ss taina. >1.000. Laura! Aíra.'; < By Taylor Mom and Pq Political W*r OMCMTO » W Mxrrtu* i CAKr HSl/» RALPH F , OOWGltL \ ' «Wp fpr » the ftepubUcau tafjta t o t «tata apuntes. sphJcpt te theMp® 8 leU prtjaarRa. . WOMEN a GIRLO HEW for va a t Home in your ,awwa ,tlJB«. In­ teresting profitable, work. .Coemoa M (g. Co.. 4401 Broadway. Chicago, >07-1» w 7 d ¿ u » : 1 j/ W. V d ■“ — iX <5a«flW«ko A «or State Sènetof, aW fcjectUUe May Jlat primaries, t have no" other ambition than, to Sbrvewell and laltBtully mySUpte a t a * . ^ R t o .. # y Wegap;' •'*»!». « » 'ta y Fq+er ta w s.’.*. ' ’ t iwebyaaraóihto* pay èaadidœy ( flor MO Republican nomination ae ytpreeontatlte to the legislature from Jackson County. 1 pledge myself, if elected, 301-« raentv, OH-ftOO-O-O'HOO-O-0 i m ee» M N iM r o T hink 1 vo o b o rer VsNOT ME AROWOO ANNMOCe-íunwtC ;sre«hay e mb three tootn A t , efther n or unfnuMNke«, huftt M 1 laciudtn« Ore pane». » X dtao. 1»M< FOR RENT: — Furnished cab­ ina and apartments. Reasonable. VTRHT CLASS automobile, by month or week. Call IKS. 139-tf ti*uck, tractor and machinery repairing, valves refaced and FOR RENT—djleon.WoU torn»- groan«. AH w o r i guaranteed. tailed apartment. 94 Laurel S t P in t Street Oarage, Just below 194-tf Union Ot! station. James C. FOR RENT— Furnished apart* Burr, several year« experience ae ssachlntet aad auto repairing, monts an« sleeping rootag. LMtfa* Ashland, Oregon. Phone 191. Apts., 35 8. Seeon« street» 197-1 mo.» I9 f -tf Telephone IB* FOR SALE: —- Ford one-ton truck. Good condition 9125. Vow aad Pansor, Oak St. Garage. 247-5t FOR HALE: — Volunteer grain pasture for horses and cattle. In­ quire G. 8. Butler. Í47-4* • O a k * Phone I ««-J Rooms Y and 2, First National Bank Bldg. Office Hours. 10 MAKE OlYKR for my Stado- to 1* Noon; I to ( p. m.; 7 to baker Sedan. Engine la first e ia « condition. Ashland Hotef. MA—YC FOR RENT: — 4 room house fairly well furnished, garage, lo­ cated on Main Street in big busi­ Office hduru, I t to 12 A. M. ness section, >80. * room bunga­ to 6 F. M.; 7 to 8 eveninge. low, garage, beaatifnl location on Citizens Bank Building. Granite Street facing Li thia Park, » 2 .5 0 . Also 3 room bungalow with sleeping porch and garage, ties limited to eye, ear, uoae and throat— X-ray including teeth. location same as above, » 2 . Also 8 room honse partly furnished, Office beam, 1* to 11 and 2 including a piano, no garage, lo­ to 5, gwodeuburg Bldg., Ash­ cation, head of Laurel, >25. I land, Oregon. also have several attractive apart­ ments. Staple^ Realty. 244-tf OPPORTUNITIES: — A busi­ ness house on side street close to Main for aale at a price that wjll net 14 per cent. Property has not been vacant tor years. ;,A two acre orchard and poultry roach close to with fairly good Improve­ ments, >1*00. A 7 room henee ta the new school district, house in splendid condition located on a popular comer, a real snap at » 5 0 0 , with a down payment of >250.00. balance easy. Also a email honse and 40 foot lot in same location. » 0 0 WRh « down payment 100, house has al­ ways been rented at >10 per month. Staples Realty, Hotel Ash­ land Building. »R M N T RAER A R * CARRUBI WORKS, Comer Helman and Van Ness. Phone 141. 194-tf WHITTLE TRAN h FKR CO. For service . Dealers In Coal, tkood, Packing, Crating and Storage. Long dist­ ance trucking. T .L . POWKJUL—General Trans­ fer — Good team and motor trucks. Good service sit a rea­ sonable price. Phone 83. PAINTING CONTRACTOR FOR SALE:—-Stock aad «airy ranci containing , >*« acres 6 t level irrigated n»«ado* lafld and free water, also >6 dairy cows; located to Wood River valley, KlamatK Co., Of«. Address T. A. Culbertson, Ft. Klamath, Ore. 203-12 FOR HALE: — At Dunsmuir, Calif., Completely furnished — modern 3 room bouse with steep­ ing *orcht end garage, ea Carter |ot 10x100 ft, very reasonable. Cash or terms If desired. Address c . D. 8hoema FOR HALE: — Ford Roadster, A1 condition, starter, extra tire and rim, also delivery box for bock. Price >800. Inquire No. 64.00. Box Photas 2«. load of Factory- >40— tf Tinting Î9M I BERKELEY. C a l.,. (U P )— The earth is filling up with human cargo and “the saturation point will be reached within the pres­ ent oentury.’’ Thia contention, advanced by Prof. C. O.’ Saner, head of tho geography department of the Uni­ versity of California, ta supported by numerous facta thdt lend it the ring of truth. Thomas Malthas, English econ­ omist who warned that popula­ tion la increasing faster than food Here's a case where east and west pan t meet—unless east stoops a rod •apply, waa right, avers Prof. or so. Robert Dollar (left» Pacific shipping magnate. Is shown with Li Sauer. , ’• » Tu Ching, giant Chinese, who came io San Francisco oh one of Mr Dol­ lar's ships looking for a movie Job. Li is seven feet eight inches (ah. “It looks as If he Were right,” be said. “Without great' disas­ ters, the earth fs filling up to the. limit of the food sdpply. A meas­ ure of pessimism would be mors than justified from the present trend. “The human race,” he continu­ ed. “is increasing and spreading out over the earth’s surface at an alarming rate. In the last 125 years the increase in the BY LVDWELL DENNY; Vt„ 426 earth’s population was 250 per (U. P. Staff Correspondent) X. Y., 5< *» SEC cent. There is just so mach land WASHINOON. May 5.— (U P ) PiattB| and that is getting poorer. “The most fertile spots on the — Arrangements have been com- . . 2 3 earth’s surface— India wltft 3&0." pletea*Kby( the -War .D e ^ a r t n j e n t l * ^ ^ f, 000,000 and China with 400,000.- td train 35,-000 young men ,n 4. 000— ate ftorrlbfy overcrowded. fifty-one* Citizen’s Military Train- g’ Rep(. 300 Au Italy and Germany have made up ing Camps this Bummer. Over 25,0d0 applications ror“Wo^th , their war losses In births already attendance have been already re-, Du and Europe is pulling in its b elt “ In 15 years the United 8tates eeived, the department announc- - pt 4 , will be consuming its own food ed today. The Fourth Corps Ar- 500 Ju’ surplus, and will begin to Im­ ea, comprising the Sooth Atlantic I ) Camp port food staples stick as wheat, States, is leading in applications meat and other major items of with almost 80 percent of its! g_Aag , .quota TIUed. diet. Candidates are received who, Jn| In that 15 years the , United are American between States will at the present jrate of increase have added* 25,000,000 the ages of- 17 and 31. Three p t to Its population. Low prices for courses are to be given, two for L farm products and high wages in I men with previous military train- ‘ R| cities will insure that most of this ing. Mornings will be devoted to drill and military instruction, ( Increased population will be liv­ »-Aug 1 ing in cities and will be consum­ and afternoons to athletics. Courses run for a month. Thu ^ g 5g j ' ers. not producers. - This* might government pays all expenses of xancaa be taken ae good news for the transportation, undorms, food ** formers were it not in fhe realm R( of possibilities that food tariffs and medical care. In many parts « so. Would be repealed" and American of the country, employers have farmers ppt to competition with reported that they will eontinu * the world. But the slack in ag­ the salaries of employees attend- # j ,onia3 riculture is about1 taken up now. ing these camps. “The object of these camps." ’ and soon the demand for food will replace the present apparent lo­ according to the official an- nouncement of the War Depart P„ cal surplus. . , “At the present living standard meat, is to bring together young it can be said that the United men of high type from all sec­ States is supporting all it can tions ot the oountry on sr com­ support. The same thing Is true mon basis of equality and und'f of the Orient and We Mediter­ the most favorable conditions of ranean, both horribly overcrowd outdoor life; to etimnlate ami j promote citizenship, patriotism "The boosters who look upon : and Americanism; and through increased population as a boon j expert physical dbreetlon, stiilm may soon’ revise theft attitudes. ! ic coaektog. end military train­ ing. io benefit the young men i'i- ^divtouaWy^ io«4' bring Ithem to realize their obligations to their -country. |»P : ita FT 2 ’ ( . ' A. * i À « S i too«» and heal skin that b Irtits«« or broken oat with CCzcma; I «tat w covered with ugly rash or I pimples, or is rough or i r j . Noth-1 mg subdues ftefy -slon eruptions so i quickly, says a noted sldn specialist 1 The moment (his sulphur pecgtaP- r «on » applied the itching stops and after two or three applications, the I eczema is gone and the skin Is de- i lightfnfly dear and smooth. Sul­ phur is so nreeiqjis as a skin remedy on Palfh Ave , between Milk I hpark » e r y j I r W l h f t h mehi Mentho-Suiphur always ncals School and Normal. Priced right, crystal blue gray, and avoid Ate eczema right up. term ! Box , Tidings. 199-1 mo- tush. A small jar of Rawks Mentho- ¿'1-' • ' - ’ Suiphur mag bp Jbgd At toZ 8°°d FOft «¿ l S^A splendid city drug store. « 1-3 acre creek bottom, free Far Frn Stm flt UtU tk it AivtrtUtnwH to Water sight wN* bnfldtagp. Beau­ tiful plow of purrounding .moua-. z • « .M 1-M Í r t iik li.K . Allea drid theatre is tne costume worn hy a well known dancer who ap­ pears with her back nude to the hips and Just two strips ot diam­ onds on the other side. Among other daring costumes is a singer's golden flimsy dress, so thin that it conceals almost nothing, she sings while lying on a sola in the middle of the stage. Barcelona, the capital of Cat­ alonia, does not remain behind. In one new revue there girls ar­ rive in sheet cloths, undress on steps especially put up near the orchestra seats, hand their clothed to theatre attendans, and climb to .the stage to start their part. A STUCCO HOUSE S h o u ld be p a in te d w ith a s p le n d id p a in t to p r e s e r v e a n d w a te r-p ro o f th e su rfa c e . WE RECQMMEND MADRID.— (U P )—¡The nude is Invading the Spanish stage, in- trodueed by Spanish artists who have worked abroad. Until recently, few shows could be found reprehensible by tbe most puritanical, but gradually j the costumes began to conceal less and less to the evident satis­ faction of the majority of au­ diences. . The latest sensatioh* in £ Ma- b • ' Bay State Brick and Cement Paint or Meduso Cement Paint CARSON-FOWLER LBR. CO. In tho Heart of Town Science* experience, skill, facilities and capital are neces­ sary to make good m otor fuel. “Union O il o f California”, in clu d es all o f th e require­ ments in the manufacture o f Union Union G asoline provide*, and always has p ro v id e d to Western nfotoriits, thi non-detonating feature which supplies full power to the pistons throughout their entire stroke ana eliminates a ll explosive **knfdtng' or pinging on the hills or in heavy pulling— a quality for which Eastern The list 0/ camps, with dat r ojf courses and* estimated attcr i- ahee foITows: m ï f CORPS ARÉA f t . Adams; MT.'-'jniy 3«; Camp Devens, Mass., 153*1 Wyo., 140, June » -J u ly 11;*'Del Monte, Calif.. 950. Jane 27-Jn»y 24; Ft. McArthur, Calif., 80. June 27-July 2«; Ft. Missoula, Geo. Wright, Wash., 190, June M oat, 280, June 12-July 11; Ft. 19-Juty 19; Camp Lewis, Wash., 100, June 19-July 18; Vancou­ ver Bks., Wash., 800, June 18- Julq 17. twvW NINTH CORPS AREA WMDagglus, ARa*, 8 » |; «»-July 1«; ft - n J 4 . to lin e s ” and paying 3 cents per gallon m excess o f usual p ric e s fo r th a n * Y e t U m o n ccrtts n o m o re than other Jhigh grade fuels. Always' u s e d riste M ettorOil with nen- detonating Union Gasoline because this factors in goodjççrtw run lor several years without it, Four Reduced to • . • FOtt A s u a S u g g e s t L ittle S f e r e in T ó w n O à x r t i t e N f w H o te l - O p e n E v e n in g «