Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, April 19, 1926, Page 2, Image 2

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The L ast Gentle H int
- z — -L.
.... L.......Editor
Business Manager
....... News Editor
Telephone 89
One Month —
Three Months
Six Months ...
One Year ------
One Month
Three Months
Six Months
One Year .......
Single insertion, per inch
Political. Display, per inch
One insertion a week
Two insertions a week
Daily insertion .................... .—.................................................
Rates for LegaJ and Miscellaneous Advertising
F.Init Insertion, per 8 point line .............................................
Each subsequent insertion, 8 point line __ _______ ___
Card of Thanks — ................................ ......... ........ ...................
Obituaries, per lino ............ .................. ,..................................
“All future events, where an admission charge is mads or a
collection taken is Advertising.”
No discount will be allowed Religious or Benevolent Orders.
No donations to charities or otherwise will be made in advertis­
ing or job printing — our contributions will be in cash.
T he W est C oast L u m b e r m en ’s A s s o c ia tio n o ffers n ew
m asts for r e b u ild in g “ O ld I r o n s id e s ,” th e h is to r ic battler
sh ip C o n stitu tio n th a t so m e w ou ld se e g o to th e ju n k ­
m an. T h e g if t is w o rth $20,000; and a lm o st n o w h e re e lse
on earth but in th e g r e a t N o r th w e st co u ld sp a r s be c u t
io a d e q u a te ly s u p p ly th e sp le n d id o ld w a r r io r c r a ft.
T h e W est C oast L um berm en m a k e a p r o sa ic b u sin e ss
o f s e llin g lum ber fo r h o u se s, barns, fen ce s, p ig p e n s , e v e r y
com m ercial u se to w h ic h lu m b er ca n be p u t. B u t th e y
h a v e a v isio n o f so m e th in g b e tte r th an m ere tra d e.. T h e y
see a str a g g lin g lit tle n a tio n b u ild in g a h o m e-m a d e sh ip ,
arm ed w ith .a fy w h o m e-m a d e ca n n o n s m a n n e d b y fish ­
erm en and ferrym en , fa c in g th e se a s o f th e w o r ld in d e ­
fen se o f th e r ig h ts o f th e in d iv id u a l a g a in s t t h e s tr a n g ­
lin g hand o f a u to c r a c y ; o f th e r ig h t to b u ild a b u sin e ss an d BY CHARLB8 P. STEWART
a future- a s a g a in s t h a v in g it h a n d ed d o w n a s a d o le o r a
NBA Service Writer
sop. T h e p ictu re o f th e C o n stitu tio n a p p e a ls to th em a s
WASHINGTON — "Free speech
th e em blem o f freed o m fro m p o litic a l im p o v c r ish m sn t. is safe; it pays,” H. L. Mencken
And* so tliq y o ffer th e n e w $20,000 sp ars. M ay th e y told me, in a tolk I had with him,
la st fo r a n o th e r 100 y e a r s.
at his home in Baltimore.
Indications are that he’s going
to have a chance to test this the­
ory thoroughly. , He’S won thg
first rqund of his “Hatrack" fight
T h e r e ’is ta lk n o w o f a “ M oslafil L e a g u e o f N a tio n s ”
bu‘ there may prove to be a good
u n itin g th e 220,000,000 M o h a m m ed a n s o f th e w orld. T h e many more to come.
The Postoffice Department has
p r o jec t, a s s e t fo r th in so m e o f th e fo r e ig n d isp a tc h e s,
barred his “American Mercury”
se em s r a th e r a la rm in g .
A n Isla m ic C o n g ress is to m ee t a t C airo in M ay to from -the mails. Now the post-
office department is different from
e le c t a n ew C u lip h o f th e M oham m edan fa ith . T h ere w ill a court ol) law, state or federal?
be an e ffo r t m a d e th ere t o call a su b seiju eu t a ssem b ly a t It’s pretty much a law unto itself.
M ecca, r e p r e se n tin g th e w h o le M oslem w orld .
I f th e
MBNCKEN, personally, la Just
p la n o f S h ie k A b u l A za im is ca rried ou t, th e re w ill be
his raagaxine. He’s a nice
an e ffo r t to o r g a n iz e th e C a lip h a te in to a sort o f su p et-
chap to meet, he’s extremely in­
g o v e r n m e n t fo r a ll M oslem sta te s.
terestink and he’s hospitable and
“ T h e co n seq u en ces o f th is p la n w ou ld be in c a lc u l­ polite, but his conversation is one
a b le ’” s a y s a B r itish o b server. “ F o r it w o u ld esta b lish a uninterrupted roast of Che entire
M oslem L e a g u e o f N a tio n s m ore c o h e r en t an d effe c tiv e universe — not a single good
thing In it, according to H. L.
th a n it s p r o to ty p e a t G e n e v a .”
M oslem sca res are p e r io d ic a l a n d e tern a l, and it is
If he ever does »ay a good word
se ld o m th a ta n y th in g com es o f th em . F o r y e a r s n ow th ere
for anything, it invariably Is pre­
h a s been ta lk o f a n ew “ H o ly W a r ” a g a in s t C h risten ­ liminary to aome qualification
d o m , and Christendow ; s till seem s a s s a fe a s ever, m en- which makes it the reverse.
To illustrate:
aoed o n ly b y its ow n sh o rtco m in g s.
I t w ou ld be “ som e j o b ” , a ssu r e d ly , to u n ite th e 220,-
000.000 M oslem s o f ,t h e w orld fo r jo in t a c tio n , p o litic a l
o r m ilita r y . T h ere are 4,000,000 o f th em in Eurojx?, 140,-
000 000 in A sia , 45,000,000 in A fr ic a an d th ir ty m illion in
O cea n ia . T h e v a r io u s u n its h a v e a ll fa lle n a p a rt, fin d in g
co -o p era tio n im p o ssib le in recen t tim e s. T h e la r g e st co n ­
tin e n ta l block , th e A s ia s tic M oslem s, are d iv id e d am on g
T u r k e y , A rab ia, In d ia an d oth er c o u n tr ie s, w ith m ost o f
th em in India, w h ich is n o t a n a tio n a t a ll. T u rk ey and
th e A rab ian c o u n tr ie s are a lw a y s q u a rrellin g . M ustap ha
K ernel, th e a b lest le a d in g M oslem , c a r es not hi n g f o r . re­
lig io n . T h e r e lig io u s fo llo w e r s o f th e P r o p h e t elsew h ere
c a r e n o th in g fo r him .
I f th e fiery sh ie k s o f th e d e se r t, how ever- can drum
u p som e sort o f M oslem l e a g u e o f N a tio n s , it m ig h t rea lly
b e a good th in g in som e w a y . I t w o u ld h a rd ly k ill off
th e L e a g u e at G eneva.
A lit t le h e a lth fu l con q tetition
m ig h t im p el the G en ev a o r g a n iza tio n to g e t to g e th e r and
d e v e lo p m ore efficien cy in b e h a lf o f in te r n a tio n a l C lirist-
L E T T E R . .» £ :
In this interview he gave to me
Bally the only buyer in the
market. Uncle Sam needed,
this country, he observed, ig the
wool for the manufacture of
most wonderful pises on earth for
blankets and uniforms. The
inaking plenty jjf money easily.
Sounds complimentary to the
writer haa never heard of any
x member of the Stanfield fam­
country, what? Well, wait.
ily who rendered any military
“Mind you,*’ he added, “I think
service for his country. • • *
all this prosperity will blow up
They followed the influence pf
presently, but It will last my
(he illustrious ‘ Boh'' who pre­
ferred financial gain to fight­
ing for his eountry.”
We’quote again:
“They (the service men) owe
him nothing. On the contrary,
Before the senatorial campaign
they owe their country a deep
can proceed in an orderly and
and »biding obligation to sup­
moderate manner it seems neces­
port patriotic men for public
sary to do a little straight talking.
Any attacks, veiled or open,
upon me are of small concern,
Thla Is a direct charge against
but the false, dishonorable and- Senator Stanfield— drat, of being
scurrllous charges made against a slacker; second, of being a war
Senator Stanfield arc of concern time profiteer; third, of lacking
to me and to thousands of other In patriotism and love of coun­
cltizans .of Oregon.
try—three damnable, bare-faced
In an open letter, signed by one falsehoods.
of our local muckrakers, whether
Senator Stanfield’s war time re­
really written by him deponent cord will not be attacked by any
sayeth not, appears this stater but the Ignorant or the venomous.
His father died when Robert was
“Senator Stanfield could have a mere boy. He took charge of
served his country during the the family affairs and In time
> war, but preferred not to do built up a great farmng and live­
ao. Instead of military service stock business. Wheu thia coun­
ha chose a career of war time try entered the world war he was
money making. He and his a middle aged man, at the head
associates bought nearly all the of large productive enterprises—
wool In Oregon. They held It wool, mutton and beef; 'all sup­
for higher prices at a time plies that ths Government needed
when Uncle Sam waa substan- most to clothe and provision its
By Williams
I t is reported th at th e G erm an p e o p le are find ing
p r e sid e n t« fa r le ss e x p e n siv e than Kaifiont.
P reaid en t
V a n H in d e n h u ig 's sa la ry hna l»een ineraaaed and h e haa
b een v o ted an a llow an ce fo r o ffic ia l e x p e n se .
Y 6t th e
;al a m o u n t p aid to him b y G erm any is tr iv ia l w h en corn-
red With w h at it coat to gupport W illia m H oheuzollerai
th e s ty le h e exj»eeted. -
Irately th ia d ifferen ce in npkoep o f g o v e r n m e n t heads
b een c a lle d to gen eral a tten tio n by th e fo rm er em-
r’e d em an d « fo r a “ s e ttle m e n t.” T h e G erm an« a r e n ’t
a ltou t p a y in g him h u g e huuih o f m oney n ow , am i th e
isfiion o f auch Kunus reealla to m ind th é coat lines« o f
t ia a w h o le so m e so r t o f rem inder.
R igh t n ow it
h e lp to d i w o n rage an y seh etn ers w ho h ave l>eeB
g to g e t on e c r a n o th e r H oh en zollern back on n
an th r o n e .
nothin* . more n od iiaU ln g, 1 0 »
"briefs aad compjaliu. Tp wufir
change, gold with- endorsement of thi
tM artfiy W an opportunity Mid
bapk (including itomi shown fa fi»
» privilege which any one posseas-
10 nod fit. « any
tn* an adventnr»«» spirit a»fi 0
Oyergxafts secured *nd unsecured ....
patriotic impulse would n^eraUy
U. S. govornmaat aoeurltiss owned, I»
eluding those shown in items SO m l 21
etnkroee. 1. myeelf, would have
if any ............ .........................................
given my ri*ht ana to have been
Qthar bead», warrants and secnrltfao
aq active participant In that
epochal scrap., Bat the Govern­
ment dM not want ns in the army.
those showp in Items SO end 81. if any
Banking house, •«.••».»»; furniture
It wanted no tq stay at home and
and' ftgtuues, fifi,»
work like tho devil, to produce,
(ah) Cash cm hand in Tfialt and due
and pay taxes and hay Liberty
from beaks, hanhea» end Uru»t compea-
Bonds. We wore all ip that war
lofi designated and approved reserve
—not all the patriot! and heroes
agosta of this hank
Bnhanges fist clearing hanaa end items
were in nnifona.
oa other hanka la the sense city or town
Now, a real honeet-to-goodneas
^mS5Ton*^ank**outäidc city or town
war prodteer came through this
war period with his loot salted
of reporting hank and other each
down. Robert Stanfield, in com­
Total cash sad due from banks,
mon with other farmers and stock
Kam« f . », tfi and
raisers, came oat of the maos
busted'—flat hrokq.
I am going t» submit to yon a
reasonable proposition: it Sena­
tor Stanfield was a slacker and a
profiteer, I was one, and if I was
snrpltt« fund w»-*vv•sy«TU»»•••euyu•••••»••••<«••••
one there were thousands in
(a) Undivided profit» ............... - .........
Southern Oregon. To bring thia
(h> Less currant expenses, inter­
infamous charge against Senator
est and taws paid ....................... .
nHMAXP DBHNHTO. Other than
Stanfield directly home to you I
banks, subject to reserve.
think it well to name a lew la
Individual deposits subject to Check.
Jackson County who are open to
Including deposits dps the State of
the same charge made against
Oregon, county, ettlee or ether public
Senator Stanfield, th ey are aU
Made '
Ggahiaf» checks of thi» hank outstand-
friends of mine and they • must
^ ^ • S J S T U s s a ; - other
pardon me for'giving them this
Total of demand deposit», other
unsolicited publieity, but they can
than bank deposits, suhjret to rodhrve,
be consoled by remembering that
items 21, 84, fid, fit ..........................
they are in distinguished company
ject to rdrone aad pfiyahlo oq demand
for wo will head the Ur. with the
or subject to notice:
President of thq United States
Time certificates of deposit out­
and with the senator from Oregon.
standing .....................................................
Calvin Coolidg», Roher Sttan-
field, Geo. Roberta, Bill Coleman,
Total of time and «firings deposits
B. B. Harder, Jepae Wold. Bill
on demand or subject to no­
Grieve, Kenneth Beebe, Glen O.
tice, items 27 and 28 ......................... fil
Taylor, A. B. Oonnninghsm, Ham­
ilton Patton Fort Hubbard, Guy
W Cohner, 8oU> 8. Bullis, F, C.
Reimer, B. J. Palmer. H. W. Con­
L O. G. Eubanks, canhier of the above named bank, do sol-
ger, Carl Fichtnev, Bert M. Sutil- , snly rteay that the above statement Is true to the beet af my
van, W. F. Isaacs, Voiney Dixon, ] lowiedge and belief.
G. Q. Bnhaaks. Oaahler
M E. Root, W. M. VanScoyeo, B,
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 17th day of April, lfififi.
M .White, Praqk Bellinger, John
G. H. BILLINGS. Notary Public.
My commiaaioB expirns January 1, lfififi.
BiUlngs, Ben MpUcr, A. Panwell,
James Daily, John VUler. George
L. Howard. H«»ry D. Reed. J- O.
Isaacson, Dr. L. A. Salad«, If. B.
W. J. Hartsell, B. G. ,
Coleman. George AJford, A- H.
Biller, A. F. Noth, Prod L, Col-
vig, C. M. Thomas, Robert W.
Stearns, F. O. Carlow, Oleo Arp-
splger, Wm. A. Aiken, D. R. Wood,
Sid Brown, H. J. Berrian, H, R.
Hanna, E. H. Lamport, E. B. Gore,
O, W. McDonald; B- W. Patti, B
J. Woodford, H. F. Plait. J. W.
In some countries, wives pull plows.
Wakefield, Ralph G. Bardwell, p.
T h en , betw een-tim es, they do the
M. Kershaw. C. M. {Kidd, Bert
Thleroif, Mike Hanley, Justin
Judy, John Tomlin, Martin Bpw-
ers, Vern Marshall, Vernon Vaw-
ter, W. H. Gore, George Porter,
Even now, in the year 1926«
C. Lemmon, C, E. Qates, Gen. W.
Neilson, John Perl, W. B. Bray­
ton. George frejchlor, pat Daily,
C. I. Hutchinson, A. J. Hanky,
Harry Walther. Prod W. Weeks.
l a other ports o f the world, electricity
W. H. Better, W. P. Biddle, C.
doe« the housewife'« w ork o f sweeping,
W. Conklin, Df. O. A. Gitser,
Donald 8. Clerk, W. R. Lamb, J.
washing, ironing. A n electric wire fetches
B. Coleman, Victor Bursell, Sam
the fdel for cooking and heating. Elec­
Sandry. Ire Love, Jap Pendleton.
tricity light« tha lamps.
F. 8. Dillard. B. T. Newhry, Carl
W. T. Watt,
T h e extent to which we use electricity
V. Davis, H. D. Powell, J. L.
is a fairly accurate measure o f our civili­
Demmer, F. O. Thayer, W. W-
Howard, J. W. Smyl o, W. J,
Warner, F. J. Newman, Bd Brown,
U takes some degree o f civilised culture
A. L. Hill, Tom Fuson, A. R.
Hedges, Bari C. Gaddis, Tip Davis,
to appreciate that we should employ our
C. Az Meeker, Ok O. Alenderfer,
tim e bettor than in merely doing heavy
T. W. Miles, J. B. Andrews.
George Hilton Jv.,0. C. Beggs, W.
H. Crandall, Eddie Carlton,-Harry
A nd it take» highly civilized ingenuity
Tomlinson, Fred Homes, Jahn
Orth, Chris- GettNeb, Boh Beyl.
and management to make and deliver
Chase Gardener, Ell Roberts, H.
electricity so cheaply that it w ill run a
I|. WilHems. Choe. Talent, W.
machine tor less than haff a cent
H., Stratum, Charlie Brown.
Chenier Bgen, Oris Crawford, Bill
an hour,
Batps, Chas. BetMyfieU. A- fk
Rosenbhum, J. R. MaeCrachen,
Gordo» stnttt. QJea Ahptu Ohhs.
stack, A. C. Joy, Dr.' R. W.
Sleeter, Geo. L. Barker, Royal
Srbsra, Fletcher Fish, Pfivl Me-
Kee. D. H. Jaoksen. Bob Ham­
mond, Enei B. Day, R E- BeWm-
so», E. E. Dimiek, i. T GalUgar.
The time ha» con»« when we
sleeker» and profliaerrmttet stead
Thex aessUttKlng pi«,
marie« a n held en May »U t. Voto
for Comrade Stonaelfi.
FA Adv. 1 »4-11
POWER company
Prehistoric Skull
Weighs 700 Pounds
F t W A< A MiChCVt.
E P MOW 6 A \ N 1 U ’ O Ç A P
w r n - i a S V ftL tr r AM' s o m e b a c o n
LINCOLN, Na>.. A$r|l 1 » _
A prohtatorlc »hull, »1«toat -aelid.
dlscov«rod\.i» WROifitng and a»
yet uncl«Mlfi«d, Ras b«en Rtfieed
la the University efi Nebraska
museum .hero. The ahull wetths
more than 700 pound».