FAOW THREE , . , } M ethodist Episcopal Church • H. F. Pemberton, Pastor • ' ' North “ Main and * Laurel streets— Morning worship at 11 o’clock. Sermon subject, “The -Fruit of the Spirit.” Evening ^worship at 8, subject, “He Told All That Jesus Did for Him.” The Sunday School meets at 9:4 5 a. m. Classes (or all sorts Of folks, young and old. You will find Bible study prof­ itable here. Epworth League meets at 6:45. The Junior League meets at 4. All children from 8 to 14 are Invited to at­ tend this meetLng. A real prayer meeting every Wed­ nesday evening at 7:30. This is a home-like church. You will enjoy the hours spent here. Excellent music, Christian fel­ lowship, cordial greetings an:l Gospel preaching will make you glad you came. Come as you are. Strangers and visitors es­ pecially welcome. » « » The Church o f the Naxarene Fourth and C streets— Cradle Roll Day has come! Bring all the babies to Sunday School. Picture of each baby to be pre­ sented to the school. The babies program to* begin promptly at »4® a- < Why miss the treat of the day. Preaching service at 11:00 a. m., sermon theme, “Will a Man Rob God?” Young People’s Meeting at 6:15. Como and enjoy an hour with our young people. The evening ser­ vice • tnarkd thè èpentng of the Young People’s Revival. Wo urge all . membeia and friends of the church to back the society In this special effort, and help make this a season of refresh­ ing, a blessing to the whole community. tt a tt First Church o f Christ, HeientUt Pioneer Awe., South__Sunday morning services at 11 (>. m., subject, "Probation.” A fter Death,* Sunday School at 10:00 a. m. Wednesday evening ser­ vice at 8 o'clock. Reading room open dally from 2 to 5 except Sundays and holidays. The pub­ lic is cordially welcomed. First Presbyterian Church J. C. Mergler, Minister Corner N. Main and Ilelman streets-^-Sunday School 9:45 a- m., morning worship 11:00 as m., sermon by the Pastor; theme, “The Exaltation of Christ;’’ Junior C. E, 6:30 p. m„ evening worship 7:30, ser­ mon theme, “The Christianity of the Christ.” ■ Trinity* Episcopal Church ing “nothing fit fo wear.” Come Vicar'the Rev. P. K. Hammond as you are. At the morning Holy communion at 8 a.Pm. worship hour the minister will Church school at 9:45. MornL.^^ speak on the subject, “The Voy­ service and sermon on "Mans; age of Life,’ and again in the Heritage,” at 11. Strangers |r.J evening at 7:45 on "Regenera­ visitors cordially welcome. vNo; tion” or “Is Baptism a Non-ea- sentlal.” The ordinance of Bap­ evening service. tism will be observed at the # tt » Church of Christ close of the evening service. The contest between Ashland Christian Endeavor at 6:45 p. Christian Sunday School and in. that of Klamath Falls wax : .J » » « warm. Last Sunday Klammli Lutheran Misson Falls had 201 present and Asii- H. IL Young. Pastor land 220. Ashland leads for Services in the Adventist the first two Sundays by 11 church, 4th’ and C streets. Di­ _polnta. Next Sunday is “C oidp vine worship Suij5^»y morning nt As You Are Day,” when tlie 11:00 o’clock. Sunday School clothes worn- every day will be at 10:00 o'clock. The public in style from the minister on. is cordially inylted to all ser­ Don’t stay away because of hn> vices. First Congregational Church W. Judson Oldfield, Minister Boulevard and Main street— Sunday school at 9:45 a. m., with classes for all grades and ages. Bring your Bible. Morn­ ing service at 11. Junior Chris­ tian Endeavor at 4 p. m. Chris­ tian Endeavor at 6:45. Eve­ ning service at 7:30. The pub­ lic is cordially invited to all these services in the Congrega­ tional church. delightful for parties or sm added delicacy for any meal. BAKERY EVERYTHING FOR YOUR TABLE LONMN'S HOMELESS NOW LESS NUMEROUS LONDON, (U.P.I— The an­ nual census this year recorded only ldO, of which twenty-four were women. This novel census has been taken every year alnco 1903, when the homeless num­ bered 1797. The census is tak­ en by police and County Coun­ __ LAVOR' is the all-important poin in food. 1« oats it is probably more important than in any other. That is why people who once taste the toasty richness of Quaker Oats are spoiled thereafter for all others. Quaker flavor is unique, toasty and delightful. No other oats offers it to you. Some 50 years were speni perfecting it. Quaker milling, too, retains much o f the "bulk” o f oats. And that makes laxatives less often needed. Protein, carbohydrates, and vitamines andthif “bulk” are thus com bined to make Quaker Oats an excellently balance« ration. For your own sake, say "Quaker’ when buying oats. Two kinds nt>w a! groceries: Quick Quaker (cooks in 3 to 5 m inutes) and Quaker Oats as aiv.ay?. We have just received another Truck Load of the Famous Bend Potatoes and can supply you with either Netted d? A O C Gems or Burbanks at an exceptional! low price, per cwt. C H EESE American Beauty Shrimp, 2 cans ....................... .............................. 25c Karo Syrup (Dark) 10 Pound Pail .............. ........ ..................68c Snowdrift Shortening, 4 Pound Pail ................................................ 90c Oests Jelly — All Flavors — Per G la ss.......................................... .10c FRESH VEGETABLES OF ALL KINDS_______ The GEM GROCERY ............25c Pay Cash And Pay Less At The WIMEB BLDG. PLAZA We earn* a complete Rtock of groceries. No need to shop around — we have every thing you need — and two daily deliveries insure prompt service. ............35c ............35c ........... 25c Green Peas — 2 Pounds ......................... New Potatoes — 2 P o u n d s..................... Green String Beans- Per P o u n d ............ Strawberries, Per B o x ................ . - ......... Asparagus, 2 P o u n d s.............. .............. Fould’s Products — Special offer with Aluminum Cooker. Quaker Oats 1 Featherflake (Best Hardwheat) Flour, 49 pound S a c k ................. $2.19 Sperry — Corn Meal — 9 Pound Sack ............................................ 35c Crown—Coarse or fine Graham, 10 pound s a c k ..........; .....................50c Diamond Crystal Table Salt—25c sack ................. ...........................18c Tru Blu Graham Crackers, 4 1-2 pound b o x .....................................78c Tru Blu Chocolate Eclairs (Extra Fresh) per p ou n d ..................... 25c Cottage — Phoenix — Pimento F Advertise In The Tidings Nice Ripe Bananas, 3 Pounds . THE EAGLE MARKET WE DELIVER T he only quick-cooking oats w ith this flavor is “Quick Quaker” writers seeking material on the sadder sides of > life, dreamers and philosophers. During the later years of the war the Embankment began to lose Its picturesque character, but Instead of passing it has In recent years revived, and after midnight the shadows now carry much the same story that the Embankment has told for many generations. S P E C IA L S All Other Choice Meats Look First cil officials during a .^rtain night, and Is a helpful index for relief measures. The grim shadows of.the Em­ bankment still draw most of the homeless. On the night of the cenuss most of the -seats along the right bank of the riv­ er from Blackfrlars Bridge to Westminster Bridge were occu­ pied by desolate men and wom­ en. Here the police do not dis­ turb them, and the famous dis­ trict likewise continues to attract SATURDAY HAMS AND BACONS that will certainly please you. » » « French Pastry FRANKLIN U ip tist Church ?Myron S. Woodworth; Pastor Sabbath School, >145, preach- g 11:00, Jr. b : X.‘ 4:00. Sf. . Y. 6:30, preaching 7:30. ,pecial— Next Tuesday and Wednesday » we meet at Grants Vass- in our annual associated meeting. It is hoped a largo delegation will attenij- If Im­ possible to SATURDAY O N LY -ä u g a r-B cst P A H Cane at $6 J 5 100 Poonds. 'Blend’s Aah ..... 9riei ‘ BLlNn? inJIl-Pwpose Jtpur 20th CENTURY GRI 374 I . Main St.