Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, April 09, 1926, Page 4, Image 4

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the p oet ^ b h o r n # g £ ts ever
made tp overcome tjhe ph^tacle
of nature Ija searching for Wl.
that the California Off Company
went geologist»* to egeoiipe th»
reported oil structures on the
torU « # d l-
catioas »romtaad much, a n | no-
, BAN FRANCISCO, April S-— California has decided to ahon- cordinkly. V l |« p , « vessel was
¡ U P .) — Fire years or hard d°n its Cold Bay experiments on chartered tff tiieaapnrt maohiaery..
Work and almost suporhunian the Alhska penigsnlg, where » suppUas and a .or*» to the select­
effort and the expenditure o l we? was sunk 692« feet ’« i^ o u t ed place.
hundreds of thousands of dollar« . any results. •
The party tot 49 man"landed
in a stupendous “wild-catting**
The crew is noy-. engaged tn at Kanatak, an Iddiaa village
qsfcsaaa have failed to Bad eM puUing up the equipment and about 276 miles »aat of Seward
ip Alaska.
. „ ,
preparing to ship it hack to Baa and opposite Kadiak islaUd, oa
» The Standard Oil Compdny of, Francisco. Thus will end ope of the Sheiikof straits.
From {pupatat # \w a f» n j o i »
was built fhrou*n
mountains for 17 miles, require
lng months in the making. Tw»
places th e road wound over
mountains 6,000 feet high, and,
then across deep valleys.
It w as'not until March 1923*,
that the road was com peted and
«applied moved by tractor into
the interior. Actual drilling be­
gan the letter part pf that
, month. In the first year the
well was sunk to a depth of
1,200 feet through aoljd sand­
stone. The moyt difficult drill­
ing conditions were epcfuntered.
Whereas in California pome of
the 6,000 foot wells h»ve been
suafc in five months, i t ’required
almost three years to r^ach that
depth through the formytlous at
9 » » VP
». »9 9 • » f t to ♦ « » « »»F » S e ♦
Cold -Bay. Now the well is to by
plugged n> stef' abandcyied for­
> '
StOUdqy Oil Company officials
were reticent about t>e case,
t o t , Uuay admitted th»y were
through » itp tho
“it's all In the Bg*e,*' o n |
said. “We phatl cont^iue
•wildcat’ where we thlnlf the in-.
dlcatlons are reyPbahly prom­
ising. We might do jt again some
day in Alaska. That is the only
»ay new fields are ophged up.**
Not far from the scene of, the
Standard OJJ’| . , prospecting, the
Associated Oil Company gas bo?n
d rU lia g 'd n . experiment!
aagpuitoo g a birth
SW 5
É*2> IN -T H ItM fc J U W b
5 ^ it
M T 'S
e e sw ew e y. » s eja » y e y » a 4 « y »p y y » »
»#<*?# I W W W Hjutf a**’
S h o rt
Mrs. to. p . Oto o f Scenic
Orive returned «topi a short
ttop to Grass LeMd, California,
where Mr. OSU 9s employed.
9 dish that will add relish toany meal
a a d M rs . c . B Briggs ye-
tM te * • * Angetes. » • « >
m o . - . p e u «he M t o three
o» huetoem g p T p fe h s ^ » .
Guarding Against
Early Fishermen'
» f » . « » m » » Af d w
' topwpsp avons
of every deqgyipgito* of fencing
and wigs ¿e»t to. Fence posts,
to l toW» 1°« Rto$#n torts «m l
rt r w nwwf
roa tod retom’ yeptors rortr>
agd ftoto yopy «rday 0 r whto
yen pped to
P e U ’f t C o r B G r
T h e w orld ijj a p r e tty g o t f f d x » A » 4vjg « -
Y ou are flo in g b y thia w > y o n ly pgrth g o d y<rt
are e n title d to som e fu n .
r a i on ¿hat.
B u t th ere i s th e rub. D e p ^ sp en d i t gH pppr.
S a v e w «ne An sp en d la te f.
A n d p a ss up th e “ dpam ” p le a su re s- I t ’s
m on ey w asted . I t w ill, d o y on m art1
# B |n -
in g internet is y o u r s a v in g s a cco u n t a t tfcis
htorff. P a t it tiaers.
The Citizens Baph ©f Ashland
A nil la n d firflg n n
scientist's wife
obeys these law s
How Frigidaire So)v«e
Your Home Réfrigération
: ♦
T O TRY, T fttS GllEAT. C O f.
FEE is to like it as do
amoodi. |h k y . Rptog-hot biacuiu h thjsf
It WSSB t dm work o f preparing hot fernd» thro cauwd
many a woman to supplant them with cold bntol <a hag
m m w .it Wto * * y ^ r t t W A g l g h c o n c e m t o g th » ^ -
▼ H’ H tospoöQS taking
who has? enjoyed jus oontonnl
uniform qsality for o v « fo rty
yean. AH * b o come to tbe <3oMm
Weÿt, a « certain to
heights to whitfc cofftt
attain, as they too,', le
this coffee.
Medford, Oregon.
P itofte te n d t s m s, w ith o u t obligatio:
“ S o l v in g Y n ur
P r o b lfp
h ang cook can now maintain (h r he
e w e t degmts She nwasures dm'hror«
in« with Careful exactness and she tort
firond Flow jx^tiVe
lnt w h e y .
tar hiscBito « 9 CORIÌM brok to <
e hom e
fis M er flouring mills
I? "
C \
1 *
P e o p le s E le c tr ic S to r e,
Service Station. L e t us
show you h ow you ero»
« Acrob QuaHty *
Produet for e v e r y pgipt- '
ing n eed eefdoora as w eB
« g ^ C r t n e and talk
o W . today
wesson & Pee^lor
f ».
Padlock and
_____ . .
• » -»
V '
. Districg No. 24, Silver
BAN FRANCISCO, April S -^ season opens K ey 30.
l.P .)— California wardens are
District No. 26, Almanor water-
iking a determined effort to j$ed, Beason oppgg Mto I®- This
imp out the practice of fishing dpes not Include Lakp Almanor
r frogt befogs . the season proper, - which is gpe>tod t° r
fishing May 1.
With a few exceptions the sea- , Part of the trouble with en-
n in Çalifornla opens May 1, forcement of the -fishing laws
d nowhere does it open aero» «rises from the fact that until
Sections of the state fqr decent seasons 'the opening day
ileh special regulatlona have »as April 1 Instead of May 1.
en made are:
.The commission has issued warn-
Dlstyhst No. 22, coast 0^ Meg-lUgS- hpwevpy, ppg it 4s fty» attl- Here hl a nr./ varatun of « k .
otdûw. Three «’ fSKfe? ¿u?
ntoRmwgwirtoi!|i j i 1 I 'M " .'» w v w e e w v ^ i
tantta, folion lng the nMkg
held hv ¿hto" h r-» yd
: • • • • . ..................