ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS Ii'oeal ■ P e r s o n a l flo te s J. R. Robertson 111— J. W. Robertson of- Stockton. Cal., la In Ashland helping to take care ot his father J. R. Robert­ son of Almond qtreet, who is ill with pneumonia. BUILDING, repairing, painting,’ tinting, cement work. Day’or coo-. I tract. Blackwell, 616 Elizabeth. Phone 359L. 195rI Tennis balls and rackets at McNair Bros. Over from Hilt— Mrs. Martha Anderson was over Madden soils protected tires. from Hilt Sunday ahd spent the daykwith Mrs. George Icenhower, Ill— ' j • returning yesterday morning. John Hollenbeck, linotype oper­ ator for the Tidings office, was Typewriters repaired— Elharts taken to the Sacred Heart hos­ pital at Medford this morning. The Od(f Fellows and Rebekahs Kpant day in P nrk^ The L. F. Roat family, Allen Mother’s Day greeting cards, of Southern Oregon will observe the One Hundred and Seventh Brown family, Mrs. George Lutz McNair Bros. Anniversary of Odd Fellowship and Mrs. Everett Bradford, mo­ ia America at Grants Pass on tored up from Grants Pass Sun­ Ixft for Dunsmuir— Mrs. Elwood Hcdberg, and son, April 26. A basket dinner in day and spent the day in the park. Elwood Jr., Mrs. Alec Livingston, the grove at noon. Meeting of Typewriters for rent— Elharts Mrs. W. J. Wallace and Mru? Southern Oregon Odd Fellows’ Robert Herrin and baby, drove Association at 2 p. nr, and a to Dunsmuir this morning. Mrs. fine program at 8 p. m., followed W. C. T. F. to Meet— The county W. C. T. U. will Hedberg will visit her parent1, by a ball, constitutes an outllno for the occasion. lS8-tf meet at the Baptist church in Mr. and-Mrs. C. R. D. Jonos. Medford next Thursday afternoon at 1:30 p. m. for a legislative Try a French paper curl. Malt* (’«iiduanCrry No. 4 session. Among the speakers will Lithla Hotel Beauty Parlor 195tf Jim Lyon, held in the Norwalk (0 .) jail on charges Af Knights Templar be J. J. Crossley, a candidate for first degree murder, and reputed to be a dangerous two- the republican nomination for U. Visiting Son— Masonic Hall • i S. Senator. __ G. H. Hersey, who has been gun man, picked the loek in his cell and walked out of living In Southern California for jail the other morning. Posses hunted for him without ated conclave, Wednesday Lithla Hotel Beauty Parler. the past few years, Is In Ashland success. Then, at evening, lie walked hack and surrend­ Ing. ApAl IT; Routine busi- Room 218. Phone 610. 185-tf visiting his son, James H. Hersey. ered to Lucille Gregory, daughter of the sheriff- as shown aad Teigple ’degree. A’l Mr. Hersey was a former Ashland above. He had stepped out to see his wife, he said, and Knights courteously Invited. Homo Over Week-End — resident. D. H. JACKSON, B. C. having seen her thought h e ’d come back. MI bs Francis Pratt, a student H. DAY. Recorder. at the Oregon Agricultural College Brlttles and Taffies always spent the week-end la Ashland fresh at Candyland. The High School ball team will visiting hér parents, Mr. and Mrs. Shrine Entertainment play at Grants Pass Saturday Our specialty. Quality Por The second la the series of Carol Pratt on North Main street. afternoon. traits. Stadio Ashland. several Shrine activities, will be Take a refreshing swim at the given at the Redfoed Nat., Wed­ nesday evening. 'April 21, at 9 Ashland Nat. ? • Among the guests at the Hotel o’clock. Attractions, Dance and A shland - Get your window screens and Vaudeville. All Shriners, Masons, Mr. and Mrs. 3. Oraff, {San PORTLAND, Ore., April 20— NEW SHIPM ENT DeMolays »and their ladies arc screen doors at Jordan Sash and Diego; L. M. Otto, - Oakland; (Special)—A majority of logging 194tf. James A. Griffith, San Francisco; cordially Invited to the first of Cabinet Works. camps and sawmills in the fir ' Shirley Graham, Portland; F. D. the Shrine dances. ’ districts of the Pacific Slope arc Purvell, Seattle; E. Doody, San r—1 1 '* i - Elizabeth IxM-alne J o rgen sen .■ , i now operating at close to aver­ Francisco; Robby Carter-, San ■ r . la n d age schedules us compared with V isitin e In Portland— E xtra Values Francisco; H. Schmall and wife Mr*. W. D. Booth of this elty • Elizabeth Loraine Jorgeqsen, and daughter, San Francisco; J. the past three years, according tMrteert day old tally daughter of to the 4L employment letter Is­ Is visiting in Portland -for a' tew Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Jorgensen, E. Rapker, Portland; H. Davis, sued here today. The letter stated weeks. died at two p. m. yesterday. Fun­ Los Angeles; A. R. Frazier, Port­ that although fallers and buck-| eral services were held this after­ land; E. L. Gordon, Portland; O. ers have been laid off at a Am leaving for Los Angeles noon at 2:80 from the residence, S. Betts, Portland. number of fir camps, actual log­ Genuine leather handbags Interment was inside of the next few days', de­ 913 Boulevard. Hot sulphur tub baths, day ging Is continuing at practically in envelope and pouch sire one or more passengers to In the Mountain View cemetery. all major operations. styles, in large and med­ share, expenses. W. Kielhofer, Burial was In charge of H. C. or night, Jackson Hot Springs. Summer woods work fto the Route 2 care of Wyrick. 195-1* Stock Funeral Directors. pine districts east of the Cas­ ium sizes, both are popular Returned from Eugene— cades is gradually being Increased this season. All have coin Taxes can be paid at City Mrs. Helen Murphy returned We pay cash for eggs. Ash The total number of men employ-- land Fruit and Produce Ass’n. Hall upstairs, beglnnng Thurs­ from Eugene last evening, where ed at pine sawmills this spring purses and mirrors. . l»2-i: day, Aprl 22nd, until May 5. she has spent the past week. is less than, that of a year ago; Be sure and bring last year's tax several extra shifts which were Of goat morocco and shoe Try our 60c Merchants' Lunch, Former Realdente— i receipt. in operation last year are not calf in Capri blue, russet- O. Winter, Deputy Tax Col­ Every day from 11 to 2 at The Mr. and Mrs. Richey were over now active. 162-tf 196-10. Plaza Confectionery. from Klamath Falls 8unday. Mr.1 lector. Copenhagen, green, tan, All kinds of building and con­ Richey was formerly In the In­ struction work, both east and brown, black and gray. surance business in Ashland. Parkers Crlspettes sure are Returned from South— Mrs. J. H. McGee returned from west of the Cascades, is very Silk moire lined and with delicious and they are for aile 189-tf Oakland last evening, where she active and compares favorably l o n g ClUf Payne makes sash door*. everywhere. a n d adjustable has spent the past three weeks. with last year at this time. handles. Spring work in agricultural lines Don’t Invest .until you have From Talent— is advanced from two to four Marcels— 11.00. Vanity Shopne seen onr splendid line of suits• Charlie Stevens of Talent was a weeks ahead of normal. 174-tl for graduation. Paulserul'a. ^business visitor In Ashland to- Phone 103. There is at present not much l»4tf'day. enforced idleness In asy district Business Visitor— J. W. Frazier of Grants Pass of the Pacific Northwest, the 4L was a business visitor in Ashland letter Indicated. today. ODD FELLOW AjCTItWES Watch this space every day. Regular Mectl-igs Subordinate every Thursday. Encampment, 1st and 3rd Tues­ days. Rebekahs, 2nd and 4th Tuesdays. 150-tf Fine Leather Bags Madden retreads tires. f THE THEATER BEAUTIFUL ■ ' . , 6 • ^ 1 TODAY V- TOMORROW — TH U R S D A Y ZANE IR E n 63-tf Among the gneets at the Columbia hotel are— E. D. Smith, Roseburg; Mrs. J. H. Fuebaugh, Oakland; W. W. Miller, Roseburg; Mrs. J. M. Bak­ er and boys, Portland; E. 8. Kramer, Portland. x Are you Paulserud’s hard to suits. fit? The screen’s mighty tribute to the American In­ dian, first lord of the western continent — showing the parade of civilization from the first man and his mate down to the modern Indian. —the Red Man’s gradual eclipse liefere the irresistible sweep of white civilization. For high grade tailoring eoe Orrea tallon upatalra. 142-tf All against the gorgeous lmekground of the chasms and gorges of northern Arizona. Even Zane Grey’s master)’ of language could do scant justice to these awe-inspiring scenes. W ith a cast of 10,000 Indians and 100 principals, "The Vanishing American” is the final epic of the fnst-dis- appearing Red Man. j ' j ' - ' ....... * 'ADMISSION A d u lt* .,.. . . . . . . ,: ...6 0 e OhiMwn ....................1 0 c The Quality Store 8. C. Hoitaman, Chico; Mra. L. Frederickson, Seattle; Mr. and Mra. C. A. Coggins, and party. Berkeley; H. L. Flnhal and wife, Sacramento; H. L. Crenshaw and Wife, Sacramento. WANTED: — To do housework, more, for home than wages. Call 585 East Main. • 195-3* .FOUND—rMoes agate pin, Owner may have same by paying for ad. Tidings office. 195-1 We will personally train three conscientious men or women to represent Oregon’s largest Mu­ tual Savings and Laon Associa­ tion. Our selected representative receive good financial returns-. Territory in southern Oregon. Make your start now by ad­ dressing Taylor Robinson, 407 8. Newton St., Medford, Ore. 195 Tues.-Fri.» tor will tell you there are none better. Made of the finest m aterials and guaranteed non-shrink- ahle. I W h ere Y our D ollar h as Move C ents Summer Comfort is assured if you have elec­ trical appliances— Toasters Ranges Percolators Irons Gifts and many other useful ilectrical appliances which will lesson the burden of summer household work. The Ashland Electric Shop CD o th e r ON MOTHER’S DAY Many beautiful gifts are being shown to send to Mother at ELHARTS BOOK STORE 346 E. Main Street D O N ’T H I S S T H E Old Fiddlers Reunion and Contest Admission To All — 50c U U ash G oods A For Springtime Dress-Making RAYSHEEN j r'$1.00 gRllVfy t)- — --- — This is a heavy weight Rayon Silk Fabric in now Patterns, Plaids and Stripe«. ENGLISH BROADCLOTH Young peoples revival coming. . 19J-tf the gneata at the Hotel — Laying hens. Brooder, Phone 195-3* OLD FASHIONED DANCE AFTER CONTESTS r ~ ------ Mra. George Wallace returned to Central Point after a week ■pent ia Ashland visiting her brother, Will Moor on Helman gtreet. FOR WALK also Electric 335-L. Before the Stork comes to a ., your house, gel acquainted with Vanta Baby Garments th at enable you to dress Baby without a single pin or button. We have the complete lino and your doc­ Armory Thursday, April 22nd E. R. Isaac & Co to Hilt and Hornbrook today. R etu rn ed to Homo— FOR SALE — Ry Studpbaker special six sedan, apply Hotel Ashland. 195-3t Ftht H^IJEt -J— Horse, harness and spring w agon./280 Liberty. 195-2* UNDER AUSPICES AMERICAN LEGION Try 194tf Among the guests at the Lithla Springs hot«* are— Frank H. Porter, Seattle; Mr. and Mra. J. W. Duncon, Victoria, ’B. C.; F. E. Blaster, Corvallis; G. 8, .Yerby, Portland; A. E. Razer, Seattle; D. A. Johnson and wife, Beattie; H. A. Heavens, Seattle; L. H. Christensen and wife, San Francisco; Miss F. E. Gillespie, Ban Francisco; W. H. Ballenger, Portland; D. B. Hamar, Portland;' A. O. Byler, Aatorla. —his final stand in the barren wnstse of the far west— his re tre a t into the desert fa stn e ss marked by a tra il of blood— Advertise In The Tidings. WANTED : — Woman to do house work, small family, reas­ onable wageB. Phone 430R. 7 p. m. 190-3* 36 inches wide in new Printed, Striped Patterns, guaranteed fast colors. ** LAVALIERE PRINTED VOILE A » * N • Yard BO bb L ’ t J Come in new printed Patterns, large designs, aimi lar to Georgette Crepe. USE BUWER1CK PATTERNS ( It I rniuersatg -1 Continues A ll This Week s a lei * * A SALE THAT IS BRINGING RESPONSIVE BUYING BY THRIFTY SHOPPERS. 16TH ANNIVERARY