Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, March 05, 1926, Page 6, Image 6

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(United Press Staff Oorreapon-
BOSTON, Marcel 6— (U .P .)—
While co-eds are trying to grow
thia, men studeqts at Boston
University are no* being taught
how <o grow tall.
Aa much as one Inch already
has been added to the height of
som e of the young men who are
^earning thia latest art of calls-
-thenlca, according to Dr. George
<8. Emerson, head of the de-
jmrtment of physical education,
Wrho la la charge' of the new
* The main idea, says Dr. Enter*
«on, la not to produce a race of
giants, or anything wf the sort,
but merely to imprgve students’
4 ■
"The secret,* fei oprreet pos­
ture,’’ Dr. Emerson
. Uni­
ted Press. "Besides t e e & g the
¡Individual from ’ achieving hts
yiormnl height, habitual Incor­
r e ct podfrre result» | 'lh <)dp-
*placement of internal organs.
Interference with their funetlsns.
and resetting alterations In Per­
sonal appearance, especially chat
¡nf countenance and impairment
Of health.
! " If yeW sHnt to be hehtthir,'
a a
V -Tí,
ph’s coat of many eftUrs would look Uke a gunny sack In comparison
the new paleman artd lounging rubes for men that are on display
ie Illinois C lothier»'convention In Chicago.
O nce y o u drive up to the GreeaZalrd
W hite Sign and say "General” to the man;
you’ll know that
this gasoline is different.
♦ )
«» I ■
T he pajam as have spots
Mg as billiard balls;‘the lounging robe-ah. It IB a lounging robe..
Stand up straight,* he tells fUa
classes, "and If you want to be
Intelligent and look it, stand ep
■^M<ht;.pnd. it ypB .w w t to he
T&ppy. M L makh a sso o ea n of
life stand np straight**
. ♦»
Thb course In posture 1st Only
ternal orgaglc; function Malkin*
p h y sic« M utation a$t the W nl- Sided egteroally 'through ’ tho
werelty* » Jr wialm am ' amount of behavior of theentlreorganlain,"
W hen you zoom up hills in high that have
always called for a gear-shift before — when
you slip away ahead o f the crowd when
the whistle goes—when you fairly feel that
new m otor life under the hood —then
you’ll know what we mean by a "differ­
ent” gasoline.
»d* with
Tpr in*
af least
W chest
training, U ? HtMriMT,
Í hysteal
. Emerson 'giving to auch stu-
“Lack of ambition, yawning;
sa y i’ Dr. Emerson.
“Thera is
stretching,, irritability, nil of
kent, k y r S e ifm of exercise de- always a feeling of independence which tire p o^ ip jed j 1«, b ela i ex­
pression, ara ' oftW « s o c ia ted
with retarded di dette® of thè
vital o rg a n s., . 4 » ,
''Improper * fcostufd w ill re-
duce norm «1 blight ’¿ rata' one to
three inches.
height is regained by a series or
yxegclses. Whdn no fin al posture
h- secured «pother series of ex-
iiy h c s Is used to . maintain the
Iprfert position until gradually
jVjttkln tains Itself.*’
I t ’s always the sam e— this perfect m oto r power
every drop, every day, always as b rim fu l o f life and
action as gasoline can be made.
Seventy-nlde years ago a baby
was born in Edinburgh, Scot­
land, who destined to be a great
factor in the scientific world,
one whose work has reached in- 1
to the lives of everyone in this
country today, making it more '1
livable and probably doing more '*
'than any other one' person to
Cascade Locks — Townslte of
solve the complications of the '
l N * r e . sold for |t0 0 ,0 0 0 , to
business and social life of the
be «rvelopld T
ialjo tourlit resort»
'world. That person was Alexan­
SC H elena - j^Three'Shipload»
d er’ Graham Bell, the Inventor '
lumber sent out in one week.
o f the telephone.
¿Klamath Falls
Naw Fn>
Few of us today who use our
telephones so constantly and so
easily realise the years of re­
search and work that preceded
the .invention of the first crude
telephone instrument in 187C.
Mr. Bell and his assistant,
Thomas A. Watson, lived and
experimented Nn an old attic at
109 Court 8treet, Boston, for
many months before the first t
sentences were snccessfnlly trans- 1
mitted on March 10, 1876, and j
Ms. Bell had worked on his idea ,
since his arrival in this country j
In 1870. In 1878 Mr. Bell, who ,
had always been Interested in ,
the instruction of deaf mutes, (
becanje professor of vocal phy- (
slology at Boston University,
where he pursued his studies on (
the transmission of speech.
Even after the telephone bad ,
been Invented and exhibited at (
the Philadedphla Centennial Ex- (
position in 1878 there remained
years of struggle to sell this
‘'amusing toy" to a .doubting
pifbllc, to finance this new ven­
ture and to protect it from the
infringement of others.
* In 1877 Mr. Bell and Mr.
Watson were forced to go from
town to town giving lectures
«nA . demonstrations on th eir
telephone In order to create a
demand for the new Instruments
and to raise money to go on
* with the wprk, as Mr. Bell and
Mr Watson w«r« both very poor.
The year 1877 was memorable
one for Mr. Bell as it n o t, only
marked public recognition of
hts Invention, but during that
year . he married th» daughter
of Gardiner G. Hubbard, who
had been hack of Bell with fl-
naaetel and m or« assistance.
Mr. Bell lived until 1988 to
' realile
fruits of hjs efforts
and to see the telephone become
I an Integr« part of the life or
' the country, The last few year,
were devotedf to research and
assistance to aid deaf and dumb
peoble and he also manifested
| n great Interest in aeroplanes.
, I N ' lis t he was elected to the
National Academy of Sciences, in
1881 be received the Voltra prise TMB •’« Ills Beatitude, Louis Borjas
riti re h of Jerusalem and
of 810,960 from (the French •IM
eg,I M th. pope in the ranks of th«
Government, with
which he CatheUc hierarchy. Tlie ptetura wa>
taken on his visit to CMcags.
founded the Volta Laboratory in
D riv e up to the Green and W h ite s ig n * -fill up w it h
General. I f you have never used It before you have
a new th rill coming. “ F ill up your ta n k and let your
engine decide.” T h e m an w ho serves you w ith General.
Products owns his ow n station, it is his ow n invest-'
m ent — h e is an Independent.
■ »•,
<• ' •»'<
I. it . t
i Oil. V
Ju d y and. Frobach, Distributors, Medford, Oregon.
PANY arc now cele-
brating their 50th
Anniversary. J*hia
event will be notable
by unusual Value,
G iv in g ., C lo t h e s
T a ilo red to Your
Order by M. BORN
the best buy you
will find anywhere.
Golden Anniversary
Line o f wonderful
pure all-wool fabrics
—the handsomest
line ever turned out,
now on display. Sat'
iifaction guaranteed.
$ 2 5 .0 0 , $ 3 0 .0 0 $ 3 5 ,0 0 an d u p w a r d
On March 10, 1926, a local
celebration will be held to com­
memorate the fiftieth anniver­
sary of the first complete sen­
tence ever heard over the tele­
phone, when on March 10, 1876,
Mr. Bell called his assistant with
the now famous sentence, “Mr.
Watson, come here, I want yon.”
at a convention of the denomina­
tion'» ministers here. He urged
greater care In accepting
sons into the church, and ad­
vocated more careful training of
’ k.‘ ' k
church lenders.
t ; : . . . « ;
Ä -L Isfe .
PORTLAND, Ore., March 6—
(U .P .)— Fifty per cent of church
membership does not attend reg­
ularly at services, and 20 per
cent of the ‘ attendance is non­
resident and therefore inactive,
According to Dr, T. A. Agar,
Baptist leader.
Dr. Agar made this declaration
, Two Through Stages Daily
To Portland, leaving Ashland at 7:00 A. M. and
. 10:50 A. M. A pleasant one day trip.
>*■' ' -
We take passengers for «1 way points. For further information
and tickets call Ashland Hotel-—Phone 47
Pare Ashland-Portland, $8 JO
Direct Connections at Roseburg for Coos Bay Points
Garden Tools
Blades and Tine»—High
Carbon Steel.
are extra select second
growth, whit» aeh, polish­
ed and' waxed.,i •>,
From Ashland
Redding ...................
Ê eratuenfo
n Frhncisttf ......
Round Trtp
Los Angeles
“The Winchester Store”
Round Trip ------ .„ ....„ I
IgtSO Neon —
>ò»r ticket fransi VMM
Tavern Cafe— 1BT I h s t S