Work Started On New Seaside Pier SEASIDE, > April 30— Actual construqtlon of Seaside’s n3# fishing pier, to be erected a half mile Booth of the terminus of the promenade on the rockv shoreline of Tillamook Head wHI, begin thia week, according tr L. C. Rogers, city engineer. The plans call for a structure with suspension features, piling to be driven bn the shoreline and a platform to extend out over the w a te r beyond hAVOnri the th e low low tide tld « mark m a rk water Approximately >700 was re- alized from the benefit dance of last week, which with donations, Including a gift of >100 from Will Pryor, Portland foundry- man, insure sufficient funds fo the first unit of the proposed pier. Another benefit dance is planned. PANGALO8 as ; ORN IK Will Ask Blood Test GRRRR ,t(U 5 S ^ ^ N T A5*tlBN8, April 8«. — Dictator Pangaloa, who received a great majority of the popular vote in the elections last week, Sunday! was sworn In as president of thej Greek republic, by the archbishop after most Impressive services at the cathedral. The ceremonies were attended by the heads of the government, the civil and milt» tary chiefs and by the diplomatic corps. e J B 'ik f I l t S?, M 11 A O r C ffO n -Id a h o B a ll ' w ” League Organized - / H i several heavy batters and some freshmen team on their squad. Nevertheless, *Was hl n gk o n looms as the potential champ­ ions because Its fine teem of 1925 Is practically Intact, and the players have the extra Induce­ ment of a trip to the Orient next summer. .RZmql, cqavldted here on a charge 'of forgery, ’was ' sentehced by Judge Bagley in circuit court to perve not to exceed three years fn the state penitentiary. Rymel who was known as Babe Confer at St. Helens, was arrested there ^bout a week ago. ARCHIE "CODY BURIED MEDFORD, Aprlf 19. — The body of Archie Cody, hanged at the penitentiary In Salem Friday, arrived In Medford on the Sun­ day morning train. Relatives took It to the family home in Jacksonville. Private burial ser­ vices were held in the afternoon. Advertise In. The Tidings. VALE', Ore., April 20—Organi­ sation of the Idaho-Oregon hose- ball league was completed here. The league is composed of Nyssa, Brogan, Jamieson and Vale, Ore , and Fruitland, and New Ply­ mouth, Idaho. C. M. Robinette of this city was elected president of Rudolph Modell of Chicago has filed suit asking th at his NAMED (TTY DETECTIVE the league for the coming season blood and that of his wife, Marcella, be tested to show UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, The tea mwinnlng the pennant Eugene, April 20,— (Special) — OLYMPIA, Wash., April 20.— whether or not ho is the father of her five-months old The Oregon baseball team opened B. Lawson, former manager of the will be awarded a purse of >1EC. child. He says ho did not see his wife for over a year its 1926 season here last Satur­ Pacific Detective agency of Che­ made up fropi deposits by everjr before the baby was born. Photo shows Mrs. Modell, who day by dropping a fast 5 to 3 halis, has been appointed city de­ insists Modell is the child’s father, holding the baby and tilt wit hthe St. Johns Bears or tective by Chief of Police C. D. Pilling to fill ¿he vacancy caused Portland, rated one of the conferring with her attorney William J. Kelley. by Iho promotion the first of this fastest jiemi-pA outfits in, the month of Pilling to the head of state. Despite the loss, the re­ member of the league. A ten- DANISH AIRMAN IS the department. sult was gratifying to the Ore­ MISSING IN C H IM game schedule wjll be played, gon backers, as it showed the which gives each town a home SUBJECT TO .TAX nine Is working together well as SHANGHAI, April 20. — Lieu­ and return game. la unit, and uncovered some fine' The opening games will be tenant Botved, Danish airman, pitching by thft two Bills— Ashby WASHINGTON, April 20. — Bootleggers can be forced’to pay played next Sunday, April ?5, who left Canton Sunday morning , and Baker. . federal Income taxes on their and the schedule will close about; for Shanghai, had not arrived here I The infield composed • of sales of liquor, the supreme court June 24. Next Sunday Nyssi this evening and was reported Adolph, West, Klminki, and decided toclay. The court dis­ will cross bats the Vale on t* missing. He was last seen flying I Hobson worked together well, missed an appeal by Israel Selig­ local diamond, Jamieson at Bro­ over Foochow, about midway be­ making but one error—a high man, New York, who lost In low­ gan and New Plymouth at Fruit­ tween the two cities. throw by Hobson. er court a suit to restrain the land. A game with Pacific Univer­ Rainier — Large acreage of sity here next Saturday will close government from seizing and sell­ 1926 mint contracted at >7 a the Oregon practice season and ing his property to satisfy tax as­ pound. Advertise In The Tidings sessments. clear the way for conference contests with Washington and Classified Ads Bring Results. Charter No. 22 Reserve District No. 12 the Oregon Agricultural College. A close game Is anticipated, as REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF Nothing is smarter than the wash­ the Badgers beat the Multnomah able suede glove in beige or light club baseball team which last brown, heavily stitched In black. AT TALENT IN THE STATE OF OREGON Saturday forced the Oregon AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS APRIL 12TH, 1926 Aggies Into extra innings to ' RESOURCES win. I. Loans and discounts including redis­ As the opening of the confer­ counts, acceptances or bills of ex­ INSURE change, sold with endorsement of the ence season nears, a good line bank (including items shown In 29, is available on opposing teams. 30 and 32, if any) ................................ > 87,279.64 Your Household Effects 2. Overdrafts secured and unsecured .... 112.63 4. Other bonds, warrants and securities including foreign government, state, When you buy furniture, municipal, corporation, etc., including those shown in items 30 and 35, if ru g s ,tableware and house­ any .................................... .......... ........... 8,080.75 hold equipment, you make 5. Stocks, securities, claims, Hens judgments, etc. ................................:..... 3,725.16 an investment on which 6. Banking house, >4.300; furniture and you expect returns in ser­ fixtures, >2,335 ............................. ........ 6,635.00 vice for years to come. Are 7. Real estate owned other than banking with .......................... ............................... 710.00 you insured against loss 9. house (ab) Cash on hand in vault and due from banks, bankers and trust on this investment as a companies designated and approved result of fire. reserve agents of this bank ............... T 35,809.32 9.* (c) Net amounts due from other banks, bankers and trust companies ............ 4,645.20 II. Checks on banks outside city or town of reporting bank and other cash Items 4.80 wo have time to fill thorn Total cash and due from banks, for you now. items 8, 9, 10 and 11 ......................... >40,459.32 Estab. 1883 at 41 E. Main St. 12. Interest, taxes and expenses paid ........ 1,567.82 Real Estate & Real Inaurane A full stock of Phone 211 Total ............................ *...................... >148,570.22 Spring Budding Plants IJABILITIES 16. Capital stock paid In .............................. > 20,000.00 17. Surplus fund ................ ......................... 2.900.00 18. (a) Undivided profits ............ .......... ..>1,217.02 >1,217.02 DEMAND DEPOSITS, other than banks subject to reserve: 23. Individual deposits subject to check, including deposits due the State of Phones 148 or 120 Oregon, county, cities or other public funds ......................................................... 78,85i.08 24^ Demand certificates of deposit out- ’ standing .............................................. ...... 30.00 Total of demand deposits, other than Earranoid Fan Belts bank deposits, subject to reserve, • 1923 Chev. Coupe. . . $350 items 23, 24, 25. 26 ............................. >78,888.08 (with 1926 license) Washburn Valves TIME AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS, sub­ ject to reserve and payable on demand Timken Bearings 1—1924 Chev. Tour. $325 or subject to notice: 27. Time certificates of1 deposit out­ 45,565.12 standing ....................... .......................... 1—Ford Touring .. $125 Perfection Oears Total of time and savings deposits payable on demand or subject to 1—Ford S e d a n $100 American Hammered notice, items 27 and 28 ......................... >45,565.12 Piston Rings z Total ..................................................... >148,570.22 Use Gabriel Snubbers STATE OF OREGON, County of Jackson ss. SUDDEN SERVICE I, E. B. Adamson, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true tp the best of my knowledge and belief. For Every Car E. B. ADAMSON, Cashier. CORRECT — Attest: C. W. HOLDRIDGE, L. J. SLEPPY, . • Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 17th day of April, 1926. J. C. MA8ON, Notary Public. 153 E. Main St. My commission expires November 6, 1927. PROSPECTS 6 0 Sm artest Gloves Dainty Summer ;Frock9 Cleaned perfectly and flawlessly. We will be glad to call for Beautiful New Spring and deliver your work. Wall Paper Designs Just Received J. O. RIGG Ashland Cleaning and Dyeing Works 35 First S t Paints and Wall Paper Phone 63 *49 Miss Dorothy Kellams, l«-year-old high school student of Sullivan, Ind., who recently won the Indiana state contest for making free throws In basketball. In 50 attempts she tossed 43 through the hoop." The contest was staged under a u s­ pices of Indiana University. O. A. C. has won two out of three practice encounters, but looks weaker than last year as they have lost their regular pitchers, ana “Red’1 Ridings, the star shortstop who was a l­ most an infield In himself. They are figured to make a good show­ ing, howevet1, as they number PERSONAL ATTENTION When you call-on •us we know that you have confidence in us. We know th at you rely on our ability and skill. We also want you to know that wo do not let assistants substitute for us, but give our personal attention to every detail. Tn doing so we are always sure that things in connection with our service will be done the way you want them. J. P. Dodge & Sons Funeral Directors Day Phone 212. Night Phones 381-L— 181-J Mrs. Louis Dodge, lady assistant THE STATE BANK OF TALENT D ashing H at BEAUTIFY YOUR HOME Porch Boxes Hanging Baskets Porch Tubs Billings Agency ASHLAND FLOWER SHOP USED CAR Courteous Nature’s Best Food In Most Tempting Form Attention Is a distinguished feature of i - - Ice Cream is really a food—and the most delicious food you can eat. I t ’s pure cream and pure fruit—th a t’s all—if i t ’s Williams Service Station Boulevard & Sherman # r’ l l I J Our New Constant Potential SHASTA FRUIT CREAM Battery Charger Is Working “ The Cream That’s Different.” We are enabled to quote new prices. Battery Recharge.. $1.00 Battery Overhaul.. $6.00 All other repairs at reduc­ ed schedule. Made By ASHLAND CREAMERY Eight Hour Service Our better battery and era! automotive service will probably save you about tea percent — some of It la money and some of It la the better service you’ll get out of the work we do. XL ELECTRIC Station Guy Good, Prop. Bargains YOUR The Best Bargains in USED CARS BATTERY plays a very important part in the running of your car. Let us look after it and do your electrical work. We will save you money. AGENCY FOR BUY THE MARMON LEEDOM’S America’s Greatest Car The Automotive Shop DeBon Auto Co. Enjoy these fine days in the open while the trees are all in, bloom. You w i l l get a real kick out of driving the HAMS AND BACONS Honest, Conscientious Work * « that .wil| certainly please you. on every repair job NEW IMPROVED • FORD *" »U -'Y ''? 4 Claycomb Motor Co. 1 a BROUGHT TO J All Other Choice Meats THE OVERLAND GARAGE VANISH!NG*J&AKUCAN 1 NOW Ashland, Ore. UWWW4 • ’THS That New Ford THE EAGLE MARKET .Back of The Western Auto Supply Oo. WE DELIVER - A N D PRICES RIGHT— ZANE D A E V 'S A P A R A M O U N T PICTURE V i Lincoln Fordsen It DOES Make a Difference Where You Buy Your Ford