons history, a ju ry of only ten men Is re­ Grimes, stage operators, have been Craterian Theatre and was not 000,000 worth of seised whiskey. who marvel at hla activity, ’bat gently observed her seventy-fourth turned to her home in Gainer,, sitting op art important case **—- ordered by fhe public service com- locked, two coats were stolen The inventory was filed Tues­ his mother la aow active at the blrthdsy and the other who has she began te cry out hysterical­ the tria l of Mayor Donovan and VAD8OÍ, Norway, May •«*- fnisslon to make' the .lower rate M. Bfookm lller, of Ashland, was day by Col. Ned M. Green, pro­ age of 19B. {passed the seventy--Blxth year. .. ly “ Buolia! Buella! Save Buella. six other Loweji officials, charged ( U P ) - T i . dirigible Nor|a, es effective Immediately, The com­ nett to ft and althpagh It was hibition administrator. More than Burn in France in the year 1821 'Keep active and interested In She’s in the bedaopmJ“ . Dashing with Conspiring to violate thb route from Leningrad to Klug's mission made an Investigation of locked, {two chatis were stolen half the seised liquor! were listed Mrs. Voltaire remained in Europe the affaire of everyone" Is nay into the .burning building, a fire­ city charter |or personal gain. Bay, Spitsbergen, where tha Aai- 4 - ' ■tag? rates and found the fare from I t as “stolen by'Unknown parties,’’ until she reached the ago of 12 motto, “Dad" replied i l l , answer man madq his, g ay to a bedroom The shortage of jnrora la due to undsen-BHsworth between Ashland and Klamath “ water substituted for ‘whiskey/* when she came to -United States, to 'a question as to how he kept where hp. caqie upon a yelping the Impaired hearing of one and it, nicht io ite Falls to be excessive. landed i h « toter. Advertise In Tf\e Tidings. or "missing by robberf.” *> the Illness of another,. poodle, , , where she has lived tor mom young. 8 tt tt tt K FOR BASEBALL CHIB » UTHIAHS IN V IO Is W o u n d ed RUSSIANS ARE ASKED L B over y M arried W om an 10 ASSIST BRITISH MAUNA LOA FEARED ITOMA ( V S S IA R f J M M S M E 4U S M N IS BAMWRECKED MBS CHAMBERLAIN IS CLUB NOMINEE S tra n g er’s B o d y T a k e n F ro m R iver T u r k e y M ay Soon PROW OfflCEB IS " HEEBraBE GUILTY n a v e r r o u iD itio n |WrfHh was founri floatlng ,n the NEW SLANT ON GANG O K IE S RELATE!) DEPUTY WARDEN IN N ig h t S e ssio n O f START PROBE INTO B I N OF NAVY MAN H o u se Is O rdered BEAU1Ï CONIEST TO BE L E W f l A W W ith R iffs W ill B e R esu m ed S u p er D ir ig ib le < N o w B e in g B u ilt U n io n M in ers A re 82-YEAR-OLD KLAMATH MAN SENDS MESSAGE TO MOTHER WHO IS NOW 105 YEARS OLD D e n tist Is G iven F in e d F o r A ttack O n e Y ear In J a il L ow er S ta g e K a te T o K la m a th F a lls Is E ffe c tiv e N o w M e d fo rd T h ie v e s S tea l C h ev ro let T e n Ju rors H ear ,000,000 L iq u o r T h e ft D isco v e red C harges o f G raft F ir e n ^ p S ave D og In B u r n in g H ou se A g a in st O fficers D ir ig ib le N o rg e L ands in N orw ay O n F lig h t N o rth