Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, May 05, 1926, Page 6, Image 6

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    WEDNESDAY, May S, 1026,
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H?rtu Is one of (hr fighting riiinhcw tforft which abound in (lie myriad a t
mountain nt ream« adjacent to Ashland and1 throughout Southern Oregon.
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A v ie w o f (h e Rogue riv e r along th e highw ay to C ra te r L a k e N a tio n a l P a rk .
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Nestled in the rolling foothills of
the Siskiyous, with climate and en­
vironment second to none among the
cities of the. Pacific northwest, Ash­
land— Oregon's southern gateway—
bids welcome to the auto tourist, the
sportsman, the seeker for health and
the prospective home owner.
In this, the first o f a weekly sum­
mer series of special articles On Ash­
land and her surrounding industrial,
scenic and health attractions, the va­
cation possibilities will be brought to
the fore.
By geographical location, by adap­
tability and by its ability to care for
the needs and comfort of the vaca­
tionist efficiently and with a genuine
air of hospitality, Ashland is not only
the southern gateway to Oregon but
it likewise is the playground center
of all of Southern Oregon.
Ashland itself is a summer play­
ground offering rest and recreation
to the auto tourist or to the vacation­
ist who wishes a week or a month of
genuine rest in iffeal surroundings.
Lithia Park; so named from the
bubbling lithia water M ich Mother
Nature has so kindly provided, has
long been known as one of the most
delightful and beautiful city parks of
any town of any size on the Pacific'
coast. It is a natural park, winding
its cool and inviting way up the can­
yon of Ashland Creek, almost in the
center of the city. Its cool lawns, its
inviting pools and lakes, its innum­
erable flower beds, its tennis courts,
its lithia water and other mineral
waters, its simple granduer as nature
fashioned it, make it truly a rendez­
vous for those M o are seeking 'rest
and comfort during the lazy days of
Nor is the auto camp in Lithia Park
by any means a minor attraction o f
this cherished municipal playground.
Clean, cool cabins, giant shade trees,
. winding pathways, water and gas and
other conveniences make it a stop­
ping place for tourists where real
rest and enjoyment can come to the
tired traveler unbidden.
Then, too, Ashland is fortunately
blessed with hotels which can and do
provide for the comfort of those who
travel as well as those who desire to
linger for a day or a week in making
Ashland the Mecca for their vaca­
tion jaunts. The Lithia Springs hotel
is the newest and thë largest. It was
built as a community project but it
is growing and prospering by reason
of its genuine service to the travel­
ing public.
. One of the landmarks of Ashland is
the Ashland hotel, which for many
years has served the priblic well. Un­
der new management, even greater
efforts are being made to care fo r the
tourists and the vacationists. t
A t the present tim e’ the trout
streams of this section are beck­
oning to the anglers, and according
to the unbiased and authentic reports
of the two deputy game wardens for
Jackson county, the trout streams ad­
jacent to Ashland are better this
year than in the past several seasons.
H e re la an o th e r view of th e R ogue riv e r, noted as the greatest steelhead tro u t
stream in th e w orld.
The Rogue river, of course, is na­
tionally known for its fighting steel­
head trout. Zane Grey, popular fiction
writer, is making the turbulent
Rogue famous in song and ¿tory, as
the greatest steelhead stream in the
United States.
A t the present time the Chinook
are \running in the Rogive, and fly
casting for the royal fisty is one of
the greatest sports known to anglers.
But there are innumerable streams
close to Ashland which are teeming
with trout of many varieties. Bear
Creek, just on the outskirts of the
city, is alive with trout and will con­
tinue to be so for a few weeks to come.
Coming back to Ashland again,
there are other attractions which of­
fer real recreation for the summer
vacationist. Jackson Hot Springs,
With its large outdoor swimming pool
filled with heatih-giving mineral
. water, is not only a playground but a
health resort of proven worth as well,
Then, there is the cool and spacious
dance hall where Carl Loveland with',
his Navigators will sponsor dances
throughout the summer months.
Under the new management of
Jack Milton, Jackson Hot Springs
promises to become one of the best
known highway resorts of the Paci­
fic coast. For, by combining the
health features with the recreational
advantages, he • is building a park
which will hold a strong appeal to all.
Competent and experienced nata-
torium people are M. A. Mann and
wife and son of Klamath Falls, who
■ came to Ashland early this year and
purchased the Ashland Natatorium,
just a stone's throw from Main street.
Early this year they visioned the
possibilities of Ashland as a^um m er
resort town and came here to locate
permanently. The huge natatorium
has been remodelled and fitted up
witltevery convenience for those M o
desire a cooling plunge or the medi­
cinal mineral baths.
Two big plunges are provided in
the natatorium; one of warm miner­
al water and the other with cool
water. There is also a large hall at
this popular resort where roller skat­
ing and dancing can be enjoyed.
The trout streams of Southern Ore­
gon are noted far and, wide anfi with
Ashland extending the hand of wel­
come to the vacationist as well as the
home - seeker, it tvould be impossible
to select a more delightful headquar­
ters for the welcome days of vaca­
tion time.
Ashland bids welcome to the ang­
ler, the vacationist or the family
which is seeking a desirable place in
which to live. The sincere and friend­
ly hand of hospitality is extended. It
invites you to Southern Oregon for^
rest or for outdoor recreation.
Let Ashland be your stopping
place; the rendezvous for yourself
and friends. Enjoy the many outdoor
advantages which are yours for the
asking, and Ashland is willing, aye
eager, to rest her case with you as
judge and jury.
A shland
V acationist)
8 " Here la a
sceue la the outdoor
No. • —-Thl» la the
m m unlty house a t
P a rk , w liere a ll convenient»*»
a re provided fo r th e auto to u r­
is t « i f ntunichf+a
the aumnier months.
No. 5-—This is a
a < fth 6 city, w ith Its broaW tuiN
len g th veranda and palm» »hail­
in g th e lounging chairs d u rin g
No. <1— H era in a v i A Of the
l.lth la
H otel,
which ia faat w in n in g Its way
hearts o f th e tra v e l-
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- A » id e a o t t h e W M -
o f t h l i m ñ ü W h ydro-electK«
p lan t. I t Is Copco p la n t No, 1
o f th e C a lifo rn ia Oregon Paw
e r company, one «
potent fa c to « ln 1
Im eni io f j Rout luhti*
K o r A r r i i CallfoWii
No. S-—T hia h , pne o f th e
new type o f double auto cabina
b u ilt th is spring In L ith ia P a rk .
No. 9— Last but by no means
th e lensL In thliL view o f the
AnhluSd Ngtaim ddpi, w ith Ita
tw o la rg a *6nt*»»c< plunges of,
botji h^tk « hnff»4m<l m tn rra l
w a te ry t Jfor sw im m ing p u r­
pose* n r fo r lie a lth 'a »ajie, it
in a favo rite w ith anto tourists.