St. Patrick’s Day ; Hotel Employes Honor Co-Worker Tea Will Be Held service. W e invite you to at­ tend all these meetings. ' Ton w ill have' a good time and be helped and w ill help other*. 'Strangers and visitors sre espec­ ially welcome. Make this your home church. Come aa yen are. The F irst Presbyterian (Viurch ' J. *C. Mergler. Minister Comer N. Main and Helman Streets. .Sunday school, 9:46 a. m. Miornjng worship, 1 1 o'clock. Sermon by the pastor; theme— “ The Law of God.” Junior C. E., 4 p. m. Evening worship. 7:30 p. m. The Senior C. E. w ill have full charge of the program. tt tt tt F irst Church o f Christ, Scientist. Pioneer Ave.. South. Sunday morning service at 11 o’clock. Subject: •■ ‘ ‘Substance.” S unday; kchapl at 10 o'clock. Wednesday evening service ut 8 ocJoCk.v; .Reading Room open dally from 2 to 6, except Sun­ days and holidays. , 1 T ie public is cordially wel­ comed. * , tt tt tt Church »“ Of The j Mehaeene , • (The Hom elike' C lu tc h ) 1 <« PhMor, Roland a . G riffith Fourth and C Streets. Sunday school, 8:46 'a. m. Thornton W iley, 8upt. A class for every age. Raster arrange­ ments demand attendance of every , member and friend. Preaching service, 11:00 a. m. Special music by Lorena Koenig, soloist. Sermon by the Pastor. Young People’s meeting, 8:18 p. m. Topic study: "The Second Cording of Christ." A welcome awaits everyone. . Evangelistic service,’ 7:30 p. m. Special singing by The Chariot Trio. Gospel message by the pastor. Wednesday night at 7:30 p. m., Peoples Prayer meeting. Every department of the ehnrch ex­ tends a hearty invitation to you to attend each attd a ll'o f these services. tt » » CMurci o f Christ CognbJn&tiOBs Are Knocked Off B u t N othing Taken ‘ From Strong Boxes The 8t. Patrick’s day tea which was originally scheduled ,'fgf March K , by members of the Civic elub has been changed to March , 17,. on account of the numerous social events already announced for the first data. Members of the club are making extensive preparations for the event. P O R tfjA M D , Ore., March 12 — Portland police are attempting . to unravel the mys­ terious sgfe-blowlng epidemic which repched a climax here Wednesday night when the com­ binations were hammered off seven safes 4n the down-town district. T h a t the work la either the -attempt of amateurs to blow safes os la a part of some more u lterior p lo t la certain, but just ROSEBURG. Ore., March 12 which the police detectives are — The largest »till located In unable to say. For several Douglas county In recent years months there have been sporadic was found today by Sheriff Star- Instances of where the safes It .were badly damaged but not Springfield — Mountain States mer on North Deer creek. of 60-gallon capacity broken open by robbers. Power Co., w ill Increase traaa- was form er service from 1500 to Setkure of the still followed the arrest of Thurman» Cannon. 3760 kilowatts. Old Time Dances To Be On Program Thursday Evening Lutheran Mission M. H . Yonag, Pastor • Service in the Adventist church, 4th and C Sts. Public Nothing hut old-fashioned worship a t ii:O O o’clock Sun­ dances w ill be given at the day morning. Sunday school at benefit dance to be held by the 1 0 :go. -Y e a r children sre wel­ Bellview Community club at come in oqr Sunday school. Len­ Jackson H ot Springs next Tues­ ten services, every Thursday eve­ day evening, according to an­ ning at 7:30 o'clock. Confirma­ nouncement by club officers to­ tion Instruction every Saturday day. The dances w ill include .morning at 10:00 o’clock In the waits, three-step, Schottische, the pastor’s study. A ll strang­ quadrille and other popular ers and friends of the Lutheran dances of a few decades ago. church are cordially invited to The benefit old-fashioned dan<*& our services. staged by this club at the ar­ tt tt tt mory last month drew a record crowd, and the women in charge Trinity Episcopal Church ning and the regular pastor Vicar, the Rev. P. K . Hammond of the coming a ffa ir are looking w ill deliver the above message. Holy communion, 8 a. m. forward to another enjoyable » « » Church school, 3:46. Morning event. First Congregational Church service . and sermon, 11. Eve­ W . Judson Oldfield, Mjnlster ning service and sermon, 7:30. Oregon cities to entertain Boulevard and Main street 8trangers and visitors cordially conventions this yedr. Sunday school at 9:46 a. m., welcomed. w ith classes for all grades and ages. B ring your. Bible. Morn­ ing service at* 11. Junior Christian Endeavor a t 4 p. m. Christian Endeavor a t 6:30. Evening service at 7:80. Pray­ er meeting every Wednesday evening at 7:30. The public is cordially Invited to all these W IT H * services In the Congregational church. , tt tt tt There were 309 In Bible school last Sunday: . The “ Rods’* are still slightly In the lead of the "Blues.” The W hite Elephant class was the banner class and their program given at the open­ ing session was very fine. We look for still greater numbers next Lords Day. The pastor w ill speak at 11:15 a .’ m , using as his subject "A Living Sacrifice.** Christian En­ deavor at «:30 p. m. In the evening at 7:30 the sermon sub­ ject will be “Sin and Its Pun­ ishm ent” The meetings at Cen­ tral * Point closed Friday eve­ • A pleasant little Inform al af­ fa ir was given at the Llthta Springs hotel last evening by the employes, complimenting Mrs. George M cM ullin, who has been the hostess of the dining Yoom since last September, and Is leaving soon to Join her hus- 'band at Multnomah Falls, where she w ill engage In a like posi­ tion. The evening was spent in -music. M r. and Mrs. Leonard P e tltt contributing largely to the occasion w ith violin and piano solos. Mrs. McMullin was the happy recipient o f substantial g ift in the way of a hat bos, showing the high esteem in which she was held by her co- worker». Roseburg Sheriff Gets Large Still STONE’S offer some very unusual savings on staple foods Saturday and Monday Corn Flakes ¡ 5 Ä 25c (Continued From Page One) "ha<^ seen Honolulu and they had seen Ashland— and that they preferred Ashland.” One ef her humorous Illustrations of Honolulu was told In connec­ tion w ith bathing. She said she and Miss Palmer, both of whom had suffered from the heat, w e n t in bathing and that after they bad been In the water for an hour, they agreed that It was the first time "they had been d ry" since arriving on the Is­ land, where the heat makes one prespire so freely. "Baby Klwanlan” Joe M iller, local shoe dealer at McGee's, was welcomed Into thg club as the baby Klwanlan. R. J. Woods expressed the ap­ preciation of the American Le­ gion for the splendid support the business men had accorded the show. . » During the luncheon ballots tw The D aily Tidings prohibition poll were passed, w ith 11 mens? her» who had not already voted registering their choice as foV lows: 17 for keeping the pror hlbition amendment as I t nopr stands, w ith strict enforcement, while four voted for modlMeatkHL of the prohibition amendment so as to permit the sale of light wine and beer. S p ecials for Saturday & Monday at The P laza Grocery Potatoes — Nice Smooth Burbanks from Bend, Ore Per Cwt .............................................................. $3J( .L IPTO N S COFFEE KELLOGGS CORN FLAKES CANDY BARS (Vacuum Packed) A Fine Assortment One of the Highest Grades Special Price on the market 2 for . * Per Pound. 3 Packages E IC W ttfS W W Featherflake (Bleached) Hardwheat Flour 49 Lb. Sack 1 Lge. Pkg. Chipso 4 P & G Soap 2 Guest Ivory 2 Medium Ivory 1 Pkg. Ivory Soap Flakes. 1 Aluminum Kettle Hogue Valley Scratch Feed loo Pounds Fresh Creamery Butter Per Pound Scout Crepe Toilet Paper Per ßoll 46c 5c Instant Large Package co 75 > fc « < W Postum 38c We have the moet complete line of fruft and vegetables in town, consisting t t Ripe Tomatoes, Green Peas, Rhubarb, A sparagus, Radishes, Green Onions, Let- tuoe, Celery, Spinach, N ew Potatoes, Sw eet potatoes, etc. PLAZA GROCERY 61 NORTK MAIN STREET Courteous Service M ethodist Episcopal Church IS OUR MOTTO H. F. Pemberton, Pastor North Main and' Laurel Sts. Morning worship, 11 o’clock. Sermon subject: “Christ’s Rest Cure for Weary Folks.” , Eve­ ning worship, 7:30. ' Sermon- subject; “The Man Who Rose Again.” Sunday school at 9:45, (lasses for all ages with com­ petent teachers In charge. ’ Epworth League at *4:16. A foung people’s meeting full of Inspiration and help. Junior League at 4 for childreh 8 to 12. .Prayer meeting, Wednes-. day evening at 7:30. An in­ spiring and helpful midweek Watch Your Butter W IMER BLDG. M odem Food S ta r e s 1 There’s a REAL STEAK THE EAGLE MARKET And you will agree With them too, when you taste our steaks. Tender as can be. Tasty, and richly flavored, they are the kind you will Tike. Phone 107 Large, Strong Aluminum Kettle . And Soap Deal & 1 package Peets Oran. W ashing Machine Soap 7 bars Crystal White Soap a t 5 c ....................... 5 bars Creme Oil Soap at 8 l - 3 c ............... ............ 20th Century Price . . . . . ........................................ Cream Rolled Oats Freshly Milled .9 Lb. Sack 49c M. J. B. Coffee, 1 lb. Tin 58o—3 Lb. Tin 81.67, 5 Lb. Tin 82.69 20th Century Brooms—“ 6 Sow n” —Strong; Med. Wt. A fine D ill Pickles, Large, Firm and Crisp— S fer lOo Economy Matches N oiseless, 3 Boxes 10c O W you feel all morning de­ pend» largely on what you eat ergetlc forenoon» because of wrong breakfast eating. To feel right, von mutt have a well- balanced, complete breakfast ration. mo»t other meal» — lunch and ner — you get i t But breakfa»t to a hurried meal, often badly chosen. -Thu« Quaker Oat», containing ld% protein, food'» great ti«»ue builder, 58% carbohydrate, ite gieat energy element,' plus all-important vitamiiits and the "bulk” that makes laxatives seldom needed, it the dietetic urge of the world today. I t fa foo