« r Drive It Yourself musle on their programs whether (Contributed,) I 11 ■ i r they usually do or not/ and tha America Aoes thing by weeks different organisations to glye We S«t more faiblps? build better their quartets and soloists free homes and lay shinier linoleum rein for thia week at least. We a prescribed seven days In each hope that all the schools will hay« year. This is the week the whole more singing in their assemblies nation Is to live, think and act and that the Olee Club and Or­ musically. * . J • , I ',< , V ’ , » t chestra at the High School will Music Week was first thought be allowed to perform frequently of in print In 1917. Two years for these few days. later cities began having local Don't think, however, that the music weeks and In 1924 a na­ music must-be confined to groups tional committee was formed and of people. If you are a "morning all the music weeks synchronised glorler" and are In the habit, of into the National Music*-Week arising with a song, keep it up. taking place the first part of If you are not, start now to be­ May. Over one thousand cities gin the day singing .«Area If you in the IJnited States now partici­ can only, vrarble like the school pate in the national celebration child, wrongly but happily of the of music. This "week" Is unique “Land where my father lied. Land in that you are not urged to buy where my children cried." Don’t or expend anything but the pleas­ forget the slogan of Music Week ure of self expression' and this to which Is to "Give more thought the ope thing that lias made the to Music" for by following It yon idea exceedingly popular besides l will become*a part of that great that other which is that nine out national force which, this week of every ten men think they can more than any other, to sweeping sing tenor. The famous H. E the nation and coming into Its Kriebiei says that singing chor­ own as one of the greatest cul­ us to the most unselfish form of tural elemets of life. music there is and the great The Ashland Music Study Club. Schumann said that to be truly musical one must join In com- niunlty singing. Besides, it is rather thrilling this week to think that when you sing a song, hun­ dreds of thousands of people all over the country are doing the same thing. # Camp Fire Girls In Ashland The Ashland Music Study Club have been working for several is a small and struggling organ­ months for a Grand Council Fire. ization and at present merely the Friday evening after school the nucleus of what we hope some five camps in Ashland gathered day will be a real cultural force for the ceremony in the meadow In the life of this city. This year on the Ralph Billing.’» farm. we just want to let all Ashland As it grew dark, material was know that there is a musical spir­ gathered, and a large council Are it here that is urging everyone was built. The girls and the of any musical tendency whatev­ guardians took their places in a er to give' it expression this week circle around the fire. Mr. and In particular, an,d once having the Mrs. Briscoe, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph habit, to keep it up indefinitely. Billings, and several teachers, who We want to know that onr city were guests, sat outside the circle, is planning on having more music but near enough to understand this week. We want the church Ihe ceremonies. choirs to remember especially to During the evening 28 girls have special music in connection took rank as Woodgathers, the with Mothers' Day. We want all first advancement in Campfire the clubs to Include some kind of life. These girls were especially proud to know that they were the first to take such a rank in Ash­ land. Miss Crain, the leader of the Wawoklye group and of the High School, had charge of the program, which consisted of the awarding the Honor beads, giving out of Campfire Rings, welcoming of new members, and singing of Campfire songs. Beth Joy of the Hawthorne Suppose th is were the group gave the poem "Suppose” which was quite an appropriate heading of a jnewspaper piece. Mr. Briscoe expressed his article referring to YOUR apprciatlon of Campfire and its ideals, and eneouraged tja ad­ vancement. The crackling fire, the starry Locking devices help, but you should make doubly sure by .night, and the rustling waves of carrying enough theft insur­ grass blended with hushed voices ance. A clever crook waits un­ to make the first Grand Council til y«u are off guard — then a Fire of Ashland Campfire Girls an few minutes’ quick work, and occasion not soon to be forgotten. Ellen Galey your car Is gone. Don't tak« unnecessary chances. • Call- w rite or phone thia agency of the Hartford Fire Insurance Company —make sure that you have complete protection. Rea) Estate ft Real Insuranc Estab. 1883 at 41 E. Main St. Phone 211 DON’T LONDON, (UP)—A home the earth wire. By shorting the wireless aerial should be made a aerial to earth, a good path la natural conductor during an elec­ made for any current In the aer­ tric storm, accojding to the ad* ial to flow throw the switch and vice of .the British Broadcast­ to earth, In this way the aerial to eon- ing Company. Many wireless enthusiasts were yerted Into a lightning conductor anxious as the result of a report and there is no danger of the of an amateurs wireless set be­ set being destroyed. Amateurs ing destroyed by fife owing to are emphatically warned against the aerial being struck by lightn­ a freak switch' inside the house, ing? The question arose whether that a change-over switch such as it was safe to have a wireless set, is used on a receiving set to use­ especially in the summer months less, and that the ordinary elec­ when thunderstorms are preval­ tric light tumbler switch to not always e f f e c t i v e . Amateurs ent. The B. B. C. stated that every who have no switch are advised set should be fitted with an to make sure, when having fin­ aerial lightning switch outslil'e ished using the set. to disconnect the aerial eerminal and earth the house, never inside. The amateur whose set was de­ terminal, and join the two to­ stroyed had an aerial switch, but gether. it was fixed inside the window, NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT near the lead-in. When the NOTICE la hereby given that lightning struck the aerial and a heavy discharge oscillated in the the undersigned has filed the aerial circuit, the aerial, switch final account of hto administra­ was not strong enough to with­ tion * of the estate of Minnie 3. stand it, despite the fact that It Ogg, deceased, in the Couuty f was earthed, and it appeared Court of Jackson County, Ore­ likely that a spark jumped from gon, and that the Judge of said the aerial terminal to the term­ Court has designated Tuesday, inal connecting the set. Such a June 1, 1926. at the hour of spark, it was explained, is liable 10:00 o’clock a. m. at the in the •lrlve tt-yournell f o il bag" «s. at 'he moment of going to press, the very to set fire to neighboring wood­ County Judge's office court house in Jacksonville, kales) It's introduced at the national golf show In Chicago work. Advice to amateurs who wish Oregon, as the time and place Io be safeguarded against the pos­ for hearing objections to, and NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL sibility of their sets catching fire the settlement of said account. ESTATE G. ,G. EUBANKS. Under and by virtue of tha is to erect a single pole double Administrator authority vested in me by the throw switch outside the window, 201-4-Tues. where the lead-in comes through., terms of the last Will anil It should be fixed against tlie Testament of Edd Smith, deceas­ brickwork and the amateur A newspgphr usually Is as good WASHINGTON. (UP)— Secre­ ed, I will sell at private gala 1 should make sure that a strong as the people are at subscrlbiug tary of War Dwight F. Davis, who the following described real es­ and heavy guage wire is used for for it. .is a business man, has declared tate, towit: Lots thirteen (18) and four­ war on army read tape. A group of representative busi­ teen (14) in Block "C” of Rail­ UNION OF PROTESTANTISM ness men frdm various parts .of road Addition to the City of Ash­ NEW BROTHERHOOD’S AIM the country have visited the de­ land, Oregon. Sale will be made on or af­ partment at his invltatiop to MONROE, La., (U P)—The show officials how to eliminate ter the 22nd day of May, 1296, Protestant Brotherhood of Amer­ work and make short cuts to ef-’ and Bids will be received at the office of Caleb Jones, in the I. ica, has been organized here to ficlency. Main eliminate church denominational Here is a sample given by Da­ O. O. F. Building, on lines. vis of what he calls "cutting off Street of the City of Klamath Constitution and by-laws have Falls, Oregon. The terms of a few more feet of •red tape:” been adopted and plans are pro­ “Our new system provides that sale will be cash, ten per cent gressing to maka the new order when a Chief of Branch asks for of which is to be deposited by nation wide in scope. John T. money in his preliminary esti­ certified check or cash with ea