Leaders In Scout Activity Convene With County Head MOGOOW. Vascfc toa-(U. P .)— The world’s repeat tor tan* tance «eauB«*cfal flying will be estahliahed when the Aero- Uoyd, a German aviation ea a - pany, sad the German-Russia» stock company start their con­ templated airplane service from Berlin te Vladivostok. The company plans to eater this distance of approximately six thousand miles within fifty hours by day and night (lylns in fast plants. The first lap in the Journey, from Berlin ta Moscow, will bo catered Ip ooe night. The passaagara will chance planes la Moscow. Other bases for the trip ate being as- ganized la Omsk and Irkutsk. TOKYO, March d— (U .P .)-r One» A. Oaok, the Bcoet Bx- While the foreign office and esntive of Jackson and Jose­ officiate art etill reading the phine counties, and Mr. Hayward. very lengthy report of the po- Bectanal Easeattve of the Scent lies on the incident wherein the gMcement with headquarters at Amhaaaadev from Brasil la ■ ho­ Spokane, asst with a group ef cused of haring beaten up a Aahlaud muo at the Plata Cafe policeman with hi« cane, fresh last night daring the supper diplomatic colony com plication POR RENT—Sleeping rooms, n u s a r e r t /.W ä h n a -J -F r s Z pear far the* purpose of discus­ are piling np. freshly renovated. Low R ent 39 From the Soviet Embassy has ties limited to eye, « m , nose and sing Ashland’s relatlos to the 8. Meaner. UM ' come an Informal protest against supervision Of the Scout work throat—X-ray including teeth. horn and the part which should Often hours, I t to 13 and I to I, Bwodenbhrg Bldg., Ash. ho hoFne by Ashland In the bud­ that tha playing at tha Rosston get tor that work. Mr. Cook national sir— the International» land. Oregon. lives fit Medford but gives a — la not allowed, except M the FOR RENT good share of his time for the Embassy. The Mexican minister ha» development of new troops, las and apart training of scoutmasters, etc., filed » stropg protest f gainst' by month os ' In the other cities of the valley the paying of the Mexican na­ from Grants Paas south. Thera tional sir— La P&loma—a s ’a CUT THIS OUT—IT IS WORTH MOMMY accompaniment for are two Scout troops in Ash­ musical land, one of which has been In Charlie Chaplin’s latest movie, Send thia ad and tan cents FOB SALB—Small tract«, 3 to operation fur about twelve years, the Gold Rush. A« »Tory o t e to Foley A Co., 2835 Shef­ B acres each, north side Bast JORDAN’S SASH AMD CABINET and the other about seven years. In Japan knows La Paloma, Main S t, Just east of box fac­ WORKS, Corner Helman and | t is thought that some plan can while very few kaow that It 1* field Ave.. Chicago, III., writing your name and address dearly. tory. »tasty «< wgtsr. BO dttP Vgg ltoOA Phono MG- »«4-tf be worked out so as to coordin­ the Mexican anthem, the pro­ You will receive a ten cent bottle taxes, »313 te » » •• » • »ere. ate the Scout work with the tect considerably surprised tbs Of FOLEY’S HONEY AND TAR easy terms, new street to go boy’s work already being done movie people, hut they hastily COMPOUND for coughs, colds north tram Mate 8V, through here under the leadership of the agreed to eliminate the tsaa and hoarseness, also free sample center of 10-acre tract. Floe Destara te Coal, Wood, Packing, local Y. M. 0 , A. and make both hereafter. packages of POLBY PILLS, a home sites, good tor poultry, Crating and Storage. Long dist­ The third protest was filed by more effective. Since the Asso­ diuretic stimulant for the kid­ ance trucking. berries, etc. H. C. Oaley, 96 B. ciation was organised here with the German Embaasy against The neys, and FOLEY CATHARTIC Main S t IBS-9 T. L. PO W yiiî" ■■General Trans* a secretary on part time basis, captions on an American mnvia. TABLETS for Constipation and fer — Good team and motoy the Scouts have been Included in claimed to be anti-German, which Bllliouaness. BOGS AMD CHIX.— Leghorn. These wonderful trucks. Good service at a rea- the " V work and the secretary was being shown at the Im­ remedies have helped millions ef Tancred strain, Individually pedi­ perial Theatre. On the strength has been able to assist materially aosahta prie», Phone 88. greed. TrapaggtgA Utility fancy. people. Try them! Sold every­ in the enlistment and training of the protest the censor got where. Limited number. Will C. Coun­ No. 2 of the hoys. The average scout­ busy with his shears, and Im­ ter, Ashland, Ore. 14d—tf master cannot find all the time perial Theatre patrons had to FOR SXLH: — Limited num­ necessary to do all that la ne­ do th e# own guessing as to MMRTQW » . THOMPSON ber of fine building sites eheä». cessary to keep things moving. what the picture was about, with Painter and Decorator Also strictly mpdern 7-room house Mr. Cook met with the Amer­ many of the captions deleted. Taper Hanging ready «ad i-ceem koura Jota Mato­ ican Legion recently and was Tinting a Specialty ina. Ba«y torma. Just south of given assurance of their sup­ Futnlture Reflnlshed Normal school. Phono 4BS-J. port to the Scouts. The group Estimates Gladly Furnished 1 5 1 -4 « which met with the Scout offi­ for every occasion Phono 33 or 71 cials last night was composed PAINTING AMD TOTING of the Legion scout committee, If you appraetate a grad etaae the scout troop committee, the Cut Flower« Job of painting or tinting figure executive committee of the Y. with 8WENNING A GEAR, the M. C. A. and the local scout­ MISCHLLAMBOUS______ Dependable Painting Contract«». masters. NEWCASTLE. Pa., March fi— Potted Plants Phono filfi-M 68—t f (U .P.)— Defying all laws of na­ WANTED— To bnild your sop- ture, science,1 gi^vitation, or tia tanka, chimneys and cement what have you, a bower bloom- gitowalka. J. D. Peffly. 143 lag from a bulb which ha» ath St. lid - fit neither soil, nor roots, and anoe healing. which !te n8d. Not one man In ten ’ « • • • GEORGE W. PELLITT, could stand- Administrator. • • • • 157-4 Sat. the steady grind . • « • • of cooking, cleaning, • • • • sewing and dish washing NewLowPrices * e e e roes thru • • • • as a matter-of course. • ♦ * «. Add a heavy washing s e e s once a week • • • • Roadster . . . . . . . . . $648 to these chores • • • * Touring ..................... $653 and he’d collapse • • • • Ooaoh .......................... $795 Coupe . . . ; ............... $795 in thirty days • • • • Sedan ................... $883 or else • « • s desert the W . s * • f 7 ’ •' ,W 'A ' Whan tha will do if you have it dry-cleaned now, »very time you drive your car into our servioa sta­ tion. oomeratand We will gladly call for and deliver after it has been cleaned and pressed. Gbuer&l — SheU Gasoline —Greasiqg — Oiling— Now Edison Phonograph Williams Servie« Station Records without injury to the rscojd Ashland Cleaning and Dyeing Works 35 First S t Phone 63 Palmer Piano House “For Healthy Appetites"— PLAZA MEAT MARKET MEATS Phenolax Weder» Whether you buy the-cheaper or the more expensive cuts of meats, you’re always sure of get­ The ideal purgative de* void of any affects save jn tho intestine. The eWld will take them o a g w ly They are as efficient as Castor OU. ting good meat here, as quality goes hand in hand with economy at Phone 56 SPECIAL— We Have Choice Roasts *■ J of Lamb. Pharmacy P h o ie U « P rescritta» Druggist Llthla Springs Hotel Building NOTICE! Our place ia at your disposal any time you are in need of a car. Look the HUDSON or ESSEX over. Com­ pare them with others in price or in quality. We will leave the decision with you You will want the best buy and we have it B r a r a r r s u r su Gas Ranges FURTHER NOTICE! We have a few used cars and d s month of March we will put Installed and connected as low as We will he glad t<> demonstrate the License on your car ■ ¿F REE—-------- famous- Smoothtop Gas Ranges atmo advance in price These cars m ust move tlnem The Automotive Shop Bnto Bribing D sob by P. s .— Yes, the >ery thought of It would turn the trick. ASHLAND LAUNDRY CO Phone 166 The first here w itliih e new’hpeed burners ....... - $W< Machinery Your Last Year’s Suit A- , - -o n - CKÇVROLET Landap , YRBKA, Cal,. ktorah+w-W started on tha eoastruetloa the new unit at the county here, Monday,* Sheriff A, Calkins putting a group fit I on«rs in the apiblguoui PdPfl pf building a safe haven thsmaaires. »14 by shertff. a Nat «1 Ute bimM ef the Manty officials several months to anticipate any md « copy of The atsklyoa Mews settling by the completed bnild-. it February 1», Ware plaeed ta 1 smalt niche and sealed ever lor future generations to ef- lume and sày: “Oh, sea what ire found.’* The foundation to r the new f-E S S E X DEALERS SOUTHER ORRGON GAS CO. 38 S. F W St. AtWwxd. Oregon Phoael47