bip/» A SH LAN D D A IL Y W U s a ii-j. eonign’t melut W hit «g tho T ID IN G S w qaU HURRAH! EAtSl üb « b r in g pop oa ontiplrcrgft gwa" •'You coaid.” answers gressman LaGuardia. OFFICIAL CITY PAPflB Telephone 39 K i’KeSA W A &X& tvTneS c^ One Month.— Three M om the Six Months Ode Tear One Month Three Months Six Months ... DISPLAT ADVERTISING RATES Single Insertion, per ineb .............. - ................ .................... Tearly Contracts One insertion a week ...........---------------------------.---------- TWO faufegtiZYMM R WAdV __ ■* Dally Insertion Rates for Legal and Miscellaneous Advertising Hirst Insertion. per 8 point Itne — ..........— ____ _______ Each aabsenuent insertion, 8 point line ______________ Card of Thanks------------------- ------ - ............... . , Obituaries, per ilne.s*....... ............... ................ .,....................... Con- ‘ TBBRA. Cel.. March S—Two * “Suppose va voro at war and trout, eaught la the Klamath .........— __ Éditer Business Manager ..... News Editor W. H. Perkins Illegal Angler - Given $25 Fine (N I I .!• a hostile fleet attacked oar coast “I'd pick eat one of p y hors and I waa in command, and I'd load M a dew« with explosives until he eenldn’t fly vory hl*b. eyoa If he «aatod to, ana I’d send hip out to alnk a battleship— and I wouldn’t expeet h ip to com« bach. "Maybe he'd be ahot d««a «tthoat sinking the ahlp. Ikon I’d send another and keep on «ending, not expeotlog any of ’em to eome back. Sooner ,er later I’d get that ahi».*' " rive» daring the eleen d aeaeen, prayed expensive luxuries to Roy Walters of-Hornbrodk when he ««a acfontad hMt week by Deputy Ftoh said Game Oommla- aiopgg WttMa» Wppfpeett, Justice of the Dmee Fred Cole at Hornbrook fined Walters 125 for hario» tfce tiah pqi of m *- •on. Jofcn Plgrae. also pf Hornhyosfr, « W W the ftoh ter Wjpfcrs but M ▼« rp»p*po4 «hpa it v u ahown tbat k* *** pot responslble for tho ylolatle# of tho t*w- WUlard Lanq, toprlat. h»d oa» trout la hia ppeaoaatoa vhop ho «as arrestod op tho Ihaata river by Llpfelncott bot Justice of' tho ?eaoo Clifford B. B«tls» ooapopded sentence «hen egten- uatlng circumstances «ete shown. Putty lim e and Hydrated Lime .3.7,14 DO SPRAYING PURPOSES f .10 .05 1,00 .02 H Ju st Received New Stock Of Phon© DONATIONS No donations to charities or otherwise will be made in advertls- lag er job »Hating — on» contributions «>11 be In cash.___________ FireClay XL ELECTRIC WHAT CONSTITUTES ADVERTISING “All future events, «hare an admission charge is made or p collection taken la Advertising.” No discount will be allowed Religious or Benevolent Orders. CARSON-FOWLER LBR. CO. I d the Station MARCH 6. laSfl GOD TEACHES — ‘»And Moses said unto the Lord, O . my Ljrd, I am not eloquent. • • • but I am slow of epeelh, * • • And tt° Lord said unto him. Whyhathmade man's mouth? • • • Have not I. the Lord? • • • Go, and I will • • teadh thee what thou ah< say.” Ex. 4:10-18. PRAYER — Lord, Thou ranst ordain strength out of the month of babes and aurklings. Enable ua to trust and obey Thee/ Moscow Fire Brick H eart of Town formerly LEED O M ’S Murphy E lectric Shop U S Tires - K elly Tires - CTC Tires SIDEWALK ACTION NEEDED If Ashland is to grow "and develop as she has every opportunity and right-, to do there can be no tempprizing with street and sidewalk improvements. For that reason Mayor Johnson and the city council are to be commended for their announoed plan to force construction of side­ walk improvements in the section adjacent to the new Ashland normal school. I t is to be regretted th at a group of property owners should voice a. protest against this long-delayed and de­ sirable improvement program. It may possibly be true th at some of them feel that they can ill afford the extra expense at this time, but we desire to remind them that at no time can progress be made without sacrifice. Residents of Ashland have been working for several years to bring about the reestablishment of the Southern Oregon normal school in this city. A year ago tbfiir ef­ forts were crowned with success, and the new, school will become a reality this summer. . . It is only fair to the students and faculty, fair to,the state And fair to the good name of Ashland that the side­ walks in that section of the city be improved as speedily as possible. The present cow paths—so called— should be transformed into concrete sidewalks. Curbing should be laid, and any improvement which will aid the city and aAssist in its civic growth and general prosperity'should be ordered without delay. If a group of people who have no conception of civic pride and development are perm itted to defeat this necessary building program it will encourage others with reactionary tendencies to fight like proposals. If such a condition is allowed to prevail, Ashland will slumber along while other communities of Southern Oregon grow and develop and prosper. Guy Good, Prop. Pins ANO A first-rate man cannot second-rate things well. We wonder if the Klamath information bureau will furnish tourists with the current prices ou bootleg pre­ vailing in the fair city of Klaiiihth Falls. I t ’g almost time to declare open season ou spring Of course, you’ve bought your ticket for the Amor icar. Legion show for Monday or Tuesjiny njghts. ting around to LaGuardia again a little too soon. But it ought* to be remem­ bered that LaGuardia really Is an eminent and a very practical authority on problems of t^e air— problems which. are muoh to the point Just now. First, as to the question, "Can an aviator sink a bat­ tleship?” That Is to say, “Can he do It regularly Can he do It so certainly that battleships so longer are any good?" - 1 He can sink one, of coarse. It’s been done. It’s been done, however, to battleships for «hich nobody had any further use—unmanned battleships—at anchor—defenseless. The aviator kept at It until he got results. “You couldn’t do It with » battleship with a crew oa hoard.” say orthodox navy men. “Either you’d have to fly so high yen * He who accepts no favors no favor» to return. . Things condemn that are easiest are the hardest abolish. Perhaps nothing depends more upon honest materials than a ladder. Every man has a big balance of eotnmon sense that he aever draw« against. The main thing tn .building a bridge Is to have It longer than the river Is wide. Hex Heck says: "I never ylt seen e golf player wbo wux worth a dam with an ax.” PBOTECTINO GAME AT THE OAVES Deer are numerous in the vicinity of the Oregon caves and have been seen this winter feeding among the cottages at the caves resort. They are quite tame and were watched for a.long while before they wandered off. Other bands of deer were seen along the highway leading Our navy’s been reduced again. to the caves on the same day and these animals showed And we saw a man with a wrist watch. Looks like another war little inclination to run. Hunting is prohibited in an area a mile square is coming. surrounding the eftves and an agitation now is, being Had a big flood in Ireland, started to extend this reserve for several miles more, in inundated two counties. Imag­ order that the doer may be presrvd as one of the attrac­ ine an Irishman not being able tions at the caves for visitors. People from other parts to find a brick. of the country receive a distinct thrill when they see the little animals in their native habitat, and with the great 'Lady Diana Manners has be­ come an actress. We hate to area available for hunting, the setting aside of a small say It. but the stage needs some atea around the caves would never be noticeable. Manners. At Crater Lake park, npich is made of the bears, In the Philippines, many na- Which become so tame that they eome right down to the tlves buiWf their houses In eftnips. At the caves, the doer .might be tamed to a point trees, hut their rent la not na t ^ l m l s A e r m u e l i B a B n im n g l E v ^ n m u m t ^ n im r ^ . , B i t B h m i m n i^ i uinn n iiw f m to r m is ■H U mm vm 9^« i jm « v ^^^v:^ l ^ v ««m v L ^W «im H m m m w^« w Bmm m «aus t m l i« m imfliB« v «fliiw imgB«g^mwm m mBi^ u mm i^m ts «Bn«« r ijfir «r mnw. I t would certainly be a great added attraction.—Grants Talk about strangers, Jugo­ Pass Courier. . Even if we did lose, the basketball game last night wag clean and sportamanlike unM the rivalry, though keen, was friendly in every way. This is the sort of spirit which Medford «and 'Ashland should display in all such athletic contests. d ears • Brako Lining Timken Bearing Motor Bearings Rings Valves A x I m W e H ave A ' Fishing Poles Rewrapped and put in first-class condition. All Kinds of Fishing Tackle And Outing Supplies, ' ’ * I Car Wash Rack P ark G arage Biggest Little Store in Town Opposite New Hotel -«• Open Evenings WHIPPING CREAM Gallon (2.20 Pint 30c Ashland Créamery Plaza Confectionery or Raggedy Ann Sweet Shop Perhaps America’s Greatest Living Evangelist, Will be in Ashland jweetand Tender Two Days 5 ZdÄCr/fÖDEL ■h» M TUESDAY, 2 .3 0 -7 :3 0 P. M WEDNESDAY, 2 :3 0 -7 :3 0 P. ] »U « m u id t« h l< fc»K fa r fc— s . t » la » .“ r « w ? a n < T -a w m a ty B rX W slavia owes uS t«8,008,00«, and we ean’t even pronpanee her name. By CHARLES P. STEWART NBA Service Writer, WASHINGTON—Having felled to get out of my system all that Congressman LaOnardia, flying World War ace of the Ho«be of Representetives, told me about aviation the other day,- kere’a another Installment, even If It does seem like get- (Joiden B a n ta m aranlp, T e n d a r H M t T o i l l 'a B a r lr n a p k in , O ra n » « this remarkable man who has stirred two continents with his great messages ASHLAND ARMORY 9 T H a 1OTH IN S T .