iiiij^ w a » 9 M *M iR U M B u n in A £ rtiriu i This is the 16th Anniversary of the founding of this business and since it is the first tune it has been celebrated in our new store we shall maKe it the biggest and best value-giving Anniversary Sale that we have ever held. Beginning Saturday, April 10th _ _ P r ic e s I m p e llin g — — U n u s u a l at T h is T im e o f t h e Y ear! - Anniversary Anniversary Sale of . Sale of A ll Dress Coats Domestics - Sheeting • • , . , * » • «* ’ ; » Surpassing any value giving event we have ever staged in staple household necessities. i . i At a Saving of $6 to $20 15 Coats in Sizes 40 1-2 to 46 1-2 in navy, grey and tan twills, finely tailored coats and better fitting models than regular 40 to 46 sizes., These yre also at Anniversary Sale, priced for hurried clean-up at ' • B R ID A L ANNIVERSARY SALE 1 > -« ‘( )F Anniversary Sale at SU ITS A T ” $24.50 Box' styles in Oregon W or­ steds and tailored suits of fine twills* Striped Madras Shirting ........39c Printed Plisse Crepes......... .....20c R A Y O N COLORED *BED SPREAD S $1.19 Robe Flannel'...................89c 75c Robe F la n n el.....................69c 45c Colored Sateen ........... 35c *1 75c Stripe Cotton Charmeuse 49c $1.50 Sol Satin Prem iere..........98c 54-tnch Rayon Bordered Prints, Regular $2.50 Sellers............$1.98 $1.19 Silk and Cotton Prints, 98c $1.35 Silk and Cotton Prints $1.19 .. M m broketn lines le ft from our Easter busi- 3 n essjire placed on sale at two prices $4.85 $5.85 e are all high grade shoes and whilo wc not have your size in every style*, we are to he able to fit you in somo of them . SHEETING 25c P e r c a le s - ,......................... 19c 29c Percales .............r.............. 24c PRINTED CR E PE S Anniversary SAXON 7-4 50c, ngw a t .............................. -39c i-4 regular 55c,mow a t ............................... 44c 9-4 regular 65 c, now ,at.................................49c 7^x90 Saxon Sheets, Reg. $1.48 at $1.25 81x90 Saxon Sheets, Reg. $1.55 at $1.29 72x90 Fort Mill Sheets a t .............:......... $1.10 81x90 Fort Mill Sheets a t ...... ............... $1.15 45c Zephyr Ginghams. ............29c 20 Coats in Sizes 16 to grey, navy, green and blue and ranging in ‘price from, $29.75 to $69.50 at ■ u i j l / i l l ’ C i- V. SHEETING 7-4 regular 55c now a t ............ -.................. 44c 9-4 regular 75c now a t ........................ -.......58c 72x90 Bridal Sheets, Reg. $1.75, now $1.45 ¿1x90 Bridal Sheets, Keg. $1.89, now $1.55 SPRING WASH FABRICS 25c Dress Gtyyhams a t ......... J9c 35c Dress &ngham s at"...:....:...26c Bobolink $1,25 Hose, - WOOL F A B R IC S SLAUGHTERED 300 yards of fancy and plain woolen materials, 44 to 54 inches unde and $2.75 to $3.45 values, cut now to ed n o yard 54 inch plaids, stripes and plain flannels, $3.45 to $3.75 values at $4.95 A L L BED SPR E A D S TEM PTIN G LY PRICED MUSLINS — LONG CLOTH— N AIN SO O K ON S A L E 50c 29c 20c 25c fancy art tic k in g .................................45c linen glass toweling ..........-..... ..........24c cotton glass toweling ..........................17c to 29c linen hand toweling ................19c Anniversary Millinery Sale! $10.50 H ats for. $ 7.50 H ats for $2.95 10% Discount on All Childrens Shoes $4.25 to $5.00 Newsheen twills, Rayon and Wool Mixtures in the beautiful new soft shadings for Spring, at See these groups of attractive hats— just as attractive now in price as in style. Great variety of ghupc and color to choose from if you come early to this sale. CLOSE OUT PRICES ON B OYS SHO ES _________