WEDNESDAY. May S, ASHLAND DAILY TUMNOS PAGE Saffir®^ Itoeal ■ Persona They Wear N o Man's Collar -(U P )— Cascade? of Central * Oregon. Bend la In the grip .of a belated winter? Among the Guests a t the Hotel The temperature of the ODD FEL LO W AOTIYITIE& upper Cy - " ’ W atch th is space every day. i flr H Deschutes i vatley last night was elen M iller. J '« ftljfc W ajla; R eg u la r M eetin gs » but. ta e point above treeslug.' Wpilp^ Subordinate every Thursday. Margaret Ha|yef. Elmer Patrick, Walla Walla; Iglp E ncam pm ent, l,st and 3rd T u es­ Thompson, W alla Walla; Jajne? days. R eb ek ah s, 2nd and 4th D. Brown, Eugeni; C .D . Chorp- T uesdays. 1 5 0 -tf enlng, Klamath* kails; John Clajrk and wife, Santa Anna; F ra n i Post, Seattle. JERSEY CITY, N. J.. Mqy 8.— A collision between an automo­ Fresh whippifag Cream,' mflk bile . I a n d 1 a , perambulator Special communication Thurs and buttermilk for sale at Ntnln- demolished ■ Ah< * ■ bawy car- 1 20«-3t day evening May 6. First de­ ger’s fountain. • rlage. but failed to. scratch its ec--j upant, 2-year-old Jack Sallatos. I gree. Meet, at 7; 30 o'clock. Visit Hare * Fitch Dradr * t T! emover ing Brethren welcome. R. L. BURDIC. Jr., W. M , Shampoo at T h e. YanUx Beaujy j Shoppe, McGee'S) Storp. 198-tl W. H. DAY, Sec y. ' Oet your window scree»« and Card party — Masonic Hall, screen doors at Jordan Sash and Tuesday evening. May 11— bridge Cabinet Works. - i 194H. and 500.' 50 cents Including re­ freshments. Public invited. Aniong the Gum*» »t the IJthla Springs H otel— Rr-painting Ltthla Bakery— A. C. Fleishman, Seattle; A. The Ltthla Bajkery ls bring Slutsspr, Portland; Mrs. O. A. re-palnted.i HUton, Seattle; Mrs. H. W. H ilt­ on, Ontario, Cal.; Miss Marietta The latest in suits for, gradua- Hilton, Ontario, Cal., H. R. Rob­ tion. We sell for less Paulseruds. erts, Portland; M. Miller, Port­ 207-tf land; Mrs. S. S. Swarts, Portland; R. A. Swarts, Portland; A. A. For Mother, 2 lb. Cartoi Soufe, Portland; Mrs'. B. Bon­ Creames and not much box neil, Los Angeles; Mrs. Georgs candy, «1.00. Candyland. 1 B. Bowen, Los Angeles; Mrs. F. L. Miner, San Francisco; E. 3. Went to Eugene— Butler San Francisco. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hodkin- son and Mrs. Allen Autrey, ac­ Scientific Facial Treatments— companied Mr. and Mrs. Hodkin- Llthla Hotel Beauty Parlor. son’s granddaughter, Miss Shirley 207-tf Marx, who has been visiting in Ashland with her grandparents A baby isn’t a baby very long, for several weeks, to her home Photographs never grow up. — in Eugene. Studio Ashland. Young Men’s Models in Suits at Paulserud’s. 207-tf Bear S t o r y - Buster Matthews and Dudley Parkers Crlspettes are delicious Geary Just returned frtim a two with Milk and Fruit Juices. weeks visit with Mr. and Mrs. 203-tf C. H. Short of Rosebuog. Mr. Short and Mr. Geary went on a Why go other places seeking bear hunting trip in the wilds ot pleasure when there is so mtch Douglas county. They succeed­ fun at The Ashland Nat. ed in getting a 280 pound bear. They had with them one Oregon Visitor in Ashland— hound and four Kentucky hounls Robert E. Smith, president of which also cornered two coyotes the Lumbermen's Trust company »{ter a hot .chaaa. Buster »Iso bank of Portland, waa In Ash­ reports fishing to be good in the land yesterday afternoon, return­ North Umpqua, ’’especially nick­ ing to Medford, where hé took the i ers.” train for California last evening. Try our 60c Merchants’ Lunch. Hadden soils protected tires. Every day from 11 to 2 at Th« Plata Confectionery. 162-tf NOTICE An :old fashioned dinner will Business meeting of Ashland be given on Mothers Day at the High School Alumni Association, Thursday, May 6, at eight o’clock Sumfnlt Ranch, top ot the Siski- 208-4L* at Chamber of Commerce rooms. yous. W. B. Allen.. Pres. 208-2t Hot sulphur tub baths, day Is the plan of Cal Crews, local or night, Jackson Hot Springs. taxi operator. Crews has been asked by George Howard, Med­ ford, holder, of the Diamond Lake hotel and camp ground conces­ sion, to consider the proposition. He lfeft this f morning for DIamond-lak»-(o-confer-wlth How­ ard and) l’| feasible^ will start Finishing Tonight the stage line In the Bear fu­ ture. Crew’s plan la to eend throe stages a week to J) lam and Lake. A stage, laden w|th holiday seek­ ers, would leave In the afternoon Mystery Drama and arrive at the lake In time to by enjoy the evening fishing. It would return to Klamath Falls Mary Roberts Rinehart the following afternoon.— Klam­ ath Falls Herald. “THE BAT" wo Manistee. Mich., girts'have Introduced a n«» fad dim cullMii« l-formal afternoon wear Tfaey have their names i-iiiin u x i «m 'em Left to right, they are Katherine Biggv and Kogan« Daniel« Star Vaulter . WASHINGTON, May 5.— (U P) — America’s first prohibition air fleet was established today when M. O. Dunning, chief dry coordin­ ator for southeastern states, took over four seaplanes from the navy at Pensacola, Fla. Girl Is Injured Walking'in Sleep BOSTON, May 5.— Mollie Jac­ oby terminated a “sleep walking" stroll by falling from a third- story window to the ground, a distance of 40 feet. She sustain­ ed fractures of leg and wrist. Redwood Highway— Publicity for the Redwpod highway empire ls seen in the visit to the coast of Charles Mar­ tin, chief of the photographic de>- partment of the NaUqnal Geo­ graphic magadfne of W ash/tg- ton, D. C. Martin arrived Sun­ day at Grants Pass from a trip over the highway from the south, stopping In that city to get *i number of pictures. He lpft for Mt. Shasta later. Martin also planned to take pictures of the Caves and the Rogue river coun­ try. Flower pictures showing the early summer blossoms are being secured by him.— Medford Mall Tribune. Mothers Day Greeting Cardi Elharts. Fresh whipping cream, milk and buttermilk for sale at Nlnin- ger’s fountain. 20«-3t Past Matrons Club of Alpha Chapter No. 1, O. E. 8. Card party. Masonic Hall, Tuesday evening, May 11. bridge and 500, 50 cents, including refreshments. Public in­ vited. Hundreds of Beautiful Wall Pa)>or Patterns from which to select The American spirit of earning more by steady production under constantly improving conditions, has not won Its way in Great Brit­ ain. Nevertheless,' there are signs that the British are beginning to realize that the new world holds the secret of their economic sal­ vation. Numerous Investigations into the reasons for high Ameri­ can wages and the high standard of living of American workers have been made by Britishers In the last 12 months and are still continuing. Now the investiga­ tors must apply their findings to Great Britain’s own peculiar con­ ditions is part of her pfbblem. Doomed to Failure General strikes ¡will get the British workingmen nowhere be­ cause wages cannot be raised pro­ gressively without progressive in­ crease in production. General strikes, being against public wel- In Frank Glaser, a sophomore. Mar quette University has one of the greatest pole vaulter» In the middle iwest. Glaser has been clearing 12 feet • Inches consistently and In a recent Indoor meet defeated Paul Harrington, famous Notre Dame •ta r. Coach Jennings of the Mil­ waukee echoed expects Glaser M garner many points this season. Paints, Varnishes and Wall Paper Requirement Women 4 Twentfy ¥öärs ........** {Young Apply this new w )»nderful harm- lees cream before 1 etirlng; rub It In throroaghly-as d leave It' on overnight. XoftM how white and dear Four c tn jti Mon become«, Nourish»», purifgd i Imperfections fade away. YOnf | omplexton will look l i t * a okfpi ■—»Oft, smooth and beautiful. Get a Jar of Mello- gio Beauty Cream today.— Llthla Springs Pharmacy. A- (Continued From Page One) t ’ Phone 118 I Î . ( ¡v n courage that idea,, for If they can make enough by three days' labor per week to support themselves, large numbers of them want to make the rest of the week a holi­ day. “ Hab-a-dash Inn” «40 acres in Colorado. Want something in Western Oregon or California. 5 room house in Ashland. Want house in Oakland or San F a r ­ cisco. Bay District.— J. L. Ketch, Ashland Hotel Bldg. 208-St FOR SALK: Two Jersey Cows. M. F. Barlow, Talent. 808-3t* FOR RENT« » — Two room house keeping apartment. 349 E. Main. 208-tf E. R. The IS Quality A A C Store & CO. New Printed Rayon YARD Û O a Here is a special offering in the seasons most popular dress materials. Come in good assortment of colors find patterns. GARBAGE CANS New Printed Georgette Crepe LARGE YARD C O J O See these beautiful new patterns in this sheer silk material for summer dresses. OC of all the erepes so fashionable this season. We have seen none which drape more beautifully, comes 36 in. wide- the patterns and colors will please you. PARAMOUNT PICTURE •THE GRAND DUCHESS AND THE W A IT E R » . nOne may smile and smile and be a villain.” Shakespeare. Learn How to Dress You cannot he too careful in making investments, particularly w itlistrangere. W atch out that your new acquaintance with the winning smile does not engineer you into a losing deal. z Get your banker’s O. K. before you invest in any proposition. We will be only too glad to advise you anytime. Oeme in. The Citizens Rank of Ashland Ashland, Otogon Without a Single Pin or Button You didn’t know this was pos­ sible — did you! You thought that dangerous pins and trouble­ some buttons wore a necessary part of Baby’s W ardrobe — hut they are not. We will show you in our infants’ department bidders, hands* vests, gertrudes, nighties and even dia- jiers th at require no pins or but­ tons. A ll Vanta Bahy Garments fasten with little bows ot twisted tape, easy to tie and untie, and Insuring a perfect fit without discomfort. L E T US FIT YOU TOMOBBOW * « ' Preicriptfaii Drngglat • Llthla Springs' Hotel Building MILLER'S TOGGERY ADOLPHE MENJOU IN THE Ju st The Tiling F o r Summer W ear » ' Full Line Work Duds IS acres on highway, good im­ provements. Want vacant lots, The Winchester Store With Leather or Fabric Soles I FOR SALfC: — Early Jqne to- FOR SALE: — 6 room furnish­ ntato plants, 1« each. C. A. Gray ed house, dandy home, cheap, 132 1172 Iowa.* 208— tt 7th St. 208-Ct* Hardware the tiny to t’s health and Pharmacy • / - BIO BA R G A IN F O B QUICK1 SALE; — F in e Mg lo t, facin g thn East, on a good stre et, lum ber enough to do a ll th e rou gh w ork tor tw o or three h ou ses, lum ber , VOR SALE*. — Banana Squash and all tor th e sm all price of Tomato, Cabbeke, CanHlower, «500 cash. B earer R ealty Co., Callery Plants, Ü 5 Fork St. «7 1st St. 29S-39 208-St YARD £ 4 BRITISH MUST GIVE WORKERS H IG H E R WAGES for with fe«trn caTe. - T O W M laid ; M í4 « í n d fin- ■h«d. Hardwood a specialty. First las» work by «n »Xpert. Irwin toen lg, «99 Walnut St. New Printed Silk and Cotton Crepes Baby’s Care Demands The Best E^ery 6 room house on paved street. Want acreage. SMALL hi^piness is selected lieca I MALCOLM ST. CLAIR SOBB33H Relating the exploits of a rich boulevadier who masquerades as »a wiaiter in order to make love to the outwardly haughty, inwardly warm - blooded, Duchess who has caught his fancy. Modern 6 roeftn house on pav­ ed street. Want Klamath Falls or Dunsmuir property. 58-tf Among the Guests at the Hotel Ashland— • Nick Perlclct, -Ran Pedro; Miss E. Hart, 8an Pfedro; Miss M. Hart, 8an Pedro;. Arthur A. Perkins, Los Angeles; J. A. Johnson, Vanppuver; Mrs. E. Johannson and daughter, Vancou­ ver; H. 8. Stewart, Idaho; Mr. and Mrs. W. Paterson, Sonora. Cfti.; MT. and M r. L„ E. K as- berg, Waaco, Ore., J. G. Archer. Portland; H. L. Klamath Falls; Harry Sm1l|), sjth Fran­ cisco. ___> ¿ t ’ ' Ü (^amount Çfàwt FOR EXCHANGE: — 3 acres in fruit and berries, 6 room bouse, want something In Salem, Ore. Seaplanes Used On Rum Runners Tomorrow Madden retreta» tíre». FOR SALK — Canned fru it and preserves, J401 Boulevard. 208— 3* Bend Youth Dies From Auto Crash BEND, May 5.— (U P )— In ju r­ ed fatally in an automobile colli­ sion north of Bend early Sunday. W alter G. Crosswhite, Bend youth, died in a local hospital to­ day. fM d.’ f c p ' W thdckfcd *WbflCUUl? by. the. use ot thn Injunction, -Bui that is no answer either. Until British c a ^ a l and labor cooper­ ate as' partners, employers Work- )hg as'bard as ehlplb/db tb'SlM d- late produotlon, there w ill be crises after crises, each leering increasing discontent behind. The only way for Great Britain to di­ vide heri property and yet keep everybody prosperous is the Amer­ ican way* of, increasing production per annum. - ’ j OVERLAND SHOE SHOP Made of the flneat materials, In winter and summer weights, and thoroughly shrunk in the making so that they Will not shrlhk -when yon wash then«.