< Saturday, March *, 1936 PAGE FOCB Among the Guests of the Lithla Springs hotel are— Itoeal ■ Personal flotes D. J. Russell, Sacramento: George W. Bockman and wife, San Francisco; W. Wolfe, San S», A D*Uj Chronicle of Francisco; James F. Cairns and local wife, St. Louis, Missouri; John P. Putman, Worcester, Mass.; E. B. Hogan, Medford; Mr. and From Talent— Mrs. A. A. Wilder, Roseburg; ODD FELLOW ACTTYTl'IES Mrs. George M. Sands, of Tal­ Harvey Smith, Portland. Watch this space every day. ent spent the day In Ashland on Regular Meeting» Subordinate every Thursday. business. In d ep en d en t S ervice S ta tio n Encampment, 1st and 3rd Tues­ O wners M e e t — Cliff Payne makes ladders. days. Rebekahs, 2nd an< 4th Members of the Independent Tuesdays. 15O-tf Service station owners of the Deputy Stat«. Fire M arshall- Pacific coast met here Tuesday Captain George Stokes, of night at the Josephine hotel to V is ito rs in A shlan d — Helen WYightman of Silverton, Portland, deputy state fire mar­ discuss problems connected with grand chief of the Pythian Sis­ shall, was an Ashland visitor their business. Fully 30 were ters, and Ella Wodman of Med­ yesterday. present from Grants Pass, Med­ ford, past grand chief, were vis­ ford and Ashland and interme­ Toys and games for the Kid­ diate points, which has a local itors in Ashland this week, guests of Mabel A. Roberts of dies’ birthday.— Blhart'a. organization. The members of the 139-tf organization have adopted a Church street, who s supreme representative to the Interna­ checkered flag as their official tional Sessions in Chicago this Visitors In M e d fo r d - emblem and these flags are Mrs. B. B. Balls, and Mr. and placed on the service stations. year. Mrs. C. H. Vaupel, spent yester­ Membership is limited to private­ Have your suit tailored at day in Medford. ly owned service stations, with Paulserud's. We guarantee a the object of assurance to the Lithla chewing bars a winner motorist that these stations are fit 165-tf at Candy Land. owned by men of business who realize that their success do* Improving — Mrs. J. E. froweon, who has Attended Luncheon In Medford— pends solely upon the treatment Mrs. L. A. Roberts, supreme accorded their customers.—Grant been quite i l f with the flu for representative of Oregon to the Pass Courier. the past week. Is improving. International Session In Chicago, Yourself on paper. We make attended the Pithlan luncheon, Geese at Klamath Lake— that kind of portraits.— Studio held at the home of Mrs. Carl Nearly 500 geese, honkers, Fichtner in Medford, Thursday are now preparing to nest In the Ashland. afternoon. marshy islands at the northetn F ro m H o rn b ro o k — end of upper Klamath lake, ac­ Marcelling, Trimming, Sham­ cording John Kroes of Hornbrook, to tlmbermen and The others whose business harries was a business visitor in Ash­ pooing, Dyeing, Facials. Vanity Shoppe, McGee’s Store. them into that section. While land yesterday. Phone 103. *8‘tf Business T r ip — Bert Baker, Portland business man, visited with R. E. Det­ rick yesterday while enroute to Klamath Falls on a business trip. Economy Argument Feng In Command Of Peking Forces Halts Army Plans ...WASHINGTON, D. C., March 8— (U.P.)— The war department let it be known today that It will not Insist upon Its five-year pro­ ject to triple the number of army airplanes. This action is being taken because of President Cool­ idge’s economy objections. SUnfleld — New Umatilla Grants Pass — Strawberry growers will have 200 acres in bridge opened here. berries, this year. Albany’s net fire loss for 1925 Subscribe For The Tidings. was hut $55. FOR EXCHANGE—One of the Baker — Important copper finest 5-acre ranches In the strike reported from Goose Creek county, 7-room plastered modern district house,» close in and* just out side city limits of Ashland, fine fam­ ily orchard, good drilled well, 3 acres alfalfa. Party want3 good home In Ashland. Advertise In T*« Tiding« TAKEN UP—Came to my place Sat. morning, Feb. 27. goat. Owner can have same by paying for ad and any other ex­ pense. A. L. Peachy, hear old Normal school. 167-3* INVITE YOUR FRIENDS to The Lithia Springs Hotel ELECTRIC for FIXTURES Sunday Evening Dinner, $1.00 Plate. that will add to the The most convenient and most appreciated way of entertaining them ASHLAND REALTY CO. VANCOUVER, B. C.. Canada, March 6— (U.P.)— There is no rose without its thorn, accord­ ing to local citizens who point out that the exceptionally mild winter has Its disadvantages. The light rainfall, and slight snowfall in the higher altitudes; may result In * dry summer, as the water in Coquitlam Lake now Is at an unusually low level, several feet below tHe spillway. PEKING, March 4— (U.P.)— Marshal Feng Yuh-alang today became supreme commander of the allied armies defending Pek­ ing area against the combined assault of Chang Tso-lln, Ll Ching lln and Wu Psl-fn. beauty of your home I i If Yon Are Planning Bring You Shoes To Agee’s Shoe Shop We have ju st received many new designs. for quick, satisfactory service The Ashland Electric Shop 339 E. Main Street 3A6 E. Main Street A Party, Dance or Banquet let us explain how easily and attractively we can handle the affair for you at THE LITHIA SPRINGS HOTEL Madden sells protected tires. Goes to Medford enerbribre- Check Price fcrPrioc Flies will soon be here, have Left for the Dalle«— yonr screens made or repaired. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Stanton Jordan Sash and Cabinet works. and littl« daughter, Ethel, were 152-tf called to The Dalles last even tng, by the illness of Mr. Stan­ Referee Guest at Hotel— ton’s brother’s child. Ethel will Dave Stritmater,, of Corvallis, stay with her grandparents, Mr. referee for the Medford and Ash­ and Mrs. Andrew Holm, in Port­ land game last night and tonight land. at Medford, was a guest at the Lithla Springs hotel last even­ Fresh home-made cream car­ ing. amels at the Plata. 128-tf Hot sulphur tub baths, day or night, Jackson Hot Springs. 165-tf V i F ro m TODAY ONLY “THE —with— HARRISON FORD and CLAIRE ADAMS SUNDAY ONLY VANCOUVER FEARS EXTRA DRY SUMMER FOR H Al.F r —A quantity of 1- DON’T OVERLOOK A GOOD THING gal. glass Jugs; 1-2 gal. jar« and From Jas. Edwards, Montgom­ 1 10-gal. cocoa cola bbl.— Lithla ery, Ala., comes this letter con­ Springs Confectionery. Phone 11C. 167-1 taining a valuable suggestion.— “I feel like a new man since WOULD LIKE one or two taking FOLEY’S HONEY AND small children to .care for; good TAR. Can sleep all night, sore­ place to play. Mrs. Nellie Slel- ness In my chest is gone, so aff.. 133 Hargadine St. 157-4* is the bad cougb. My whole family use - It for coughs, colds I HAVE a waiting list of and croup, and'it alwtfys helps." nearly a dozen families for fur- Stops tickling In throat, nervous nlshed houses, too you wish to hacking, and put* a soothing rent yours. healing coating . on a raw in­ ASHLAND REALTY CO. flamed thjoat. DOn’t Overlook FOR SALE—Blacksmith shop, FOLEY’S HONEY AND TAR.— No. 1 $500. 53 Second St., Ashland. Sold everywhere. Oregon. 157-4* 'f t 4 R. W. Price of the Lithla Springs hotel went to Medford this morning where he expects to St. Patrick’s Day napkins and break tbs Medford golf course record this afternoon. favors.—Elhart’a. II Mr. ,and Mrs. . Chester A. Phillips, of Chioo, are visiting at the home of Mr. Phillips mother, Mrs. L. A . Phillips on East Main street. Mrs. Chester Phillips was Miss Lola Kelley and formerly lived in Ashland, Mr. Phillips Is In business In Chico. They wll return home. Sunday. FOR SALE—Feathers and pillows. 170 Van Ness Ave. 167-3* V is it« in C ity — R. M. LsRue, Albion, Idaho; R. C. Kahn, Seattle; J. W. Mac- key, Portland; Mr. and Mrs. C Greenfield and family, Portland; A. E. Shelton, Portland; Mr. and Mrs. H. Greenfield and fam­ ily, Portland; Mrs. Lemke and daughter, Klamath Falls; Victor Dickey, Portland; C. W. West, Portland. ■ V lls tln g a t P h illip « H o m e — TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY Jb r Economical Trontportetion Dorn Provost left for Glen­ Speeder Is Fined— D. Zadra of Dorris, Cal, dale, Oregon, last evening, to ba gone several days on business. pleaded guilty to a charge of speeding yesterday and was For high grade tailoring see fined $15 by Justice of the Orres tailors npstalrs. 149-tf Peace L. A. Roberts. A m on g th e guests o f th e H o te l O regon are-— geese have nested here in years past, the number Is now greater than ever before, these obser­ vers declared. The greater num­ ber of the birds are now in the vicinity of Harriman lodge. Both the geese and a huge col­ ony of Mallarda spent the winter here and local sportsmen be­ lieve all will remain to neat, rather than make the long flight to the north.— Klamath Falls Herald. « T a le n t — / Remember that Chevrolet equipment In­ clude* speedometer, Fisher body ànd bal­ loon tires on dosed models, Duco finish, Alemite lubrication system and scores of ‘ on a modem motor car. N ow more than ever before, check price for price and value for value—and you w ill buy a Chevrolet. Come .In. Get a demon­ stration I 4 Madden retreads tires. Hear the famous Legion Quartette “That Old Gang of Mine“ w ill be there low price* w ith any other car in the world. PRICES Touring *510 Coupe - ■ 645 Sedan - 735 Vi Ton Truck 395 (CJMMfa Only) M. E. Tyrer of Talent spent the day In Ashland on business Among the gueota at the Hotel Oregon are—■ H. O. Lyon» and wife, Klam­ ath Falls; E. A. Reeder, San Francisco; H. E. Bishop and wife, San Francisco; O. E. Oliver, Sacramento; J. H. Hayes and wife, Portland; B. A. Winn, Boise, Idaho. Mdue&rl&ue See Dr. Shinn in comic stunts Roadster *510 Coach - 645 Landau - 765 1 Ton Truck 550 Claycomb w ill show you some n e w dance steps Old King Tut Is brought back to life Just a few of the features in the “Black and White Revue” .........................................................................* * * * * ....................~ ~ American Legion Comedy The Antomoflve Shop AT VINING THEATRE • » ASHLAND, OREGON Q U A L IT Y AT LOW COST 63-tf Monday Evening, March 8 Tuesday Evening, March 9 Mrs. R. B. Grieve of Horn­ brook was a business visitor in Ashland yesterday. Paulserud's for Ready-to- Wear. Onr clothes are guar­ anteed. 158-tf B asine«« V is ito rs — Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Martin of Walla Walla. Washington are lo Ashland on business mid nro guests of the Lithla Springs ho tel. F ro n t Hpokane — UNNE J. L. Porte of Spokane, Can adlan land agent, ls a vlsltor ln Ashland and a guest at the Lithia Sprlngs hôtel, enroute to —with— EDMUND LOWE— • ALMA R U B E N S - LOU TELLEOEN Drama, pathos, and humor blended to a nicety—millions have seen it on the stage— many million* more will thrill at i f again .on the screen. * £ * ................................... . . . . . w w w v v . (Chaaato Only) La, A ram. MfcMronJ From Hornbrook— 'wniiAMrae * Los Angeles. Visitor— W. 8. Fleming of Portythd. who had the contract for the plumbing of the Lithla Springs hotel, la a visitor in Ashland and a guest of the Lithla Springs hotel. Jadee Tn Velie of Jacksonville apeat yesterday ln Ashland on The’First .Message “Kyra? W A T B O N , c o m ham 1 JV1 1 want yanl" csdshnsd A le x a n d e r Graham Bell on Match to, i$ 7 * , d a r in g a n a fte rn o o n o f ejperimantanon, and over a wira. connecting two ream , the young as sists «« h eard th e words, — the f i t * «0 be SO M Fifty ymts have passed. Today th e« am 17,000,000 telephones in the United States, giving' to homoa need, at Bell’s « trsmmitteT did then. Fire h out in the night; law breaban in- rade a home; sickness strikes at a family circle. W A . ft' want you,” is the i the telephone speed, it CO the . way. Buaimas of importance de­ mands the decision of one who is oo the far side of the continent. “ Come he«, I went you," is the Summons again, tnd as if by, magic, a personality is projected t h r o u g h space, questions an saksd, answers given, problems - . solved— by telephone. w> Every telephone call it an echo of the fins menage. Foe,, whether it it the physical pres­ ence or the littening ear that it desired , the impulse that « f t , the telephone receiver it, “I won Reserved Seats for Both Nights Now on —r— — —“ Sale at “The R ose" --------- — $1.00 Reserved Seats Everybody Will Be There BILL *T* business. I ___________