% Knpwles -our cbanf- acîa»*v *«at 1 tora of the author. HAlSiES run every Isana for one mth or more, l-3c the word Office Phowe 1A4-J Hom e Ptione ld-DL Ófflce hours, 10 to 12 A. M.; 2 FOB RBNT to 5 P. 7 to 8 evenings. — >OR RENT—Good pasture Citisene dank Building. for 4 cows. 419 Laurel S t krnkht a WOODS— Prac­ 166-4» tice limited to aye, ear, nose and — »------- yOR RBNT: — Unfurnished throat—X-ray including teeth. house to rent st 22 Granite St. Office h o u r s.1 0 to 12 and 2 Privilege garage. Inquire 28 Gran­ to 8. Swedenborg Bldg., Ash­ ite St. .... 182-3* land, Oregon. *R RENT— 1-room kitchen- >r 2-ropm kitchenette^ They ¡lean. 1ÌI Laurel St. POR RENT— Two room house­ keeping apartment, 349 E. Main, m i« 183-ti O. KLLY8ON SHINN BERLIN, March 17— (U .P .)— General Interest has been arous­ ed by Dr. Joshph Schumacher’3 recent announcement of his dis­ covery • of the cancer virus of the Microbiological . Society of Berlin. This Interest, however, la tempered by considerable scepticism In magical circles. Some prominent specialists even refuse point-blank to lend cred­ ence to Dr. Schumacher's claims. Dr. Schumacher himself. Inter­ Office Phone 181. Res. Phone 184 viewed by the United Press, ex­ Evenings B y Appointment PLANING MILL FOR RENT _ Furnished cab­ JORDAN'S SASH AND CABINET ins and apartments. Reasonable, WORKS, Corner Helman and by month or week. Call 183. . Van Ness. Phone 181. 194-tf 139—# WHITTLE TRANSFER CO, For Service Dealer» In ,Coal, Wood, Packing, FOR SALE CHEAP. — One Crating and Storage. Long dist­ bnll 18 months old. Phone 292-J. 166-3» ance trucking. L. POWELL— —General Trans­ FOR BALE: — 8-hole steel fer — Good team and mo ter range .with large warming closet trucks. Good service at a rea­ and water coil, burn either wood sonable price. Phone 83. or coal. 364 Liberty or Phone 335-R. 166— 3 PAINTING CONTRACTOR FOR SALE— Andirons, stores, sawarbor, step plates, window weights, lath work, castings of all classes. Eagle Brass Foun­ dry, 140 Oberlin St. 184-1 mo.» Ry LVbwiG ’ C opper * • ’ * 1 i (United .rrpsa Staff Çorrespon dent) ', . MERTON B. THOMPSON Painter and Decorator' Paper H a n g in g Tinting a Specialty , Furniture Refinished Estimates Gladly Furnished Phone 98 or 76 FOR SALE:— Attractive strict­ PAINTING AND TINTING ly modern 6-room bungalow l - f If yon appreciate a first class acre of ground ‘priced right for Job of painting or tinting figure quick sale. Phone -320-R. with SWBNNING A GEAR, the 163— 1 mo. Dependable Painting Contractors. 68— tf FOR HALE — Team of males Phone'316-R or trade for milch cow. W. J. PEHIGK'S TRANSFER Crosslin, Nell Creejt- 163— 8» Phone 4 1 0 87 8 B St, Drayage, storage ahd long diet , FOR BALE— Fine two-year- 60-tl old grape vines. Tokays, Mis­ ance hauling. sions apd.otker varieties. Also ANY GIRL IN TROUBLE— May two-year-old Black Walnut trees. communicate with Ensign Lee Edwin P. Hughes, Talent, ___ of "the Salvation Army at the 1$S-1 mo.» White Shield Home, 666 May- fair Ave., Portland, Oregon. FOR HALE— Box Factory lum­ ber yard haa a fall stock of Ml DR. J. P. CHISHOLM kinds of bufldlng lumber at rea­ V eterinary Graduate sonable prlOM. 49-tf P h o n e 8O8-J 707 Oa H*Vp ORCHARD TO LEASE ON JERRY O’NEAL . SHARES— I have about 13 acre.' figure on your next Job of plumb­ of fine apple orchard which I ing. will lease to ,a reliable party on Phone 138-L 36 Morton St. ■bares. Orchard close to town 123-tf and In good condition. Call Wm. M. Briggs at 106 or 443-J. 166-2 FOR EXCHANGE: — Yakima Valley, Wash., business property, principal corner,, good town on F w « r h e a d a c h e o r _ $ r ip p e -* highway. |76f)0 for residence or Colds b«A In* day for the ¡nijiions who ranch property. Address Box A u«e Hills. Headache and fever stop. U care o f Tidings. 166— 4» Grippe u checked. All in a way so reliable plained that bis discoveries can bq traced to recent experiments on the destruction of gernft by ferments produced within the human body. Contrary to tho British scientists, who recently claimed to hare ascertained the existence of the cancer virus among germs so minute as to slip between two ray? of day­ light and therefore invisible to the ordinary microscope. Dr. Schumacher conceived the idea of searching among bacilli which are larger but invisible on ac­ count of their chemical inability to absorb coloring matter. After applying unsuccessfully all the usual dyeing methods. Dr. Schumacher says that he dis­ covered a process, by which he was able to dye the suspected parasites a beautiful red, where­ as the surrounding tissues ap­ peared deep blue. talned a clear pi íctúre and whs able to ascertain that the gM W war» of different sixes and ffff* formed ¿like the . letter 8 wtth knobs, on both ends. They were covered with a- membrane and must be classified among the vegetable parasites; their alae was rather large, so that they could be discerned under slight enlargement... Now Dr. Schumacher claimed to havp found these germs in Immense numbers in all the cafi- perous growth» be Investigated. He described them as accumula­ ting in heaps, especially at the edges of the growths, between the cancerous and the healthy tissues.- This, of cdurse, led Schumacher to the conclusion that he had found the long- sought cancer germ, and he built his theory on the most efficient treatment upon these facts. Dr. Schumacher also favore the theory that to contract can­ cer, a human being must possess a predisposition for it, which, In his opinion, conssts In the In- sufftlcMit functioning of the lymphatic organs. He contends that the treatment should there­ fore principally be applied to these lympathic organa, causing them to produce more ferments, without, however, neglecting the surgical method. In Schu­ macher’s opinion, this could be best effected by a suitable liquid- albumin therapy; the. malarial treatment should also be tested, and he think« that good results might possibly be obtained by the application of chemotherapy. the town of Payta, Peru, am: average . Interval between showers of rain is years DONIPHAN, Mo., March 17— (U .p.)— William Dodd, 8-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Dodd, wants to be an artist, although he was born without arms. In spite ef h is . handicap ba. Is learning tp do virtually every­ thing a normal boy with good Broken Out Skin and Itching arms can accomplish. At pres­ Eczema Helped Over Night ent hq writes with his .toes, plays marbles, throws rocks, draws pictures, carries In wood, For unsightly skin eruptions, rash or and Is far ahead of ‘the other blotches on face, neck, arms or body, you do . not have to wait for relic f pupils in his class room. from torture or embarrassment, de­ USE SULPHUR TÔ HEAI, TOUR SKIN N ew B e a u ty C ream Q u ic k ly R e m a k e s Y o u r C o m p lex io n Gives it the texture and appear- ince* of a wild rose petal! You :an’t help but notice -a striking inference the moment you put It in! Nourishes while It beautifies -—whitens, cleanses. Should be left. on all night. Also makes wonderful powder hase. Not sticky or greasy. Get this new wonderful beauty cream called Mcllo-glo and try It. — Llthia 3prlngs Pharmacy. clares a noted skin specialist Apply a little Mcntlia-Sulphur and improve­ ment shews next day. Because of i s germ ¿«straying properties, nothing has ever been found to take the place o f this sulphur preparatiti-!. The moment you apply it healing begins. Only those who have had »¿sightly skin troubles can knew the delight this Mcntho-Sulphur brings. Even fiery, itching eczema is dried righi up- ,■ Get a «mall jar o f Eow’cs Mentlio- Sulphur fa m any good druggist and use it like cold cream. Far Free Simple Kail TMi A4vaetiscm:nt to MSHVHALL WARMACAL CO., Inc. J96 KlaUijon Av«. New York. N. Y that druggists gusrantse results.. Colds are WANTED^ Phone 407R Laundry work. too important to treat in lesser ways. . Ì66-r-10» Be Sure ItiaXlLVRv Price 3Oc WANTED: — Two or three setting hens. 480 Chestnut St. 166— 3t Onr crystal bine gray is unex­ celled. Leave yonr orders for spring delivery. . ., f g. PENNISTON,, M»nager , 178 East Main Outbursts of Everett True I WANTED— Good fresh, Dur­ Better start In to do a little ham cow. Must be reasonable. work so they miss you when you Will pay cash or trade gopd 1923 Ford Touring car for same. Give lake your vacation. terms on balance. Phono 6F11. Young fellows joining the naty . 144-3» now find the trousers too tight --------------g.— ... about j their anklee. Reasonable Ratea Telephone 158 163 Granite OINTMENT ß r PILES_, Profjwlinf, . XXF six So blind are we, give us to Bee Reality of dreams— ,. The birds a-wlng, the smile of spring, Thecharm of running streams; The grass so sweet beneath our feet. The treasures of the dey. The mists that rest on creet, The wonders of the blue! KLAMATH .„FALLS. .... Ora., March IT— (U.P.)—rA traffic sop who has a heart haa boon found. .* R. ,A Knoyrlea, traffic officer, apprehended J. C. Parkar.on ttta high war. He had painted a aet of laat year’a license plates over to look like plates for 1926. Parker was none, to q . good a painter , and Knpwlea discovered the fraud. v The patrolman arrested Parker and then found., that ail he had was a wife, two children, an old car and 80 cents. Ho didn’t hare the heart . to aend him to jalf bpt foupd him work and agreed to call for him aach day, taking him to and from work, until mopey enough had been saved for new license plates. "You can’t drive a car with O, miracle, that could dispel Eclipse of mortal sight By touch of hand and kind command, True witness of the light, Shpw us how good the field and wood NOTICE OP APPOINTMENT OF That quickened vision sees ADMINISTRATOR AND TO And, best surprise to opened P R E S E N T CLAIMS. eyes. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN The marvel of the trees! that Everett L. Beeson has been HARRIET CHAPIN FIELDING appointed as administrator of the estate of Elisabeth Beeson, de­ ceased, by the County Court tor SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION Jackson county, Oregon. SUIT IN EQUITY TO FORE­ AU persons having claims CLOSE REAL PROPERTY against said estate are hereby MORTGAGE notified to present the same to IN THÉ CIRCUIT COURT IN Briggs and Briggs, attorneys for THE STATE OF OREGON, IN /the estate, at their office In AND FOR JACKSON COUNTY Pioneer Block, Ashland. Oregon, JOHN OWENS, Plaintiff with voucher» and duly verified, V». within SIX MONTHS from the C. F. SMEDLEY, De­ date hereof. fendant. Date of first publication, To C. F. SMEDLEY, the above March 17, 1926. named defendant: EVERETT L. BEESON, IN THE NAME OF THE Administrator. STATE OF OREGON, you aro 166-4 hereby summoned and required to answer the complaint of tho plaintiff In the above entitled causé, now on file with the Clerk, of the Court at Jackson­ ville, Jackson county, Oregon, withjn SIX weeks from the dato of t ^ first publication of this Summons as required by the ordqjf of the Hon. C. M. Thomas, Judge of said Court, dated .March 12, 1926; and If yon fail to appear and plead In said cause, within the said SIX weeks, the plaintiff will apply tp .the Court for the relief de­ manded in said complaint, to-wlt: For judgment as asked for In said complaint; and foe the fore­ closure of that certain mortgage executed by you, in favor of Frederick A. Biasing, the mort­ gage being recorded in Volume 81 on pages 180 and 181 of the Mortgage Records of Jackson County, Oregon. The Winchester Store” ... Date of first publication March 17, 1926. BRIGGS & BRIGGS, Attorneys for plaintiff, Posf Office Address: Pioneer Block, Ashland, Oregon. Lawn Mowers iimpson’s Hardware Busy Woman-— TftY THE ELIZABETH AÉDEN WAY. World’s Largest Stage Line From Ashland Weed f » 0 » -M 30 —...... Redding ................................... Sacramento ................... - .....- ............... — San Francisco ...............~......................... Round Trip ................................... Los Angeles ............................................... Round,, Trip glO.&S » 1 2 .1 0 -9S4.9S 8 4 1 .8 0 , TWO SCH ED ULE« DAILY ' 1 2 :3 0 N oon — 8 :4 8 P. M. Get your tick et from P ickw ick S tage A gen t Tavern C afe— 187 E ast Main St. P h on e 34 WINTER SCHEDULE 0 7 STAGES Two ¡Through Stages Daily T o P o r tla n d . la a v in g A sh la n d a t 7:00 A. M. and 10:50 A . M. A p le a sa n t one d a y trip . - We take passengers for all way points, For ¡further Information and tickets call Ashland Hotel— Phone 47 P a r e A sh la n d -P o rtla n d , $8.20 Direct Connections at Roseburg for Coos Bay Points T R A V E L B Y M O TO R S T A G E S a v e d a y lig h t h o u r s fo r b u s in e s s o r p lea su re. T r a v e l b y n ig h t t o S a n F ran­ c u ( o , arrive in tim e t o - start v dk t h • e d a y t h e r e . T h e n y o u c a n le a v e fo r h o m e th a t e v e n in g i f y o u w is h . It is most satisfactory and economical. lith ia Sprii Pharmacy -T h a t's t h e c o n v e n ie n t se r v ic e p r o ­ v id e d b y th e lÄOÖ.OOOcui latBruattottjt ab le p ile pipe, which makes the Hcstio!» of the ;ment a: clean « cine C om pany. SHOES arriving there 9:10 a.m. This Dependable afld Proven Rem edy for Piles i» now packed it I StMcts, St. Louis, Mo WORK Over-Night to San Francisco Beauty For The Prescription Druggist Llthia Springs Hotel Building ;ist; or, ir yon prefer money order direct $T0T BHOGÂftS, BUT NEAT, COMFORTABLE ANU DURABLE A fairly reliable sign of spring Is when the snows are postponed on account of rain. Phone l i e ------ T “ IN THE COUNTY COURT jN AND FOR THÊ STATE OF OREGON, JACKSON COUNTY. In the matter 9( the estate of ELLEN C. OÀLEy, Deceased. Henry C. OaleZ axecqtpr of, the estate of Ellen C. Galey, de­ ceased, has filed with the Clerk of the Court, at Jacksonville, Oregon, his final aeconat, and April 12. 1934, at 10:00 o’clock a. m., at the Courthouse in Jacksonville, said county, has been designated as the time and place for hearing thereon. Anyone objecting thereto must file their objection on or before the time of such heartfig. henry C. GALEY, ExeCntbi*.1. BAKERY FRANKLIN Eclipse H A V E t o Pl a tecs A T R A IN • tlO Lîp o n a m in u t o —T e e-H & t. AiRAT I t Y o u ’jt> m is s yrÇ - Whenever your appetife calls for something unus­ ual, collie to oiir bakeiy and look over tlie various cakes an