M ALAEU GERMS Cannot «arviva three month« in the rich oaone at Asfiland. Pore domestic water helps. The Tidings Has Been Ashland’s Leading Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Years , VOL. x u x All Members Urged To At­ tended and Take Part in Open Meeting WILL OUTLINE PLANS Got Diamond Ring At 15 Cent Store Bride Now Claims DES MOINES, April 27 — Claiming misrepresen­ tation of his ' resources before their marriage, and saying that she dis­ covered her “diamond” wedding present was only a cheap imitation “like they sell in the 15 cent stores”, Mrs. Walter Sclsson hgs applied for- divorce from her hus­ band, Henri, who she said, posed as a French scion of nobility. Mr. Scisson also decamped with many of the valu­ able wedding presents in­ cluding a cheok of $500 from her father, she says. Plans for the chrrent year will be outlined and reports of officers and committees for the past year will be received at an open meeting of the chamber of commerce directors at the city hull tonight. The meeting will start at 8 o’clock. President O. F. Carson of the chamber will announce the per­ sonnel of all standing commit­ tees at tonight’s meeting, and ..the membership of the cham­ ber as a whole will be asked Citizens of Tennessee Pledge to assist the directors in formu­ Unrelenting Warfare lating a program of activity for At Once the coming year. PARIS, Tenn., April 27.— One of the matters to be taken up will be the reopening of the Two thousand citizens of Hen­ Southern Oregon Normal Sfhool ry county were pledged today to during the latter part of June. carry on unrelenting warfare, The chamber has been asked to with the aid of state law en­ assist in completing suitable forcement officers, against a housing arrangements for stu­ band of moonshiners estimated dents and faculty members, and to number 25, -who, It is alleged - It .. is expected that this m atter'havo •Pread terror through this will be placed in the hands of a j con,munltjr- murdered one man committee for some immediate | and coerced seven other citiz- ens to flee from their homer and definite work. All members of the chamber in fear of death. A reward of $1000 has been are urged to be in attendance at the session and take part in posted for the arrest of the slay­ the general discussion which will ers of Tom Evans, killed from ambush a week ago, after lie be held. and seven other men had raided a number of stills. UNITE 10 POT DOWN CBPCD H 1 OPPOSE K A M M E NC SHRINE SPECIAL Paul B. McKee Arrives in Washington to Attend Friendship Tour F i n d s Hearings Marshfield and North WASHINGTON, April 27,.-— R. Bend Celebrating E. Bradbury, president of the Klamath Irrigation district, and Lawrence Liijeqvist, representing the state of Oregon, have arrived for hearings on the McNary-Sln- nott bill to authorize a court test of the 'validity of the California- Oregon Power company’s contract for development of power in con­ nection with the Klamath pro­ ject. Paul McKee, representing the power company, also is here, and will oppose the bill. Members of the Oregon delegation the last few days have received, numerous pro­ tests against the measure from users of power. It is planned to hold joint hearings of senate and house committees on irrigation. Erring Clergyman Is Under Arrest OAKLAND, Cal.-, April 27.— (UP)—The Rev. A. C. Luffman, late of Humboldt, Saskatche­ wan, has been arrested here by officers who are investigating phases of his entry Into this country from Canada. It is charged that Luffman en­ tered the United States illegally. It Is also asserted that the clergy­ man deserted a wife and son in the Canadian city. Pioneer AsblancT Resident Passes (United Free*-.Wire Service) Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings. Volerne 41 CHAMBHt WILL BEET TONIGHT AT CITY BALL Work for Ensuing Year to be Mapped .Out t to Name * Committees A shland D aily T idings ASHLAND CLIMATE Without the use of medicine > nine cases out of ten of asthma. a proven fact. NORTH BEND, Ore., April 27. (UP)— A 10-car train bear­ ing over a hundred shrlners from Portland, including a band and drum corps,, arrived here to­ day on a friendship tour of Coos Bay. An elaborate pro­ gram has been planned during the stay of the shrlners. with both Marshfield and North Bend in gala attire. SUES H I T DOCTOR ASHLAND, PREPON, SHIPPING MEN*»« SEE CRISIS IN ADMIRAI SALE EIGHT Mr. Coolidge Indicates He Will Bid Settled, Time SEATTLE, April. 27.— The question of the shipping board disposing of its fleet plying be­ tween the Pacific northwest and the Orient is in a worse muddle today than ever before, shipping men here at the hub of the situation say. Something is bound to happen in the next 10 days before the senate commerce committee at Washington that may or may not dispose of the proposed sale of the Dollar interests wf the Ad­ miral-Oriental line, operating between Puget Sound and the Orient. Meanwhile the conflict is go­ ing on quietly In Seattle and Portland between shipping inter­ ests seeking to build up influ­ ence one way or the other. WASHINGTON, D. C., April 27 - (LP) — Immediate appointment .of a member to the United States shipping board to succeed Bert E. Haney of Oregon, who recent­ ly resigned, was urged on Presi­ dent Coolidge today by Senator Charles McNary of Oregon. Senator McNary attempted to persuade the president to make the appointment before the re­ organization of the board. President Coolidge previously Indicated he wished to delay the northwest raan’H appointment un­ til the administration reorgani­ zation measure is passed by con­ gress. Whether or not Senator McNary made any headway in his con­ fè r e n t with President Coolidge today was not Indicated, although it is felt here that the seat will remain vacant for the time being Seven Rescued From Speedboat Take No Action At Thia Dollar vs. Shipping Group Panther Scares terday afternoon while a feroc­ ious panther ran about scaring citizens and causing women and children to faint. The beast was finally cornered in an alley by Constable Strong on a motor­ cycle and was killed. x The po­ lice are puzzled as the animal attacked no one. Gov. “ M a” Ferguson of Texas proves that she can p er­ forin the offices of govem oi just ns well as a man. How? By throwing out the first ball nt Dallas, Tex., when Dallas and Fort W orth opened th r Texas League season. Be­ side her is Eugene Smith, fleeretary of the state highwny commission. Just 35 Cents Is Involved In Suit N m »O Sp i F i d « .OF “S i ” Klamatb Secretary Visits In Ashland Will Probe Case ’ Against Skipper SEATTLE, April 27. — (LP) __ A warrant for the arrest of Police­ man C. S. Stanhope on charge* of "malirloids prosecution” • was VICTORIA, B. C., April 27. — issued today at the request of E. The British Columbia government D. Colvin, King county prosecut­ today started an lnveatigation In­ CHICAGO, April 27.— After or, as the outcome of jealousy be­ to the action of (he United States tween the prosecutor’s office and he had collected money from federal court at Portland, Ore., in many credulous folk in dark- sentencing Captain Robert Pam­ the police department. town, on promises to Intercede phlet of Vanconver, to two years with heaven, and claiming to lie In prison and $6,000 fine. ' pie new Messiah, Andrew Bolllntr. colored barber, was caught he was getting away on the -eve Of a promised miracle. He « 1 mobbed, and rescued-by police,/, CALCUTTA, India, April 17. — (UP)—Gangsters today raid­ PHILADELPHIA, April 37.— NABS WRIST WATCH ed the general postoffice in the KAN8A8 CITY. Mo., April 27. Until another democratic presi­ heart of the city, shooting the -While Mist Annette Moore dent gets in the White House, high ranking police officer. A was banging to a strap in a Solomon Greggs can not shave. large section of the city is iso­ street ear, a thief removed a This is part of the conditions lated as a result of the Hindu- watch valued at $500 from her of a $1,000 bet which he ie try- Moslem riots. wrist. 1 lag to contest In the courts. Colored “Messiah” Mobbed By Dupes Gangsters Murder ' Calcutta Officer Would Call Off His Foolish Bet Civic Organizations Decide on Monster Celebration This Year WILL BE NO PAGEANT burning of the negro church and the exiling of many negroes. The trouble started with the murder of John Carroll, a prize fighter« and the stabbing of Ralph Johnson in a street brawl Sunday afternoon. General Committee Believes Time Too Sliort; Panda Are Sought 'I A committee, composed of i delegates from various civic or- I ganlzations of the city, decided ■ at noon today at the Lithia i Springs hotel that it would not I be advisable to stage a pageant I here this Fourth of July, but that a general celebration should be held. The question of the pageant was thoroughly discussed, but practically everybody present Seven Hundred Men Put to was of the opinion that the Work to Protect For­ event would require too much ested- Areas work and be too big a finan­ cial risk at this time. MISSOULA, Mont., April 27.__ The tentative program for the (UP)— With 700 patrolmen at day Includes two or thrde bands, work a new record for early fire with concerts In all parts of the hazards in forest reserve dis­ city, baseball games, parade, fire­ trict No. 1 was established to­ works in the evening and other day when patrol forces departed stunts in the park. for the field, fully two months The celebration will be con­ ahead of the normal schedule for fined to one day, Monday. July such precautions. 5th. A resolution, requesting This district comprises eastern the chamber of commerce to Washington, northern Idaho, an-li place In their budget for this western Montana, and early out­ year $1,000 to cover the cele­ breaks of fire? have been report­ bration, was passed. The cham­ ed, due to the unusually dry ber was also requested to se­ weather. lect an executive committee to handle the celebration. Winning -Director in Des­ chutes County Faces Those attending the luncheon Election Contest today were: V. D. Miller. Dr. C. E. Shinn, Randall Woods, F. F. BEND, April 27.— (U P )— The Whittle, J. W. McCoy. J. h ' election of Carey S. Stearns ns Fuller, Carl Loveland, Mr. and a director of the I-a Pine school Mrs. Wm. Briggs, Mr.'hnd Mrs. district, was contested by W. Man Accused of Murdering Hal McNair, S. E. Peterson, Jr., G? Fordham, who filed a com­ Workers in Big In­ Dr. Haines, Dr. Bardic, J, E. plaint in circuit court here, al­ surance Fraud Enders, o. M. Green, C. B. Ev­ leging that Stearns violated the ans, Henry Galey and C. L. Clay- PIKEVILLE, K y, April 27. — comb corrupt practices act by election­ eering at the polls on election (LP) — William H. Turner, former dny. and by making promises as mine superintendent, went on to appointments. J. Frank trial here today charged with mur­ Bogue was the defeated candi­ dering two miners and mutilating their bodies in an attempt to de­ date. fraud insurance companies out of $85,000. A partial confession has been admitted as evidence. FIRE F I C K IN FRAUD IS CHARGED 5RFAICQAL STRIKE ■ IHREAIBIS ENGUNO HILLSBORO, Ore.. April 27,— • (UP)— Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Premier Baldwin is Again displayed a willingness to flglit Seeking to Halt Serious for a principle here when a suit Labor Revolt was on' record today designed LONDON, April 27.— (UP,— to prevent Washington countv from enforcing a lien against Premier Stanley Baldwin agaPn their property for 35 cents. I has intervened in an attempt to threatened coal The sum involved is a county prevent the charge for testing a tubercular strike in England which would cow. involve hundreds of thousands of workers. A peace between warring fac­ tions must he arranged if a na­ tional walk-out is to be staved off. The head of the British government' has called a Joint meeting of operators and miners. Workmen Renew Efforts to Headed by King Oeorge, gov­ ernment leaders, workmen and Bring Underseas Craft the English people generally are To Surface demanding that the prospect of NEW LONDON. Conn., April: what promises to be a national 27.-—Balked by the elemen's catastrophe be ended, last fall in its efforts to. rnbe the submarine 8-61, rammed and sunk by the 8. 8, City of Rome, September 24, 1925, the navy today renewed attempts to bring the sunken vessel to the surface. The local submar­ c . D .' Chorpenlng of Klamath ine base, the naval base at New­ Falls, assistant secretary of th«» port and the Brooklyn navy yard Klamath county chamber of com- have combined their resources mlerce, was in the city today on for a final attempt to wrest the a brief business visit. Mr. Chor- submersible, believed to be the pentng will have charge of the grave of 33 men who were Klamath county exhibit and In­ trapped in It, from the bottom formation booth at the junction of the sea. of the Pacific and Ashland-Klam­ Authorities hope to raise the ath highways, and IS now putting sunken vessel and tow her tin­ up the several buildings which der water to>Brooklyn If tie will lie needod for the project. w eather.is favorable to salvak« lng operations. SARTARET, N. J., April 27.— (UP) — Fol­ lowing a night during which five negroes were reported beaten by mobs, authorities today were alert against a . possible continuance of the dis­ orders which reached a climax: yesterday w ith th e Both Portland and Seattle Are Anxious ht Have Dollar The struggle centers between R. Stanley Dollar on one hand and a group of Portland and Seattle shipping men on the other. When the shipping board an­ nounced it had decided to sell the five passenger vessels run­ ning out of Seattle, to Dollar on his bid bf $4,500,000, it Im­ mediately brought, forth critic­ ism »from Dollar’s competitors, who asserted that “the Dollar flag will rule the Pacific.” Dol­ lar operates the ‘round the world service and private line between San Francisco and the Orient. Chamber and Mclfery This criticism crystalised In the form of a formal complaint from Portland’s chamber of com­ merce and resulted in Senator Charles McNary, of Oregon, in­ troducing a resolution, which passed, asking the shipping board to reconsider Its decision and readvertlse the vessels for sale. The fact that the combination interests, represented by W. B. Keene, former vice-president of the emergency Fleet corpora­ tion, submitted a bid for $4.- 800,000 influenced this action, although it was the contention of the shipping board that the latter bid was late and Irregular. ire CELEBRATION "»• B L BE HEED ON JULY 4TH Whites REQUESTED TO,“ ^ FILE VACANCY NO DECISION REACHED CITIES 7 _________ N' Beaten \ 7 y RIVAL Lumber Company Prosecutor Has Police Arrested Is Made Target Thomas Long, aged 73. and a resident of Jackson connty for the past 43 years, died early last evening from ailments Inci­ dent to advanced age. The fun­ eral will be at 2 o’clock tomor­ row afternoon from the Stock chapel, with burial at Ashland cemetery. The deceased Is survived by three brothers and two sisters. CLEARWATER, Fla., April 27 They are A. M., Frank and M. — Seven persons adrift In a N. Long, Mrs. Rebecca Smith and speed boat were rescued yes­ Mrs. S. Brown. terday when the veseel was found stranded on a coraj reef Classified Ads Bring Results. ten miles off shorts IC'Many Throws Senator McNary Wants Bert Haney’s Successor Nam­ ed At Once Motion Picture Actress De­ VICTORIA, B. C., April 27. clares She Was Given — (UP)— Pandemonium broke Ugly Red Noee out In the business distriit yes­ JEFFERSON CITY, Mo., April 27.— (UP)— An ouster suit against the Long Bell Lumber Company for alleged violations of ite charter privileges in build­ ing and promoting Longview, Wash., was filed In the supreme court today. The petition was handed in Saturday but tho $10 filing fee was not paid un­ til today. « NO. 201 Action of Senate Within Next Ten Days Is Anxiously Awaited Victoria People HOLLYWOOD, April 27. __ Estelle La Verne, motion picture actress, iR suing Madame Kayane, beauty specialist, for $5,000 claiming that facial treatment has brought on dislflgiiration Includ­ ing ,a red nose that prevented hér from filling an engagement and appearing in public for five weeks. I-’ES DAY, APRIL-27, 1926 ON rent FOR UFF Senate Ratifies Belgium War Debt WASHINGTON, D. C., April 27.— (UP)—The senate late yes­ terday ratified $417,780.000 Belgium debt settlement, the democrats joining with adminis­ tration senators. The vote was 55 for ratification with 20 against it Claims Goat Ate Up All Reciepts COMMITTEE FAVORS NEK SHOALS OFFEI Bid of Southern Power Com panv Gets Anurov&l of • Probing Body Investigation Of WASHINGTON, April 27. —(IP Explosion Starts !_ •The Southern Power company’i RICHMOND, Cal., April 27 — (UP)— Investigation into the terrific blast which yesterday killed four men at the filant powder works, was Instltut ted to- day by Contra Costa authori­ ties. The only facts available are the four mangled bodies. Recklefcs Autöists Not To Be Insured joint bid for a lease of Musch Shoals today was formally accept ed by the special congressiona leasing committee. The joint committee, In a re port to be submitted to boil houses of congress, recommendec that the government’s huge pow er and nitrate project In Alabami *be leased to the 13 affiliated pow er companies In accordance witt their offer. Seven bids had been submitted for the project and the govern- ment has Invested more thaï $100,000,000. CHICAGO, April 27.— In a claim to set aside court judge­ ment for $6600. Joseph McLoed states that the family goat ate NEW YORK. April 27.—A up receipts by which ho could have proved that all moneys due new check on unfit and dang­ to the estate ofUhis creditors, erous automobile drivers was* in­ John B. Mellon, had been paid. stitute,] yestdrday when the Na­ tional Rureau of Casualty and Surety Underwriters announced th*at henceforth Insurance would Because of the general meet not be issued to persons whose ing of the chamber of commerc licenses have been revoked. scheduled for the city coannl chambers tonight, the connfl will meet in the chamber of com merce quarters, said Mayor John son. Several matters of Import SEATTLE, April 27. — (IP) — ance are scheduled to come hi Running wild with a dead man nt for* the council at the specie the wheel, an automobile crashed session. Into a motor truck here and caus­ CHICAGO, 111., April 27.— ed traffic tleup on Elliot Ave. His neck broken In the finale Anard Lukken. 49. was tho of a comic vaudeville skit, autoist who suddenly slumped while the unsuspecting audlenee over dead from a heart attack. laughed Its approval, Ralph Mackensie, an "old-timer” be­ fore the. footlights, died here Direct results of the publicit yesterday. campaign for electric signs a coadacted the past 10 days h the city of Ashland, were toon HOLD PICNIC today in the order of porcelal Between 50 end 60 members steel eigne by the State Bank c PROVIDENCE, R. I.. April 37. ------ One miner was killed and of the Southern Oregon RahbU Ashland and the Claydomb Mota Bot five others were entombed in Breeder's association visited In Company. Ford dealers. an explosion at the Bivins the vicinity of Grants Paas Sun- algae will he here and Install» mine toear here this morning, day inspecting the rabbltrles within the next >0 day«, lag to F. O. ßtrtcklaad. The body of Jesse Wilson, one of that section. They held of the miners, has been recov picnic dinner at Savage Rapids engineer for the trie Siga dam. ered. Council Will Use Chamber Quarter Autoist Dies At Wheel Of Car In Congested Street Broken Neck Is Cause Of Death Two Firms Order Electric Sign One Killed, Fiye Miners Entombed