To Hold Social— • A basket social dance will be staged Monday evening by tbe Modern Woodmen agKV Roys} Neighbors of ^mnrlca in the lodge rooms. Returns from Seattle»— "z * , • vt/« Here from Weed ... Miss Marie Tallaksen, - Mrs. McGarry returned , l u t night from Seattle where she b u the Weed hospital was /.< » ( / s ^ n t jpMertl { ( . ) / v.stejdey. Among #the guests at the Hotel A .f Clifford Darr. Arlington; Wal­ ter C. Darr, Arlington; Iowa; Mr. and Mrs. Bell, Los Angeles; B. Johnston, San Francisco; A. Bluecher, San Francisco; M. E. JSlldfcw, Eugehtf 4 W. Vos>bfgb. Fresno; George N. Green Fresno; lf. Lambert, «Seattle ÿ Mrs. » Wade mith, Seattlé; W. C. Clay ‘and Oregon Ure-*-* * ♦ * ' ‘ Dtfnce at Jackson Hot Springs Sat., March 20. Music by Mel­ ody Five. 168-2 ^Shopping In Ashland— Mrs. J. B /T o d d . Mre; W. -D. Stagg. Mrs. Paul Lyou 'and Mrs. Have your .windows made at Subordinate every Thursday. Miller of Hilts were shopping in Jordan Sza^i aud ( cabinet werkÿ. » Encampment 1st and 3rd Tues­ Ashland yesterday. days. RebeüahJ. « » * 4tl> Paulserud's suits look better, Those stopping at the Columbia Twvadaya. 1,a«a- IOH-1 fttory Mfufc m a ibnoon roaring aeroM the desert i >-----------2 - ^ - U - ------M----- Ih re on Spring Vacation— _ * HIGH GRADE Fire Brick for Miss Willey Jana Blair, a atu- ■ale. Carson-Fowler Lbr. Co. ch-nt at O. A. C. is spending her < . 168-fl spring vacgtloif visiting Mrs. J to* »' WR HAVE Just received a McDonough. • • bar of. High Grade Fire Brick. Darson-Fowler Lbr.'Co. 168-6 FOR SALE—New house being 1 uilt/ adjpinlng , 6 6 1 . Holly fit. Basement, furnace, * oak floor, garage, large lot, fruit. Yoiir You can buy groceries at coat own terms In reason. Phono at H. H. Plummer Grocery« op­ 317-L. 162-tf. Fri.-T u«. posite •!>» Plaua, > , we wWu^ to sell f 2»Q00 wtstth at coat, WANTED—Lawn mowing and to reduce our heavy Stock. rden spading. 393 -GraUlte ione 141. 168-1 Mo.» Hart Schaffner 'jriJL A M •. * 4 ;• ¿i FOR RENT— Six room partly furnished house. Lafge garden with -fruit, grapes and nuts, barn and garage. Two blocks from Normal. Inquire at 1307 |ow a on Corner of' Calif. St. 4 „ 168-2» ICR’S TOGGERY Hab-a-dash Inn" Old Fashioned Dance M allory At The Moose Hall hats E. R. I S A A C & CO k GOOD F I /) O R G 0 0 1 ) M U SIC / T he Q uality S to re W -, ■ ; ’ r’ E v ery b o d y to H ave a Good Tim e Our 5th Birthday Celebration Brings Special Bargains for Satur­ Refreshment Lunch day Shoppers. S a tu rd a y , M arch 20 Fast Color Dorothy Prints, Yard fcJup«if}Quality Gome in lig h t an d d a rk P a tte rn s , full 36 inches wide. See th is new p o p u la r m a te ria l fo r women end childrens drosses. To p u t th é rig h t price upon a h a t, an d to *pi|t th ? rig h t h a l iiMon yout* h è |d ,‘^ n d to pu t jjafnest effort a n a cordiâl ç o u rtesy into Slip Satin 40 inches Wide, Yard th e tran sactio n — U nit’s us. GLEE CLUB A special low price on a h eav y q u a lity S a tin in all tho w anted b rig h t colors. 30 Trained Voices an d an on” Prints, Yard Where Your Dollar has More OWM 8-Piece College Orchestra lu s t a rriv e d by express in tim e to m ake y our E a s te r frock, see these new m a te ria ls S a tu rd a y . a p p e a rin g in CONCERT ■ l J ■ and g iv in g in e new spring vuignams Conjuiunity Dance Now On Display ’ PRICED 25c AND 29c YARD . | Ashland Show ing the new est bordered p a tte rn s »pid plain colors, 32 inches wide. Tuesday, Marph 30 Ready-to-wear suits in the latest styles and fabrics, .— Paui- serud's. 165-tf Cliff Payne makea hall tree«. i E ’BOPLR prefer ro» * FOR SALE— Just 5 more of B|er . Leghorn safety r u o n , hones. ,,, Tremen- tboee fine building sites nt tow price. Jpgt sbafli*ot jduoae bargalninow at Wood>' Farm-Quality pe< freed egge and lormal. Phone, 4 «¿-J, , chlx. Phoae 17 f. .,' I « î 2 r > t . * . i i m mo . Ijrwve for Virit— Mrs. J. H. Philpot and daughter,! Frauds, left today for Mt. Shasta, where they will visit Mrs. Phil­ pot’s sister, Mra. Campbell. Mlse Philpot will also rislt her elster f t JJanantuir- Main We Have The ONLY Gearless Transmission in the World Coats $14.75 to $69.50 - Diesses $14.95 to $44.50 W e fe a tu re t sty lish ljn« of dresses an d coats fo r th e women who need la rg e sizes. D esigned a n d m ade by those wh0* 4tud< p a rtic u la rly styles fo r la rg e wo- me». 4 ...... . *.... - ....... THAT MAKES EVERY CHANGE AUTOMATI CALLY AT THE RIGHT TIME W ltH pU l DISCONNECTING THÈ ENGINE FROM DRIVI SHAFT. -t ■ ’ THROAT You w ill find, here n p t only a com plete E a s te r show ing of ev ery th in g neetfpd.for th is m ost im p o rta n t of all dress occasions, b u t you will fin d * th a t p rices a re indeed v ery reasonable. . , , • • * •' 1 , ' ‘t • / ’i l r ' In some instances, duo to o u r cldse adherence to exclusiveness, q u an ­ tity is lim ited. T h is m akes i t all th e m ore im p o rtan t fo r you to m a k e y o u r E a e te r selection as soon as possible. . ■ ». A DEMONSTRATION WILL CONV Easter Gomes Two Weeks From Next Suhday