1 Here Visiting Relative*— M. S. Emery of Portland, ar­ rived in Ashland last evening to visit relatives. hoeal ■ Personal flotes FOR HALB—Practically new twenty ton, all steel Fairbanks scale. Write Frohbach Oil Co.. 172-4 Medford I. Ore. Have your windows made at Jordan Sash and cabinet works. ieo-tt 111— ODD FELLOW AOTIMTIKS Harvey Clift Is confined to his Watch this space every day. home on B street by illness. Regular Meetings Subordinate every Thursday, Madden retreads Uraa. , 63-tf acampment, 1st and 3rd Tues- iys. Rebekahs, 2nd ane 4th Corrective treatment for nail- loads vs. 150-tf biting will bring very Ratifying results. Lithla Springs Hotel The subordinate Beauty Parlor. 171-3 confer the kecc Thursday evening, The Ashland Natatorlum min­ A new directory board is to eral plunge offen sport and be placed at the foot of the amusement. Thoroughly cleaned. * 172-tf I. O. O. F. stairway. All lodges occupying the hall are requested to notify C. E. Payne. Name— Number-!—and meeting night ot Mr. and Mrs. Bert Griffith and same. * U2-2 daughter, of Eugene, arrived in Ashland to attend the funeral of Mr. Griffith's grandmother, Mrs. Lodge No. M Albert Johnson. ] A. F. * A. M. Whitmans Candy In Easter Special communication Thurs- day evening, March 25. Secdtod Gift Pkge.— McNair Bros. Degree, four candidates. Visit- Ing Brethren welcome, Supper^, Trinity Guild and Auxiliary to Trinity Guild will give a at 6:30. cooked food sale, Saturday at R. L. BURDIC, Jr., Hardy Bros., beginning at 11:00 hV. H. Day, Sec y. a. m. 171-1 From O. A. C. — George Virgil Gillette la home Attended Knight of Pythias In­ for "a few days vacation from the itiation— Miller Dunn, Jack '.Plttenger, Oregon Agricultural College at and Art Webber attended the Corvallis. ' Knights of Pythias Initiation at Odd-shaped crystals for -rec­ Grants Pass last evening. tangular watches, 8 y 00. pop corn bricks always Lassen, Lithla Springs Hotel Candy land. 172-8* Bldg- . Studio Ashland for kodak Drop In and see our new four- ■plece business-golf suits.—Paul finishing, sernd's. 171-tl Elk's Ladies Cart Club— Among the guests nt the Columbia hotel are r Charles A. Dunn, Portland; W. W. Miller;Roseburg; W. W. Craw­ ford, Portland; "Lyle Reynroon, Hoquiam, Wash-; Ray Robinson, Hoquiam; E. D. Smith, Roseburg; O. F. Rlehel, Roseburg; J. R. Mc­ Cards.— Me Allister, Tumwater, Wash. The Elka ladles card club will «nest Thursday afternoon at 3 o’clock. Mrs. Harris Dean and Mrs. C. I. J. Porter hostesses fir the afternoon. , Easter Greeting Nalr Bros. Ashland Natatorlum mineral plunge now open. " Completely renovated. LAST TIMES TONIGHT Have your clothes cleaned this week and avoid tbe Easter rush. Paulserud's. Phone 119. 171-tf Try our 80c Merchants* punch, Every day from 11 to 2 at The 182-tf ^laza Confectionery. Knock, and nothing shall opened unto you. FOR SALE—A saddle horse, young, gentle, sound, weighs A sweet breath does much tc 1260. G. D. Faris, 1146 N. Main. 172-tf modify tbe handicap of homeli­ Phone 17-F-ll. ness. WANTED TO BUY—All kinds of chickens. Best prices paid. An opportunity that happen­ Eagle Market. 178-2 ed yesterday will hardly happen tomorrow. FOR SALE—20 hives of bees. Call at 698 E. Main St. What the gutter contains Is 172-3* Hot sulphur tub baths, day or night, Jackson Hot Springs. known only to those who go FOR SALE—Small, second . 156-tf there looking for It. hand coda fountain, 6 counter The 1926 home is merely a atuols, large ice box, etc. C. E. Poppy Rouge and ( place to go to change clothes Lane, 607 Blvd., Ashland, Ore. Dames beautlfler. Come 172-4 so as to go somewhere else. demonstration. The Shoppe, McGee's Store. If you don't want to save on Raise bell at the right* time, shoes don't visit this store, for and you gon to Congress; raise it bargains is all we have to of­ Home from O. A. C.— at the wrong time, and you go to fer.—Woods Store. - 172-1 Robert Wright returned to Ash­ jail. land from Corvallis, where he is taking a course In commerce at Hex Heck Bays: “We all ought the Oregon Agricultural College. to try and keep cavities out of He will visit with his parents, Mr. our consciences as well as out and Mrs. W. M. Wright, for the b’ our lungs.” remainder of^the week returning to Corvallis Monday. BERKELEY, Cal.,’ March 24 Among the guests nt the Lithla — (U.P.)— A new translation "Tff- Easter showing ot smart Springs hotel are— - Spring Ready-To-Wear. Paul- E. Galena, San Francisco; W. the prophecies of Isaiah, on the 8erud's. 171-tf G. Carr, Portland; Ralph H. Mau­ basis of a correct Hebrew text, pin, Portland; C. L. Hinson, has been completed by Dr. Wil­ Portland; Dwight Johnson; Imo­ liam Popper, University of Cali­ Among the Hotel Ashland gene, Johnson, Portland; M. -C. fornia, who believed Bible con­ troversies oke ridiculous and Charles Horton .Klamath Falls; Moloney, Chicago; Pamela Ken­ the result of ignorance. ney, Chicago;' C. A. Phelan, Jr„ L. Russell, Yreka; A. Hernhman, Dr. Popper Is chairman of Seattle; A. 8. Goode. Bakerafleld; Chicago; 8. H. Welch and wife, the department of Semitic lan­ John Xante* San Francisco; E, Redando Beach; F. ¡W. Veaco, guages at the unlversty here. Monferatos, San Francisco; C. A Berkeley; 8. Whyttle Eugene; In his translation, he has at­ Young, wife and daughter, Cen­ tempted to preserve the rythm tralia, Wash.; R? J. Martini, Lot Among the guests at the Hotel and spirit of the original. Oregon ar e Angeles; Mrs. F. J. Smols, Ex “No language,” Dr. Popper Edward Mock, Toledo; J. E. chequer, California; Mrs. J. N said, *can be accurately trac- Greaver and wife, Salem; R. A. Cochran, Portland. Jated into any other. The ma­ Duval, Bend; Mr. Ralph Hoffman, jority of quibblers know only For high grade tailoring see Seattle; Elisabeth Hoffman, Se­ the English version, and are not Orres tailors upstairs. 149-tf attle; Henry Clayton and with,' qualified to discuss the Bible's Los Angeles. real merits. I-arge Easter Lily— f "A great deal ot theological Easter Novelties.— Elhart’s, The Ashland Greenhouse pre­ discussion Is carried on by theo- sented the Telephone operators of the local telephone office with a Goes To Portland— H. 8. Altklns, wire chief for large Easter Lily. The stalk has five blossoms and eight buds, the Pacific Telephone and Tele­ which will make thirteen blossoms graph comany, is leaving on the evening train for Portland when the buds open. to attend the Wire Chiefs’ Con­ ference held there this week. Subscribe For The Tidings. Leave for S o u t h - E. R. ISAAC & CO The Quality Store CELEBRATING OUR 5TH BIRTHDAY C harm ing Silks Here you will find a wonderful select­ ion of* patterns and lovely weaves. Rainbows of colorings both vivid and subdued. A glimpse at Ä s e new silks and the low pricing wiMeonvince you that this is a value Ä v in g event. FLAT CREPES Variety of Spring Colorings SPECIAL, YD. Í O A è CREPE DE CHINES VERA REYNOLDS WILLARD L O U IS O T IS HARLAN EDDIE GRIBBON JA C K IE H U F F TOM CALLERY Twenty five colors to clloose from, SPECIAL YD. 2 DOZEN Trousers more In price. Scores of new patterns. Priced Yard, $1.95 $2.45 $2.95 Unusual New Patterns Priced 2 vd. Length USE BUTTERICK PATTERNS WITH THE “ DELTOB” Shppe New Shipment Plaid Drees Shirts Printed Border Silks $10.95 NEW HOLEPROOF SOCKS A window full of them. Stripes, plaids and plain colors. SPECIAL SALE CO* WWW A regular 75c Value in, Silk A 8llPer-Bilk number worth $1.00 a t 7 5 c w » That special EX-TOE gives twice the wear of any or­ dinary hose. TAKE A PEEP AT OUR WINDOW ------------------- OTfoLd* , , , ---------------- ~ PLUS 4 PLAIDS F o r Golf $1.50 to $4.50 GOLF HOSE $1.50 to $4.50 Need a P a ir! Real Honest-to Goodness Bargains $19.50 $19.50 $13.95 $13.95 $14.95 $14.95 $18.25 $18.25 $5.00 $ 5.00 $27.25 $14.95 $14.95 $14.$» $25.75 Drawers AC* Each 12 pair at . . . . . . . . $1- lO p a ir.a t.......... < ...$ $ . 6 pair a t .................. 5 pair at à .............I l ­ l s pair a t . . . »...........$1. 16 pair a t .................$$• Printed Crepes • and THOSE Assortment Undershirts Evening CO produced was worth 7 per cent Boy! What a Noise! Not over 4 gannente to a , Customer U M .« *. CCOROK HILL A* epic of the huge steel monsters that rush headlong 6ver the shining tracks, roaring through the storm, thundering t h r o u g h the The total value of chicken« hatched on farms last year was about 12 per cent greater than In 1924 and the average chick 'H a b - a - d a s h I n n Mens Wear Specialist Yards afid Yards of Fashion­ able New Silks at Low Prices. MONTE BLUE ture Department .show. Bargains at Miller’s Toggery ERSTER SRÜE Op TOMORROW - FRIDAY official records of the Agricul­ Rev. James W. Price and son, James Henry, left this morning by auto for a ten days trip to Berkeley. James Henry Price is tbe leader of five hundred choir boys and will pick twenty-five boys to appear in Ashland three weeks after school is out. REGINALD DENNY nWhat Happened To Jones” for SALB—I have a fow small markers In stock. ChAp, to fill orders promptly. Mrs. A. H Russell, 117 N. Main St. 172-1* . logians who do not know Semi­ KOG LAYING BOOMS WASHINGTON REPORTS tic languages, and have no more than 'a second or third hand version of the Bible. They ar­ gue about the meaning of a text WASHINGTON, March >4— and know nothing about the lan­ (U ,p.)—Hens worked overtime guage In which It was written." for farmers last year and pro­ duced 18,(00,000 cases of egge, an -Increase of • 1 per cent over the number laid in 1924, the 1 Suit Sise 36 1 Suit Bile 39 . 1 Suit Sise 46 1 Suit Sise 40 $16.75 $22.25 Crown Overalls Union Made Heavy Wt. Denim, Guar­ anteed not to fade, shrink of rip. at Work Sox 3 Pair 25c Work Shirts O u a AND 7 0 Brand New Shipment LOOK THESE BARGAINS OVER AT ONCE OR YOUR SIZE MAY BE GONE. , New Colored Madras Neckband Dress Shirts $1-45 Slip Satin GOOD overalls 40 inches wide, In Wanted Colors PRICED YARD C1 OC $1.45 Canvass Gloves 3 Pair for O C a