I MALÀRIA GERMS Cannot survive three mouths in the rifh ozone at Ashland« Pure domestio water helps. > ' The Tidings Has Been Ashland's ________________________________ •___________(United Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tldlngn. Volna»« <• VOL. XLDÉ Y O ® FORGER PASSES THREE ■ CHECKS It 8 U Man Giving Name of H. A. Forsythe Mulcts Local Firms Here Saturday It 19 It 19 ALL FOR SMALL SUMS It Polire It Seek California Antolet It end Woman After Opera­ 8 tion» in City Police of Oregon and Califor­ nia citiea have been asked by Chief of Police McNabb to be on Kthe vetch for a young forger who operated ip Ashland late Saturday afternoon and then left the city before his worthless checks were returned from the banks. Prom description furnished by local firms which were vic­ timized, police believe the forg­ er was one of the typical auto . “ tramps” ^rho arrived here abort of funds and who put out the bad paper in order to get enough gas and oil to carry him to some other town. The Western Auto Supply com­ pany, the Automotive shop and the Ford garage were mulcted out of small sums by the alleged forger, who gave the name of H . A. Forsythe. He bought auto accessories at each of these places and received some change at each establishment. The to­ tal amount of the checks brought to light last night was not more than 915. Woman With Him ' The young man was traveling in an Oldsmobile roadster and was accompanied by a younr ...woman. The checks were made opt to a woman and endorsed over to Forsythe. A t ..the W ast­ ers Auto Supply company the check was for 93.25. The Auto­ motive shop cashed a check for 95.60 and the Ford garage for 94.90. The reputed forger and hie feminine companion were travol- ing in a car bearing a Callfor- * n ia license and It is believed they headed north when they left here. I t was reported they had attempted to cash checks at soversl other places but were refused when they conld not Identify themselves. ■TI DEATH UNDER PROBE Well Known California Resi* dent Said to Have Been Badly Treated * H U N TIN G TO N PA R K , Cal., March 16— (U .P .)— Investigation of the death at Tia Juana of Carl F. Reynolds, prominent Huntington Park resident, was demanded today by local author­ ities. Chief o f Police W illiam s, in a telephone conversation with San Diego police, ordered a com­ plete investigation, maintaining that Reynolds’ death resnltod from mistreatment at the hands of Mexican police following his arrest on an Intoxication charge. Prisoners Escape Los Angeles Jail LOS ANGELES, Cal.K Match 16— (U .P .)— Six . prisoners a t­ tacker a M ile r in the new 96.- 000,000 Justice building here today and escape^. T h rM .were recaptured a short tithe later and the others. gtft away. It was the sixth break from the expensive hostile since it was first occupied less than a month kgo. 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Girl’s Institution Wants to Raise >1000 From Ash­ land and Vicinity 1 -1 Ashland and vicinity w ill be asked to subscribe 91,000 for the Jnvenlle hospital for girls, according to Mrs. Elisabeth Cos- g riff, district campaign manager, who is in Jackson jeounty this week. Mgs. Cosgriff was In the city yesterday making prelimin­ ary plans for the local cam­ paign, and will return later In the week to get the drive under way. The g irls ’ hospital w ill be built under the auspices of the JPa- elflc~ Ftotecttre' x»«ih(mr E state aid in the sum of 317/600 for the Institution was votpd at the last session of the legislature. Mrs. ( Cosgriff expressed confi­ dence* that Ashland would he quick to respond to the appeal on behalf o f the girls of Ore­ gon. TEN POUND BOV IS- Stork Alights on Pullman Car Near Arlington; Everybody Happy A R LIN G TO N , Ore., March 1« — A fast start in life and an uncertain birthplace ware accord­ ed a ten-pound baby boy, born to Mrs. George Kirkwood- of Baker on eastbound passenger train No. 24. Dr. V. Gessner of Arlington was asked by telegraph to board the train. The child was born about 4:30 when in the vicinity of Hermis­ ton. Dr. Gessner left the train at Echo, where both mother and child were reported to be doing well. Council Will Buy New Road Grader Purchase of a new street grader as well as the purchase of 500 feet of fire hose w ill bo the chief matters to occupy the attention of the city council. at the regular meeting tonight. Test. have been made during the week of two makes of grad­ ers, and it is expected that City Manager Malone and the street department w ill submit recom­ mendations to the council. E lk’s Dance To ’ Be Held Tonight < THE WEATHER Oregon and Washing­ ton— Unsettled with rain tonight, probably Wed­ nesday. Continued mtld. Fresh -. southerly '¡Winds along coast. ' BANDITS FAIL IN EFFORT TO STAGE HOLDUP Louis Bennett and H. 91 H. De Armond, prominent 91 Bend ' residents, wanted U to aid Jay Upton, re- publican candidate for Cashier of Bank East of governor, during his Portland Fights Off Trio compaign trip through at Neon Today Jackson county, so they set ont by auto from FAIL TO GET MONET Bend after dark last night, and made the trip without Incident over The Police Hend Ont Posse« in At« Dalles-Callfornia highway, tempt to Capture Outlaws arriving at- the (.Rbia Who Fled • Springs hotel late at Bight. PORTLAND, Ore., March 16 Both Bend men are — (U .P .)— Heroism on the part former resident» of Jack- of Charles Drake and wife pre son county, having spent vented the robbery of the Park their boyhoods here, and Rose bank today. When the they were glad of the op-' bandits ordered them to pat up portunlty of renewing th e ir hands, Mrs. Drake ran to boyhood friendships as a side office for guns. In spite well as doing what they o( a hail of bullets, she got a could on behalf of Sen-. shotgun which she handed to ator Upton. her husband and the bandits fled. Drake is believed to have wounded one of the outlaws. HOSPITAL DRIVE TO START HEff SHORTLY ) i ' (X sssse^^^WBe j Members ..of ..the ..Ashland lodge of Elks and their friends w ill enjoy a , St. Patrick’s day dapee i t thè Elks' temple thia evening. The a ffa ir promises to 6e one of the most enjoyable R staged by t ie lodge daring' the H early spring season. ’ > Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Years Ire Service) ASHLAND, OREGON, no ; 16S kSDAY, MARCH 16, 1926 CITY PARK BOARD AWARDS CONTRACTS FOR BUILDING OF AUTO; TOURIST CABINS SENTIMENT OF PEOFLE HELPS IN TAX FIGHT I brothers received the contract for the plumbing work. They agreed to install plumbing in both cottages for |92 . W. A. Wiest of Klamath There were 16 bidders in all, Tells of the Results of and because of the spirited bid­ Conference Today ding the cottages will be con­ W . J. Montgomery was glv structed somewhat cheaper than JACKSON TO BENEFIT the contract for putting up had been estimated. buildings, his bid being S Mr. Montgomery w ill start Senator Stanfield’» Land Tax B ill for both. Wilson and Ong w< Meeting W ith Strong right to work putting up the the lowest and succesaful b l * two cottages, and It is planned Support ders for the painting, w ith to start construclon of several An Increasing public senti­ more later this spring. proffer of 3140, while Provoi ment is getting behind the move­ :— - J . r , ment initiated by Senator Stan­ field and taken up by a group u of Western Oregon counties to get from the government several 15586238 millions which were lost to the I x counties when the Oregon and The hot mineral water p ln afe California railroad grant landc at the Ashland natatorlnm wiB Balloting for Director Nom- reverted to the government. be open to the public, s ta rtid t . inees Will Close at This was the declaration today at noon tomorrow, according' t* Six O'clock of W. A. Wiest of Klamath coun­ announcement today by M . A. ty who conferred wjj,li Jackson Mann, new owner of (he natak Balloting in the chamber of torium. The cold plunge a s ’ commerce primary election for county officials this morning. “ Big industrial and commer­ well as the baths w ill be opened directors w ill close at 6 o’clock cial interests of the several PO RTLAND. Ore., March 16.— later as soon as' alterations are this evening, and shortly there­ cqpntles are seeing the justice (LP) — Three bandits attempted > completed. after the election committee will of these demands and are pledg­ .to hold up the Park Rose bank canvass the ballots to determine ing their aid to the county courts who shall be the nominees for shortly before poon today but and other officials in this fight the places to be filled. Voting were unsuccessful, according to which will soon be finished In has not been as brisk as In for- telephone reports to police head­ the halls of congress.” declared i mer years, according to Secre­ quarters. Mr. Wiest. “ I t now appears tary F u lle r, although It -was The bandlts'entered the insti­ that every county in Western - hoped that there would be a tution east of Rose City Park, Oregon which Is affected w ill heavily armed and masked. The Golden Role and W inelsad’s ;U8h °ff b*,,ot8 dur,”g th* dav have public sentiment 100 per in order to make the primary cashier, however, reached for his Millinery Have Display cent behind them when our lob­ election representative of the en­ gun and engaged the bandits in a at The Vining by goes to Washington within tire membership of the cham­ gun fight and succeeded in driving the next few weeks.” them away before they could ob­ Much feminine Interest was ber. Mr. Wiest who is deputy dis­ tain Any of the bank’s funds. aroused at the Vining theater trict attorney of Klamath county, The men left the bank, climbed last night at the fashion show Is one of those who was named into a waiting motor car and fled staged jo in tly , by the Golden to go to Washington, D, C-, down the Craig road, said meager Rule store and W ineland’a m il­ on behalf of the measure which reports from Park Rose. linery .between the first and 8enator Stanfield has Introduced Posses of police are scouring second showings of the films. and which he is Becking to have the west side section In an af- Models for the occasion weM parsed. I f the bill is p fort to apprehend the bend Its. S«d M4BB muton. Mm. WHUgm-fce«A President- E l e e t O f N o n n e ! Jackson county w in receive' i All roads leading to and from the Misa Velma Clapp, Miss Ruth proxfmately 9376,000 from the School isits on Offic- district are being closely guarded. Flackus, Mrs. B arnett, Mias L il­ federal government. Matters lian McM illan, Miss Opal Deni J. A. Churchill, president­ mer of Talent and Miss Georgia elect of the new Ashland normal Edwards of Medford. Dainty frocks for little misses school, arrived in thp city last were tastefully shown by two evening to supervise the plan­ charming little models, Mttla ning for the landscape garden­ Betty Kearney and Betty Evans in g ' on the normal school cam­ pus and to attend to other of­ Kennewick Growers to Take State Prison Tailor Shop ficial matters connected with Measure to Protect Cutting 50 More Uniforms the opening of the school here Against Frost For Unruly Men during July. M r. Churchill Is highly pleased K E N N E W IC K , Wash., March SALEM, Ore., March 16— Tha w ith the progress being made Oregon state penitentiary tailor 16— F r u i t g r o w e r s , especially on the normal school building shop today was making 60 or those w ith cherry orchards, have Installed apparatus to protect Colonel John 0. Coolidge and expects to have everything more convict suits -of red and in readiness for an auspicious black material. These suits will their bnds from frost, and A l­ Rests Comfortably opening of the institution. bert Cook of the United States be worn by Incorrigible prison­ Immediate construction two new double cottages In auto park was authorised night by the city park which awarded bids for work. Mineral Plunge. Opens Tomorrow S IM M « m t M H ON BUSINESS ÌT ARE TO BE HEATED Salem Bank Will 1 Build New Home During the Night PL Y M O U T H , V t., March 16— (U .P .)— Colonel John C. Cool­ idge, father of the president, rested comfortably during tl.e night and there is virtually no change in his condition, Mae Johnson, his nurse, reported to­ day. She refused to say if she thought what little improve ment was noted might be per­ manent. ' , Chinese Leader Gets Ultimatum P E K IN G , March 16— (U .P .)- Forelgn naval commanders today delivered an ultimatum to the Chinese nationalist commander of Taku Forts, giving, him un­ til noon of next Thursday to remove the kines from the chan nel of the Peiho river. I t the ultim atum Is ignored tire naval men will “ take such action as Is deemed necessary.” REPORT WILL FAVOR H BROOKHART Perjury Case Is SALEM , March 1 6 — Plans for the new home of the F irst Na­ tional bank here were completed today. The building w ill he ten stories high and w ill be of Romanesque design. The bank Democratic S e n a t o r Will w ill occupy the entire lower Submit Minority Re­ floor, while« the nine upper commendation Shortly floors w ill be utilised for of« W A SHING TO N, D. C., Marek flees. The structure w ill cost approximately 9200,000. Two 16— (U .P .)— A minority report favorabld to 'Senator Brookhart, elevators w ill be Installed, republican of Iowa, in the con­ test brought against him by Daniel F. Steck, democrat, will be prepared by Senator Stephens, democrat of Mississippi, and pre- sented to the senates he announce -Normal Building . Progress Is Good Satisfactory progress la be­ ing made on the construction of the new normal .school and if the work continues at the present rate thd building Will be completed by Way 1, said ed this afternoon Now Being Tried T ria l of the state case against D r. Charles , Sweeney, Is under way In the circuit court at Jack­ sonville with Judge Percy R. K elly of Salem sitting as the trial Jurist. The work of select- la« a Jury was under way yes­ terday. Dr. Sweeney was In- dieted on a charge of committing perjury in hie testimony at the H untley murder tria l • several months ago. Noted Publisher ACTION POSTPONED Is Buried At Sea i_™^^; admission to Smaller Cities 4 Are Vo tir» nent Law 8 8 8 8 8 8- 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 N EW YVRK CIT.Y, March 16— (U .P.)— With less than a week reinaln- Ing before most of the hewspaper polls on pro- hlbltlon come to an end, ballots from the smaller towns cut down the le a j for the wets which was established by the returns from larger cities. Returns today from 36 widely separated cities show 57,590 favoring the present law, with 588,286 favoring either modlflca- tlon or repeal. local t u r n '.TO N GIVER BIG OVATION AT LUNCHEON » Candidate For Governor At » I Republican Primaries »i Expresses Views “ s Army Offioers Here to Re­ view Local Troops; Rat­ ing Not Yet Known Battery B. Captain Clyde Ma­ lone commanding, underwent its annual federal inspection at the arm ory last evening, and to all outward appearances It wag In every way satisfactory to the in- speeting officers. The Inspect­ ing officers were Major W aller Of Salem and Captain Bowling of Olympia, Wash. The two officers are m ilitary Instructors for their respective states. Last year Battery B received the highest rating of “very sat­ isfactory” for Its federal In­ spection, and is hoping to make the same mark this yeaar, a l­ though this will not be known until the inspectors file their of ficlal report. policies o u t l i n e d Declare» Automobile Owners Aro Entitled to Better Treat­ ment Hero Jay Upton, candíante for the republican nomination for gov- 1 ernor, has the happy faculty of saying Just what he thinks, and it was this characteristic of the eastern Oregon senator which brought him an enthusiastic re­ sponse at the chamber of com­ merce luncheon at the Llthla Springs hotel today noon. A t the outset he promised not to discuss politics, but whis­ pered urgings from club of­ ficials told him to go the lim it, and go he did, during the 20 minutes allotted him. Right off the bat he criticised the present methods of law en­ forcement as is being attempted by 8tate prohlbltlon officer, ( and declared that a sincere effort is not being made to enforce state liquor laws in Oregon. Need Honest Officer« “ I do not believe that you should employ a thief to catch a thief, neither do I believe yon should hire a bootlegger to catch a bootlegger,” he said. “Court records throughout Ore­ gon show that bootleggers, hi­ jackers, ex-convicts and other un­ desirables have been and are being employed a» staja prohibi­ tion officers. They jpreep down on this town and that for a fsw sporadic and sensational raids without working In harmony or eooperation with city or county officials. " If I am elected governor of this state I w ill sea that honest, One Man Wounded and Five reputable men are employed to enforce the prohibition laws. Citizens Held Prisoners I w ill see that they cooperate in Hold-Up with the proper city police and H A R T Z E L L S , A la.,-M arch 16 county peace officers. I prçmlse — (U .P .)— O ut man was wound­ yon there w ill he none of the ed and five cltlsbns were held present hypocrisy.” prisoners temporarily here yes­ (Continued on Page Three) terday afternoon by eight ban­ dits who ' escaped after robbing a local bank of 916,000. O ffi­ cers today had found no clues as to the whereabouts of the bandits. The wounded bank employe Is expected to recover. ’ «quRnUtl unnb KUuu BANK AND ESCAPES MAKE MORE STRIPED SUITS FOR CONVICTS P E W S FATHER IS department ¡of agriculture Is here to forecast the temperatures during the danger period. Minimum temperature fore­ casts w ill be issued for the var­ ious fru it sections ‘each night at 7 o’clock and passed on to all In q uirers' from the local tele­ phone office. ASHLAND CLIMATE Without the use of medicine eures nine cases out of ten of ssthnuk This is s proven fact MORE WATER POWER IANDS CLASSIFIED ers. The suits were ordered by Warden L illie following the re­ cent riot in the Institution din­ ing room. Wearng of stripes in the Oregon prison was abol­ ished during the administration of Governor Oswald West. STATE IS WINNER II RABIES EPIDEMIC Federal Judge U p h o l d s Truck Cioense Fees And Weight Limits PO RTLA N D, Ore., March 16 — (U .P .)— Two lm poifant de­ cisions making clear the state's Three Dead and Many Criti­ right to regulate motor vehicles, were handed down In federal cally 111 a« Result of Renewed Outbreak court yesterday afternoon by Judge Bean. In a suit brought OUAYMAS, Sonoro, Mexico. by a group of truck operators March 16— (U .P .)— Mexican of­ against Secretary of State Koser, ficials are alarmed over the re­ challenging the constitutionality newed outbreak of the dread epi­ of tha automobile license fees. demic of rabies which Is sweep­ It was ruled the fees are not un­ ing through this section. Three constitutional and were not tolls, persons are dead and many arc as was contended. dangerously 111, acoording to a In a suit by R. B. Morris report of health authorities. Tho against the state highway com­ rabies became epidemic here a mission, the right to lim it the monlh• constructed to keep out covered with oil splotches and • • died suddenly last Friday night ing. Service, of 900 ja n ito r, and »11 »uch traffic. It ha. been db- h»« lo a n e d * tha three-inch wrdlng tc, a report h while on a cruise on his private porters ¡elded. | cwlng. Rsrenn. Collator yacht. Advertise In