I . MALARIA T idings GERMS Cannot gurvive tiuraa months in the rich ozone at Aaffland. Pure domestic) water helps. The Tidings Has Been Ashland's- . ▼OU X L IX ASHLAND HIGH STUDENTS WIN STATE HONORS Typewriting Team Defeats Entire State in Cor­ vallis Contests • PERMANENT CUP WON Mary Galey Proven to be Beat Typist Among Students of Oregon For the third time in four years, Ashland high school's typewriting team has won the state cham­ pionship, and the gold cup now reeta among the permanent tro­ phies at the local high school. State honors were won at O. A. C. Saturday by the four girls repre­ senting Ashland high In compe­ tition with high school teams from every section of the state. Team members were Mary Oaley, R uth Anderson, Velma Clapp and Jennie W alker. Miss Anderson and Miss Oaley are In the advanced typewriting class while Mlsa Clapp and Mias W alker are In the beginners* class. Wins Gold Medal In addition to the team cham­ pionship, Mias Oaley won a gold medal for the best work among the advanced typewriting stu­ dents, her work being the best of any students in the contest. Miaa Anderson won honorable mention in thia division. M yrtle Point high school took second place, Eugene high school third place; Salem high school, fourth place and University high. Portland, fifth place. The Ashland team average was 61.6 words per minute, w ith 16.76 mistaken For individual honors. Miss Oaley made 79.84 words per minute, with 1« mistakes out of 1867 words d u rin g -p 15-m laute period. Mias Anderson, who plac­ ed fifth In Individual work, wrote 1184 words with an average of 68.93 per minute, and with 10 errors. Accuracy Honors Mary Foster of U. S. Grant high, Portland, won the accuracy hon­ ors, with only one error, although her speed was much lower than that of local girls. M yrtle Point high had the most accurate team average, although its speed was much behind Ashland. In the county shorthand con­ test held recently at Medford, Ashland high school likewise won honors. In the advanced work, Beulah Medley won Wrst prise with but three errors; Ruth An­ derson won fourth place. In the first - year work, Thelma Hervey won second place and Mary Galey won, third place. •veeoaaor to tho Soml-Wookly Vidian, Volnmo 41 Plan To Erect New Park Sign At Plaza Block A large electrle sign to guide tourists to Llthia Park and the camp grounds probably w ill be erected at the ?laaa early this summer. This was Indicated Saturday afternoon at a joint meet­ ing of the park board with the auto park and and tourist committee of the chamber of commerce Following a thorough discussion, the park board agreed to pay a half of the cost of the sign pro­ viding the chamber of commerce would under­ take to raise the balance. The chamber committee w ill present the question to the hoard of direct­ ors either today or to­ morrow for a final decis­ ion. Members of the board present were, W , H. McNair, Frank Jordan, chairman; Louis Dodge* ’ A. C. Niniger and S. A. Peters, Jr. Members of the park and tourist committee of the chamber of commerce are Dan Kay, chairman; T. H. Simpson, F. F. W hittle, H. S. Claycomb, Randall Wogds, and Fred Taylor. LEAD Monopoly o f Pacific Coast Ship­ ping Charged la Hale to D ollar Line W A S H IN G TO N , D. C., April 19. — (IP) _ The senate today un­ animously adopted a resolution calling upon the shipping board to reconsider its action of last week in accepting the bid of the Stanley D ollar Interests for the purchase of the Adm iral-Oriental steamship line. The resolution was Introduced by Senator McNary of Oregon, who charged that the acceptance * * 1 of the bid practically placed Pa- clflo coast shipping under a mon­ opoly. The resolution furth er charged that a* bid which the shipping board did not open offered more money for the line than the D ollar proposal, which the board accepted. In a free hitting and ragged •eld in g game Saturday afternoon. Orants Pass high school defeated Ashland high school at baseball, 14 to 9. Orants Pass started off with a bang in the first part of the game, but the Ashland players found their batting eyes and in­ ning hammered the Orants Pass chucker to all parts of the lot. But the locals were unable to keep the lead, and Grants Pass by some heafty stick work, coupled with errors by Ashland, salted the game away. . The local team showed marked Improvement at the bat, but it was off-color in the field, not putting up the brand of baseball it did on the opening day of the sea­ son. Coach Hughes and his play­ ers, however, are not dishearten­ ed, and still expect to warm things up in the high school baseball league. PO RTLAND, Ore., A pril 19— (U -P .)— Caught by a switch en­ gine while playing near the Southern Pacific tracks, Richard Spina, 7, lost both legs below the knee and died last night. The accident occured, when, according to railroad officials, the lad attempted to hoard the train to get on the other side of the track. Legion Auxiliary To Meet Tonight Members ofi - t f e American Legion A uxiliary w ill meet at the armory at 8 o'clock this BOISE, A pril 19.— A rt L. evening. A ll members are urged Walters, aviator, of Baker, Ore. to be In attendance as several plans to move to Boise w ithin matters of Importance are to be 'th s next few weeks and open In considered. aviation school here, he deelar- ■ed this week. , The Interest Boise has taken in flying, due to the Ashland Visitors— The following people , from Elko-Bolse-Paeco a ir mall cen- tract and the construction of Klam ath Falls were visitors in ths airport hare, justifies the Ashland Sunday' and *epent the commercial school, declared W a l­ afternoon swimming at the Nat- atorlum; Mr. and Mrs. Quinn, ters. M r. and Mrs. W . E. Patterson, Prank Miles and Nell Campbell Advertise In The Tidings g Neunpaper For Nearly Fifty Years WlraSorrica) (Unltod Word was received here today of the marriage of Lewis Bèeeon, son o f Mr. and M rs. Welborn Beeson of B street, to Elisabeth Cady of Portland, at Eugene F r i­ day afternoon a t the F irst Con­ gregational ehureb, Rev. Fred J. C lark performing the ceremony. M r. Beeson Is a ju n io r at the University and a member of Theta Chi fraternity. Mrs. Bee­ son Is a member of Theta Sigma Phi, women’s national honorary journalism fraternity. The bride was attended by Miss Carolyn Nance of the dispensary office, and Mr. Beeson was attended by his fratern ity b ro th e r,. George Ross, of Ashland. Mr. and Mrs. Beeson w ill take a short trip after which they w ill return to Eugene and M r. Bee­ son w ill resume his school work. SHIP LINE S til IS BLOW ID SHIPPING Disposal of Admiral-Oriental Boats is Severely Criticized W A SHING TO N, D. C., A p ril 19 — (U .P .)— Sale of the Admiral- Oriental line to the D ollar In ­ terests by the shipping board was attacked by Congressman Wood of Indiana. Hs declared If he had his way he would never dispose of the line utyler any circumstances. I t said it was a severe blow to the A m eri­ can merchant marine. "The board sold five vessels for about the sum It cost to build each one," he charged. Band Practice To Be Held Tonight THE OPPOSITION —— The following answer to the baseball question was submitted to The tradings today by Rev. Mergler and Rev. WodSi worth: The editorial appearing in the Ashland Tidings last Saturday under the inquiry “ Where is the Op­ position!” was received as a direct challenge and brought a direct answer from at least five of the local churches including the Methodist, Presbyterian, Christian, CongregatiO^l, Nazerene and Baptist. The congregations ¡enthusiastically ai>l unani­ mously' protested against Sunday baseball. They supported the stand tttken by the Board of Educa­ tion in refusing the ns« of the athletic grounds of the High School and urged them to maintain their posi­ tion. if This is significant jwhen it is considered that this action represent» 4 combining membership of some thirteen hundred people; some four hundred families; and that those; voting were, with very few exceptions- adults. «fust at the time vdien Ashland is facing such splendid development, by no stretch of the imagina­ tion could the introduction of Sunday baseball or other Sabbath desecration attract to our community the class of people which will give to it stability and desirable reputation. We are confident that the Board of Education, not in this only, but in «very other instance will con­ tinue to protect the moral .welfare and the good name of the community. ly organized Southern Oregon Baseball League, the question of using the B gh School athldtic park must be definitely settled within 24 hours. By early to­ morrow afternoon an answer must be given to Med­ ford, Grants Pass and Klamath Falls. A further de­ lay cannot he sought or granted. Believing as it does that Sunday baseball during the summer months wilHiimulate Ashland as a whole and further the city’s claim as a summef resort, The Tidings takes this opportunity to make an offer to the Ashland school hoard and to the patrons and students of the public schools. If the school hoard will grant the use of the high school park for this year only, The ¿Tidings pledges itself to initiate, sponsor and work indefatig- ably on a campaign to procure funds for a covered grandstand for the high school park. This is a pro­ ject which is sorely needed. We firmly believe that it can be carried to successful conclusion. Sunday baseball, as it is contemplated for Ash­ land this year, is not commercialized bdseball in the strict sense of the word. No salaries are -to be paid the placers. Admission will be charged for .the games, it is true- hut there is no thought of making a profit for anyone. If baseball this summer should prove financially profitable, The Tidings is authorized to give assur­ ance right now that any and all profits, over the actual expenses, will ho given to the fund to build a covered grandstand for the high school. It should be built and in readiness for the football season next fall. It means much to the high school and the Ash­ land public. If The Tidings thought for one moment that use of the high school park during the summer school vacation period would injure the morale of the public schools one iota it would not at this time be urging the use of this ball park. This newspaper believes that baseball can and will be carried on in a clean and gentlemanly manner. It believes that a big ma­ jority of the people of Ashland are not opposed to Sunday baseball. It believes, also, that the people of Ashland who want clean sports in the pummer months will be glad to donate funds to build the high school the sorely needed grandstand for its athletic park The Tidings submits this proposal -to the school board in good faith. It. pledges itself to work hard and faithfully to carry out its part of the contract. On behalf of the hundreds' of people of Ashland who want Ashland to enter the Southern Oregon Bascbap League, it appeals to the school hoard to reconsider its decision of last week. Band practice w ill bn held at the city hall at 8 o’clock thia evening and Director Carl Love­ land wants all members present as well as any other musicians who are in the city and who w ill Join the municipal band. Mr. Loveland said today that the work of the band Is progressing nice­ ly and some delightful concerts can be expected at L lth ia Park .... PO R TLA N D , Ore., April 1» for the coming summer season. — (U .P .)— jPo lloe have broad* cast the description of throe MUSSOLINI HOME bandits who Ora wanted In con­ ROMS?, April 18— (U .P .)—— nection w ith tho holdup and 118,000 robbery of a Portland Electric company money car horo yaeterday. I t in aald the men are well known In Portland and Seattler I t in thought five were Implicated In the robbery. NAVY OFFICER FOUND GUILTY AT SAN DIEGO Jackson j Given Praise By Warden Averill Colonel Williams’ Fate Seal­ ed by Tribunal of High Officers BUTLER VINDICATED Punishm ent o f Marine Corps Head W ill Not be Known For Some Time J SAN D IEG O , Cal., A pril 10. — — — Colonel Alexander W il­ liams, former commander o f the luarine corp« here, was found guilty of public drunkenneee by the general court m artial b o ard ' j. today. The decision Is a victory I Tor General Butler, m arine fire ­ brand and accuser of Colonel Williams. The finds of the court and pun­ ishment i-ecommended were n t revealed but were forwarded *o Washington for the approval of the secretary of war. No open announcement of the derision was inade in court. Fishing conditions in Jackson county and South­ ern Oregon are better this year than for many years, in the belief of State Game Warden Averill, who was In Ashland yesterday on a hurried inspection trip to this part of the state. In company with Deputy Game Wardens Parr and Dally, Mr. Averill Inspect­ ed Bear Creek and other nearby streams, and con­ ferred with his two deput­ ies in fish and game mat­ ters generally in Southern Oregon. "Tho cooperation of Jackson county sportsmen is playing a big part in making this section of the state a sportsmen's para­ dise.” said the state ward­ en during his visit here. "In :Hact, wo nre finding th -porthin' n -throughout Oregon more w illing to cooperate than ever be­ fore.” From Ashland, Mr. Averill was taken to Grants Pass by Deputy Warden B ill Coleman, where he expect« to view fishing conditions along the Rogue River before returning north. AGED KLAMATH INDIAN FILES SLANDER SUIT « :: « « » District Attorney Elliott of Klamath County Made a Defendant a a a PUBLICITY IS SCORED a Statements That Red skins Are a U w k - « Lot Declared a Unfounded a a K L A M A T H FALLS, Ore., April a 19. — Claiming E. L. E llio tt, dis­ a trict attorney of Klamath county, a j to be responsible for slanderous a and llbeloua newspaper articles a ' I and publicity having been broad- a I cast during the recent cotft/oversy a ' over the legal status of th \jp c a l a ! Indians, last night at 5 o'clock a ni a a a a damage suit was entered in the circuit court by Peter Schonchin. KY rrt.ih ' ” (1 ' Tnfii n who a » a and punitive d m e, o , w * from E. L .Elliott. Edwa'd B. Ashurst is attorney for Schon­ »I « ¡ chin. The complaint alleges the Klam ­ al ath and Modoc Indians to be a ~ peaceful and law-abiding people, I against whom the defendant, E. IL . E llio tt with malace afore SAN DIEGO, Cal., A pril 19. — (IP) — General Smedley D. But­ ler's credibility as a witness was assailed in closing argumenta. o f 1 | thought did libel w ith premedlt- tho defense counsel today in the«g “ lated and malicious Intent, when court m artial trial o f Colonel ; he caused to be uttered, circulated Alexander W illiam s, who is on *; and published, certain newspaper trial on a charge of drunkenness. I articles appearing In the Portland Lewis R. Kirby, civilian coun­ daily papers and Klamath evening sel for the accused marine offic­ paper. And also that the defend­ er, declared that General Butler ant has played upon the passions was the only witness.who testified and prejudices of the community that Colonel W illiam s took a for the purpose of advancing his Assistant State Forester to drink of intoxicating liquor at a own interests politically.. Speak at Chamber party of marine officers, at which Forum Luncheon General Butler was the guest of honor. . Forest fire prevention w ill be Against the testimony of Gen­ the chief topic of discussion gt the eral Butler, the attorney asserted, chamber of commerce forum wa« that of officer after officer luncheon tomorrow neon at the who tasted the drink served and L lth ia Springs hotel. W illiam did not think in was intoxicat­ Langlll, assistant state forester, ing. will be the principal speaker, and Fate of Workers Caught The court m artial tria l was Beneath Rock Saturday • will tell Ashland residents how nearing a close this afternoon, tjiey can best assist in keeping Still Unknown although it is expected it w ill be down the annual fire loss. Q U IN C Y, Cal., A pril 19. — (IP) several weeks before the decision Reports from over the state of th,e naval court Is made pub­ indicate that a real fire hasard — The fate of six men who are believed to have been entombed lic. w ill exist throughout the sum­ by a slide in the Grissly Creek mer season because of the unusu­ tunnel of the Feather R iver Pow­ ally open winter and the lack of der company was still unknown snow in the mountains, and it is today. Compressed a ir la being expected that supervision of the forced into the tunnel in an ef­ forested areas will be maintained fort to preserve the lives of the during the fire season. crew who are Imprisoned by tons This week marks fire preven­ of rocks. An 85 foot cave-in oc­ tion week throughout the United One Village Wiped Out by States and the fo;um ' luncheon curred Saturday night but it was not discovered until Sunday. Molton Rock From tomorrow will be Ashland’« con­ Crater Mauna Loa tribution to this campaign. FIRE PREVENTION TO BE DECKED ax MEN LNIDHOED TN TUNNEL CAVEIH IS ACTIVE AGAIN KONA, H aw aii, A pril 19. — |(l.P) — A second outbreak from the crater Mauna Loa, the largest active volcano in the Pacific, sent a new stream of glowing lava down the mountain slope to the The village of sea yesterday. Hoopula has already been wiped h you haven’t yet registered out by a stream of molten rock as a voter, tomorrow is the last flowing over, It. day on which you can perform this civic duty if you wish to vote in the state primaries on May 21. The local registration office la located with the Billings Agency where the books w ill remain open until th e ’ office closes tomorrow On Wednesday, April 21, at afternoon. 2:00 p. m. the Baptist Mission­ Thoee who failed to vote at the ary society w ill put on the fol­ last general election or who have lowing program at the church. removed to other precincts must A fter devotionals and reports register again If they wish to with Mrs. Cernine in charge, there vote at the coming election. w ill bo a short business session. Tho general topic is "M ssion- arie- from the Columbia River D istrict." "pom e Field' Worker« Cen’ ral America, Mrs. V. O N. i Smith; Alaska, Mrs. James Boyd; N O R TH H A M PTO N , Eng., April PfHetgll • W e ld Wor k e r s : (TkTaa. 19— Mre. Mary Law, ihotor bus Mrs. P. H. Holmee, Japan, Mrs. owner, escaped prosecution for O. F. Carson, Burma, Mrs. More using an unlicensed bus because house; Phllliplnee, Mrs. H in­ she is atone deaf and cannct thorne; A Missionary 8tory, told read or write. ,The case was ad­ by Mr«. De Armond, prayer for journed for a week while the missions, a eolo by Mrs. Floyd prosecution tried to find aotnn Travis and a number of songs, way to convey the nature of the make up the intereetlng program charge to Mrs. Law. No way presented. was found and the c u e wae L----------------------------- dropped. Weather perm itting, the play­ DEPUTY SH ER IFF HELD ers who want to try oqt for the * T H E W E A TH E R proposed Ashland baseball team LOS ANGELES, Calif., April Unsettled, probably rain, will meet for ¡practice on the high north portion. Oregon to­ school grounds at 8 o'clock this 19— C arl W alllch, for years » I » afternoon. Acting Captain Reed trusted deputy sheriff here, lai tt night and Tuesday. Occas­ with I tt ional rains, Washington. wants all available material out In the county* Jail charged the theft of |1 1 8 2 of county tt South winds and galea on for these In itial practice seaalona coast, diminishing Tues­ In order that he might get a ling funda. H arry Adler, a clerk In day. the office, aleo is held. on local baseball timber. Baseball Players Police Seeking Practice Tonight Payroll Robbers PremSsr Mussojl^il 1 returned home yesterday from Oaeta and was accorded a tremendous ovation. I t was his first appear­ ance here since hs was shot the day of his departure. NO. 194 APRIL 19, 1926 LOCAL STUDENT IS A BASEBALL. OFFER MARRIEDAT EUGENE If Ashland is to have a baseball club in the new­ GRANTS PASS HIGH Lewis Beeson Takes Port- Girl as Bride at BEATS LOCAL TEAM Land University Town Free Hitting and Ragged Fielding Game Ends With 14 to 9 Score \ ASHLAND, OREGON, MO: SENATE ASKS SALÉ OF SHIP line M HALTED McNARY TAKES Portland Lad Dies From United States Supreme Court Shock When Legs Are Grants Writ of Review w Knee »8 Severed Below To Plaintiffs Aviator To Open School Of Flying T Resolution. Adopted by Un­ animous Vote. Urging Reconsideration « S T SAILORS WIN YOUTH 10SES UFE C H A IO R APPEAL U H R LOCOMOTIVE W A SHING TO N, D. G., A pril 19 __ GP) — .Cornelius Anderson, sueing on behalf of all Pacific coast sailors, today was granted by the United States supreme court a review of a suit, which was unsuccessful lA the lower courts wherein he sought to en­ join the ship ownefs’ association and x other organisations from compelling sailors to carry the discharge book system of ser­ vices. . ASHLAND CLIMATE Without the use of medicine cores nine caoes out of ten of asthma. This ev« proven fa d . Tuesday Is Last Day To Register For May Primary Baptist Missionary Society Will Meet Escapes Trial On Auto Bus Charge LOCAL BATTERY TO ‘ ELECT NEW CAPTAIN Pay Checks Also Will Be Distributed