Ltoeal ; Personal - Subordinate evWy Thursday. topenn»nmant, l i t and 3rd Tues­ days. Rebekahs, 2nd and 4 th Tuesday«. lSHrit • The Order of The Boiled Owl prill hold an open sesetbp rit I. O. a F. Hall. Tuesday ¿Ven­ ins, March 60. ' Thia is a case of the Owl being hard boiled but not dead. Xdmlaaioa nominal bat enough , to pay for the hot water. ■data later. For high grade tailoring see 'H4 taiioto Upitshh. 149-tf , J lutili debt*.IguarhAteed watch repairing at Bolton's Drug store. Çlad* Sponger.. Drop in and see our new four- piece bùyìness-golf stolta— Paul- ,senid's. ; » ■/ O V p ' 171-tf From Klamath Fall»— i* Mr.’ and Mrs. Mike ,Dhly of, , Klamath Falls are 'visitors ;in ■Ashland and guests of the Hotel jtehlaad. - , " * r- < •I If you faaVe hair cutting* prob- fcma, let us help you solve them, pthbp Spring» 1 ^ io t|l l Beauty Cliff ’** ".■** Payne * makee. , panelxdpors. .«to ,» • », I Big pay • eorn. bricks always •c at C«m9 laud. Madden solle protected- tires Here From Klamath* ■■ ’ T hyias W. Dedell, assistant di­ vision . niapager for* Oopco at Klamath Falls, 'and H. O. Klahn, Retmmeft fipsn Vtolt— / / also of the Klamath division of- , Mrs. Utrkin Deer returned from Millwood^ whole site has been flee. Went visitors in Ashland last evening and. stepped at $fce Llthia visiting her sister, Clara Huck, Springs hotel.' '» Who teaches school there. ’ ' ■’ , ’ ■ Marcels— 614) 0. Vanity Shoppe. Phene 1M. 174-tf Eastipen , Kodaks -McNair Bros. . Klamath Agent H e w )» ftUUeMÄvIriUfU J p . I ' « I lU to p ft «AJ^P-M akauhh M 'to- Trout at Diamqpd La be „ ■ , . 1 j . W. frailer of Grant« Pan, >ter on one I-H. P., I.H.Ç. Gas Trbut have started spawning UH Engine' aàd^ear pump— 2 inch, to hj A rt lana’ On business. ' , Diamond labs and a special crSWw discharge. XL Electric station. '» ta /H . on the «cene tbtol >,74-1 /Medford'Visitors— Week to hegW the 192« ekK ta|^ ‘ Mrs. <| «.<* L^4. :#rs. 'diqsa nml lnjr Operations, According to re­ skeus. Will daughteif M i}d » » ’ an end • the first bia hptel are— price of adjoining property. 24c pound. Plasa Meat Market. spawning fish were entering tri­ Charles. H. Thompson, Port­ 6700 down, $1,000 January 1 butary streams. The Diamond land; George T. Bradshaw, Port and balance In easy payments at Odd-shaped crystals f o n ’ w et lake station is the most import­ land; O. F. Rlebel, Roseburg; 6 per cent. Money-maker tor tangular watches, 61.00. W. A. ant station in the United states. H. H. Stenton and wife, Salem; subdivWton. Special proposition Lassau, Llthia Springs Hotel Last year more tlyqi 17,000,004 W. C. Rickhart, Portland: W. W for few days- Bee me at onee. Bldg. ' < ,176-2* eggs were taken durlpt the spring Miller, Roseburg; E. D. Smith Also large, house end nearly operations.'-1- Med torà Mall Tri- Roseburg. «• , 3) acres close to schools, good Among the guests at the Hotel street, only 66.000, or honse and Oregon are— part of ground 63,600. Small F. H. Chapman, Stockton:. Hot 8u)phuV> tub baths, day payment down and easy terms at Frank A. Landwerlen, Jcfalco; òr nighú Jachad»- Hot Springs. - 6 per cent. H. C. Oaley, '«6 165-t’f Mrs. Frank A. Laudwerlen, Chico; E. Main St. 174-3 Joseph Girard, Oakland; Clifford IF YOU find what you want Wolfe, Oakland; Oliver Dixon, The Ashland Natatorlum mlg, you will find the prices more Klamath Falls; Clarence Gober, FOR HALE—Seventy five year­ al pliage \ offers sport arid than right.— Woods’ Store. Klamath Falla; Mr. an^ Mss. D.< luteident« ' Thoroughly cleaned I ling laying, Leghorn hens. Also Crow, Santa Crus. FOR HALE—Bon-Alr Service fresh high teat cow. Third house ‘ , 17t-lt Station and Camp Ground at above Neil Creek school. Box 1/4-2» Central Point, Ore. 174«®* 126. Try Studio Ashland for kodak Home From O. A. C«— finishing. George > Gray » and Edw Mowfatt pte in Artland for tl remainder'óf the week from Co vaille. Among the guests at the Hotel Ashland are— . R. Z. Farmer, Portlaft^f ‘Mrs.’ E. Wie torts, Chicago; Mr, and Mrs. E. W. Sankey, Los Angeles; Mrs. E. M. Harvey, Oakland; Ed Smithson and, wife, Loa Angeles; W. R. Ballenger, Portland; Melba Cecil, Portland; Mrs. M. B. Ross, Portland; Victor Dickey, Fort- land; W. J. McManus, San Fran- ¿isco; B. F. Roop, Portland.' -Hava almost new r «ale at bllf-prUe. leather-bound ba#, to. Used less than Telephone 258-L or <{. Ave. 174-3* FOR SALE— New house being built adjoining 668 Holly St. Bksement, furnace, oak floor, garage, large lot, fruit. Your own terms In reason. Phon? 117-L. i 162-tf. Fri.-Tuss. Kill The Moths Do not put your wiir ter clothes away without', first having them dry cleaned. Dry cleaning keeps out moths. ’ f*' Standard Cleaners 95 Oak St. Phone 108 Isaac S Co. - Interpretations for Glorious Easter Day Easter ; sfaowtog ol Spring Ready-*To-Wear, serud's. In A sh lan d - Mrs. Marjorie Frasier is v lag her aunt, Mrs. H. E. B from Eugene, where she i student at the University Oregon. / County Farm Agent C. A. Hen- * From o . A. O.-^- detson of Klamath county was a Iddlers Chester Woods 1s home from business visiter In Ashland yes­ 22- Ootvsllls where Me Is a stu- terday. Mr. Hendarsqn plans to 174-2 d#nt at the Agricultural College! have an agricultural exhibit In 'He will spend the remainder of. the Klamath tourist information Lunch, tfae week in Ashland with his Try our 60c Merchants* booth at the Junction of the Pa- ’ Have your windows made at The parents. Dr. and Mrs. E. A| dordan Sash and cabinet works. clflo and Ashland - Klamath Falls Every day from 11 to 2 at 162-tfV Woods. ’ " Plata Confectionery. ■■ 160-tf htgW nys.' ®Mi \ Stepping Oat in new Spring clothes is a mighty The charm o f f a r in g when all the world is young again finds alluring interpretations of a Happy Eastertide Season in full possession here. For bright colors, slender lines and picturesque designs, east a spell of a new influence, and Fashion rejoicos again. comfortable feeling if yon have select­ ed garments th a t you know are be­ coming, that are up to the minute iii stvle and faultlessly made. Too, accessory departments with their lovely new displays of gloves, hosiery jihqndDagâ and neckwear tell the story of Spring and the arrival of E aster so joyful. Exquisite Frocks, distinctive Coats are assembled ÀV complete rçeadines». - Such Dresses THE COATS THE'FROCKS Peggy O'Dare Fashioned nf Crepe, Taffeta, .Georgette’ and pther lovely ’fab­ rics are wonderfully distinctive. Perky Peggy Tailorwl of Sheen Twill, Velora and Satin trimmed With« summer fur hansomely silk lined, $19.75 to $45.00 $14.95 $29,75 Dress Coats $2150 to $6950 * I • 1 ............... . Soft Kid Gloves .......... OREGON MADE Tailored Sport Coats W onderful vai . ves $1175 to $29.75------ Alkonit Sport Coats Sterling, Alkonit — and Titas Handkerchiefs th at fairly gleam with newness and come with new cuff adornments a rt priced $2.4fc to $4.98 Pri»t W— WVWTWW Crepe», Flat Crepe, Milohheen Satin F ted Slips ShadowJ1 W ilf Not Run.’ 1 Handbags Lovely chiffons or thread silks oome in a variety of new Spring shades. P air are the subj’ect of this little paragraph — the new Spring modes are made of fine leathers in shades to match or contrast with Spring Costumes. to $2.8D UNDERGARMENTS FOR EASTER jinises • , Frock Slips W ILL GIVE YOU THIS PERFECT I , ’ LY DRESSED FEELING. e Chine, Pink, ’eggy Oliare Dresses $24.50 ’erity- Peggy Dresses $2450 I Dresses $ 1 4 .9 7 ^ H Ì H H | Hosiery Made of “ Milo Sheen” and A rt WEAR ‘ Bloomers of Milo Sheen in S p o rt Colors . $2.25 and $2.75 “ Rayon” Silk Step-ins “ Kayon” Silk Vests Peach, Pink, in W anted Colors. Orchid, Green, Each . . . . . .89o The Quality Store P air ......................$1.25 Celebrating Our Fifth Birthday B y Giving Values