Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, April 29, 1926, Page 4, Image 4

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g»» Wf dtottyte w « *
" ” r . fry"^"T T r rtfPM'1!1* ,
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limaiMtt- -_5ito
f' 3 a
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|m']»<| ftire$ n»r iá
two-part >rrgni
Shall F e e d , til
Shepherd,” trim
torlo, "Th^ Me
by Mrs. Fuller
Mrs. B e e ^ , M
?'» > k
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*rw M1? • ' « *
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Spanish; Roses
' Handel’» . 'ora-
t o ," w a s 'ta n g
■ t o Shppherd,
ijW e lh w e dnd
Mrs. A l l b u a t
t t ' H t V tÄ ttf M T M TtoUT ~
Tt to hoped W ^toM rtbntly ex­
pected that. .«very one borine
flowriw «rill W wiHlafc'to'tollbJ
R te to , «btotealphttPpar »rer
lettflcotlm « h i « i e » « o
itlraMto o r «Mr«bo an« pinate
» corduur tonto« u epam te
s meetlag.
« ft «
¿ 7 fi
ora. n n it t r t M f »¡woftftM
- «. ♦ i i »MOHRtTi i • •. <f •. { » i
Bena teto ad nM'.ten wat» to
Feier « Co., MSA tootfftM Are..
Okleotoi Mt, writing peer name
and addrsns . clearly- You will ro­
t e i * ■ A .t e g c w t • b o ttte'W
.COMPOUND W ’honglW, ’ <WM«
Sunder 1
kaaren« o
iy scheel
t o — Covered
DUh Supper, <J«r* Clah House,
l ai l t o y .
« •/•—Benefit
Dapper jA tobM V A »d Auxiliary
ptofcHto et rowrr PïM4»,e
«l«TMfc stim ulant to r the kid
•era, «ed FOLBY CATH artio
TABLETS tor* Constipation -and
hie 'flo tta i»
rM«y, 'Nprfl g fe —
to d trip
to Caros. Epworth League,
May A — WMtmtqtoter
Guild. Junior Rooin, 7:90 p.
m., Presbyterian Church,
andar. May 2.— P. T. A. Coun­
cil meeting. Library,
andar, * * T g , i F ta u eh Club.
Mrs F. D. W agdur. h asten s.
Auxiliary to Trinity OnUd had
a very sneoeoofnl ear« party,
Wednesday night last, at tlye
ParUh House.
There wave seventeen tables
«ram, the aorial boor an« the
delightful retreahmenta of ap­
ple pie with whipped eream,
cookies and eottee. *
During the social hoar the
ladjpe were, engaged with their
fancy work and the pleasant vls-
The remainder e f the evening
w ee spent in the good visit of.
friends, but underneath It ’all
was the
sadness - that w hich
com es with
parting" of
Mr., and Mrs. Oldfield have la­
bored and wrought in Ashland
for m any years and are leaving
for a new field o f endeavor.
W ith them Will go
w ishes and friendship of a host
o f friends In church and com­
m unity w ho regret their going
and wish them happiness in thei
new h e m e . * - . I ' J J
social wap: sarto
work U the fasste decided
*t cards, fifteen of bridge and
two of tire hundred.
Prises were riven In both
liv e hundred and <t bridge; Mr.
B. M. Berg received the first
m en’s prise In five hnndred, and
Mrs. Blnmennuer first for the
Theo«ore D reiser’s ’’An Ameri­ ladles. Mr. B. Burnett secured
can Tragedy,” which Was vividly the m en’« consolation nad W it .
portrayed by Mrs. Randall Woods. B. M. Berg the ladles’ oonsola-
Out o f town guests were Miss tlon prim.
Mr. B. V. Carter held first
Helen Rand and Mrs. R. R. Cor­
honors at bridge as did Mrs. Em-
dell or Oakland, California,"
mp Oeder.
Mr. W. T.
tt M tt
w en the consolation
Mnsic Btndy Club Meets—
bridge for the men and Mrs
The Ashland
Monte Study Tony Franco for the ladles.
Club m et ip regular session at
The eom m tttee in charge serv­
the studio e f Carl Loveland on ed delicious mind and cakes and
Monday evening, April the tw en­ coffee during the evening.
j Thin evening nt cards waa so
A fter roll call, to which
a enjoyable that It is expected that
number responded w ith item s of others wlU be given.
musical Interest, the regular busi­
tt ft tt
ness m eeting w as held.
This Included the appointing W. C. T . V. Meets—
On Tuesday of this week the
of a com m ittee to plan the pro­
W. C. T. U. of Ashland observed
gram o f study for next year.
The subject
of Choirs and It« 4>nd birthday. ’’ Interesting
Choral "Music wag discussed and a r tic le s. ware read, one of them
the clnb foang Chapter VIII of by Mrs. S tella Leavett, had to
H. B. KrebM el’s ‘‘How to Listen da with' thp Shaking primary.
Mrt. Ann H.
R ussell
to M usic” o f greet Interest and
present, tend ns one of the pio­
educational value.
The fact th at singing societies neers la the society, she told
w ere organised In , this oountry of th e earlier efforts in law en-
Mrs. Sylvester P a t­
la the Mew S a g la a d states s e n ­ fo r e e m to t
der than in fte p n a u y is ^teervlhg tern» y^leo--»poke on its early
of notice, fo r u n til recently ntu- hlstrnr, B tto talks were given
■Ical historians have given 'Germ­
any the orndtt - tor ' ih e ehrHmt - Importe wire rend at the busi­
i organisations to promote a a a te n r ness meeting nod plans weto
mn«p Ao have a food sale Sat-
choral cnltnrw.
Special M eeting of Auxiliary— .
A special /uMOttaa d
American Leeton w a s'n eld T ues­
day evening at which the busi­
ness and social
m eeting
There w ere nt least forty pres­
ent, nil enthusiastic and in ter/
brought them
together— plans
fo r 'th e “Thank You For a Bug­
g y . R ids” dimce. which w ill be
helg to n ig h t^ at Jackson
H ot
4 . „J
M em tors are confident of the
venture being a success tor the
response from every ana has been
fine. The fact that tt Is a bene­
fit dance and the * object the
Portland Hospital for which It is
given, appeals to every one in­
terested ih the Portland hospit­
al needs for veterans* there. A
part w ill be used for the new
piano recently Secured by the
Auxiliary for its d u b room.
A feature o f the dance will be
the parade which w ill call at­
tention to the dance given in
the evening
nt Jackson
The difficulty In finding suf­
ficient old vehicles has been an
object leagon la the passing of
other than motor machines.
Mrs. John Bndere presided at
the business session.
the evening
coffee and homemade
were served.
» tt tt
J *
covered Dish Luncheon —
On Tuesday. May 4, the mem-
berg of the C ivic Chub will have
S covered dish luncheon at the
Civic Club house, preceding the
m eeting of the afternoon. Plan«
for this w ill be announced in
Monday’s Issue,
At the luncheon it is hoped
that every m e « b » f w ill [ be preB.
•n t to enjoy the social hour
ta d the m eeting later.
a f a f of tela weak.
»•pftrt of the proceeds of the
A covered <
tale Will be spent for the Child­
ren* Farm Homo. Members are
to bear to mind the date of the {tdnight) nt
sale . and bring tholr contribu­ hatbands and
tions dopa la tee morning.
’ The Pant Matron’s 'Club was
entertained a t the hoa»e o f Mrs.
E. V. Carter Thursday evening
The usual business m eeting was
held upon the arrival o f the
members, w ith the social hour,
and attractive supper features
of the enjoyable ev en to t. .
her twelfth birthday, TAnrpday
lag, fo n delightful family din­
ner, with heruaU the gneet of
and Saturday
Those MrtoMkt i o eftto* eonglfet-
IIlattone and good w ishm worn
Mr. , Wick.
and Mrt. A rthur W ick, Mr. and
MIW. R ous' and Mr. and Mrs.
Wonderful Sale Of
Mood, ’ host dnq hostess, with
I o n t o , the one w hose annivers­
ary ( was th e occasion for
‘ t- /
- *. '_ -J.
There were fifty
| 8 enl to enjoy Che t o
. A fter the supper boor, table»
W® supplied so that all
‘ m ay upend te e evening at
a or lh Whatsoever way that
t appeals.
W n lr o g ltlo p n l
irsonage, beau­
tiful to Ito w ealth of
spring L
“ 8 _
bloomma, wna tilled w ith friends,
old and young, who had gathered to g h ttehool Camp
la a fareyrall reception for the
1 Cn Tuesday evening tfc* High
Jtev> t o g Mi«- W- «. Oldfield.
, r M J L a d t o Aid of the church ^Shool Camp, Fire Girls met for
k a f flaniMd «An Pleasant affair,
Msslon after
hut Am ptogamn w as given by
the Juniors, o f which Mrs. Old­ • * he, .Sleotloa of a sec/etary-
fie ld , was tee «ftldeat and wen ftb o u r e wna the prtnelpnl thing
te he brougM Op nt tM s 'tlme.
' HttolM rtoMUfab»tead recita­ fth t Lethe Milas was selected to
tion« to a d s np the
the otflee named.
progfiam nt the close o f whleh
Support for your f a t — beneath' the Srch,
above the arch. And all around the arch!
That's what the BAND-GRIP gives you. Ntf
other oxford ever furnished such firm support—
which explains the-ever-growing popularity in
our city, of this unusual footwear.
Styled with the tpuoh of martnena you like;
but more than th at the BAND-GRIP In equipped
Witt a lm iM n < v b i h l e r W t h ^ ^ p e £ 3
supports the foot in a manner that soothes and
satisfies.. Tou regulate the snugnees of the band
by merely lacing the afaoa as you please see il­
dish ’fcupper
Thursday evening
whleh members,
a friend may be
------------’ i r-----------------— — --------——
30 Coats At
let of Bew ones far this lot.
Up to" $39.75 Vnhtes
hreftev Coats of Twills, and fin e
tailored «port coats. All sizes up
to 46 V2. ‘z
i- H
' .*
Many up to $24.50 if bought in a
regular wfay but jre wdre very
^»rtupatd in
Up to $54.50 Vahies
i7 *
Good range of sizes'1 up' to 42 i-2
sito taUlbred^r drwsy.
. Up U $54JÖ V a l w 7 _
Wondferftil Cofatt f a t . W W f a
eluding ^Satins' and ÏÏahdsoine
Prpgs Coaú'up to 42 1-A sito.
> «titeh bwimmirig
4 .«'iy-du^ u $
î d b to J N k A f t ir r V O lW k i ** ’ ' -
the ehtttoan « to la « about Mrs.
O ldflel* f a prtnoutod her with
¿ » ••tin g teto week.
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