“I. THURSDAY, Apri, aa, 1930 T rip Ltosal ■ Personal flottés to M sötyrö— J ' Gold Beach —- State will contract for Pistol River hunter’s Creek bridges. 'Mike, Wolcott « visited t tríelas in • Me' ’ Junlor High Parent-Teachers* >od Sale, Saturday, April 24th Hardys store. ' 196-3 Visiting In Ashland— , ..B ig M illinery Sale grove’s. Risai bargains summer millinery i Mrs. E. Bowerman. of Talent In Laraway store building. A sh ­ Installing Plant— * * Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Hqlmgren and Harry Anderson, of Port­ • Brittle« and Taffies always land, have roopis at the Barber fresh at Csndyland. Apartments on Granite street while Messrs Holmgren and Artstyle candy, metal pack­ Anderson are Installing the age, fpr Mother’s Day— MeNair steam heating plant at the new Bros. Young peoples revival coming. 191-tf COUGHS—4 Visiting In A s h la n d - Mr. and Mrs. George .Webber of Eugene, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Brown yesterday. Mr. gad Mrs. Webber are for­ mer Ashland residents. Don’t forget to visit the Ash land Nat. . For Mothers’ Day—The best expression of your thoughtful n#M— your photograph, studio . . Among the guests at the Hotel A s h la n d - Ashland. Frank Pofanti, Malone, N. Oh! Mamma, buy me another C. W. McCormack and 1 one of Parker's Delicious Pop- Portland; W. y . McCorm Corn Crlspettes. 191-tf PorUand; Mr. and Mrs. M Garrett, Portland; R. B. Fe son, Portland; W. c. Mite Working on New N orm al- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Walsh Portland; Mr. R. s, Sw« of Protiand, hafe rooms at tbe Los Angeles; Mrs. A. N. Sw« Barber Apartments while 'Mr. Tacoma; L. O. Todd, Wes Walsh, and his assistant, Ken­ will«. Cal.; Mr. and Mra.' « neth Wecktor, of Salem, are In­ Portland; Jack Ross. P orti stalling the decorative tile in Alaska— the new normal school build­ Marcels—81.00. Vanity Shoppe. ing. m Leer of Allison Phone 108. 174.u •ft this morning for Conklin Fountain Pens— El where he has accepted harta. liai position with the •im corporation. His Taxes can be paid at City will remain in Ashland Hall updtalrs, heginnng Thurs­ Finishing Tonight day, Aprl 22nd, until May 6. Be sure and bring last year’s tax Among the Guests at the lAtlila Springs Hotel— receipt. , V. E. Vandre, San Francisco; • O. Winter, Deputy Tax Col­ lector. *• 19K.1O R. Hammond, ffoattle; H. W. Oreenace. Chicago; F. P. Do­ land and wife, San Francisco; Mrs. W. A McLeod, St. Paul with Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Scott, Sac­ Minn.; Herman Allen, Los An- RICHARD DIX ramento; R. 'Shaw, Alameda; geles; c. J. Johnson, Oakland; LOIS WILSON A. Hawkins, Alameda ;E. Cole, B. O. West New York; B. J. Alameda; A'. t n B ea u tifu l New Spring « Screen WiidoW Materials Wall Paper Designi Bend — Walker & Sons putting in complete factory, to make 20 194tf kinds of wooden orts hla mother and crippled father and goes to night school. spend 825,000, Improving leased ■Lutach. Don’t lhvest until you Every day from 11 to I at The seen our splendid lin e. of Plasa Confectionery. 162-tf for graduation. Paulserul's. land today. Some i busy forger ■ around, Medford 4a fqrging ¡the name of R{. IL Gore,’.'to- spurious, check» on the ,Flrst National LOST— Black enameled fish, Bank' of Medford and has suc-' g rod. Phone 218-R. 197-2 fleeded fi® «ettlnng some of them Mated,t 4cco>diqg ) to -word re­ ceived thia mornlnng by Chief of Police McNabb. ’ The forger •' is said to have the checks made • out to Holt,” which ip ’ WANTED-r-Twp men w |e will (work. Apply at Box Factory fur -work In the woods. 197-2 . ed by the p< Jookout for FOR SALE-—Cafe and rooms, and to noti| (tying fine, business. Wll sacr- ’tartmêni lfv tlce for quick sale. »100 cash ¡attempt tonfai will handle, phone 429. 197-3* Harry A. - Milas, San- Fran­ cisco;. G. ^..Pm an, .Sacramento; peorge Thornton, Rosebujg;, L. V. King-, Portland; Charles X. Dunn, Portland; Roy Bureen, Roseburg; O? F. tttybel, Rose­ burg; wf W. Miller, Roseburg; G. F. Bradshaw, Portland; E. D. ,Mra.} Etnipa poWpiqgj of Mrs. George Barnum and Denver, I Colorado, is bepe'vis­ Mrs. Janies (Cleland of Medford iting vhir court*, ’Mrs. jv. M. spent the day in Ashland vis­ Barber at 163 Granite street. iting Mrs. pat Daily. * T iy o w r w as a business > , Left For Portland— Miss Myrta Oïterdale, loft We pay caah for eggs. Anh­ thl smornlng for Portland to bo land Fruit and .Producè Aaa’n. gone several days on business. 192-13 . . ..V isitin g M te Atyet ^Murdoch ' T "'- Ju st Received Screen Paints J. O. RIGG ASHLAND LUMBER COMPANY 384 Ogk St. Aqroäs 3 . B. Tracks Paints and W all Paper Phone 20 with Porch Boxes Hanging Baskets Porch Tubs we have time to fill them for you now. A fall stock of Spring Budding Plants ASHLAND FLOWER SHOP Phones 1 4 8 or 120 Summer Comfort ¡3 assured if you have elec­ trical appliances— Does your furniture look somber, your floors and doors dull? Rem ­ edy this condition w ith O-Cedar. 'ust a little on a damp d o th fol- owed 'up w ith a dry one and all woodwork is first protected, then b e a u tifie d . It 's tn e last lo v in g touch after hosiserIranlng. ! Toasters Ranges Percolators Irons and many other useful ilectrical appliances which will lesson the burden of summer household work. ' The Ashland Electric Shop 346 E. Main Street Cleans ax it Polishes A sm art 3 - button coat for men. Tailored in many sm art fabrics for the man who likes a quiet note in his clothes. We price it eon and eoc Choice Netted Gem potatoes, 84 per, lOOlbs.— Ashland Fruit and Produce Ann. 196-3 Dainty W e w a n t YOU to co m p a re Summer Frocks •Cleaned Dry - cleaning will not in­ jure the most delicate col­ oni or fabrics. Standard. Geaners Phone 108 Wo Deliver YoBjIl1 fiee -*■ twinkling toee find baldhead rows— shoulders and shining , motor« — baby eyte. .with “ M y’s ” and “ W hy’s t ” — Lovely lad­ le« «fid Charleston babies T here'isn’t a reason in the world why you shouldn’t look around be­ fore you buy a suit of clothes . ...<. in fact, we honestly bqljeve.you should. When you come here take time to try on as many coats as you like — study the fit- compare the fabrics and the tailoring. Frankly, we believe you’ll agree th at the new Spring models by Clothcraft are the sm artest y o u ’ve flee. And — there’s a guarantee in the pocket —rthey ’ll stand up under long wear. perfectly and flawlessly. We will be glad to call for and deliver your work. Ashland Cleaning and Dyeing Werke 35 F irst St. Phone 63 Cards and Gifts for Mother’s Day You will find our line of gifts different. CLOTHCRAFT ' We. now have the nationally advertised GIBSON REFRIGERATORS which we consider the best refrigerator ón the mar-^ ket. If you need a refrigerator.<>r are not getting proper service from your old one, buy the GIBSON. There i» a complete line to choose from—all sixes, ali prices. Regardless Vrf the **ne you buy you can ex- pèet great service from it. * The (HBSON will save you money because it wil^ tae p yoqr £ood bettonl Fourteen walls of insulation in every model, there­ fore economy in U|e ¿rèe of feAj /j | JH ’ H i)/ ftorfinn Stùdio & Art Store 044, JPOBTRAITS-THAT PLEASE -’ 1 Tailored Clothes ’25 to ’45