Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, April 14, 1926, Page 3, Image 3

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    4 p e rlc a ’,
g r ^ tfa t
house, already w ell kaoWB to
»uropeana 6y the.' ftfblteaa«ns.
of divers more or leea famouj
lac. a*. an xvtaaUw.and. aucaUva
to weldtogefher an efficient fl*ht-
Whlclqhdb aa tta o b ty t i
fa’ W evM >e‘ ch‘n«,
ft OIL io Its
treasury at the begin­
ning. aad
promised >10X1.005»
n o n y h e q R is npeded, , He has
organised groups of workerz Who
are ihvadlng various states y ith
eloquence and pamphlets, always
working fo r legislative actloh
against the teaching of ‘'D a fw iij-
Gleaning the harvest 'th'p reap- «
e-fl left, is no modern farm pro­
cess. As of qld I t yiefdqd re-1i
turns, so It is found valuable in '
measuriqg results i f the land J
settlement work of thé State and
Portland Çhamberg of Commerce. '
in addition to the 1600 set­
tlers placed on farm lands by
The'organization recently con­
the land settlement department,
cluded its campaign in Mississippi,’
bringing the . state * n Investment
and siw th e . legislation baaa an
of $6,000,000, other people num­
“anti-monkey b ill” such aa it had
bering 1500 signed question­
asked fer1. A crusade haa been
naires a year ago declaring their
carried on in Florida, and the
intention to come to Oregon.
legislature is to consider a Simi­
Convinced that many of these
la r bin »t its next session. Event­
prospective Oregonians have ac­
ually the crusaders expect to cam­
tually arrived without taking
paign in every state in the union. Donald Schwab eon of
Schwab of Buffalo N
V..” drove time to stop in the Portland of­
See»-Movement Hpread'
acroe* the continent in a rickety fit» fice, W . O. Ide. executive direct­
“The Bible crusade is the big­ vor that fell apart In San F ra n ­ or of the land settlement work,
gest movement before America to­ cisco Rather than wire home for a inaugurated la the last few
return ticket young Schwab shipped
day," says. W.ashburn.
" It is a as a mess boy on a siaansar^. for weeks ’ a
movement destined to spread over
sending a personal letter to
N sw ^TorkZ
the entire universe before many
ilie old home address of each
months'have passed. Sweden and
one who signified his Intention
of comipg to Oregon but who has
Jugoslavia have already taken up
the fight, w ith fierce battles raging
not yet reported his arrival.
at trials sim ilar to the Scopes
Prelim inary
iliat many eastern and middle-
tria l at Dayton last, summer."
western farmers who correspond­
Washburn's genius for organi­
sation is evident in the way the
BAGDAD, A pril 18. — (IP) ■— ed w ith the department and re­
crusaders are grouped. There are Captain Estever, commander of ceived Information made their
associate members, active mem- the Madrid-Manila-Toklo flight, own selection of farm homes In
.bers, a children’s branch known who failed to arrive here yester­ , various sections of Oregon and
as ’ the Junior Crusaders, an or­ day from Cairo with his comrade*, ; are well
Corvallis — Contract let for
ganisation of ministers and evan­ still was missing at 2 a. m. today. ' change. From dosens of othors
7.3-ralle Gellatly Point
, is pouring in the assurance that
gelists, a monthly magazine fu ll
road, for >36,439.
or arguments and quotations.
BOBBED HAIR A PROBLEM | postponed pending the disposal
, pryan la • gone. But the last
TO YOUNG GIRL OF CHINA of their farm holdings in the
movement he led is still going
forward. His friend and co-work­
SH A N G H A I (U .P .)— To bob;
From M cM innville comes word
er Is carrying on.
or not to hob, is the perplexing
i from L. E. Cabe. form erly of
question before the China flap
Bridgeport, Nebraska: " I have
pars of today.
, bought a chicken ranch and am
The young lady of China and
well satisfied.
W e are surely
Shanghai, in particular, where
pleased w ith the climate and
style is set. has been confronted
have a good business. This sum­
by the problem which confronted
mer we w ill raise about 3,000
the Western ladies of three and
leghorn chickens which
Supreme Oourt Makes New fonrs years ago. To them it white
are now doing w ell."
Do not eat the same kind
Ruling in Deciding East­
Is • a national as w ell qs per -
Disposing of a 200 acre farm
ern Litigation
aonal a ffair, for they have the
in Missouri, C. M. Chapman Is of bread all the time —
customs and inhiblttoiis of cen­
temporarily located at Jeffer­
W ashington , April 13— turies to overcome.
change from plain white
son until he finds Just what be
Aliens denied citizenship by fed­
eral district courts can appeal,
to graham, whole wheat,
where he can
the supremo court ruled today.
B E R L IN • (U .P .)—-The
fathers of Berlin believe that
the hour has arrived to modern­
ise the antiquated
stock yards.
Before starting
this Job, however, they are send­
ing a delegation to Chicago, to
study at first hanc^the methods
applications and the aromas of
However the rplera of Berlin
deeided not to follow blindly the
example set by the Chicano pack­
ers, but to avail themaelve* of
American methods qaly to an
extent compatible w ith t ie con­
ditions prevailing in Berlin and,
above ail, in accordances with
thv moral standard of the Ber­
Look your tackle over. We have just what you
will need to make it complete. Also licenses.
Biggest Little Store in Town
Opposite New Hotel — Open Evenings
Spanish Aviator
Reported' Missing
How Frigidaire Solves
Your Home Refrigeration
Peoples Electric Store,
Medford, Oregon.
Please send to me, without obligation, your folder,
“ Solving Your Refrigerator Problems.”
Name ....................................................:
Address ......................... .............. .........
George F. Washburn and a fadeout picture of W illiiun
•Jennings Bryan (left), which was taken at the Scopes trial.
By N EA Service
4 C L E A R W A T E R . Fla.. A pril 12.
__ The fight that lost its leader
when W illiam Jenningp Bryan
died has found a new standard-
bearer. A new chieftain has arisen
to take the place of the Great
Commoner In th e ranks i^ m lllfr
tant Fundamentalism.
George F. Wsshburn. m u ltlm ll-
lion a Ire of Clearwater and Boston
has taken for his own the Ideals
of Bryan. He has dedicated his
life and his fortune to war on
the teaching of evolution!
this 1» his battle-cry:
“ Save the orthodox Biyie from
the onslaughts of modernism."
I t was a year ago,, before B rj-
an’s death, that Washburn heard a
sermon in a Clearwater church
about the fight to prei
of evolution
schools. A fte r Bryan's <
began, to rally the dead
following, and in Nove
last year he held, a big mr
I n i here, where 3000 peoi
Wm « r p
, Doittcntoe Fortune to
" I hereby dedicate mj
fam ily and my fortune
task o f stamping out th
<H evolution and th * tea
anything disrespectful to
And the crusade was c
Washburn’s leadership
ent from Bryan’s. Bryan
‘ ed op his oratory to stli
lowers. Waohbura is api
modern business methodi
Carlton — New broomstick
factory ships first carload.
We are now handling fresh meat
for the convenience of people in the
neighborhood of our store. You can
walk easily to our store and select your
own meat.
We invite you to make us a visit and inspect
o v store and stock, compare our prices, and be con­
vinced that there is a real modern and up to date
store near you.
Stainless Steel Slicer and
Kitchen Knife
W e also have a complete line of fresh
vegetables, every thing that on the market.
Fresh Ice Cream Every Day
with a purchase of a
East Side Grocery
Aristo Motor Oil
Non-Carbonizing Western
Aruto Motor Oil is a ll lubrication, containing
neither paraffin nor asphalt. The hard, flinty
abrasive “carbon” that many motorists find on
valves, cylinder heads and spark plugs after a few
thousand miles of use never comes from this fine
Western oil.
R ed d in g ........ - ........
Sacramento ........ .
flan Francisca .....
Round Trip
Loa Angolaa ..........
Round T rip
i The good work that a good motor,
oil does goes on where you cannot
see i t - i t must be “taken on faith.”4
That faith must be in the refiner
more than in the oil, because most
oils look alike when you buy them.!
In “Union Oil of California” you
can have faith because it has a forty-
three-year old reputation to protect in
the products it sells, one o f which is
Phone 154
Clauss 7-inch Shears
From Ashland
nut or other varieties.
The question was raised by the1
first ‘.circuit court of appeals,
which had an appeal from Jacob
John Tutun! denied .citizenship
by the Massachusetts federal dis­
trict court because in 1918 Tu-
tun, as a non-declarant alien,
m ilitary duty.
Eugene—^>100,000 Wetherbee
low ers furniture store opened.
World’s Largest
Stage Line
, A Message!
“ J»hn, why is it you go along looking so cheerful
All the time?” ‘
“ tlfhy, Bill, I ’ve earring an account in the First
National the past four years, adding a little to it
every month. Now, if a day of adversity comes I ’ve
got a good reserve laid aside to help me.” , , .
, 4
E m a il
. in a c o lcdw€®
is a fine, soft, flu ffy substance, most of which
blows out with the exhaust.
Motors in good condition which are lubricated
with Aristo, therefore, run several yean with­
out the troubles, lay-ups and expense so often
due to “carbon.”
A further preventative of “ carbon’’ is the use
of non-detonating Union Gasoline with Aristo
Motor Oil. This combination is probably the
most effective that is known.