t" f ( V ATARI A QgRMS Cannot survive three months in the rich ozone at Ashland. Pure domestio water helps. ly Heuxpapet For. Nearly Fifty Years TVw Tidings H ob Been Ashland’s Suocetaur to' tho Semi-Weekly Tiding^ Volume SHRINE FILHT“ La TO BE SHOWN Good Publicity ■ HERE SHORTLY Interesting Scenes of Ash- land Included in H illa Temple Pictures INTERESTING FE A T U R E Motion Pictures o f Pathfinder Airplane Will Likew ise be Shown The moving pictures taken of the Hlllah Temple Shrlners Pa­ trol in Ashland on Saturday, March 13, by the Copco camera­ man hare been returned to Med­ ford. where they were glren a preliminary showing last Thurs­ day noon. It is being planned to have these pictures shown as an entertainment feature at sdme meeting of Hlllah Temple lnr the near future. I » These pictures show the Shrine patrol and drum corps in full re­ galia on parade through Ashland’s streets. They were caught by the camera In many places, some of the pictures showing the Ash-, land Armory aa a background, and others the Lithla Springs ho­ tel. These Ashland pictures make a nice addition to the collection of films being shown free of charge throughout the flnld fctrved by th-. California Oregon Power com­ pany, which depict local happen­ ings of unusual interest under the title "Copco Current Events.” On Wednesday, March 17, movies were taken of the arrival in Medford of the first survey plane of Pacific Air Transport Company. Thia is the first plane of the coastwise Pacific Coast air mall service, and the moving pic­ ture will Always Jtava.Jlno his­ torical interest, as It shows Vorn C. Oorst, President, C. N. Com­ stock, Vice President, and R. C. Ryan, the builder of the plane, alighting from the airship at the Jackson County Fairgrounds, near Medford, on this “pathfind­ ing” flight. Mr. Ryan officiated as pilot at the controls tot the monopfane, with the other two aa passengers. The pictures will show them stepping out of the plane after the landing, and also “hopping off” for Portland a few momenta later. Interesting closeups o f the “ship” and the refueling opera­ tions were taken, in addition to the arrival and departure of this “trailblaser” of the air. Musical Concert Coming Wednesday A concert of more than usual Interest will be given at the Christian 1 church Wednesday evening by the Swedish-Amer­ ican Bell Ringers, a musical organisation which comes her­ alded as a talented group. Thev will furnish novel and delight­ ful mnslc In both classical and sacred airs. Chinese Armies Ready To Fight • -a— * # Peking, March 22. — (IP) — Thousands of men and guns are being concentrated at Tien Tsln by nationalist army commanders In preparation for further hostU- itlea with the coalition forces of Marshal Chang Tso Linn, Wu Pel Fu and Le Cgang Lin. 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 n 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Reports received here 8 that the “Ask Mr. Foe- 8 ter” tourist bureau in 8 San Francisco Is Ignoring 8 Ashland In the touring of 8 tourists along the Pacific 8 coast were vigorously 8 denied today by R. W. 8 Price, managing director 8 of the Crater Lake ho- 8 tel company and the 8 Lithla Springs hotel, who 8 returned with Mrs. Price 8 yesterday from a motor trip through California. “As a matter of fact. Crater Lake lodge and the Lithla Springs ho­ tel are the only two hotels In Southern Ore­ gon which are subscribers to this tourist bureau, aftd I find that *lt Is bringing good results,” said Mr. Price. “Our literature is prominently displayed in all offices of the bureau, ana I found that the girls knew almost as much about Ashland and Crater Lake as I did myself.” Mr. and Mrs. Price left my motor this af­ ternoon for Portland. By JOSEPH S. WA8NEY ((IP) Press Staff Correspondent) WASHINGTON, March 22. — (IP) — One out of every six farm­ ers In the country now have radio ■sets in their homes to aid them la business and at the same time give their families educational and entertainment programs from the “air,” according to Secretary of Agriculture Jardine. “Radio Is a great benefit to ag­ riculture/’ Jardine said. “Well established schedules of weather, crop and market reports and broadcast iron, more than 100 stations in all parts of the coun­ try.” By use of the radio, Jardine said, the farmers can tell the mar­ ket »price« prevailing and deter­ mine when it Is practical to send their crops to the markets. Through weather reports they de­ termine when to plant and har­ vest. The Agriculture Department also has lectures on how to com­ bat plant diseases, insect pest, crop rotation and otjier subjects that wilt aid fanners to operate their businesses on a scientific basis. Farmers in most cases have high power sets capable to “tun­ ing in” on distance stations. A survey made by the Department showed that the farmers paid on an average of 6175 for their sets. Youth In Trouble Not Ex-Ashlander The Frank Hibbs who was ar­ rested recently In Oakland on a charge of robbing, the malls is no relative of the Hibbs familF ■who lived In Ashland for 16 years and who left here for Oakland. This Is the information contained In a letter frqm Mrs. W. N. Hibbs, Rho wants her Ashland friends' to know that the boy under ar­ rest Is not her son or any relative of the family. W. N. Hibbs is In business in Oakland, where the family enjoys a good reputation. WASHINGTON, D. C„ March 22— (U .P .)— The United States supranto court today granted the two B. L. Doheny oil com­ panies a review of decisions ob­ tained by the government nulli­ fying the leases of the Elk Hills, California, naval oil reserves aa given them by Secretary of the Navy Denby. This is a proven fact. e°' ASHLAND, OREGON NO. 170 ONDAY, MARCH 22, 1926 President Loses Race With Death -------------------------------------------- ;--------- ; ----- g ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Klamath F aU s^^ Denies It Háé DWHACY «F Typhoid Fever 32 There Is no typhoid 8 fever In Klamath Falls, 8 according to Mayor Fred 8 R Goddard of that city, 8 who with Mrs. Goddard, 8 and Councilman and Mrs. 8 Z. J. Powell, was a vlslt- 8 or in Ashland yesterday. 8 "A group of pupils 8 from the Fairview school 8 became 111, and some of 8 the parents at first 8 thought It might be ty- 8 phoid,” said the Klamath 8 mayor. "A diagnosis, 8 however, revealed it only 8 as a mild stomach dis- 8 order due to drinking 8 spoiled milk and the chll- 8 dren suffered no 111 con- 8 sequences.” 8 But the report of ty- 8 phoid spread about the 8 state and did Klamath 8 Falla considerable Injury. 8, 8 8Ì PRESIDENT IS DECLARED BAD a1 ---------- « United States Senator Har- :• rison Scores Coolidge in » Senate a SUBTLE Talk PROPOGANDA 8 --------- B ; Executive and Anibassador Said g* to be Stirring up Strife in Europe WASHINGTON. D. C„ March 22— (U.P.)— President Coolidg-i has gone back to the old Euro­ pean methods of “dark lantern” g ' diplomacy in connection with g j the league of nations, the world 8 i court and disarmament llm itl- ’ tions. Senator Pat Harrison told «Í the senate today. 8, He charged that Ambassador 8 Houghton of London gave out a gloomy picture of league af­ fairs without assuming respon­ sibility or committing the ad­ ministration. Senator Harrison declared that the president. Ambassador Houghton and Secretary Kellogg A ll Musicians of Ashland Re are starting a subtle propa­ quested to Meet at the This picture, telephotoed west, shows the dram atic finish of President Calvin Coolidge’s race with death. The ganda behind closed doors in City Hall ' order to stir up European president followed by his son is shown entering the Ver mont farm home where his father lies dead. strife. AU musicians of Ashland are urged to meet at the city hall tonight at 8 o’clock at which time the first band practice for the summer season will get under way. It is announced by Carl Love­ 8 8 8 land, director. It is especially urged that all members of the N ationalist Leader Demands Six Directors A re to be band last* year be present In or­ Many Golfers Play on Seven Country W ithdraws its Chosen From a L ist of Temporary Holes of der to form a nucleus of the city Application Tw elve Nominees This week’s chamber of com­ that his organization felt it New Golf Club band for this year. merce luncheon at the Lithla would be better for the club not BERLIN, March 22. — (IP) — A program of summer concerts Balloting in the election for di­ Springs hotel (tomorrow noon to take part as an organization. German nationalists demanded of for Lithla Park will be arranged Golfers who played around the rectors of the chamber of com­ “We have organized solely for the relchstag today that Germany ought to be different, to say the seven holes at Med-O-Land Sun­ as soon as the band gets well or merce election will close at 6 o’­ day found the fairways In better least. It’s going to be a i talking the purpose of assisting any withdraw Its application for mem­ g'anized, said Mr. Loveland. clock this evening, and from pres­ of ne^t ; worth-while movement for the be-t condition owing to the closer bership in the league of nations. ent iadicatlons'the voting will be contest between a group clipping and the removal of comers and a group of old-ttm~ torment of Ashland, and we do County Wes trap, nationalist lead­ much more .brisk than in the pri­ not desire to enter into any con­ er, replied to Foreign Minister rocks. Considerable grabbing ers on things in general. mary election a week ago. troversy of any sort,” he declar­ Stressmann's explanation as to has been done on the sixth wM- Although the Newcomers* -club There are six directors to be entng the fairway across the ed. "We want to work In co­ why Germany failed to gain ad­ chosen from a list of 12 nom­ as an organisation met Saturday ravine. This week the dragging operation with the chamber of mission to the league last week evening and declined to take part inees. and rolling of the fairways will' in the luncheon as an organiza­ commerce and any other organi­ by declaring that the nationalists begin. A number of picnic tion, .John Fuller, chamber of sation which has the best Inter­ lack confidence in the cabinet as Ten Tragic Deaths Reported parties spent the day at the commerce secretary, has selected ests of Ashland at heart. If at well as the league. on Pacific Coast Over course and many visitors called a list of seven newcomers to Ash­ any time we advocate anything W eek End during the day to inspect It. which Is not good for Ashland land and seven old-timers to con­ John W. Barr of Ashland, a and her people, we will gladly duct the luncheon. SAN FRANCISCO. March 22 member of the club, had the. disband as an organization. But The old-timers are .Vic Mills, — (U .P .)— Automobiles, out In good fortune to capture a Billy Briggs, Dr. R. L. Burdlc, we still feel that we can do more great numbers because of the "birdie” Sunday when On tha San D iego Marine Officer Henry Enders. Jr., V. D. M ille-, (effect,ve work by keeping our bright spring weather, took the ninth he landed near the green F iles Answer to Charges 8. A. Peters, Jr., and W. H. Mc­ membership a secret, and It is lives of 10 persons and injured at with hie tee drive and sapk strictly forbidden for any mem­ o f Drunkenness Nair. least 41 others on the Pacific his Iron shot for a two on a ber to admit publicly that he is coast, over the week end. Eight The newcomers are Dr. Charlea WASHINGTON, D. ,C„ March par three hole. The ninth le a a member of the Newcomers' A. J. Anderson, Retired other persons met violent deaths Fanner, Found Dead in 22— (U .P .)— The statement of Haines, H. L. Claycomb, Randall Club.” 200 yard hole as the tempdr-* from other causes and about a Bed at Medford Colonel Alexander Williams, mar­ Woods, Dr. C. E. Shinn, Jack ary green is placed. So that's that. But those who dozen were Injured In accidents ine corps, under technical ar­ Milton, C. S. Richardson and want to attend a luncheon that or various kinds. A. J. Anderson, a retired farm­ rest at San Diego on charges "81” Perkins. promises plenty of action should er, and father of Miss Clara An­ of drunkenness as filed by Gen­ The president of the Newcom­ be at the Lithla Springs hotel derson, a teacher In the Ashland eral Smedley D. Butler, were ers* Club declared this afternoon at noon tomorrow. junior high school, died sudden­ received at marine headquarters ly in bed at Medford yesterday here today. It is expected that T7-_ _ mottling from heart trouble. speedy action will be forthcom- J x l a i H a t l l N o t L O Mr. Anderson for years operated Ing as to whether or not the of a farm near Roseburg, and the fleer will be court martlaled. John H. Fuller, secretary of Sub-Committee Given Power body is being shipped there today. the chamber of commerce, wilt to Limit Appearance The funeral will be held at Me,- leave for the north tomorrow of W itnesses OMAHA, Neb., March 22— rose, near Roseburg, tomorrow j on business matters for the KLAMATH FALLS, pre.. Mar. (U .P .)— Frank Carter, Omaha’s 22— No money has been raised WASHINGTON, D. C. March morning. Miss Anderson left here , chamber of commerce and as a “sniper murderer," this morning to accompany the member of the board of regents 22— (U .P.)— Authorlutloa to bring the rodeo -to Klamath notorious for Falls this summer. It was re­ will pay the extreme penalty in body north. i of the Southern Oregon state the restriction, of hearings ef The jury ported to -Jthe chamber of com­ the electric chair. Besides the daughter in this city ' normal school. He will stop witnesses both for and against WASHINGTON, D. C„ MArch merce by Ed Vannlce, chairman which beard the evidence against, Mr. Anderson Is survived by th e ,flrst Bt Eugene where a con- the national prohibition act was 22— (U.P.,— Public investigation the \phantotn sniper returned a of the rodeo committee. given by the full senate judiciary following children: Mrs. William j forence of chamber of commerce of the proposal to modify the The Bly Rodeo association verdict of guilty late Saturday F. Hagei*. Lathrop, Cal; Mrs.j secretaries Is In progrese and committee today. The commit­ prohibition act will begin April which manages the rodeo had following a trial In which Car­ Henry C. TIson, Drew, Ore.; Al- will then go to Portland where tee' also ratified the action of fifth, it was announced today by to have cash before It could ter urged that he be convicted. fred C. Anderson, Cloverdale, a meeting of the normal school the sub-committee In killing Sen? Chairman Means of the judiciary m ake-a stiri. There has heed Ore. He also leaves a brother, directors will be held. a tor Edward's bill which pro­ sub-committee. The wets will no money forthcoming, and lor posed an outright repeal of the Charles Anderson of Paxton, 111. be given the entire week to pre­ the present, at least, there is no Volstead act. sent their case while the drya start |n sight. will be given the week of April 12th to present their side of the argument. I ONE OF EVERY SIX CHAMBER ELECTION - DEBATE BETWEEN NEWCOMERS AND OLD - "TIMERS TO BE "B IG AMERICAN FARMERS TO CLOSE TONIGHT FEATURE OF TUESDAY LUNCH OWNS RADIO SETS Doheny Concerns Second Precinct , Win Legal Fight Voters To Meet A. C. Nlnlnger, republican committeeman for precinct No. 2 has issued a call for a meet­ ing of all republican voters of that precinct for 3 o’clock, to­ morrow afternoon at the city hall. The meeting, will • select two delegates to attend the coun­ ty pre-primary contention at Medford a week from tomdrrow. 4* ASHLAND CLIMATE Without the use of medicine eurea nine cases out of ten of asthma» Service) (United VOL. XLIX T idings —w n - O W D COURSE IS POPULAR SIM M Y AGAINST LEAGUE t H I K O i S TAKE B it Ifflfl I t t i COLONEL WILLIAMS DEFENSE SUBMITTED FATHER OF LOCAL Fuller To Leave On Business Trip Phantom Sniper To Be Executêd Have Its Rodeo PROHI HEARINGS TO ' GET STARTED SOON Prohi Probe To Start April 6th Power Cut Off By Big Ice Jam — — — — — Klamath Bank Buys Chiloquin’s Bonds KLAMATH FALLS, Ore., Mar- 22— Blda for the 626,000 bond« for the erection of the new Chil­ oquin high school were opened In the reservation city Saturday afternoon, and the American Na­ tional bank of Klamath Falla proved to be the successful bid- Small Baby Dies From Pneumonia Mildred Marie Davis, one year and eight-months' old hihy of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Davis, died at the home of Mrs. Cora Burns on Harrison street this morn­ ing of pneumonia. Burial is in charge of J. P. Dodge and Sons, funeral directors, and fu­ neral arrangements will be an­ nounced later, ------------------------- 7 FRANKLIN, Penn., March 22. — (LP) — Franklin wa» without electric power and outside com­ munication was practically cut off today when ah Ice- jam below the Big Rock bridge broke this after­ dor. noon. The Jam moved down the The Klamath honk of re red URGES PASSAGE OF BILL Allegheny river, overflowing the 6 1-2 per cent and a premium of WASHINGTON, D. C., March banks of the river and carrying 6217.6b. 12— (U .P.)— Grots discrimination away power and telephone polee. exists in railroad rate charges to the west and southwest. It was From Graata Able To Be Out— Rev. Law, who formerly w^s Mrs. Mary Colo of A street, charged today by Senator Ash- minster Tor the Christian church who has been confined to her hurat of Arizona In a speech at Grants Pass, was in Ashland home, because of a broken leg, urging passage of the Gooding long and short haul bill. Sunday. Is able to be out. ' I P H I s m s TO BE SENI 10 PRISON Ashland Welcomes Bankers’ Meeting Coming Of Spring Planned Tomorrow giving sun usherod spring Into Through a mlsunderatandlng. Sm ith Brothers And A. 0. Ashland yesterday. Although it It was reported Saturday that the Christenson to be Sen­ wai not so warm as the pre­ meeting and banquet of the hank­ tenced Tomorrow vious Sundgy it waa a delightful PORTLAND, Ore., March 22.— (IP) — Arthur Christenson, Rob­ ert and A. C. Smith, -recently con­ victed of conspirât? to violate the national probtblttôn law, will be sentenced tomorrow. It was re­ vealed today when Federal Judge Wolverton denied a motion asking for a new trial. The men are all former federal prohibition agents and v^ere state prohibition agents at the time they were convicted. They claimed that an glleged at­ tempt to bribe a Juror prejudiced the jury against them. day Bfor outdoor picnic», and Lithla Park wag the Mecca for scores of families. The high­ ways also were crowded with autoiete throughout the day. The vernal equinox fall» on March 21. at which time day and night are of equal length. The storms so often common to this seasonal change were ab­ sent In thia section yesterday and today. ing assoclatidn of Jackeon and Josephine counties would be held Saturday evening. Instead, th» meeting will be held tomorrow evening at the Llthia Spring» hotel, starting at 6:30 o'clock. - THE WEATHER 8 Washington ana Ore- 8 g o t— Fair tonight and 8 Wednesday, except cloudy 8 northeast portion Ore- 8 gon and unsettled went 8 portion Washington. Mod- M 1_ ■ , — ..A It WtBdl. VS R eu-' 66 S ¿4