■ ’ n ■ M ATERIA GteRMS months is Cannö|-gurviY« three monti the rich osane at AafiJand. ] lu re íñneetio helps. w¿» L\w*pupcr For Nearly Fifty Years The Tidings Haa Been Ashland's Lee (Unite« • • 1 to the Semi-Weekly VOL. ZLIX D R rW f WILL BE MADE IN PRIMARIES ASHLAND CLIMATE the use of medicine cures nine oases out r* J^n of agthnuh. This is a nr W ithout Sant# Rosa Fire . Destroys 18,000 Gallons Of Wine I, ................................ , Velante «I .. , n ,,,— W ir« Sowie«) ■— ASHLAND, OREGON, F HUGE AMOUNT« RECOMMENDED FOR HARBORS .... ,.a± Ä NO. 204 Y, APRIL 30, 1926 Í. LANDES ENGAGED IN PLANNING Q TY CLEAN-UP; NEW POUCE CHIEF SLATED SAYS CANADA LIQUOR PLAN BIG FEATURE Fate of Baseball To Be Decided At Meeting Tonight ENTIRE QTY URGED TO GET BEHIND PLANS 33 Decisive action wi)l be » SANTA ROSA, Cal.. 33 taken tonight on wheth- « A p ril >«.— ( U P ) — Eight­ 33 er or not Ashland will 33 been heard at police headquarters SE A TTLE, W n., April so. een thousand gallons of 33 have a baseball team in » i,l in opposition to Bannick but Mrs. ( U P ) — Mrs. Bertha K. old wine disappeared un­ 33 the newly organized 33 Landes chose to remain silent o.q Seattle mayor-elect, Is nn- der tongues of flame and 33 Southern Oregon Baseball 33 Secretary Fuller of Chamber the issue. anllke in one respect these Government Sale of Whiskey Secretary of War Give* Ap­ Oregon Included Among the tongues of men near San­ 33 league. A ll baseball play- » She finally admitted today of Commerce Writes to » —she Is not talking much al Scored by Northwest proval of Many Oregon States Which Will Test ta Rosa last night when 33 ers and supporters are 33 « Civic Clubs that Bannick and two other oo- city politics. Mounted Polioe Improvements Liquor Sentiment a boaded winery, one o f* It 33 naked to attend the meet- » lice captains, W. H. Searing and Nevertheless the political s' C alifornia’s survivors of It 33 Ing at the chamber of FIVE - YEAR PROGRAM etion Is keeping her busy for |e p lans Damm, are under consider­ SOLDIER OF F ORTUNE 33 commerce quarters at 8 X » 3 FOR FOURTH OF JULY PREDICT BIG TIGHTS days when wine was ation, but she warned “don’t try soon has to name a new poi quite all right, went up 33 Pir<*worlv ami Entertainment In to forecast which one I ’ll pick, M ajor G. H., Fkhoof Gives Kiwanl? 33 o'clock this evening. Coos Bay Especially Favored; chief and several departmi CaiMlklatee fo r Congress Form in smoke. . L lth la P ark May Be Chief Club Interesting Travel 33 Jack Milton, owner of » because you’ll be wrong.’’ superintendents to take chi Other Projects W ill be Ik on W hich Issues , Periodical explosions of Featnres 33 Jackson Hot Springs, has T alk « “ I f I tell you his name now Assisted of her city government w ili I W ill bo Made wine vats sent alcoholic 33 ngreed to build a base- a i there will be such a wave of —— i w ill tfe Inaugurated June 7. showers over the sur­ A ll civic organisations of Ash­ Canada, with its government 33 ball park at his health re- a W A S H IN G TO N , A pril SO. — I W A SHING TO N, D. C * April 80. against him that The man who Is said to bo |e, propaganda rounding area. In an ad­ land are urged to get behind tho 33 sort, and all he asks is distributed liquor has just as a — (IP) — Allotments of $45,000,- most likely appointment to |e my efforts to keep my pledge to Wet» and dry» w ill meet in three joining orchard, grooved plans for the Fourth of July 33 the support of the players 1 re-organize the department and • manY bootleggers, more drunk- a 000 for the Improvement of rivers Important police office, is* primaries next month in the flrat w ith orderly water ditch­ celebration this year, end in or­ and harbors was approved today Bannick. Captain Bannlck give Seattle reasonable law en­ ards and worse moral conditions 33 nnd baseball fans to aid In a test of balloting strength since es, It formed rivulets.' game on a a der to map out some definite by Secretary bf W a r Davis, who man she picked to elean up recont concentrated agitation over forcement w ill be defeated. The in that respect than the United 33 putting the Here scores of the spec­ 33 sound footing. If senti- a program, J. H. Fuller, secretary States, declared M ajor O. H. said be planned to put the work tie once before when she the Volstead,act was begun. In p«x>ple are more virtually ln- tators attracted by the 33 ment Is favorable to base- a of the chamber pf commerce, is School, of the Royal Northwost on a five-year basis. Indiana next Monday, Pennsyl­ l e , terested' In results than in the made acting mayor in the al flames gathered to damp­ today to the ’ bregon and Washington both of Mayor B. J. Brown. Mounted Police, who addressed 33 ball tonight, he will start a mailing letters man.” vania, May IS , and Oregon May en throats that had sud­ leaders of all organisations ask­ 33 work tomorrow morning the Klwanis club today noon at a receive substantial appropriations 21, wet candidates are in the field Bannick is known as7 I- Mrs. Landes revealed she will denly gone parched. ing for their undivided support. 33 building the ball park the L lth la Springs Hotel. a for river and harbor improve- entlous and scrupulous ngainat drys. offi< kr select her secretary within a few It has been suggested that M ajor Schoot said he was a 33 nnd will have it in readl- a menst under the war department and a strict disciplinarian, Upon the outcome of these three }. days. full-blooded German but had 33 ness for play In less than a music, games for children, piente program, it was shown in the list races w ill rest largely future plans ready considerable comment “ He w ill be a man,” she said. been a soldier of fortune for 33 two weeks. a lunches and dances hold sway of proposed allotments. of the opposing prohibition fac­ 33 If AshYand enters the years. Although past 80 years Among * t h e p r o je c ts a in Lithia Park on July 5th, which tions and the outcome of the will be the.d ay for the celebra­ 33 league, ,t will consist of old, he still Is In active service a proved .today w ere. Coos Bay, drive which has been Institute« In CanadA and is now returning 33 four teams. Including a tion. Then there would be fire­ $545,000; Coquille river, $8000; .to r modification of the bone dry Pass, Medford, a works in the park that evening. to bis duties In A lberta after 33 Grants Sluslaw river, $25,000; Coos river, act. • Big Humtay Meeting Another splendid out-door pa 33 Klamath Falls and Ash- a spending the winter in Southern $2000; Tillamook hay. $135,000; Pennsylvania Offers Tost For Sunday, July 4th, Mr. There will be no a California. He once was a cow­ 33 land. The most Important test will geant is assured for this year. It Yaquina bay, $54,000; Snake About ten cars of M. W . A boy in North Dakota. 33 northern California teams a Fuller suggests that a big patri­ come in Pennsylvania, where Rep. w ill be sponsored by the Jackson river, $1000; Clatskanie river, members motored to M edfo*l I Amalgamation Of O t h e r County P air Board, and is made The speaker traced the work 33 In the league^ $5000; W illam ette and lower Col­ a otic meeting could be held in the W illia m 8. Vare, wet candidate park under the auspices of Ash. last evening to attend, the meet ] Liaaeg Announced; $200,- possible by a cash guarantee put of the Mounted Police from its ombia river, $300,000; W illam ­ for the republican senatorial nom­ land’s churches. A t any rate, he inception until the present time. ination Is matched against the up by more than fifty prominent ette river above Portland and in g . held by the Medford 000 is Involved banquet is seeking suggestions and ex­ He said he had joined the force arid Governor Pinchot and Sena­ business men and firms of Med­ ’Yam hill river, $21,000; Skamo- A fte r the meeting a ted by S. X pects other organisations to join tor George W harton Pepper, a ford. Messrs. Andrews and Hazel- kawa creek, Wash., $2000; W illa ­ which was furnished PO RTLAND, Ore., A pril 30.— In 1888 an«J had been actively in served (U P )— Formation of the Colum- the work ever since. A t the pres­ 1, was servpl with the chamber and Lithians rlgg w ill again have charge of pa river and harbor, $1000; Grays Barnes of Ashland, m ilder dry. , s in mapping out a definite pro­ Vare has attempted to make the production as of “ Iolanthe’’ Harbor bar entrance, $185,000; and the rest of the evening spent bia Gorge Motor Coach company ent tim e he patrols a section in gram. mainly after the issue straight out “ beer and and “ Robin Hood’’ and will have Puget sound and trib u tary rivers, In games and dancing. There w i- to take over the operation of the Alberta, looking His letter to various clubs wine” and information reaching the assistance of A. C. Burgest $24,000; Seattle harbor, $20,000. an attendance of about two bun Columbia stagds, two-thirds of traffic and hunting violations. Local People Attend South­ follows; dred. politicians In Washington .indi­ as stage director. M ajor Schoof spoke briefly on the business of the Camas Stage ern Oregon Session at “July 4th 1926 haa much cate that he has a strong chance U nlike the other two pageant? company and ail the business of tho work of the Boy Scouts in Grants Pass greater significance than the the producers this time have no' to win the nomination. the Mt. Hood Loop stages was an­ Canada, and said they had built Ontside the big race several taken one of the old operas and A meeting of the Rogue River usual annual holiday in that It nounced today by W. T. Crawford, a wonderful scoot organisation congressmen are runnnlg on wet worked it,o v e r, but have had a president of the new concern. It, in his district. He said he was Baptist association was held in marks 150 years of growth and piece specially w ritten for the *c ono of tile oldest scout instruc­ Grants Pass Tuesday and Wed­ progress, during which time the ticket*. is incorporated for $200,000. casion by M uir Kelvyn, a well ’ Indiana Has Issne the United States has grow l from a The transfer of properties will tors in the world and still takes nesday of this week with In Indiana the issue; is less know'n English scenario writer. ^Deputy Game Wardens Re­ , y ^ h e niart,‘ at m ldnl«h t' The deal ah active interest In the work. following ministers present, Dr. mere struggling Colony of Great 'clearly drawn, hut W ard ff. in n ­ under the direction of Ed An Cliff's Tire Shop'to Have”i»Hudw the outright -pmwhafes Hff *gld he gpokq chiefly agafust G. C. W right, Portlendr Dr. Britain to the greatest nation on move 1500 Small Fish er, Indianapolis business man. Is drew». It is called “ Biasing ths boys Rmoking olgarettes and M illikan, Portland; Rev. Laugh­ earth. Night Display Contain of the loop , stage concern to Rogue River made that one of the rigid r^R>s lin, Portland; Rev. White, Med­ running In the short term repub­ T ra il,” and depicts the early day« “ In the east, old Philadelphia ing 78 Lamps h lican senatorial race on a wet In the Rogue River valley, with of the scouts over which he Jias ford; Rev. Mosier, Grants Pass; Is holding her great aeequl-cen- Deputy Game Wardens Parr, One of the finest electric signs platform against the present dry the original Americans— the In ­ Dally and Cokeman control. yesterday Rev. Woodworth, Ashland; Rev. tennial and there, In the shadow holder of the toga. Senator A rth ­ dians,— followed by the cominc took approximately 1500 In Southern Oregon' will be trout Reece Brookings; Dr. Eaten of the momentous happenings of ur B. Robinson, W illiam B. Curry, of the white man, the discover; from Bear Creek near Talent and erected within the next 30 days Medford; Rev. Dodsen, Selma and early days, many people w ill bs wet, is In the field for the demo­ of gold on Jackson creek, wsi placed them In the Rogue river. at C liff’s tire shop and service Hugo; Rev. H all traveling state reminded of those patriotic man cratic senatorial nomination. with the Indians, and finally the Another batch of the tro ut w ill station on Bast Main street. worker; and Rev. Nelson of and women who were • Instru­ ^ T heir chance» are not emphasiz­ signing of the peace treaty and oe taken o ut this afternoon. This The sign w ill be an exposed mental In securing for us the op­ Roseburg. ed by politicians here. portunities of a free and enlight­ a great tableaux and ballet sym Is being done in order to save lamp type containing 78 lamps Memorial services were held tor In the sixth district Indiana, a bolfzlng the birth of Crater the trout when low water comes w ith a total of 1170 watts. An Db. Hinson, pastor of the East ened civilisation. woman, wet, Esther G riffin W hite Lake. Proper Observance within the next two or three electrical display of this kind Side Baptist church of Portland, is making a spirited race against w ill not only render service to Gordon Campbell M u s t 1 This w ill be the most preten­ weeks. “ Why should not Ashland, on who died recently In Portland. Quaint Vehicles Used to Give Rep. R. N. E llio tt for the repub­ tious production ever attempted the owner but w ill likewise illum­ Spend Two Years in Peni­ the coming annual holiday, bring Mr. P arr also announced that Supper was served each eve­ Publicity For Big Affair lican congressional nomination. locally. In fact w ill compare more tentiary, is Ruling to the thought and mind of the ning by the womln of Grants the short fish ladder in the Rogue inate that part of Main street. Tomorrow Rep. Johnson, in the fifth Indiana than favorably w ith "Rosaria,’’ at people of Southern O regoi, in an Pass. at Gold Ray w ill be shu| off to­ SAN fRA N C ISC O , Cal., April district, also has wet opposition. Portland, and “ The W ayfarers” Any time the American Legion day and the clflnooks w ill go up Delegates from Ashland were: unusual manner, tbe .events of 30.— ( U P ) — Gordon Campbell, Senator Robert N. Stanfield of at Seattle, in that we w ill have A u xiliary starts anything in Ash­ the large ladder. The Rogue Is Mrs. H. O. Anderson, Mrs. Frank these past years? W hy should not Portland, Oregon, is being oppos- better singers and the ballets and prominent Montana oil man land, it puts It over with a bang. so low for this tim e of year that Beswlck, Mrs. H. C. Hanson. Mrs. every organisation in the city, od in his race for re-election by settings w ill .be equally as good. must spend two years at Leaven­ That's why Its “Thanks For the O. Booth, Mrs. H. P. Holmes nnd churches, lodges, civic clubs/asd the salmon cannot negotiate the •b dry organizations of his state. worth penitentiary and pay a It w ill require about two hun­ short ladder. The game officials Buggy Ride’’ parade along Main Rev. Woodworth. Many people every Individual unite to cele­ Stanfield has voted dry in con­ dred and fifty *people for the per­ fine of $10 < *■ - ’ 1 1 ‘ » ( U P ) — Retribution has over­ close msrglQ. The two teams wlU tained In tbe man hunt now be­ Owbn rfuniap? 'aged SB -y%ars, OSLO, Norway. 'A p ril 30.— taken Baldwin Wood,. Sap Fran- play a return game at Medford ing carried on fe r the slayers of died at a local hospital this W illiam McSwiggln, youthful elsco club tnan, who'dissipated a * , waek^ from tomorrow, (U P ,— The Aitanndsen-Bllstvorih F O R tL A N b , Oris., A pril 29.— dirigible, Norge, left Leningrad morning after, several weeks ill­ Chicago prosecutor who fell k (qrtqna pf $80$,$00 belonging to T ness. He was born in Jackson­ ( U P ) — Blx months In Jail and a ydstpadsy on the .first leg of its bis relatives. , * victim to machine gun bhlleta In B A K E R S P ÍE LD . Cal.. April ville in 1871, and has lived for fine of $505 wss th e penalty Im ­ air flight to the north pole, ac­ The once Wealthy attorney a suburb Tuesday night. 3$.— (U P )— Another hnge at] the past 50 years in Pho4nlx. He pose« here yesterday on C. 3. cording to w ord' received here Matters of importance will he w ith only $16.50 left of tho mon­ i Oregon and Washing- « , The cowardly murder of Mc- fire the third la California wlth- Is survived by a sister, Mrs. Dol- McNight? tor several years a fed­ last night. I t Will go first to taken up by The Lithians at their ey which was entrusted to>.hlra, ton— Unsettled local rains « Swlffgln probably w ill prove to be tn a month, raged naeh4eked t»- larhide and an uncle, Mr. Robert eral prohibition a$enL Sentence K ing’s Bay and from there etart regular monthly business meet­ rented a tosai in Jose gnd ,3$ i neat oqaaL , Thunder « the turning point in the warfare . Standard Oil Dunlap, of Ashland. The Cong­ w ai imposed hi federiti codrt, By on it* p o la r1 flight. Ahnuddseh in g The meeting w in be held at ewmtnitted ) sulci«« Wednesday. 33 ■torma In mountain «to- it between tho law *nd renffland of er Undertaking Parlor of Medford judge Bean. lic K n lg h t war con­ and Ellsworth, leaden df the ex­ the city h all and w ill start at 7:« • by Inhaling c u .it * • word has ton gone s forth fUled . . t t. . . 31 Alffht and Friday- Cooler tt Chicago, an ' l l .'I air o'clock. A ll members are urged I'!,- has «barge of the fnnei>l ser­ victed of operating a «till* and pedition, 1 arts awaiting ’the Iti Friday, (lentie ¡ souther­ 33 that the hgunts of the outlaws «rade craft at K ing’s Bay. ' »a to bs present, vices. ' « mqst he cleaned outi | blase wan maintaining a ns lean ci. Advertise la Ikff T iding. ,i 33 ly winds., , i b, nm io bk IR 1 E N U M H N Modem Woodmen Meet In Medford K R MOTOR STAGE S T A B THIS B K PHTNOt HUH JENKINS TO INSTALL^ out of bear era BIG ELECTRIC SIGN ADVERTISE DANCE SERVE M N TERM Suspect is Held In Tacoma For Portland Crime PORTLAND MAY LOSE AIR MAIL SERVICE m HUNK M T TO H ID AT ONCE REQUEST FOR OIL HELD IN ABEYANCE JUNI PLM MEDFORD TEAM SUSPECTS ARRESTED IN CHICAGO MURDER Withdraws Offer Of Museum Gift i Pioneer Jackson Resident Passes BYFRIEDOYSTERS -Probi Sleuth ‘ Is Sent To Jail With Money Gone He Kills Himself By Inhaling Gas Dirigible Norge Starts On Voyage Lithians To Meet At 7:30 Tonight Anothet Big Oil Fire Now Raging Near Bakersfield WEATHEB I