f urn-! Ish e d f sparirne**. 21 Laurel Bt, ’ ‘ . • ' ■ ' ’ ‘ ‘ lie -tf FOCI B W 7 M 4 U » «hrugg •n Wlnhurn Way. inquire -22J o u atrtKi ; «< -< « BtogM agd «toeptog roopie, U ^ t o A pts.. 35 S. Second street. OMee nsMM I S M . . Room s A and * . F irst National Bank Bldg. ' OfMce Hours, 19 to l ì Koon; Ì to B p. m.; 7 to F Q B H U IT — F u m ilh a g fern su d apartm ents, ReaaOM by m onth or weak. OalL l i i , ItobdMan and Surgeon . , Office Phone ADM . H om e Phone 1C4-L O M e e b o a ss, 4 9 to IS A. M. ; 2 to I P. MÌ; 7 to 4 evenings. — Cltisans Bank Building. HOME HKKKKR— N lce iìtHe DR. feRÑKST A . WOODS— P rac­ tice lim ited to eye, qar, nose and throat— X -rey Including teeth. Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 to I, dw edenburg Bldg., Ash­ land, Oregon. POR SALE— Cheap, Goats.—fT L. PuhHam, Rputa t , . Box 103 Ç. ELM OON SHINN Ashland. J lìf-4 * Prerilrrt home on Pacific hlghw ay near T atari. P leaty di fcrrtasttoa 7 U ter. La A we».' Reasonably'pricntL A. B. Qoods, R. i l t Talent. 1993«, MB Ottfc&am'ttbk Bldg. ffilB Barred Mark hatching eggs, flood' lairtoY' dthfrt.' 1401 Boulevard. 194-2* FOR HAL*— A splendid 'city. 4 1-2 acre, creek bottom, free paint and Water eight w ith buildings.: Beau­ tiful view ; o f s^rrogridlng jg fv n - teipa, ll.OOff. Jf. .lacker, 4138 Laurel Ave.i Oakland, ¿air « * ' T i t . • 194-tf FOR 8 A LB— 10 {-» acres* on Dealers to, C oal. W ood, Packing, N«U Creek or trade* for larger Cratiag and Storage. L o n g d is t­ place. 1 L-2 acres strawberrtec, ance trucktog. tanflly orchard, balance alfalfa. L- FQgyESPv-^Senergl Traas- Gogd 5-rpom house, barn aa4 fpr — Good team and motor eagbuildlngs. P lenty o f w ab y, trgcks. Good survies at a rear- lo ts of shade. R oute 1, Bex. sonable price. Phone 82. t t | . A ah lta d ' / Ito M ROR SALK My Stud^gAur, agial «to sedan, apply Ratot FOR SALE— MUk cows. Ad 'sns Sum m it Ranch, S lfc iy o tt., 493-8« • By 8- A? BAKER (U ntfe« Frees Staff Correspon­ dent.)' ' DALLAS, Texes, April, 1 A _ (U .P .)— H ysteria in adult* is l»r»«ly du e to the ladulgeBce of fb * d ' parents in allow ing the youngster to desire its goal by "throwing < tantrum" Dr.' • M. 9. Gregory told his aaedciate'4 >n the seventy-seventh annual . onrwntlen of the American Medi­ an! AHapiatiop here today. “I t the baby gets what it wants by a tantrum it w ill react when grown up in the same manner— a condition the indi­ vidual cannot control," * Dr. Gregory said. “If the child has been trained to meet reality, (hen as an adult, he or she H e w ace u pan of fvH w t» u e iv r» »T o n y Lsserri end B ute K m -M «*« Yunkei— . L izze ri w hs . the hume ru e kins ,,t ih r ( » mbu « will m eet reality and remain luut <<•:(«••»• He «inM^hed uut ««• çtrvulUclouta .'Ryth a * y»»u km .w. ha» well." b-Vú Ola to lta li of 9 * a l lu theWliaJor» » im »rv - m l —»». him . Mi IM2I Hr Pointed statem ents from ether (u ru n . ui iS ihwMWre. the Ws hfvpue »ry,ir,l la iu tri i and U v 1* speakers on the opening program * fv n u a fviu.lSuble tw li tu» ili» V«nga. of the eight scientific sections of the association which got un­ der way today , bore out the oft-repeated admonition — s e , the physician fitrat. Infections of the eyes oft-' times are the “kickbacks" from infections and diseased sections elsewhere on the body, eye spe­ cialists pointed out. Irritation of an Infected area drives the harmful germ into the blood and it is carried to the eye tiaeue^. Injection of chem icals and dye substances Into the veins to combat bolls, abceaaes and sim ilar growths has benefltod hundreds of patients* Dr. Hugh Young of Baltim ore told the surgical section. High blood pressure may be successfully coq)batted .b y the injection of a liver extract pre­ pared from fresh liver tlsuoes and purified, according to Dr. The Dealer who carries Fuller Punts A. A. Jam es end associates in A is a reliable merchant with an estab' the Pharm acology and Therapeu­ tics division. Oa the other hand. lished position in the community. His Patoteru a n < Beeoantors Paper H anging — Tinting a Specialty. ■ stim ates gladly furnished. Phons .08 l# « t f service to ¿he you paint is pn he a sells. par with the quality of You can ¡ These Dealers Sell Feller Paints and Famishes v t o m a s r s transfbr Ptmaa 4 1 0 DffS B St. |O R SALK OR TRADE— ÌO Drayuge, storage and lang dist­ 40-tf h ead . Of horses, 1250 lbs., to ance hauling. 1*0« lbs. Young,, souhfl and) well Vrcfce. Guaranteed as represent­ ed- Can he seen after April 12. at 234 Mt. A va.' Phode 2B1-Y. , 1*8-1 WH.» W . P. P U L L E R V C O .160 «ONT m u r « r a a n ju » AeiMk>kiMaM(6(CM«CkMi ' Kl«n<> l a IA N rSANCISCe - U M ANGKUZ , r o iT L A OSHhsai sTPatow m A. PaeMr C mn F ob SALK— 3 burner ptote, 111 North Main St. FOR SALK— Five-roOni , koqjsh, hag light and w ater, fruit hod Mrnies. -Vicinity Normal school. P ta n e evenings 217-R . ' 1 177-1 ma.« ‘ koRT SA LH -^Just 6 m o r e 'o f -UoqimBnictoe' w ith Ensign Lee o f the Salvation Army at the -W hite sh ield Home, 505 May- h iv Ave., Portland, Oregon. H ELP THEM TODAY P. M. P latte, Secy., Sw itch- . men’s Union, Peoria, I1L. talks: , "Two bottles of Foley P ills re­ moved all sym ptom s o f my ney trouble, stopping backache and pains, dizziness and floating specks, correcting irregular kid­ ney action, clearing secretions. Foley P ills have my heartiest recom m endation.” Months of dold and damp w eather put a heavy strain on the kidneys. iiHelp them today w ith Foley P ills. No m ore backaches, dull headaches, dlsalness, jtlred-^ut feeling. A quick improvement w ill am ply repay you. Ask your druggist for F oley P ills. Sold everywhere. No. S ask him for information with the assurance that he knows what he is talking about and that his suggestions will be practical and to the point. When you need paint or information on paint—go to your Fuller Dealer— the one nearest you is listed below. Ask him for the Fuller Booklets. • 77 IMBURA TEAS» XXPBKlgNCE— TOUS ASSDRANCX OF FV L L E t QUALI TV Household Effect* When you buy furniture, rugs,tableware and house­ hold equipment, you make an investment on which you expect returns in ser­ vice for years to come. Are you insured against loss on this investment as a result of Are. PAINTS B FIOHIBR thdbe fide bufldfcg A taáW p to - eat tlMu *prfon; J 3JMdi««Wth* bf Ntofmal. Phone 452-J. WH k MHMORIALS Mark every grave with crystal blge gray, and aveid Me. rush. 8. TENNISTÓN, Manager MISCELLANEOUS 17S E ast Mata . 2 -------------- e w ill (personally train three Bientloqs men or w om e< to represent Oregon's largest Mu­ tual Savings and Laoa Aasoeia- t t a r Our aelectod semrsdentotive regsive good flaanstol retnrps. Tefritory in southern Oregon. M S*e your start wow by ad- - RALPH P . COWGILL drqssing Taylor Robinson, 407 C andidas fo r the Republican I. N ew ton SL, Medford,' ,O»w. Bomlnation for s t a t e s e n a t o r . a * 195 T nes.-Fh.« •u|Je«t to the May 2 Jst. primaries. PANTER T - » W oman t o d o •• |sq work, sm all fam ily, reas- f" ible wages. Phon« 430R. 7 p. I . 1A M * I 1 itrSL Ù n^X fëpâtrtofl^PAtotlng^ £ Political Announcements itab. 1122 at i l B. Main St. eal Estate A Real Inaurane P h o n e 'S il w oold tead to ward a f f n effects. - v i f* i « The high mortoAwrato taMMfcr 4e«ferMg' reivit«« We M«ya ciiMe b**«* par sent «*' the o m w to ties result because thp grf| has wgtled 0 # a nbyafclau a * l 'ondsoffn • » «ration, Euttermftg'daetpred, also pointed out th a t sixty per rant of the career ffgM W E LOVE IN THE H E R B ftW BftfcNÛ» AND DANCE HUM* A W u O M tt'S i PICTUB TRAVEL BY MOTOR STAGE! SÄTE - 9B0M PT - GLEAN — COMFORTABLE TWO THROUGH STAGES DAILY - EFFECTIVE APRIL 1ST To PartfcuMk buriag Ashland at 7:00 A. M. and 10:50 >. M. 1 Day Trip Ab» leames Ashland at 4.15 P. K. for Roseburg, connecting ‘ TeUdwing morning to Portland We, take pasgengprs for pH way points, For further information and tickets call Ashland Hotel* Telephone 47. PA R I ABHUM D - PORTLAND, $8.20 Direct Connectioil8at Bo^hurg for Cons Bay Points. ------— ---------------."w Y -jd Portjnad jus. Seattle and Vancouver, B. C A n E lectric S ig n Brings B u sin e ss It attracts the eye of everybody in the crowd and as a trade magnet proves its worth in increased cash register receipts. A Federal Sign lights up your store front and broadens your zone of trade. It will imprint on the mind of the public, your,name, • k. » your business and your location. * z , Special Offer The Federal Sign represeritative is with us now. Our’Ñew Constant p r * " Potential t- j lir ir o Helpatl H Is W fT J- ¡ Battery Charger Is Working J (mf (We 'tre enabled to quoto IttoV prient». ; iM U ry MdohATf*. .$1.00 BsMery 0 w h a r f - -KM» All other ^eprfre at ed aoliedule. > »* tii lng, cem ent work. Day or con- tr tt. Blackw ell, IT5 E lisabeth. PU »ne 359L. 1 9 * 1 ,/I 9 5 - l Red Pepper Ruk takes the “ouch e, w ith large lot, good var­ from sore, stiff, aching joints. • It ran not hurt yon, and it certainly stops ths o i frujts, tor sm all house t lo t Ih Portland..'- For par­ la n . ca ll a t *« Laurel. ....... lil-tf lT M a & ' XL ELECTRIC Station .¿».n iRTw.lsh.d peuadi, and - f* * * Electric Ì^ lìW Brfur Service imyour Factory. Phone for full information about our 12 m onth^t? '* ''1 jilJL*. Dnuftrt** tUamJk <»0PM 9A 2i * a -» yw»U»4no»»i* " » * « t Guy Good, s m y da p ............