4 » W* By R IC H A R D C. W ILSON (United Press R ^ ff Correspon dent.) LINCOLN, Neb., April 20— (U .E .)— The right of a maaicl- pallty to enter retail business ia direct price competition with p r i­ vately owned companies w ill be fought out before the Nebraska supreme court thia week. Lincoln, which has enjoyed lower retoil gasoline prices than any other city In the country for the past two years as a result of the municipality owned gaso­ line filling station, will defend its constitutional right to Re­ main in business. Suit to close A Surprise for Mrs. Spurlinfi So changed were the floors that Mrs. Spurting, back from • w eek’s visit to the city, could hardly believe it was her own house. Jim had had Frank Lovejoy, the painter, get busy with Acme Quality Floor Paint and Varnish. ' The floors were refinished and beau­ tified. In fact, all the Wood­ work smiled a welconfe. And Mrs. S. said if a week and a little Acme Quality could make such a differ­ ence, she’d go away again and a s/ come back fo r a - month. ACME QUALITY Paint-Wartilth e the municipal * station < brought by the Standar Company. The question brought up by the oil company involve* the moral and constitutional right of a City to enter private busi­ ness and compete w ith privately owned firms. The city gasoline station wan opened to combat high gasoline prices. By selling a t practically cost, the municipal station forced fillin g stations of the city to meet the competing , price Whereas gasoline form erly sold for about 23 to 23 cents a gal­ lon. the general price today is 17 to 18 cento a gallon. This price is said to be lower than that of retail filling stations 4n the oil fields of »Oklahoma. A t the earns time the voters of Lincoln voted to open gaso­ line stations, they agree to op­ erate a coal yard, which retails coal at cost prices. A fte r a bitter court battle against the cial companies,* the city won the right to operate its owir coal yard. This Flavor alone will satisfy you in quick cooking oats . —“Quaker” flavor T N Q U IC K Q U A K E R -< h e world*. JL faitest hot Tneak fast— th i famous toasty flavor o f the real Quaker O at. has been retained. » That, to you, ia important; for flavor i . the big point, alter all, ia food. «. No other brand has that flavor. It took Quaker Oats experts years to attain it, and, at the same time, give yon 13. t a 4 minute cooking. carbohydrate., and vitam ine. and this ‘■bulk’’ are thus combined io making Quaker Oats an excellently balanced food. That is why, in 'uick oooxing oat« in the regular, the important point o million» js to see the picture of a Quaker on the package of Oats that they buy ’ » • • , Quick Quaker Liberal* Win« ' \ I I complete J. 6 . Maupin has en elected mayot a t IIM town ef Q arertet, Mo., afte r a contest in whioh tbs religious views Of himself and bis opponent, L. P. Peterman, wsre the chief issue M a n waa opposed by the fundam ental Of the to w / because of his Ith «mJ interpretation of Certain Blbllto) passage«. but he wob by t i l voted the tafte K Canadian fek%ory, depleting the times of the Indian and the French-Canadian settlements of many years ago w ill be offered In pageant. The French society', S t , j e a n Baptiste, the Caledon­ This Acme Quality Paint epd Varnish Service Station is local headquarters for e b ssrfully give« QSDS^mifTing, too, retains much o f cdMm aa alt pafot mattera-aed ■ the ”btifk’’ of oat. And that make, for Acme Quality Prodacts. Sac as. laxative. less often’ .Jeeded. Protein, Swenson’ & Peebler ia In the mu­ nicipal gasoline station, the city defeated the S tg n tar Oil com­ pany in the lo v e r const and has received one favorable verdict from the supreme court. The hearing this week w ill he a rq- arguement of tlm Higher tribun­ al’s last decision, which author­ ized the city to operate the f ill­ ing station j A few weeks ago, automobile owners of Columbus, Neb., near Lincoln, subscirbed to a fund to open a gasoline fillin g station to be owead and Operated by the automobile owners of the city. The station soils gasoline at cost ang has resulted in ltftv- erng gasoline prices .in Colum­ bus from 23 to 17 cents«a gaHon. ian Society, the Snowbhoer’s Union, the H u ll Kiwanla club, and thè 80 Kiwanls bangs from all over the' North American continent w ill aid thy Montreal Kiwanis club, in AcOomplisklng the historical pageantry to tits two tosai members and the other 8000 Kiwanian delegatee who will visit Montreal in June. On the opening night of the convention. the usual " A ll Kiwan­ ls N ight" program w ill be held. Some ten-thonsand KiWantans and visitors w ill attend this oc- Buy now! o é te M o p Aa unheard of price to r a real O-Cedar! A ll the Q t e d a r fea­ ture«) triangle shaped padded swab that gets in to sharp cor­ n e r. and won’t dent furniture. Light weight screw-in handle, to e i t at y o u r dealer’ s. A n d r e m e m b e r — re d u c tio n s o n O-Cedar Mops to other sizes, toot 79e, g l M » g l 3 5 , $1.50 C L E A N S - P O LIS H ES cation in the Canadian city's immense auditorium k n e w * aa the "Forum ." During ,tW a be- casion a fifteen minute period w ill be given to aa expression ef international good drill and friendship. Simultaneously w ith this period ail the JCiwania clubs located In cities ’ift Canada and the United States w ill meet for a united observance of the cen­ tury lehg friendship between the two countries .Many of the oinks w ill pe directly in touch w ith the convention by radio, for the pro­ gram w ill be broadcast over the united States and Canada. European tours, with steamers leaving for Liverpool, England, the morning following the con­ vention’s . closing, w ill catty hundreds of Ktwanlsns for va­ cations In the British Isles and continental Europe. London, Phrto, Berlin, Rome and Monte Carlo will be visited by the tour­ ists. Special trips in Canada and the eastern part of the United States w ill also be available. HIGH prices don’t satisfy the taste. Or fancy names. Or wrappings. But Camels bring complete smok­ ing enjoyment to ever-increasing millions of smokers. Why? Because of Camel quality. Camels are made of the choicest tobaccos nature grows. Choicest Turkish and Domestic, expertly blended to bring you all of their goodness. We put the utmost quality into this one brand. Camels are the world- renowned product of the largest tobacco organization on earth. LOS ANOBLES. A pril 20— (U . P .)— Men are becoming more feminine and women more ma.- cullne, according to M r.. Ruth J. Maurer, head of a national chain of beauty school.. ' ‘The modetn barber shop has become a beauty shop for women, and men are spending 2750,000,- 000 a year for beautification,*’ she said in an interview here. " It is the ape impulse— (he women smoking cigarettes be-' cause the men do, and the men using cold cream and cosmetics because the women do. Statistic, show more than 500,000 men use cosmetics. "The change in our social and economic life are also responsible for this apparent trasmution of the sexes, business now brings A nd remember this: No expense b spared to make Camels the finest of all cigarettes, regardless of price. x If you want the smoothest, mel­ low-mildest cigarette you ever put a match to— owe entirely free from, c ig a re tty a fte r-ta ste — juat t t y Camels. Compare them with any other cigarette. Our promise is— you just can’t sm oke efiougH Camels to tire the taste. But you’ll get such mild and mellow goodness as you never hoped to find. Hare a Camel! FOR SUMMER PROTECTION SCREEN DOOR SETS R. .JT. Reynolds Tobacco Co., Winston-Salem, N< C (HARDWARE) «* • 4 Screen Window Materials Travel by Night Screen Paints to Portland ASHLAND LUMBER COMPANY 384 Oak. St. Aerosa R. R. Tracks Pbou