r , O&BMS Cannot «arvive three mopths in the rich mone at Ashland. Pure domeetio water helps. malaria A shland daily T idings The Tidings Has Been Ashland's Leading Newspaper For pearly Fifty Years * > ■ you xlix YOUNG CIVIL ENfilNEEER IS FAST WORKER Hi- I . (United * * ........ — Successor to ths Semi-Weekly Tidings. Volume 41 Fake Hand Bills Are Drawing Men To Klamath Falls » K L A M A T H FALLS, tt Ore., March 15— (Spe- tt cial)— Somebody, eithei| tt with too much enthusiasm tt or a twisted sense of Choir Singer in P resid en t’s tt humor, is making things Church Becom es Bride tt look bad for Klamath of S. P. Official tt Falls. tt Common laborers are V ISIT IN G IN A SH LA N D tt flocking into the city in tt droves.. They are coining Whirlwind Courtship Revealed tt by freight ana passenger W hen Honeym ooners Arrive tt train, auto stage and in This CUy tt flivver. And they’re all tt coming an the result of In the future when President tt thousands of hand bills ana Mrs. Coolidge attend Sun­ tt distributed through the day services In the Congrega­ tt streets of Los Angeles, tional church at Washington, D. tt saying that 5,000 labor- C., they will miss the clear*toned tt ers were needed here at lilting voice of Miss Beulah-Dar­ tt once. row, noted Washington soloist tt The labor market at and member of the chpir of the tt the present time is flood- president’s church. tt ed, and there is no room For thia charming young tt for the newcomers who southern girl has fallen victim tt are flocking here. The to the unerring aim of Cupid, tt lortil chamber of com- and because Scott Howatt, young tt merce is conducting an civil engineer in charge of main­ tt Investigation to find out tenance for the Southern Pa­ tt who is responsible for cific, wooed her ao speedily an# tt those I xjs Angeles band persistently, she is spending a tt bills. The situation Is delightful honeymoon In Ash­ ft said to be serious. land as Mrs. Scott Howatt. A SH LA N D , OREGON, tt tt TW O tt tt tt MILLION VOTES l a r f p Cities Show H eaviest Sup­ port for W ets; Ashland V otes Noted tt NEW YORK CITY, March 15 tt — (U.P.)— Ag newspaper polls on tt ft tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt .............—----: prohibition approach the two million mark, it becomes appar­ ent that the large cities are gen­ erally the heaviest supporters 'of modification or repeal of the Vol­ stead act. Today’s returns from 34 wide­ ly separated cities out of the more than 400 in the poll show­ ed 514,441 for either modifica­ tion or repeal, with 44,069 in ‘favor of the existing law. It will be still several days before a complete tabulation can be made,. It was announced at headquarters today. Ashland Ore., was one of the few cities of the country which voted a substantial majority in favor of the existing law with strict en­ forcement. Jay Upton, Bend lawyer and , ej as the first eastern Oregon state senator from Deschutes, i solon to come out flat-footedly in Klamath and a group of Eastern favor of the Ashland normal Oregon counties, will be the school, and in so doing he lost chief speaker at the chamber support for some of his own of commerce luncheon tomorrow measures among Eastern Oregon noon at the Llthia Springs hotel. senators and representatives. “I joined the fight in hehalr Senator Upton, who la seeking the republican nomination for of Ashland, first because I felt governor, arrived last evening the state needed another nor­ and will remain until late to­ mal institution, and second, be­ morrow. Aa president of the cause I thought Ashland was Oregon Irrigation congress for the logical place for It,” said two /ears, Senator Upton Is Senator Upton today.” Senator Upton will speak to­ recognized aa one of the best posted men in the state on Ir­ morrow noon on tax matters? rigation matters, and evinced with special reference to auto­ keen interest in the welfare of mobile and gasoline taxes, and the irrigation districts in this chamber' of commerce officials county. , I are urging a representative gath- In the last legislative session erlng to greet the Eastern Ore- Senator Upton will be remember- ] gon solon. Federal Inspector Due Here Tonight F »TRATION OF VOTERSJS URGED ' ______ Federal inspection of Battery B of Ashland will be held at the Those N ot Registered on armory thia evening, starting at Books Can Register at 8 o’clock, when an army officer B illings Agency On Short Visit will be here to review the local A few weeks ago Miss Darrow, troopers. The Inspector will be Are you properly registered? who is prominent In Waahtag If not, you can register now accompanied by ,MaJor Waller of ton's social and musical circles, at the Billings agency, 41 East Salem. came to the west coast for a Main street. This office is the brief visit with friends. At San official registrar for all of the " * Francisco, she met Mr. Mowatt, Ashland precincts as well as and there the romance sprang W. A. W ie st One of Lobby­ Bellview and Barron. ists to go to W ashington Into being. Persons who are not properly D. 0 . Shortly Last week Miss Darrow com­ registered In their precincts, or pleted arrangements to return if they have changed political W. A. Wiest, deputy district at­ to Washington. She had several torney of Klamath county, was in A. E. Shearer N ow A ide to parties since last registering or Former Head of V eterans’, vocal engagements which had if they have not voted at the George Brandenburg; Ashland and Medford today In Bureau D enied Appeal to be filled. But the failed to the Interests of the proposal of last two general elections must P u blicity Planned by U. S. Court reckon with the young civil register again. a group of Oregon counties to engineer who would not be de­ get a tax refund from the A. E. Shearer has Just been WASHINGTON, D. C„ Mart* nied. federal government as a result appointed assistant manager of 15— (U .P.)—Charles R. Forbea, of th>-reeer«len to the govern the Oregon Stale Motor aaao- YorMar head of the U. S. Vet-P, F o u r) ment of the California and Ore­ clation, according to word re­ erans’ Bureau, must serve two ceived today by Miss Florence years In a federal prison. The gon land grant. Mr. Wiest has been making a Hollmeyei*, manager of the Ash­ United States supreme court to­ study of this question for many land branch office of the as­ day denied a review of his con­ months and has been chosen as sociation in the Llthia Springs viction for conspiracy to de­ Shriners From A ll Parts of one of those to go to Washing­ hotel. Mr. Shearer succeeds J. fraud the government in con­ State Here Saturday M. Younger. ton, D. C., to lobby for the bill nection with the location of hos­ for B ig Gathering Miss Hollmeyer also was noti­ which Senator Stanfield recently pitals. John W. Thompson, a fied that George Brandenburg, contractor who was convicted W idely Known Ashland W o­ Introduced In the senate. According to reports from of­ manager of the association, left with Forbes, also was denied n man Succumbs Today ; ficers and visitors, the spring Portland yesterday for Washing­ review and must serve the same Funeral W ednesday ceremonial of Hllla temple shrin­ ton, D. C., where he >111 at­ sentence. ers was one of the best ever Mrs. Millington Rasor, wife tend the national conference on staged here. Members of the of J. S. Rasor, died at noon to­ highway safety which has been shrine from every section of the day after an illness of two I called by Secretary Hoover. He state were here for the big gath­ years, which started when she is taking with him three reels of ering Saturday and the cere­ was run over by an automobile. motion pictures showing recrea­ monial at the armory assisted a .Funeral services will be held at Presbyterian M ission a t Can­ tional advantages In Oregon. large group of novices across the ton is Forced to Close 2:30 Wednesday afternoon from These pictures will be shown dur­ burning sands. its Doors the Stock chapel, with Rev. ing the conference. The drum and bugle corps as Woodworth of the Baptist church UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, well as the Arab patrol paraded CANTON, March 15. — (IP) - officiating. Eugene; Ore., M^rch 15— (Spe­ through the* down town streets Mrs. Rasor was 63 years old Refusing to submit to “national­ cial)— Baker will be the first during the afternoon, while the ization,” the American Presby­ and had lived here for the part city In Oregon to be visited by red fez ruled as boss of the city terian mission hospital here to­ 20 years. She was widely Captain John J. McEwan and F, until a late hour. known throughout the county day closed its* doors after three H. Young, president of the Uni­ The dining room at the Llthia and her death will be mourned days without food, water, lights versity of Oregon Alumni asso­ Springs hotel was taxed to its or telephone service. by the many friends of the ciation, and a 1914 graduate, on capacity for the annual ban­ The patients, many of them in family. their tour over the state. a serious condition, have been quet for shriners and their Board Convening a t Eugene Besides her husband Mrs. The date when the trip starts wives. At the conclusion of Today to Take up Rasor is survived by the follow­ removed to other hospitals. This has not been announced, but tha the ceremanlal session, old-fash­ Presidency Question ing children: Mrs. Edith Yeager action followed a strike staged by party will be gone for approxi­ ioned dancing was enjoyed at of Salisbury, N. C.; Frank Rasor native employes who picketed the mately two weeks. ’ The object the armory until a late hour. EUGENE, Ore., March 15— hospital and prevented the deliv­ of Aberdeen, Wash.; Walter Ra­ (U.P.)— The board of regents of Is to Introduce Oregon's new sor of Salisbury, N. Earl ery of supplies. the University of' Oregon con­ coach, who is regarded as one of Rasor of Charlotte, N. C. She vened today to discuss candi­ the outstahding figures in the also leaves two sisters, Mrs. Mc­ dates for presidency of the In­ football coaching world. Maggie Barnett of Oklahoma and Ewan was formerly head coach stitution and to make faculty ap­ Mrs. Abbie’ Harrison, residing in pointments. Dr. C. V. Boyer of at the United States Military Kansas. the University of Illinois, as Academy, West Point, and when head of the- English department, he was In college he was select­ and Dr. John Henry Nash, noted ed for two years on the All- Arthur Foster to Establish The governor and other officials printer, as a lecturer on typog­ American football eleven. Quarters Here W ithin are advocating an increase of two The Dalles and Astoria are in­ raphy, are expected to be ap­ a Short Time cents in gasoline tax, but gasoline cluded on the north part of pointed. companies seem, to have taken the the tour, which will extend as Arthur Foster of the Oregon Fashion will hold sway at the Initiative, for Saturday gasoline far south as Ashland. Letters state chamber of commerce, will Vining theatre tonight between increased in price from 26c to of Introduction are being sent open the gateway office in this Iff _ gtnrwe whom The Gold e n Bal a a nd Q 25 • O W ■ aTVWs w w i f T T m l n T t o v s O T T M • to alumni in each of the towns. city br soon as he completes n Wineland’s Millinery Shop will special reason fpr the Increase The trip is to be made by auto­ tour of Eastern Oregon which stage a fashion show. was given. mobile. he Is now makng, according to The latest creations in women’s word received here today. Ef­ dresses, coats, hats and Other forts of Klamath Falls residents furnishings will be displayed by to have the gateway office lo­ Costa Rica Tragedy Coats living models on the stage of the cate«] at ¿he junction of the Ash­ 178 Lives ana Many Vining. The regulalr picturepro- land-Klamath highway were un­ gram will be Viren before'and Seriously Injured availing and the office will he after the fashion show, and the located in Ashland again this Bids for the construction of ' NEW YORK CITY, March IB admission will he thè same aa year. It will be started earlier usual, no charge being made for two double cottages In the Llthia —-(U.P.)—An excursion train than ever before because of the WASHINGTON, D, C„ March Springs auto park will be opened carrying hundreds of Costa Rican the fashion show. increased tourist travel now 15— (U.P.)— G e r a ld Chapman, native* to a fiesta was wrecked at a meeting of the city park coming from the south. Records board thia evening. If the blda on the Pacific coast of Costa notorious mall bandit, must hang. THE W EATHER - show It Is four times greater are satisfactory it is expected the Rica Sunday, killing 175 and In­ The supreme court today denied than at thia time last year. a motion for a review of lower tt Oregon and Washing tt board will award the contract juring 76 others, said advices conrt decisions. Chapman is The railroad # ton— Fair east portion, tt In order that construction work reaching here. We have tried for years and M cloudy west portion to- tt might get under way Immediate­ penetrated a aectlon of <3011* now held under a death sentenoe find It Is going to take us a In Connecticut, and will be ex­ tt night and Tuesday. Mod- tt ly. Other cottages will be bnllt Rlqa seldoih reached by tour­ long time to get ricti quick. ecuted on April >. ists. / later in the spring. o erate coast winds. tt KLAMATH AHORNEY HERE ON TAX CASE MOTOR ASSOCIATION RMS M ä llit HAS NEW ASSISTANT KMEMIIBW SPRING CEREMONIAL IS GREAT SUCCESS « MRS. M R P A H S F R O M M ILLNESS CLOSE UP HOSPITAL OREGON COACH WILL IT I GATEWAY OFFICE TO BE OPENED SHORTLY Gasoline Price Boosted 2 Cents Fashion Show To Be Held Tonight ~ MMf ARE ftlEB . IN WRECK OF TBAIN Park Board Will Convene Tonight "*— ----- NO. 164 [DAY, MARCH 15, 1926 ALL WEATHER MODIFICATIONJAY, A OTT0N T0 K SPEAK“ T CHAMBER OF COMMERCE DNDS FAVOR LUNCHEON TOMORROW NOON RECORDS HERE ARE SMASHED KITH PEOPLE tt 8 tt tt tt tt H eavy Majority ed up for Li tt and Beer Proposal tt tt 'F lre Barrie«) ASHLAND CLIMATE Without the use of medicine cures nine cases out of ten of asthma. T his is a proven fa c t CHAPMAN TO HANG M Y NEJO MONTH Sunday Proves to be H ottest D ay for Ashland for Over 40 Years PARK PROVES PO PU LAR Eight y-Ono Degree« Recorded Here Yesterday; Many People Swelter Old Timers To Seek Election p;. I I ISSUES “ »«"T'^ jí ATEM ENT UN BENTON AFFAIR Things appAO' picking up in \ pri­ mary election for,direct­ ors of the Ashland cham­ ber of commerce. The “Old-timers’ club” jj Republican Candidate For Governor Scores At- made its appearance to­ c j tempted Boss Rule day with a slate of can­ didates to offset the pro­ 2 FAIR PLAY DEMANDED posal of the Newcom­ ers’ club, which last Endorsement of Senator Patter­ week submitted a list of son at Corvullis Brings nominees. Criticism Those suggested by the Old-timers’ club as its A stinging rebuke to the small candidates Include: Jack group of republican bosses of Milton, H. L. Claycomb, Benton county who staged a Randall J. Woods, J. C. convention Saturday to endorse Hopper and G. M. Green. primary candidates was issued The seven hold-over di­ here today by Jsy Upton of rectors who should not Bend, candidate for the repub­ be included on the pri­ lican nomination for governor. mary ballot are: Clyde Senator Upton will be here to­ Malone, Dan Kay, C. H. day and tomorrow in the in­ Pierce, O. F. Carson. R. terests of his candidacy. E. Detrick, Earl Isaac "Under our system of elec­ an,] limner Billings. tions every citizen has a right to The primary ballots express his or her choice for will close at 6 o'clock whom shall be the nominees of tomorrow evening. The the party,” he said. "The pres­ ballots will be counted ent personnel of all county com­ by W. M. Wright, Earl mittees ceases to function when Crow and Clinton Baugh­ their successors are elected at man. the coming primaries. They bo- tray their functions when, aying and defunct, an organization at­ tempts to hand pick a candidate and give him the benefit of a presumed prestige should but at this time fails to possess. All weather records for March in Ashland were shattered yes­ terday when the mercury climb­ ed to 81 degrees. The high point was reached at 3:30 yesterday afternoon, at a time when major portion of Ashland citi­ zens sought relief from the heat at Llthia Park, Jackson Hot Springs and at other near-by re­ sorts. • ' a Records kept by Louis Dodge, official U. S. Weather observer for Ashland, showed that only once before since 1885 has the mercury mounted to 81 degrees in March. This was on March 28, 1923, when the same tem­ perature was rocorded, and the heat record that year came two weeks later than that recorded yesterday. Llthia park was popular with hundreds of people yesterday, many families taking advantage of the summer weather to spread Will Bring Discord ' picnic lunchees in the various “Any further attempt on the shady nooks in the city’p natural Phil Metschan, Potentate of A1 Kader Temple, is part of the friends of Senator summer playground. Guest of Honor Patterson, who made a public statement some time ago that Phil Metschan, widely known he had resigned as chairman of Portlaud and Oregon citizen and the state committee, which has Potentate of A1 Kader Temple not had enough life or courage of the Shrine at the state metrop­ to meet and elect a nominal suc­ olis, who attended the Hlllah cessor to him, will only result In Temple Shrine festivities in Ash- dlscogd in republican ranks. Ian^, Saturday, was accompanied P resid en t’s Father Growing on his visit here by M itT Met­ (Oeatfaued On Pag« Foar) W eaker; Unable to Take schan, who is a native daughter , Nourishment of Jacksonville, a member of tire pioneer Kubli family. Mr. and PLYMOUTH. VL, March 15.— Mrs. Metschan left Ashland Sun­ (LP)— Heart trouble and partial day by auto for Palo Alto. Calif., paralysis are slowly undermining where their daughter is in col­ the constitution of Colonel John lege. C. Coolidge, father of the presi­ Other A1 Kader temple shrin­ Capitol City Hoopsters Are dent, it was announced by attend­ ers who were hcA from Port­ Champions for Second ing physicians today. Ho is un­ Consecutive Year able to take nourishment In solid land included Joe Hammerseiy and Harvey Beckwith, both of­ form and but a small quantity in ficers of A1 Kader divan. They SALEM, Ore., March 15. — liquid form. returned north last night. Salem high school’s basketball team won the state championship here Saturday night, defeating Eugene high school, 33 to 15 in a fast game. The Salem boys went Into the lead In the second quar­ ter and maintained it throughout the game. Medford high school won third Man W ho Leaves Fam ily Is place in the tournament after a Sentenced to One Year hard light with Baker high school. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, in State Penitentiary In this game the Medford boys Eugene, March 15.— (Special)— EUGENE, Ore., March 15. — displayed the best team work of Jackson County will ^gain send a large delegation of students to (IP) — John Webb, wife deserter, the entire tournament. Medford the University of Oregon summer was on his way to the state peni­ had to defeat two' other teams sessions at Eugene and Portland, tentiary today, following his con­ Saturday to win third place in the Juno 2l to July 31, according to viction In circuit court here Sat­ final clash with Baker. early estimates based on the num­ urday of non-support. Webb de­ ber in attendance last summer, serted his wife and family here when the enrollment Included n and left them in destitute clrcum- representative group of Jackson stancek. He was arrested recently at Klamath Falls and returned County teachers. ’ More than 150 courses are an­ her^ for prosecution. nounced for the summer sessions of 1926, with distinguished visit­ ing professors from Princeton, Three arrests for Illegal ang­ Northwestern, University of Illin­ ling were made over the week­ ois, University of Washington, end by Deputy 8tate Game War­ University of California, Stan­ dens Parr amp Dally. John Mor- ford, Willamette, Smith College, den of Gold Hill caught steel­ University of Pittsburgh and the heads under the legal limit and public school of Portland and W estern A nto Supply Supply Com- waa fined 625 and coats In Jus­ Gary, Indiana, supplementing the tice of the Peace Taylor’s court. n y Pleased I W ith Con­ pan work of outstanding members of diti« ans in Ashland T. E. Pankey of Gold Hill the regular university faculty. was finej 635 and costs in Jus­ A prettfwtiygry cntirtogne aw TYlO AilCo Supply tice court today for having un­ nounclng the courses in detail has company of this city completed der-sited trout, while W. Zim­ just been issued by the University. its first year in business here merman of Medford pleaded ---------------;------------ Saturday. The year was a very guilty to a charge of fishing satisfactory one, according to at night, and paid a fine of 6>3 Randall J. Woods, manager, who and coats. stated that a splendid business has been created here during the last year. The Automotive supply busi­ The De Bon Auto Company, whose personnel is Ed De Bon. of ness has become one of the The De Bond Anto Company of largest in the world and The Weed, California, and Ed High, Western Auto Supply company, Regular business matters wSl who will be local manager, opened a system of more than 100 stores he transacted by the Am« in the west, is noted for the In the Mlekle building at 153 E. Main Street Saturday with a dis­ large stock of goods they carry Legion auxiliary at its ma play of need automobiles. The for the antolat and campor. tonight at the armory. Tha I company la negotiating with a The local store is one of the tng will start lending automobile manufacturer loading, units in the organiw- all members of the have been urged tloa. J for the local agency. IL ¡E SALEM HIGH MANS ALL STAFF HONORS MANY KILL ATTEND WIFE DESERTER IS SUMMER SCHOOL ÂI II. OF 0. THIS YHR Illegal Anglers Arrested Sunday By State Wardens De Bon Auto Co. Open Its Doors Legion Auxiliary To Meet Tonight