v < F toSM I CODIBOD •* Mottoes and G reeting X tX > -M AO S M M 1IKL «SO N O OVT A « * M . WHtoto t*B ® **>1 * iM fW tal» tta Bid epmuf argaafyaUon > ’ J three groupe, the praisal sad follow POK-nm-rSTJU' , , ...y «iurta» » KV miles from > [tried to eats# boms s w «tartaR to TO X HAVe -TO tX PLA r t O V t* M « 5 ,N T » £ W OPT h r hack-. She hnd to bo toad» cuffed In order 1* permit the rani to proceed. * V o r $tettv f ’ i l I IT y o u w to W W W tQ the PubUCjthat We hav$ doubled our capacity by installing additional machinery. V« t o w n M owers WMfc -J.{ f a i t ■■■'•.!■ ‘ e»dth.yBMtat»i»r»rt r '7 7 ’ < ? a i 4 < t. v-' •■. t ST A N D A R D has devj»t^ the Chiba or Deschutes, Graph »na ■ ‘to eoBBty or~ J®ff®rson counties/B aker, .Union, t fa «eeperatteaX umetUte end the etaev aanntles t x r r - E i « : ä v & k : tT— w r Of Com- directing W e-so- L u d settiB »s«t “J X * ^ N O : — t 4 L . wÀv> T iv ù tlemeat organisation, • Mr. Ida « U tes tfcat Mto-out- Jfisk If» land sattl«aaat work £ « o m s •'■'•'■I,« • v> 41w want to tha»k our patrons aad friends for their support during the past year. CLEANERS CA WArr < W T i l l F * n # o ( thmicwi ai'»« i»A a* b were obtained, and th»t he expects this -to be Mter Set- We b»hner year. Dap to the 3 2 W « * iS T a U a s e tor, the «ountle«, It is b e l i e f t>#t a MAKING OUVK ODE. ’ . LINDSAY, Oal., Merck lfh-r ( U P ) — An olive «11 -cones»»' Is Bow operating her«, using m a ­ chinery which van all Imported from Italy. I n ig g f -'‘irtirnMt**** ®nd Unie lagen actWtloa are Klamath, ackson, Jqeephtae, U a a . Ben- oa. Poth. Clackamas. Yamhill, lad Lane. • All ' have appointed SUIT IN CLOSE both Ashland an Ufa sogthwn. and O ntario on the eastern boun­ RQVIT' R ÉA L pv i r a CIRCUIT court or the of OREGON, FOR JACKSON COUNTY, < I STEWART, PlnlnUff, r tu dary at th e State. Ms. Easter w iu have charge te the Ash­ land offcla and will be stationed there after the fin d of Mnreh L lq u id A ir W pANIBL D. WATSON, and RAZ«p A' J W - W N . k»*- tnad and wife, and the . STATE OT OREGON. D®-' fendants. TO the shave named defen­ dants. DANIEL D. WATSON and HAZEL J. WATSON: IN THE NAME OF THE RTATp O F O B B O O ». FBU Or® hereby summoned »ad reqalred Ul the Court of Jeckson County, ( Ä SW « X . PORTLAND, Qae-, Mwch IS — Plans tor construction of a J new baseball park by tfce Port­ land Reavers Of- the Phclflc Coast League w ill be announced before , th e '«tod <* the coming season. This to the announcement of Thomas L. turner, w ho.'en be­ half of «to slab, has secured title to a traot of land front­ ing on Jefferson and Chapman streets. '; , The property was purchased fr o ih T h e m a sA . Sblbe, president of t t e Philadelphia * American League clnh, who aeautred It a little over a yam M® . f h e tract Is within a mild radios of the city’s business cen­ ter. in making the announcement Tamer said»- "I ton unabta to say when w alk wlU Start, but will have full Information plaqs and con- strnctioj} before the wte of the year. Thh F*>* when completed wlU b» one that RU1 he » credit BEGIN a bank account with ONE DOLLAR to­ day, you will find an­ other DOLLAR to add to it. ‘ • : , EVERY DOLLAR you lay away now will bring you full measure i>f hap­ piness and success later on. First N ational B ank Ashland, Oregon «>"4 «4 I [V W *< 1 ’'** i •* LTV ml .-Vl.fi«, ! tu a anmwPC®. * regnlred by , 1er of the Hon. W. J. HnrtseU, ■We a t the cevaty court of said inty, * n « e «a* dated thA lSth r of February. 1»M ; and It a A lum inum K e ttle ;tu ll of Proctor & Gamble Soaps “Starting O u t’- to M ake Your Fortune seated by you, end each of a, in favor of thg plaintiff, itch aortga«« to dated Eep- ■Mr I t , I t S t , and to of ree. 4. to vdtto*» «1. on-peons «»0 » 1 -of the Mortgage Rec- rde of Jackson County. Oregon. Date d r iir s t publleatlohl Feb- ary U , I M t. " . • RfUGGB A BRIGGS, ’A ttorneys tor plnlntltf. f- Foet Offtod"* Addmeat 4 a a g ^ grn p ^ ^ U t » r X r to W S THINGS rA R £ APPRE- C IA T 1& vrben ib rf ait needed most. U p f i Jackson County to find p len ty o f good op portu nities. It doesn’t matter so mnch •h a re a men *® ®8 lt doe« the kind of stuff he has In Mli ¿ th e W lU w k W « th e ^ itless fotests o f our Pacific N o rth w #t ate being hewn to keep aptce the onward march of p r i r ^ s . are.big. hardy m m w h « e tiring la­ bor demaods the restful T he C ltlsen s Bank o f A s h l i M S U S i - ’ SS -'w A ’ -t* • ï æ 3 R S 5 4 K tie Included - r e ife r e remerbebly law price s t ^ î a ssortm en t 7 - w ith th e m lndm Preserving Ket- » PMMunifr M« vM w *t J I k s OlisMis Bank e f Addend h /* M a i A Are bfst remodiedJjK W g#* e,.>. S u l U h b U U tt «ihjia’» « g » ¡t • T-’ 2 ï ' À É “ M M ta t « to w s o p y Vd ' 1 ‘ tea Our, WeU. bdectod tttæk AA Li Hardy Bros. Plum m er's Grocery H o lm es.¡Grocery Ston e’s Grocery H. O. Parkhurst 20th Century Plasa G «w w y.’ W hite H ouse Grocery j t