F o e f Bite ’Realty Agency Frank­ M«rgfor.* J. C:. UunttK Frank lin, 0 . M., Fraaier, J. W-. Free- MUU. V. Y-, M0l®r. Jo«. Miyor, berg, W. A., Frldegar, I. K., Fro- V. D., Milton, Jack, Mitchell, W. man, & F ifo t, <3 M, Fuller, O> Mpqro«, J i M . Mooro. W. J., Mr.. J .’H.‘, Fuller, J.' WfJ J ’ » Mowiitt, W.-WS, Mulchay. J. H-, SYDNEY. March, l l , _ ( U P .)— To increase her population rap- idly,, yet at IM b same time pre- serve rigidly her White Aus- trallh policy, and, If possible, keep the present high propor- tlon qf British stock, Is a mixed ainfojtion Of Australia fraught with many tangled racial prob- lemsi ' i « wH Wfl yS • Wagner. Mrs. B. - H., Wagner, F. P., Waite, 0. g ., Walker, ». P., Wopda, Dr. R. H., Wallsten, B. 0. Wah Cauag, A Ford, Wright, W. M J 1 f •Wenner, G. H., Weren, Eric H., land, Mrs. C. D. . . . Western Auto Supply Co., White, : Tho, O. H., Tucker. W . Oaley, H. C., Bartam*. Sarah, M t.' Ashland Bakwry. MeGa>r, P. A:. Whittle, F. F., Whittle, Young, Clyde. , i . ( { Morton "! Hansen* */. F. Whittle, W. D„ W lct Gallatin, L .H „ G tl$ x o re, H, 0., Daisy- C., Nelson, F. U , Nlaiacor. Mrs. F. meysr and W. H. MoWatt, _______ cial and political experiment as prohibition Is In America, but Mn. W. M., Briscoe, Geo. A., wheraa prohibition splits the longer Brown. A. R., Burdic, R. L. Jr., citizens of America, White Ans- ed w Butler,. G. S. Butler, Mrs. O. S. trails would find barely one want Butler, E. N. opponent In Australia to 99 Mei supporters. Queen California Oregon Power Co- With the dole providing an lan cc Campbell, R. P., Canon, O. F., easy way of 'living to those In ev< Carter, H. B., Carter, E. V., Cart­ classes In England upon whom Italiai er, Mn. E. V.. Carter, F. M.. Australia chiefly relies for her openei Channell, Mn. Lana, Churchill, immigrants, the authorities of llshlni J. A., Claycomb, H. L„ Coder, L. this country., bavw- found suitable as ca R„ Coleman, Thad P>, CooMy, migrante lncteaaiugly . scarce, sure Chas. R., Coggins, Arthur L., but other races of Europe bend problc Costolo/ Clyde« Crow, Bart, Crater covetous eyes upon the rich, Mir Britts] Lake National Park, R. W. Prtoe, land of the south. Prominent Crouch, F n n k . among them are the Italians, T l l t f Darling, C. C., Day, WllHanUH, hardest hit by America’s imml- I H I/ Dean, Harris, Detrick, B . B.. DlU n- w tt of FOLEY’S HONEY AND TAR dards of foreign Immigrants to ,ng Portland— Northwestern Elec­ COMPOUND for coughs, colds such an extent that there was on ha tric spends 1155,000 for ade­ and hoarseness, also free sample a perceptible diminution of the quate- transmission exchange packages qf POLBY PILLS, a flow. 'fairly lines, between East and West diuretic stimulant for the kid­ The labor unions are the or so Sides. ney«; and FOLEY CATHARTIC greatest opponents of unre- ahatte TABLETS for Constipation and strlcted foreign immigration, ey wa NOW MAILING BALLOTS Bllllonsness. • These wonderful since they fear wholesale set- ed hli FOR d i H kctoriatk remedies have helped milllona of tllng of men from the Medl- the ca people. Try them! Sold every­ terranesn countries will under- Qjattei (Cointinned from page 1.) where".' No. 2 mine standards of living, and njng lower wages. Veterans of the The Bailey, S. J., Babcqpk’s , Olft World War, too, have entered pelied Shoppe, Banta, C. W., Barn- protests. Civic officials re- gettlei thouse, J. L„ Barber, W. M. sponsible for the health of Barber, Mrs. W. M„ Bartlett, W. communities also view with dis­ C., Bates, N. O., Baughman, C. approval the wholesale coming O A IJ J., Beaver, A. M., Beck, J. W„ of Southern Europeans. UnlYI Berg, E. M., Bergner, O. T., Blede, The outcry against the Italian Gertrude, Billings, G. F., Billings, influx has excited interest In G. H., Bflllngs, Ralph, Blake, W. Italy, where Mussolini is credit­ E., Bolton, W. E., Borgerson, J. * ed with a desire of seeing a M„ Bowers, J. W., Briggs, B. D„ large proportion of that country’s BE Briggs, Mrs. B. D., Briggs, W. M., 800,000 annual population sur- — plus go to Australia. Every w® batch of Italians arriving here cry , Is accompanied by an official of reprei the Rome „Government. Tha Amer Bring You Shoes To W© have just received latest to arrive Is Dr. Rostagno, olutlc many new designs. Inspector-General of Italian Ml- Colon gratlon, who Is here to makfc a H«h survey of the situation, as he has t*lk for quick, satisfactory done In the United States. Pare- Sai service guay, the Argentine, France and grlevi Belgium. ■ He says Italian emi- Tb< grants are no longer birds of to he 339 E. Main Street E. Main Street passage as before the war. No 2 ln ASHLANP LUMBER L E E D O M 'S B Look fo r It o a th s dealePe counter Phone ELECTRIC Station . formerly Murphy Electric Shop wRianS for electrical aervioe \ h Guy Good, Prop, the M ore HAW ■ f - • IB S fo r m oney »nd b e s t P e p p e r m in t Chew ing Sweet for any m oney tu rn ELECTRIC FIXTURES that w ill add to the after you’re dqad. Even an amateur motor me­ chanic can tell what’s the matter with the Engine home ,that has broken down. But our bjjujindss is to fore­ The Ashland Electric Shop ~Where ¡Social A R C O L A -h e a te d hom e, you want to linger. In every room ♦here is a breath of hospitality — of homey chefo Any doctor can tell what’s the matter with you beauty of your Agee’s Shoe Shop- T he moment you step info an VEGET see the trouble before.it arrives—and to forestall it. Our aim is to keep your fo rd Running Smoothly at the very lowest nominal expense. WANT FULL VALUE YOUR MONEY? Examine and Ride in the New Ford We Have Before You Buy At Local D esici . Claycomb Motor Co. F “ rd “ Park;¡Garage Hot Water Radiator. Hçai [ D IG H T out of the garden of Lvcourse! Decide right now while the urge of spring is in your system tcFutilixe e part of your back yard or neigh* boring vacant lot for a “kitch­ en" garden. A space 25 feet square w ill produce wonder­ fu lly if the crops are planned rig h t And the seeds must be J l l Standard vigorous» clean and true to v^ttabkpac type so that every one does its f u ll share. N o r tfifu p , King & Co.’e seeds have been popular w ith gardeners for forty-one years. , If D O E S Make a Difference Where Y ob Buy Year Ford "