Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, March 25, 1926, Page 4, Image 4

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>0»»»»»eO » « < » ♦ ♦ » * < « « «
I * thé B(d 'fathioned daheft
which' closed the evening’» elfe
'ft 'M ■*
grb of Bpo-
Ä 4 , t a tba
• •
fe n d .? ,
« to n i
» —«Ik*
'helos, CallfOttlMk
Lam klh,
i l k M ft. WfeMfea
' . *
very striking,, '» m e ' fearful add
W d h d lW S l™ ; T ~
"Some tin e -was spent .In vlh-
ting a d l coM laHbg fashions f t
onneta and gowns, after* which
1 he following program was given
i feuc» enjriyed by
hose prteebL. ,
"The f ir « ' ’number was An
opening J U f t o f - M r s ,, fi.* fc. PrAlt
lie n mfcdd ’ ‘ fllb "Anniversarf'’
A quartet, com-
•oAOd dt Mr«.' Brie Weren, M m
A ft. «m ttfe -Mrs. Homer Bi li­
n g s and Mi*s Jean Anderson.
San#. . 'How Do You. Do Old
Timers, M o * Do Yoh DoT* Tho
hong h ft| -feMw. idirecfty to the
T * 'fe » » .f io h n
pair and “feel the diffcrei
MUIS read "That
Old -Sweetheart- e f - Mine," «c-
feMMmmM a t t M piaan uy u n .
V k f T tfC M lf.1 ’ 'TJarflñg Nellie
httendaaoe at t&0 m tdiw fihH r Ifc
fcctorp’ tte e tlflt gt; tha OMtOral
»«deration - a t Washington aodt
m rt OregWfcl rdpresentattve,
jg ,M Qr« * Chamberlain, a t ; jh e
fcjenniSl at L6b A hgO ltt at Ihh
Ume of th a t patBerlhg. ' ‘
i '
M„ . w e e tm o r. dad Mrs. lilie s
<ere gnotfe fc pgaAgy w f « a y i
a t tjje country ^tqthe p f M r. and
Mrs. C. B. Lam ^fe feear Talent.
It o
iry Society ■■ Meets—
Wednesday U a Wo
T h ie -W ill f t of hepeclal in
terest, j for ’.Bellview Ofcndùnity
Tanks high ip thé clab wdrk M. R iley, on High atTeet?
done by the boys and girls and
The program was very Inter-
the coming year wlH be ad .ex n ftlftf. F p reíín ér» In Amòrfe«'
Cep t ion; foy plans are going and a study of missions In Japan |
forward mbrjrily fo r mofe , ahd wora tee tftbfeeA dlÀfhsied. -
better work thaa ever.
»«h rtet’s next
"Chapters have expressed
the tW b fy ft'M o re guest# dressed t h Other
i lf M te fts t In ÿiodnt Asl.-
fd ,oMAa d ip b o ttu m es. the scene
land’s candidates and have volun­
4 (1 ' M M U S tly attractive.
"ftgRft the play, Mrs. Anguin teered their support.
aaag and the quartet gave a J 1 Both candidates are WeH fitted
io assume these office» and »
number of old time melodies
of Ashland friends, whether
ahrtfcg ttrtfe ’ ” W a lt F or the
member» ef the C hapter or not,
, ifernq number Was a Are aw aiting news o f Saturday’s
r lira . Buftfeks. A ll the i Cession quite anxiously.
Those who le ft Thesday for
ft ftfea 4 « n rendered
' •>
. -
VnrfbPatWr®». -
pointed' 'f t b o r i and a adftber of
others tib h part a b a l a . U s
Other I f l b a th e , program, ,U e
report O f) the delegatee, A ft. of
whofe brongbt a-mOeeage to the
socipty -«M» .-HMift.
- ‘
T h e, report« were - very .Ja-
conragingftnd helpful. Thoee re­
porting Aftrtftfc. i . d. t f e M t r .
M M . d i- ill: tthss, lira .
M b e o K h lW d ra .; 1, p . fa y fc t.
sharps honors with the small
one in thw new hat modes,
and hath Insist that the
crown bo quit» high.
Wé haVc A Wrtfttíetfñl assotthrent of both siies in
the season’s m ost tfcahti/ul designs.
Wineland's'Millinery & Hairdressing
U, Pwlors . -
be proceeds o f this affair
M to w a ft tbh hasbort ot
M ary Twang. • who la one
*h ‘ A lfttoftftokfe osat from
f t p a f t to Korea, oak who
all fftfetoa to feanp in Ash-
feh- h er Boitte feas lifte
f tf ty R a f t feeforh gölag feto
MUilOllary fe o ft.
fcntcrtalnoif A t flttftifeft
Mrs. James B. Duncan of I I I
feargadlne street, has Just re­
turned froto a plfcasant visit with
her mother, Mrs. WAhry Tipton
had her stater, Mrs. R . 0 . Snell­
ing where she was m oat, delight­
fully enttftllnO d f t f t b febtei
Marion In Salem,
H e r visit was ft 1M WM1 m
Sappy ontlngs and ¿rives, the
Relatives and friends not allow
hor A Hgn a « a s f t n r a g
Jibttfew *
w k ilr abtwt
it! Results are al*
ways the same with
M a z o l a as th e
shortening: richer,
l i g h t e r , b e tte r *
The ftfttaft ön
quits a fte a
t h . b fe b lT
m eAft the
means aw rè than
O »r ûAlae Always
tittoW t vAítíé apd
quality In Jewelry.
reetpä ä
/Adi nevet fM & l
# e feAture dhUonally k n o w » ’
Thfe W alth am
jewel, th in model Js typical of
Chamberlaln, Mrs. M ark Real.
partners fo r tea ware
Miss Mollie Songer, Mrs. C. W
lgg found the quartet sang
enson,, f t f t . Charles Gardner
e songs" mentioned above.
eleat. Add the Chapter Rfeent
"Tea aad old fashioned seed
Miss Blanche Micks. • ’ .
kes aa^ ginger b^ead were
fre d and very appetising they
K fo
- APU«
SAJ l * B
Among the newest arrivals in Spring
Dress Goods are softie very beautiful
imported voiles.
, «*
btdted her tenth birthday, Sat-
wlsglfcg thOfe M lg h t bS another
lovely tim e again soon.
A t the g u n r u t f l At Bellview
there is always/ the Jolly social
> p la f presented by Mrs. hoar and hostesses ate present
a f A ft, 1 *4 ,’ I Lawrence to see that . everyone le happy
and provided w ith delicious re-
Mrs. O. 0 - EJubanks wltth
tndse II at t ie piano frestfmehts, for which their fame
luly An old time produc- has gone forth.
• 4 1 .'
tod , been w ritten - by
nln Franklin and had a
M em bers A tten d C onferew oe—
qe in opening, and was en-
Just now interest lh Mount
"Abraham and the Flro
Ashland ÔhapteT t l. A, R., ¿en­
ters fa the candidacy df fers
'"The Junior Room at the M.
Gordon M accrackeii for S tlto Re­
E. church had been made into
a adtyng for this playlet, by gent and that of M rs H . 0 . An­
derson for Correspohdldg Secre­
bt*Udln< « " r e a l teht with ap
tary. t
jjMMMRft farnlshings.
A delegation, ten strong, has
i i'fedhdtlfeul., spring
to Portland to attend the
hShtM hhk white, were massed
AbSfci p h i. With the m ajority of state ôonfersnei fe, À. M»
Gfty” wi>
M m M o ^ f i u n f e jto t s r f r fr s
< W S. A rthu r
T h i • bonntry homo - o f ' M rs.
, i R. Hobertaon
Homer BArron was the scene of
! . |he home of a most 'fd ^ llb tfu l ope o^cTock
iWth Main, to
dinner Wednesday, when covers
wore'1 l a l / ^ o f eilteOn kt A table
jftrtm oat, of the
laden w itjf.w h a t proved to be
nday pchool, Sat-
a veritable feast of delicious
, ,
*’• '
' Those thre% classes of girls
had a psM cetft d e lig h tfu l,a fte r­
wit»-* lapgjftoe r im aid . Htf-
noon at t ils hftifttAble home.
fodtta'dftfeoa tho tawo aftd tlfe
played. Until «11
same brAapt b lossom s glow ed
Were tired, when delicious re­ About ta g y p o g i.. la the hpaclous
freshments Were served.
liv in g room w ild Scotch heather
. ,TkS g i« * i a ll f * lt tfcdt it Kml
used}1 Affectively ,lh decora -
beet* a f o d f t r f a l httAftodk Ib a
w ^ botne a JtiPPY ,HttlA crowd
five years old, others perhaps
Older.« i
, t , . ti
“Some «of’ the codtutnft wef$
be band— controlled by a
provide this "100 per cent”
f t Will atop » e f t fd f g fa rth e r
Isit « p o llu e r fa tu ra from Spo-
bln speaking betorp the. club,
fes. Westtapre expressed herself
Igbly dsHghtod w i l l t i e beau-
iu i Civie Club hedge and the
ork which has been d o le and
i beiat dftfe h e ft. 1
t V
• She ' Stated «he expected to
Beaaflt Asecfcfetfex iftiehrated.
feaihh Patrick’s D *T < « b 1 < * * *
o cb>ctl'
•rfifcri tablees of five hnadred
weir» P lay ed 'w fth Mrs. Trances
ftolling securing.4 high score for
the1 ladiese and M r. Coohran for
the fteh. 'M rs .
Payne aiyL
M r. Bd H4gh held low scores. .
--'The» h all w as decorated very
prettily In green, honoring the
program numbers were
heartily encored and thoroughly
eajo/sd by the listeners.
A fte r fhe betfeets were sold
and contenta ttvsn appreciative
lodern Woodmen afcn- Attention, all 'present took pprt
fe lt. . -
,.1, hl
Now at last complete i
bottom of the foot—and
are possible owing to
a u a x r w -
v ' " * r i,° ®p
qlub “ d IU
I t , P a tric k s H ay Warty—
««use for the Spokane papers.
*JOn March 1J. th e ; ft^ fe a a ’s
Mrs, W W tn d r e .M A B ffc e A .la
/T U
Those on the progrom wefOl
Mrs. À. A. Madded, Oracle of
l i e febyal Neighbors, wfeh- play
ed a piano solo; aa etriieetra
composea of Mrs. F ay jR A se ti-
tVaftt, W illiam Oreetabretfèrtÿnd
Cbgrles Lamb, gave muslchl Uei-
ectieijasi of * n unusual order;
tonday, M atth 2g— French Club, M rt. A^ice ¡Turner and m
March • » — Ashland Roaencrsns gave In pantomine
Study Club. Mrs. B. V. Carter and story "The Preacher’s V a­
cation:’' J . \
U b le *
Tarife» N n f t m edñtbnt With odas a ••'W My ’ w p H f A t t « « theatre
solation. ’
party with her?
Lovely ■ cakes and ice ' cream
The first part -of the program
w ia an Auto trip Which alt dn-
were »«rved bef<W?
Jpfrd ifefebiiséiy.
.Thèn « » < •
(ühcheOÀ— d iffll?
tafid -’
m Who «üjojfcl l i f t , ffár-
ron’a ArSefoUs hospitality Wefa. wichès, rtîlshès, bhoobttü, Itb
Mrs. W a d t b e la . Mis. p. 8.' bread., and • Wonderful birthday
P ra to » , l i f t . » . » . StfHtt, « « taka.
A fte r, lhhcheon there Wgh tbft
HertfeM tfeOatthy. Mrs. K . ft.
N id i, MM¿ I . « . MeOW, Mrh. theatre pAHy, and a World of
Torbet Sanford, M ft. A dds Mia* fun the girls surely ♦ had as the
py endisg of ohe lU t le (g irl s
i n « f t , M f t . George M lle. Mrs. i .
ft* Hggkafc M ft . a d e rte K rsto ft.
hda>. Many g t a gifts Teh»
brought to LaVoun to bê tfeAA-
Mrs. D dà W hitney, fer», a . V
om ette) Mrs. i t t i M cN air and
tCofltlnàeà o trP tfc ì WvêV
Mrfe Fl O. tW bdeahbrt.
—, M»
. ■ z
■U.U u. nah » t
ftfi. <t ft.
Mt dt MM.
scription of that program, rathhr
than havU a brief synopsis.
Interest in feuslcai iplrcles car­
ter In the recital to 'b e givén
April first, by Mlldtad W right,
d a t night ef this weak.
at the Civic Club hottse.
Two dosefl bbAM Kdld At faney 1» spbnsored by th e Ashldiid
prices and An lntéteétittg pfd-
Music Sthdy Club and a trpat la
gram and old
fashioned dapèb prontisti
provided amusement during the
idles Card Club. Hostesses
re. H arris Dean And Mrs.
fc. I. J. Porter.
rtday, March 2 0 — "Plant Day.”
fctvlc Club Hosea.
19:10 a.
her dUodlm atM Lib « afb y.a ride,
f W ftb ln g -
of.W om en's
Report W ill Appm r Monday—
Because 6t the , unavoldaBts
absence o f*tlfe one Who u iu a t#
report* the Music Study Club's
fe e d in g , à 'detailed account can-
tbot appear until Monday's isail».
The meeting was an unusual#
Interesting ope w ith d a lly spa-
d a l numboyg and It seamed best
to w s it '/o r a first hand de­
irons’ C ftb .
* ■ «fer»
hr hostess, assisted by Mrs
C. W . Nlms.
} « ' -i M
t Oi ■ M
B -* ;
. M , ’
S I a WftíW
, _T