i* « > * éx » V V®¡j '< i 4j » D 1ÎA IL Y T I t í LINGS Business 1 ....... Newa Î ♦ L u í : í i-k -Telaphoae »9 Q F r iO U l CITY PA T fR tofffce «a Second Claw Malt Matter Delivered la City 1 ' 7 JUST AM IVID filx Montas ... DWTLAX They are something new and »hQUld not be confus­ ed with the regular idea of dressing gowns. ADVERTISING They come in colors of Love B W Green, Watermel- Ion, Orchid, Honeydew, Tango, Ocean Blue and Copen, », ear 8 point leSt igne riitin. Embroidery ¿rimmed; shirred quilted; feather stitch. Swagger styles In wrap-around. This is the boost cotnprehensivo showing in robes ire have ever shown. , DONATIONS No donations to charities or otherwise will be made la udveftls- ng pr Job printing.— our contributions will be in cajh.____________ WHAZ CONSTITUTES ADVERTISING > f . . “All future* eA iiiw J whero an admission chargo to flMda of S ollectlbn taken la Advertising.” - Mo discount will be allowed Religious or Benevolent Orders* / • J i MARCH flg. imso TESTIMONY — “Aud Moses told bis father-in-law aU that th r ^ord bad done * • • for Ureal's sake.. * * * and h o* th rL ord de- ivered them.'’ Ex. 18.8. Look them over, They are now in the racks, All Uses. Priced at PRAYER:' — We rejoice. O Lord, in thja testimony, and re also would tell the story of Thy glorious deliverance. ‘ ‘ E kU O BU fO THE “ T H R * ! , r ' Get The New Thing! at Tim© WM when the education x>f youth cototered j trouiid the “ three B ’s .” 'Not only did teaching revolve wound this trio but it confined itself s o le ly ?to i t . . That lay is past. W e . have discovered there a r e ‘som e tilings itally necessary to education — the developm ent g r ’^ acter and phydlque, a stim ulation for truth, the pro- on of clear thinking and clean living. g Fancy New Laces And ftihbons Just In. N ovelty Buttons, 10s Dos. and up. Extra Long W indsor Ties, 50c and up 10c Y ard a n d u p It was arranged to broadcast'tl debato from on* station. E Lithian Meeting f To Be flfeld. Later ; “ Thé Lltbiab tsetaink this aren- Ü tng ha»’been called, off, so a» to coopc^tibg t9 Show •? " # « (-avoid'a so n n et With tbs American delegates of t i e convention memorable time at the cinema egion Box Social, which will be YOSHMIT e , Cal., March 2 8 - Iven at the Civic Clkbhouse, casitol. Ba thing parties, dances, prl- W. b ; Lewi#. park snperlnten starting at 7 o’clock. vaie stndto bdnquatg, and many dent, connected op bis under aes And inland algltaeotog SM«»- ground radio aerial slona *re part of the eolortyl d I entertainment planned steel gopher 'trap so * POR THEATRE OWNERS protram arranged tot the tlalv .enjoy good reception. rift1' ' ■' ' The tr^p not only help cat<*h the ether waves, i>ul >,‘LOS' ANGELES. JIAfch 28— it also warned o ft a little gopher (U P .)— A ’'mUlion-doll^r blow­ which recently cut the aerial out’’ 1A the forjd pf pretentious wire which Lewis put in the way and diversified programs of en­ tertainment has been devladd of the gopher’s tunnel.. the 2,008 visitors expected Lewis’ scheme was gepqssary I for the national convention because park te 0 la tio n s pro* hibit eby high aerials. ’ They the MotidA Pictet* Theatre Ojrpera, of America. Jane 1-B. _? ;’th e 01m plants, {»eluding the ' stars and executive heads, are Home t On previous^ occasions KG has assisted*'1* hnter-etatlon <1 bates when the two compatii teems were In separate statlod Some disadvantages were expe, Today Beading, W riting and Arithm etic are basic as enced la. using this Method, . But it is a more rounded training th at develops oning and fosters individuality. W e h a v e outgrown litive educational m ethods. ; Likewise our a ttftu d |,to w a r d livin g h a s changed build better hom es; W , have reduoed dur working rs and increased, our social activities. Our play- inds hwv©wuppla»te(Lthe alleys for our boys and out cs afford the ^ n i c grounds (or our citizens. School d in g d lta v e unity Cehflbri^or play social recreating hn^X s» headquarters for adult edu- on and train in g .1 ._ ................ . 5 have ^ome from p.n existing to ail evolving life. «We are strivin g to make education a means to wisdom. ■Today the school house is the measuring rod of progress. •Often it is the architectural pride of the community. It I s equipped beyond the dreams, of generation ago» Class «rooms and subject m atter no km get- repel pupils* Com- |> u lsory attendance law s do not acewnnt fo t the yearly • w r a m id i« g ,o f school gttsndap^e.. .The, teacher parson- ^ i t v , com bined w ith fresh atr, sunshine and good ohecr *are im pelling. Physical, development is encouraged, the to Tactical in education stressed and the cultural side o f l i f e emphasized. Music, art and drama have heeptne an Im p ortan t part of. the curriculum, fou ndations ate laid ffor better and .more abundant livin g and a finer spirit w f human relations. ' 1 * | 7 1 These influences reach beydnd the pupil into the S it ine. More and more are we bringing the school ihto I ulationship w ith the fam ily. The Parent-Teacher A s­ so c ia tio n s have proved the Connecting link. They are an | yidence of the grow th ° t a common interest in educa- ional work. ;A WORK W XLLDON« , - Our schools atb the-nurrors o f opr national progress, ♦- The T ld iig s desires to thank and counaçnd the three t is oue of theotdetadags of our domocracy that wo keep o u a g l uiversity of Oregon school of-jkRinUtUsm stu«lente liese schools pliant responsive in the country’s growth. ► r their excellent work ym tenlav in news-gathering and Ke are of thoh^c~wlfq feel that the “ three B ’s .”. have'not i|jAg a d a ily isau^ of The K v«im g T M Ilgs , uffqred the. ¡qqnge Oieif but that great stride creditable has been ' T h ey by performed. work a in a tnoek- akun beyond tbetu. W e have added to these the “ three anney, «pd Tfye Titling« feels certaijurtbatf'it speaks for JAalM-Character, Culture and Citlaenehip. a.entree, o&ihiounity. in cengratulatiug-thoae young «tu»., ( SNAPS P Job» Howard Payno was ¡inspired by what it really means to own a home when he wrote the- ton g (that bears that title. Nothing brings more hap- pinoss and contentment than owning your own home. Regular saving of spare amounts of cash soon puts you in position to buy or build. FIRST NATIONAL BANK A SH LAND, OREGON 0tf£ IN » T B B j A X E K f r , • F o a m elw a ro 8ÍOOm|7 for SRttrtay, ttondky atal TOMORROW ONLY WINTER OF SCHEDULE staom . , . • W MA|toAM|lA -fa - XuBSuftT— A ll pure white stock—Ovgl dish pan —Four quart cov­ ered kettles — Six quart pre­ server kettlep — Tea kettles —Coffee mid tya pots — lMee cookers — W a t » pbR« — 8 quart Pudding Pans — Col­ anders, an4 lh£ge Stovp paps EASTER Goods and Novelties • s * Babbits, Okiokeos, Of AU « le s «ad Ktods E a s te r G r e e t in g C a i^ B IB L E S AN D TESTAM ENTS • Two Through gtogos Bally To Portland, loavtag Ashtond «1 7;00 A. M. a , 10:10 A. M A pleaataM W a day tttpt. We take paMenxera for all way points. Por further informal And tKKets «toll Ashland Hotel— Phbnd 4 t ' Fare Ashland Portland, «8 JO . Please npto with every dish pan—water pail—tea kettle or double ^ooker we ask that you buy yo«r choice of any other iiiece. Direct Connections at Roseburg for Ceoe Bap Poi»ts FOX