«Miu/. Mgj- A ASHLAND DAILY TIDI (fertabkefad f PRINTING OFFICIAL ' c & y Tetaphoije 89 One Month .... Three Months Stx Months .. One Year ____ Seven temporary holes are °Pen for pia» ind .It Is estimated that more thaii a hundred players inade the circuit during the day. Six Months DISPLAY ADVERTISING Single Insertion, per In e b i.---------- „------ S i 5™•« 2 RATES breeses fclOhg the l>rodi all had their appeal t o r . the vlsUorq, many of whom brought their luncp |aad picnicked In the woods. v.- ▲ crew of pen hare been at work the past week Improving the fairways .pnd janfl. gjreens. The work will ,continue to. be pu&hed this w e fk .tf ¿hat, tjó«, who come next Sunday^ may look for, still better accommodations. Work has commenced on tno barn which is tq replace, tk» old barn. The net barn will be placed In the ravine out qfc sight of the lints ..and the, removal ; of the old building will greatly improve the appearance of the grounds.. „ . . No ckirge jp'ir jpliijdng will, be made until the co«™» I. £ bet- S S«' Dally Insertion Rates for Legal and Miscellaneous Advertising FJret Insertion, per 8 point line ___ *...................—.......... Each subsequent insertion, 8 point line ........... ....i______ C- nrd of Thanks ,.n Obituaries, per line . ■ ■ , ------------------- .........■..................................... ...........—1 - DONATIONS No donations to charities or otherwise will he made In lng or lob printing — our contributions will be In ca$h. WHAT CONSTITUTES ADVERTISING “All future events, where an admission «barge Is made or a collection taken is Advertising.” No discount will be allowed Religions or Benevoleht Orders. MARCH 10, 102« THE 8AVINC BLOOD— “In the tenth day of this month they shall take • ••every man a lamb. And they shall take of the b)ood, and put it on the two side-posts and on the lintel. • • • And the blood shall be to you for a token— , and when I see the blood I will pass over you.” Ex. I f.3-7-13. • PRAYER — O Lord, “There -is power, power, wonder-working power. In the precious blood of the Lamb.” ASHLAND'S PROSPECTS From all present indications the current year prom­ ises to be an eventful one in the history of Ashland. The civic, business and industrial awakening is in no sense a boom. It is bat the natural and gradual culmination of dreams and prophecy. Street and sidewalk improvements promise to play a leading part in civic progress during the months which lie ahead. The city administration is committed to this program of improvement. The chamber of comriierce, through its board of directors, recently announced such improvements would comprise its major program during the year. W ith these two agencies working hand in hand there is .every reason to expect substantial and gratify­ ing results. 7 ' ■ - ' The improvement of the auto tourist camp through the construction of sightly cottages“'I s ’by no means a ll insignificant p art of the building program for Ashlrind during the 'present year. Other activities of even greater importance of an industrial nature are also contemplated within the next few weeks. The revival of the mining industry promises to add materially to the Ashland payroll and general prosperity. A new sawmill will soon rise» within the city limits, giving employment to men and converting the virgin pine and fir into money. Other big developments are being planned and are expected to be announced within the next few weeks. 1 Already there are indications of considerable build­ ing activity here during the year. There is both room and ne^d for more dwelling houses, and these will be built. The reopening of the normal school will bring young men and women here from many parts of the state and likewise will draw families here to reside per­ manently. So, from even’ possible standpoint, it can l»e truth­ fully said that Ashland is on the eve of un important awakening. Developments now in progress as well as those projected mean growth and prosperity. The futes ure l»eing kind to Ashland U'cause Ashland is quick td grasp* the door of opportunity. “ By CHARLES P. STEWART NBA Service Writer W A S H I N G T O N — A badly scrambled senatorial situation is devsloplh» In Pennsylvania, and It’s of hatlonsl consequence, be­ cause It i^volveSj not only a senatorsblp, but the political fu­ ture of Governor Pinchot, who's a national character. Pinchot Is the dryest man, of his caliber, that the Repub­ lican drys have got. If he gets Into the Senate, he’s bound to figure as a presidential possibility, .on a platform favor-. EVERYBODY SHOULD VOTE Every member of the Ashland chamber of commerce should vote his choices in the primary election now being conducted to select the ten nominees for directors. The cldunlter of commerce is representative of the entire com­ munity, and for th at reason it« directors should be rep­ resentative of the chamber. In other cities of Oregon the prim ary system of nom­ inating and eloping chamber of commerce directors luts l»een a dismal failure. Other cities which have tried it have returned to the old convention system. The fact that it is a success in this city is proof that the members are taking an active interest in the affairs of the organizu- tlon. I t is to be Im ped th a t th is interest will be m a in ta in ­ ed in the election now being conducted. ___ . • • The Tidings' prolii poll showed that Ashland is dry in its sentiments, while police records disclose that it is likewise dry in practice. —■ l«‘ The red fez was lxiss of the streets here all day Sat­ urday. And every shriner scented- to be having a good You’d really • E , W»Q is chirgqd with kldnqp- Mttkhi» lB->0r4,ld n»sci Jeiipie Albee, and transporting her Into Idaho and cflttoHUl. He was arretted hear Ritbrsldg tjda week. The heed ribcher ih The Wick Fumittite Go, rom Ashland a 4 tut To Weed o Thrttigh 8tages Daily AJMahd t t T:00 X. ft pleasant one day » f#f All W bohU. Fpr togthei its, call, Aibtahd Hotel—Wone lot more if you didn’t o to work. formation IXttBM-Ettrtltta, 18.20 I t ’s about time f< ar the hoys in congress to be sending f garden seed. Jb"? '---- 1 nadsunimer dtfy in Litkiä Park vee- ÛÔMbsrg fbr W hm M O fH E R e'teT -T h e l u l l a q m Z tJqlai* fe»y t»olâl4 r if e h t fcUTOR. S T it t t