" t v ìi. i.Ts ». iTTE5fEC’T-.M , Î W ï H Vi I i t f t » f t I mtergoe« yfw aiw aJ ,i / j s ( Miss Eleanor Powers of fr' Mrs. Effie Slewsrf hnderwent an operation at the Community ent spent yesterday in Aslty hospital yesterday' morning. She on business. Saturday all Btrthdm QPD ‘FKIJ'OW ACTTMlIEH \f*tch thl8 space every day.' I / - KegdUr Meetings 1 finbordlnate w «ry- , Thursday. Apcampment, la t h e d 3rd Tqys- u!aja.‘/.B B b ek atyl -*lnd i d f j i b TieU sys..- i -V ,U O -tf \ postal Dones ; at Odd Fellows fe*U Satusday !»i«ht, f ° r 9 ‘M. ftu » * » • *pd Rebekahs, '.their tam ttm and L.JftvJted . friends. Ladled, 25c. 'Oen’uepten 8nd. -« « Dr; S. De Lapp, Roseburg; H. Palm, Roseburg; A. g Decker, Roseburg; W. E. Rom­ berg, Willington, Missouri ; V. M. Stock, San Francisço; Alonso Morrlaon, Portland; Harry Leop­ ard, Chiloquin; E. Batty and- wife, San Francisco. Toya gnd gamer- for' the dies* birthday— Elhart’s. Business Visitor— A. S. Rosenbaum, general district; paMehier and freight agent - tor the Southern Pacific, of Medford, who baa been in Rodebsrg foi» spmb. time, where winner he ;ls superintending shipments Llthla chewing bars of the heavy brocfcolt crop of at Candy Land. that district, visitor la BuslneM Visitor— Ashland yesterday, returning to Clifford Collins of Sams Val­ Roseburg today. k ■ > ley was a business visitor In Ashland‘yesterday. Improving— Mrs. W. M. Barber, who has Winter Garden Dance, been very 111 with the flu, lg landla Orbgonlans, Friday. Improving. ----------- it t p -hrikgj well-known artists T< at the Colunv h St. ’ fJ f lM -t* The first of the visiting ar­ WANTED—Plowing ! Uhd all tists will be Willem Van Hoog UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, straten, conductor of the Port­ kinds of team world, Ì Phone Eugene, Ore., March 6— (Spe­ land Syipphoqy Orchestra, wh< 407-R or call at 448 Reluisn St. cial)— Miss Esther Church of will speak here Friday. , ' 1 .156-2* Ashland, has been made presi­ dent of a newjy organjsed.mjiylc r RjDUNlM-Qfie blue mare and 4« Vining Theater, Monday - Tuesday,,March ß-9 arnwny and ■ • TOM0ÌBOWO1ILV1 Honeydew M e Peach R egu lar $ 1 .9 8 Fallow G rade Brown Friday and Saturday Only JptPoudere to many v The Style Show was a 1 . revelation 1 / i ! P !v ! * • • not seen the new garments we are For those who did not see the Thursday Style Show, come Saturday Afternoon or Evening. In a less j P/i f elaborate fashion we will model Laurel Rose J4eut S p rin g G arm ents A L Skinner’s 38 inch All-Sijk Wash Satins. All Colors, Regular $2.95 grade. Special for Friday and Saturday äventure of tnist roulette agd a*ffiroughhred. J With ' i iHerrieon Ford, Mahlen -i ^Hanriltoo, Clare Adams ' ' ' t ■!< during th e aitem oon from ’ * io u .ou ana in m e evening from 7 to 8:30 It probably will surprise you to know how reasonably priced are those pretty garments you saw modeled at the Thursday evening Style Show Holeproof Chiffon Silk Hose All Ikilorw Just in. tl.M Pair Sm«rt Styles in New Spring lints Now Selling - 12.96 and up