I MALABTA GERMS Cannot survive three months in the rich ozone at AiSlond. Pore domestic wai N ol . XLtX t Bucoeeeor to tbe Beui-Weekly Vtflass. Vola«» U ASHLAND WILL PLAY BASEBALL 1HIS SUMMER 11 Liver And Angle For Rogue Trout 8 * Fried calves liver w ill 8 be tbe piece de resistance 8 I f a cajrefully prepared 8 -an g le r’s lunch to* be en- 8 Joyed along the headwa­ 8 ters of the. Rogue today Jackson Hot Springs Avail­ able F o r Good Ball - 8 Park Immediately 8 8 8 8 Officer« Elected and Other Plana 8 Ontllned; Practice to 8 Start 8 8 Ashland »01 bare a team lu 8 the Southern Oregon Baseball 8 league. ’ 8 A ball park w ill be built at Jack- 8 son H ot Springs by Jack Milton, 8 owner of this p o p la r bealth re­ 8 sort, and tbe first league game 8 w ill be played two weeks from 8 tomorrow. 8 John Enders w ill be buslners 8 manager of the ball club. Doug 8 Iteed w ill be field manager of 8 the* club. Moris than 20 ball 8 players are available for a team 8 and others are expected to work 8 out, starting Monday afternoon. 8 Fans Pepped Up » ■ *1 8 ENTHUSIASM IS HIGH These were the high spots of i a no hn'thu^astic baseball m eet- ing at the cham ber-of commerce last evening when It was decided by unanimous vote to go ahead1 w ith the formation of a ball club and enter the league along with Medford, K lam ath Falls and Grants Pass. The schedule of games w ill be mapped out at a meeting of the league directors here »ext Tuesday evening. The chamber of commerce rooms were crowded last night with hall players and baseball fans, all of whom were enthusias­ tic over the baseball prospects for this year. Jack M ilton, a rabid baseball 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 POLAR FLIGHT POSTPONED BY ARCTIC LEADER Both Aircraft in Need of Repairs Before Explora­ tion Starts by Louts Dodge and a party of angler? he pilot­ ed to that section on a WILKINS IS HOPEFUL day’s fishing excursion. Other members of the Leader Htlll Thinks Efforts Will party are. Richard W. Be (rownixl With Real Price and H arry Hosier. Success Remembering a recent a _____ fishing excursion with F A IR B A N K S , Alaska, May 1. C ircuit Judge Charles M. -—( U P )— May day. on which the Thomas in which members beads of the W ilkins arctic ex­ of the party spent most of pedition hoped to hare their pol­ the day frying calves’ ar explorations either completed liver for the Jackson 8 or well advanced, found both county Jurist, Mr. Dodge 8 planes In a dubious condition. took no chances on his 8 Captain George H. W ilkins and guests today and loaded n Pilot Ben Eleison, who were the lunch basket down 8 missing for a fortnight after their w ith crisp, browned liver. 8 third trip to the advanced base Mr. Price, who once at­ 8 at Point Barrow, returned here tempted to have a’ law 8 last night none the worse for passed compelling anglers 8 their hardships and adventures to use nothing but flies, 8 In the frozen arctic wastes. was well fortified with a 8 Both planes are in need of ’couple of Jars of salmon 8 'many repairs And (adjustments eggs. 8 and it probably w ill be 10 days The three anglers will 8 or two weeks before they are have their trout at the 8 put In condition for the project­ L ith ia Springs hotel this 8 ed flight to the pole. evening and ask that their 8 In spite of the ' difficulties friends either call or tele- • 8 which have been encountered, the phone If they desire some. 8 flight leaders are not discourag­ They w ill distribute the 8 ed and they still believe that tro u t as fast as the re­ 8 their polar efforts w ill meet with quest» are received. 8 success. am Starts Sentence Before His Trial P O R TLA N D , May *1.— (U P ,— Ont of work and In need, E. W . H arris, bootlegger, decided he fan, announced that he would (-Ten A atm W jmxc M vltn » « U . might as well go to ja il and start solve the ball park problem' by I A®1*®-“ «“ ! “ ™ serving the sentence which Is ed by First Infestation building a ball park himself on coming to him. On his otvn re­ of The Tear hl» land opposite ¡thei outdoor quest he entered Jail, a fte r an Plunge .a t Jackson Hot Springs. the time K L A M A T H FALLS, May 1.— understanding 'th a t Real B all Park Ten acres have been stripped of served before his tria l w ill bo • John Beeson was commission­ grain on the Carr ranch near i deducted after he is sentenced. ed by M r. M ilton to st^rt today Malin owned by W . C. Dalton, to pat the grounds in shape, and and more are threatened by the the grounds w ill be in shape for first grashopper infestation this the first game a week from to­ year, which has Just hatched morrow. The park w ill be fenc­ from egg beds In Tule lake. ed and both grandstand and The infestation on the Dalton bleachers w ill he constructed. A ranch is iq Its Incipient form, N A S H V IL L E , Tenn., May 1.— survey of the land shows It to and to check It before It gains .(U P )— Running amuck w ith a be Ideal for a ball park. headway County Agent C. A ./ huge knife I n . his hand, Spencer Every ball player last night Henderson has mobilized his in­ Thomas, negro convict serving a agreed «to play throughout the festation of central agencies, com­ ten year sentence on a mhrder season If necessary without sal­ posed for the most part of arsen­ charge today attacked a woman, ary In order td put baseball on ic and calcium cyanide. In ju ring her probably fatally, Its feet in Ashland. The club slashed a boy and a prison guard w ill be operated on as strict a and was making for the woods financial basts as possible, and when shot down by a guard at it was thought the game could be the Tennessee state prison farm made a financial success, as In­ here. terest appearss to be high not only In Ashland but In the three REDW OOD C IT Y , Cal., May 1. other cities comprising the — (IP) — A fte r barricading him­ league. self In his cabin in the Half-Moon Rotte Ordered section and defying a score of Suits for the players w ill be deputy sheriffs for hours, Ciacomi ordered today and plans are u r- ASTORIA, May 1.— ( U P ) — Tomei, crazed rancher, Anally sur­ der way for a practice game a Crushed beneath the weight of a rendered to officers. week from tomorrow in • order that ci^i.1 . . . » „ , ------- Tomei walked Into the home huge caterpillar tractor, Clayton »' — v - < » « - p - Sheets, proprietor of a second­ K£t a good line on his recruits. ence of the la tte r’s w ife and four hand store, was probably fatally A ll players who wish to try children, shot and wounded him Injured Here today. Sheets was out for the team are urged to amputation of Lewis* arm was driving- tl^e heavy machine Up report to Reed at the high school an Improvised driveway on to a ^necessary. grounds starting next Monday! transfer truck preparatory to afternoon at 6:30. Dally, prac­ shipping it to Seaside. The v i­ tice w ill be the rule. Anybody Is bration of the machine caused the eligible for the team and Reed planks to slip and the tractor tip-* wants a big turnout for the ped over backwards on the pave­ training work. ment, pinning Sheets underneath LOS ANGELES, May 1.— Four It, ON KLAMATH FARM Convict Injures Three In Escape Crazed Rancher Taken By Posse Astoria Man Near Death In Smashup Four Sisters Meet, After Fifty Years Speedy Sentence Is .Given Robber I - C EDAR R A PID S, la., May 1.— (IP) — Twelve hours after h» had been captured for robbery, Thom­ as Glenn admitted II hold-ups and was sentenced to 76 years In the state penitentiary Bebe Daniels Is Slightly Injured N E W YO RK . May 1,— ( U P ) — Bebe Daniels, motlou picturo star, was, slightly Injured today when she fell from a horse In the Central Park bridal path. She suffered only from shock and slight bruises- sisters, separated over 60 years, met here to celebrate the golden wedding of one of them. The Big Paper Plant Injuring Water Mrs, M. Holmes, 71; Mrs. Ara- mantha 8mtth, 7&, the “ golden bride” a n d . Mrs. L. G. Glessner, 70 of Findlay Ohio. Their hus­ SALEM, Ore., May 1.— Pollu­ bands are w ith th?m. \ tion of the source of Salem’s drinking water, tbe W illam ette river, Is the basis of an Investi­ gation of the Salem W ater, Light Power company’s lines, ordered by the public service commission following engineer’s reports that OUDJA, Morocco. May 1.— acids and refuse from the Oregon (U P )— The R iffians have defin­ Pulp A Paper company’s plant itely refused to consider the may have been contaminating tha Spanish treaty for peace, and an­ river. Members of the state board of nounce their Intention e f fight­ ing )to the finish. Aggrbsslve. health and the . state fish, com­ plans, which were oetenelbly sus­ missions ¡havfx been Invited to pended daring the parley; are participate In tbe hearing to he held in Salem on May 10. now being resumed. 1 - Riffians Refuse All Peace Terms - Wire Service) (United . ASHLAND^ OREGON. SATURDAY, MAY 1. 1926 ■*> Will Eat Calves ig newtpaper For, Nearly Fifty Years ~ T h e Tidings Has Been Ashland's ’* ASHLAND CLIMATE Without the use of medicine cures | nine cases out of ten of asthma. This is a proven fact. DIOGENES R EA L HOI JA C K NO. 205 :D ONE BET; DOG LOCATED; »N PROUD MASTER ’^¿Jtfe.rowd Is X •^Anticipated At Auxiliary Dance “Thanks for the buggy Diogenes was all wet! ' r between her teeth. W ith an air of W l|»s ae fared forth w ith his I unconcern she laid the prize at her master’s feet and looked up at candle looking for some centered his him expectantly. honest soul, he search on a man. Examination of the purse re­ No wonder he failed 1 h i e vealed to be the property of the should have looked for mail's, Roseburg man. The purse had beat friend— a dog. . 1 1 not been opened, and within It Biggest Labor Upheavel in Modern History Gets Under Way Today ----------- • AU of which la a prelude to were the important papers as SITUATION IS SERIOUS little story revolving about lack well as the money he had listed Milton (and his prised sptafaal. when he reported his loss nearly pearly <1,000,000 May Be Effect­ Lady Bell. , a week before. T , „ Sunday, , , H. , „ H . „ H a - t i r e . d i . 'the Mr- purg^ Milton yesterday mailed Last tQ M r Hatfield, ex­ ed; Troop« to Suppress Violence LONDOty May 1.— (U P ,— The British government and British trade unionist movement, w ith a membership of approximately 6,000,000 met today in a strug­ gle which may alta r the course of political, economic and social history. Prem ier Baldwin has pioved troops Into Scotland, South Wales and Lancansl^ire to aid po­ lice In m aintaining order. South Wales ports have been closed to coal exportation which may be the beginning of government seizure of all coal above ground. K ing KJeorge has proclaimed the existence of a national em­ Ohio Prahi Sleuth . ergency, empowering Premier While Raiding House Colonel “ B illy ” Mitchell, Baldwin Mo govern the nation ’ Mill _ Foreman stormy potrel of the arm y air ___ by decree.. service until his recent resigna­ S T E U B E N V IL L E , Ohio., l a y tion, was “ pinched” on the streets 1.— John C. McCoy, 62, prohi­ of Ashland this morning by State bition enforcement officer, wa.< Traffic Officer Charley Talent, shot and killed late yesterday, The noted aviation authority was tu h lla n M l n . O b .— TT - * while v raiding the home of Frfnk charged with speeding. Rlaler, 27, a steel m ill foreman Escorted by the Grants Pasr at Toronto, north of here. RIs- Cave Men, Colonel Mitchell and ler la charged with murder. wife were being taken by »uto Two Pouches Are Taken; No 243 East Steveps street,. R»xc burg, loet his pocketbook w ill?! enjoying the day at J»ckson lot Springs. He reported his loe to Mrs. M ilton, but a search fo r lh