R M ATARI A GERMS Cannot survive three months in the rich ozone at Ashland. Pure domestic water helps. A shland daily T idings — The Tidings Has Been Ashland’s Leading Neuspaper lo r Nearly Fifty Years otMflB W ir« Service) tS.'JBl’' — ASHLAND CLIMATE Without the use of medicine cures nine cases oat of ten of asthma. This is a proven fact NO. 157 ORCHARD M EN “ OF TALENT TO B E ORGANIZED Talent District Fruit Grow­ ers Launched At Rous­ ing Meeting ■ COOPERATION U R G E D —>. . i B elieve Industry W ill Be Bet- tere«i By New Associa­ tion Formed Organization of the Talent District Fruit Growers was per­ fected at a meeting of or­ chard men in the office of the irrigation district at Talent last night. Officers were elected as fol­ lows: president, B. T. Newbry; vice-president, B. C. Gardner; secretary and treasurer, S. A Nye. These men together with the following, will comprise the board of directors: H. W. Frame, M. J. Morris and Eric Wold. There are estimated to be sev­ eral. hundred carloads of high grade pears and apples marketed from this district. A number of growers believe that by get­ ting together, getting acquainted and mutually discussing orchard problems they will be better able to handle and dispose of their fruit. > Regular meetings of the or­ ganisation will be held on% the last Friday of each month In the Talent Irrigation District of­ fices, Talent, and all orchard men In the district are urged to join the association. CANADA LAND AGENT V IM A S H LA N D Tells of Settlement Work Now Being Carried On By (Dominion Canada each year Is drawing hundreds of homesteaders and homeseekers to various parts of the dominion, according to J. L. Portei, Canadian government land agent, who Is a business visitor In Ashland today, enroute to California on a tour of inspec­ tion. “We have several million acres of productive land which we are giving free to settlers who are really looking for permanent homes,* said Mr. Porte. "If a man will come to Canada and Improve his land for a period of three . years, we give him 160 acres.’’* Mr. Porte devotes much of his products at fairs in the northwest time to exhibiting Canadian farm and last year he carried away two first prises on grain at the Paci­ fic International Live Stock ex­ position in Portland. Eugene To Build Own Light Plant .SALEM, March 6— (U.P.)— The city of Eugene late yester­ day filed application tor a water­ power permit to cover a munici­ pal power plant on the McKenzie river, estimated to cost >4,281,780 The project Includes develop­ ment of 71,363 theoretical horse­ power, a main canal 11.2 miles in length and a dam In the Me Kenzie river 88 feet high. Sick Fisherman Drowns In River ASTORIA*, Ora., March 6— ( p .)— Fred Hler, Med 60, / toona, Wash., fisnerman was drowned in the Columbia river last night when he became ill and fell from the stern of a fishing boat. GRAZING BILL Of Legs In Wreck BY STANFIELD MEETS DEFEAT “ S A N F R A N C I8CO, Match i 6— (U,;P.)— Mrs. Olga Howe, Oakland, will receive >125,000 damages tor the loss of her legs which were severed in a wreck of a Key Route train, Decern- her 4, 1924. Mrs. Howe's suit Is the first to be decided in a series of damage ac- tions brought as the re- suit of 10 fatalities and 40 injuries in the wreck. A jury in superior court held the Key Sys- tern Transit company, the 8an Francisco-Sacra- mento Railroad company and J. E. Compton, Key Route motorman, jointly responsible for, the mis- hap. 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Oregon Solon Asks That Compromise Measure be Drafted Soon WILL MAKE CHANGES S P IE N M O O L ‘Black; and White Revue” Promises Real Entertain­ ment Next Week The American Legion rehears­ ed their "Black & White Re­ vue” at the Vining Theatre until one o’clock this morning. This was the first work-out at the Theatre, and another will he held at nine o’clock Sunday morning. Dr. Shinn and Carl Smith made their premier appearance on the tlght-rope, much to the delight of the few spectators, and their feats of strength and acrobatics were a source of wonder to the uninitiated. The Legion Q^prtette, which bine -set ou t t e m a k e a m n e - t o r themselves as clever entertainers, have been putting In all available time in practice, and have a pro­ gram lined up sure to please. They will appear as "Ye Village Quartette” with an original set­ ting, and the only difficulty so far encountered has been to find suitable clothes for "Long Andy McGee, and "Round” Bert Miller. The seats for the two nights of the show are selling rapidly, and those who contemplate at­ tending should make every effort to have their seats reserved at once. Prom reports received from Medford there are several groups who are coming over Tuesday night. Those who have kept close tab on the progl250,000 homo WINTER TOMATOES for the aged and disabled of NAPOMO, Cal., March 6 (U .P .)— Fresh tomatoes, local­ the Ordef of Railway Conductors ly grown, has been marketed will be constructed in Savannah, here througtont the entire win­ Ga., President L. B. Sheppard of the nnion announced today. ter Just closing. MONUMENT O F W“ ^ X MEDFORD WINS TO SEEK CIVIC BETTERMENTS; By Movie Queens CRUCIAL G AME MODOC WAR TO MAYOR JOHNSON IS COMMENDED R ISE SHORTLY FROM ASHLAND NEWCOMERS’ CLUB ORGANIZED; Many F eatures of Proposed Law To B e Left Out Of Next Bill WASHINGTON, D. C. March 8— (U. P. )— Three weeks of hearings, mostly unfavorable, on the Stanfield grazing bill which has been before the senate pub­ lic lands committee, have con­ vinced Senatar Stanfield that he will have to revise it to get it passed by the senate. Senator 8tanfleld has asked the legislative council of the com­ mittee to draw up a compromise bill which will meet the demands of Secretary of the Interior Work and Secretary of Agriculture Jar­ dine. In the main the proposed new bill will retain the provisions of the present bill giving stockmen legal right to grazing areas cov­ ered in the lease, but it will con­ cede that the interior and agri­ culture departments have the right to control grazing. Ashland's latest civic or*aai zation was formed last night. It is the Newcomers’ dub. composed of persons who have come here to live within the p u t two years. According to official annoucement this morning, the club will keep its membership a secret for the time being, or least until it has proven that its sole purpose is to work for civic progress and development. The meeting was quietly called and was attended by all who had been advised of its purpose, according to reports given The Tidings. Officers were elected but their names, too, are being withheld. A resolution was adopted commending Mayor Johnson for his stand on the sidewalk Im­ provement project adjacent to the new normal school. It was declared that this Is one of the most Important Improvement projects which may be launched this year and should receive the moral support of all Ashland residents who stand for growth and prosperity. It was reported that another meeting will be held next week at which time other matters of civic improvement will be discussed. Dirt Slide Halts Highway Traffic Tl THE DALLES, March 6— (U-j --------- p .)—Traffic over the Columbia. Jensen And Von Herberg river highway was suspended for Sell Interests For Nearly a short time last night by a $6,000,000 slide five miles west of Hood River, which brought about 400 PORTLAND, Ore.,. March 6— yards of dirt and rock down (U.P.)— C: 8. Jensen of thv across the surface of the road. Jensen and Von Herberg theat­ rical firm today confirmed re­ ports that an agreement has been reached for the sale of the string of theatres to the North American Theater Corporation. He said the valuation of the property involved is >6,000,000 and that the transfer will be Plans Fof Completion of Or­ effective May 1. Contracts prob­ ganization Are Fast ably will be signed Monday, Taking Form or as soon as attorneys can com­ plete details in connection with Definite plans for work on the new Ashland golf coartf the b,g deal* Joe Keller Gives Facts Con­ cerning Thieves And are fast materializing and active construction will get under way a _____ Crime Prevention within short time, officers Strict application of the cer­ the organisation announced to­ tificate of title law and better day. cooperation by anto drivers gen­ Several additional members erally will greatly reduce auto are now being signed up. It TH|O Armstrong Motors, Inc., thefts in Oregon, according to was reported, and prospects are of this city, reports the unload­ Joe Keller, Oregon representa­ reported to be most encouraging. ing of a carload of Hudson tive of the Pacific Coast anto Following are tlhe charter Broughams today. They have sold theft bureau, who was in Ash­ members of the club: five of these cars. Two will be land today. Mr. Keller is re­ Louis Dodge, J. H. McGee. R. turning to Portland following an W. Price, Harry K. Tomlinson, delivered to Ed Wyatt and J. D. anto theft conference in San Frank Jordan, J. H. Fuller, J. GUI. This model has proved Francisco this week. S. Jordan, G. W. Gregg, C. E. very popular and the agency is "Auto drivers are in a mea­ Shinn, H. O. Enders, Jr., C. 3. unable to get enough to fill their sure responsible for the many I Richardson, H. G. Enders, Will orders. They report automobile thefts,” declared Keller. "If I m . Dodge. F. F. Whittle, F. D. sales as brisk with many pros every driver will take pains to Wagner, C. A. Malone, K. P. pects in view. lock fils car every time he parks Nlms, Hal McNair, F. G. Dean, it, there will be considerable H. A. Stearns, O. F. Carson, less thievery, as the auto thief Daisy C. McGarry, O. Winter, V. will not fool around a car after O. N. Smith. Joe Miller, A C. he finds It Is locked.” Nlninger, V. V. Mills, J. W. Mc­ Mr. Keller also is a strong Coy, E. V. Carter, Wirt M. supporter of the certificate of Wright, V. D. Miller, Dorn Tro- title law, and explained where vost, The Tidings, by O. M. this new Oregon law had per­ Green, D. F. Kay, Jr., Fred C. Ninety Days In Jail Given mitted his bureau and the Port­ Homes, I. E. Vining, A. L. Lamb, Man Who Violates Pure land police to solve the big O. T. Bergner, H. L. Claycomb, Food Laws O’Hara anto theft ring, in and Dr. Ernest A. Woods. LOS ANGELES. March 6— (U.- which 17 stolen automobiles were recovered. p .)— Manuel Newman must spend "The certificate of title Is 90 days in the Los Angeles coun­ insurance for the man who buys ty jail for bringing three pine­ a used car, and I think when apples here from Hawaii. the people of this state are thor­ Newman was sentenced here oughly acquainted with Its pro­ today for violating the pure food visions they will be more and drugs act, which states that strongly in favor of It,” he Land Board Will Net Ap­ every possible Insect - Infected said. "Of course the law is peal Decision In $200, food article must be properly la­ weak In some respects but „ 000 Litigation beled. these defects will be ironed out He said he had merely brought ASTORIA, Ore.. March 6—(U. the pineapples with him for re­ at the next legislative session.” Mr. Keller Is a veteran police P .)— The state of Oregon will freshment during the long voyage officer. He was a' lieutenant on not take an appeal from the de­ not realizing he was violating the the Portland police force for cision of Circuit Judge Eaktn law. years and later served as state who ruled against the state In its claim on the >290,000 estate of parole officer. Mrs. Asmua Brix, the state land board announced here today. The state relinquishes Its claim TT _ J T J ^ y np. NEW GOLF CLUB HAS 40 M S M E M «IHO THEF M l ENDORSES NEH UN a ^Arm strong Motors Gets New Hudsons M S HNEAPPIES II SIATE DEFEATED IN UM A 1E 02 Farmer Is Kicked May Be Necessary to Dyna­ mite Jap Vessel To Clear Grays Harbor ABERDEEN, Wash., March 6 — (U.P.)—The Japanese freight­ er which overturned her^ Thurs­ day la now lying In- the middle of the Grays Harbor channel almost submerged and is s men­ ace to navigation. A special course Is being mapped our for vessels with tugs placed near the sunken vessel to sound warn Inga. It may ba necessary to dynamite the ship In order to clear the channel. Fralerson of Germany, the mo­ ther of Mrs. Brix. The derision was reached after the states attorneys had examined eastern court rnllnga which were unfa­ vorable to the state’s conten tlon. Bryan Leaves Big Estate To Widow MIAMI, Fla., March 8— (U P .) — The • late William JennInga Bryan left an estate valued at >668,202, It was disclosed by the affidavit filed In probate court here today by the three apprais­ ers. * . ' * Fitting Memorial To Mem­ ory of General Canby To Be Erected NOW BEING DESIGNED Lasting Bronze Piacque W ill Mark Scene Of Peace Body Mflesarru A fitting monument to General E. R. S. Canby, hero of the peace commission massacre of April 1873. and the scores of heroes that died In battle during the Modoc war. will bo erected this spring ip the lava beds of northern Modoc county. It is to be created kout of the natural rough lava rock, cemented to­ gether. and has been designed by Paul Fair. San Francisco artist. His work has been ac­ cepted by the Native Daughters of California, who are back­ ing the movement. A bronze placque will be ce­ mented Into the base of the monument depicting the Canby murder. Another will be dedi­ cated to the officers and men. soldiers and volunteers who fell in the fighting in the lava beds. Fair executed an order, without charge. He created the work with a mental picture of the scene as he carried it back to Francisco after a trip Into the lava bed country last year with Captain Applegate. The date of the dedication of the monument is not definiteiv known, according to Captain O. C. Applegate, Oregon’s command­ er of the Veterans of Indian Wars. ITbn u M N ETP O ST HOLLYWOOD, Cal.. March 6 — ( U .P .) — it was “bargain day” for women in Hollywood yes- terday, as >100,000 worth of discarded gowlis worn by movie stars went under the hammer. Hundreds of women— bargain hunters and sou- venir seekers — battled for* the' castoff raiment of the stars put up for sale at knockdown rates. Pola Negri's black sat- in evening gown, em- broidered with small pearls and rhinestones, worn In her latest pic- ture, was sold for >35. The purchaser was a plump woman Identified as the landlady of a boarding house patroniz- ed by movie cowboys. The gown originally cost >750. 8 8 8 8 /8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 IEI BY FEDERAL JUDGE Ex-Service Man’s Record Wins Freedom in White Slavery Case PORTLAND, Ore., March 6— (U.P.)—H. P. Fromwlller, who was‘decorated for bravery in ac­ tion while serving as a lieutenant with the 91st division In France, was paroled by Federal Judge Benn yesterday when he pleaded guilty to charges of violating the white slave act. The act of leni­ ency was granted by the judge upon recommendation of Asslst- . ant United States Attorney Stearns, who investigated the case for the government. From- willer was charged with having transported a woman from Spo­ kane to Portland for immoral purposes. Local Basketball Quintet Outplayed In Fast Contest At Armory BASKET TOSSING POOR Visitors On Ix>ng End of 32 To 21 Scorp; To Play This Evening Ashland high school lost all chance to compete in the state |tournament last nlgfit when Medford high school defeated the local quintet, 31 to 22, In a fast and cleanly played- game. For the most part the local boys played listless ball. When they did show flashes of speed and got possession, of- the ball, they were as wild as March hares In shooting baskets. The Medford five held the upper hand from start to finish and outplayed the Ashland team from start to finish. During the closing quarter. Coach Hughes rushed in substitute after sub­ stitute but without avail. z Fine Refereeing The game was interesting to watch, due largely to the splen­ did work of Referee Stritmater of Corvallis. The dlmlnultlva official had the game under con­ trol from whistle to whistle and kept the hoys going at top pace. Nor was there the least bit indication of roughness or til feeling among the players or the supporters of the two teams. The armory was packed to the doors with rival partisans of the two teams, bnt it was good-natured rivalry with a total" absence of ’ the strained feeling whleh existed two weeke ago. M in g le Star M G. TennenJ Is Favorite To Win Portland Doctors Tacoma Election Take Vaccination TACOMA, Wash., March 6— Against Smallpox (U.P.)— Mayor A. V. Fawcett, Laing, the Medford cents”, was high point man for hie team, with four field goals to his credit. White at guard an­ nexed three field goals. Marske and Moore each tossed three field goals for the Ashland team, with Gosnell and Aldo Parr each getting one. Ashland started off with a rush when Moore shot a perfect basket * moment after the game started. . Laing came back and evened up the count a moment later an124.000 bridge on Big Baldwin 8 Shoals project. The vote will Frost, west portion to- hlght. Gentle northeast It be taken at 8:80 p. m. Monday. Crdek, between Mayo and Coeb­ ran. It i It follows a week's debate. ana winds. To vote Soon On Skoals Question The John H. Fuller , Has Tonsilitis meroe election will be for a few days, it waa ed at the chamber of office this moratag. Mr. confined to hie bomb vers attack of