Friday, March T h e I t Q . . u . a 1 lity S tore” 1 Î - -t-i - ___ : ASHLAND, OREGON Li_______________ - w — -»I ■ 1 1 ^ — — —— I——— « Anniversary Sale ft 'I • 7 1 III 1 ill H 111 ' lu ì U 1 K ■ ■ ■ > B' ■ neig i 9 Ma m S f • ? £ r l / “Happy Home” i Apron Dresses ! ' fl/? : Made twelve different styles of East Color 50. A wonder value, Each : l^i • a ' a > • « • < , aa ■>> ■ r »'( : t > î 91 « N r i 1 i : 1 ;;SUk K nit Vests £ 6 lb ri: Peach, Pjnkr Orchid ;:' ' l • ' * r P l . ' : t Silk Knit Step-ins Colors: Nile, Peach, Orchid and Pink , . Pair ** 1 C-| OR Sold Regular »1.19 - ¿AYON S IL K : sKNIT k r i u IN ' QOMBfNATiO^iS Pillplace’ 'trim m ed in Or- chM,* Pink, Peaqh and Nile. i -■ U/.?'-g5C ' ' and N ile',; Each - * • *' ' . ’ ' ’ ■■■ 1 7 ¿d .£ 1 k f - ■ Í 1 *‘i • ! IB li', *® B / I ♦ >ll 1 V r ' “ RAYON” C R A YO N K j I '■ 1 1 :_______ :-------<_— — T /• It* * J i * • ¿ Sold Regular |1.4 8, ‘‘‘MILO SH EEN ” COS­ TUME SLIPS Come in the wanted colors and sizes. Solid Regular $3.48 V ¿7 v *Milp Sheenn .Costume Slips Made wAff^ney pW te'd flannel. Colors: Kelly, Here Is real value In a quality Bloomer, Cut Fu ll Site in a Good assortment of Bright Oelofn P air ......................................—............ ................. Marine, A rtille ry, Hussar, Jade and Tan. Kaell .a««.. QC This Anniversary Sale with its great distribution of new merchan­ dise has a three-fold purpose; first, to show appreciation to our old cus­ tomers who have helped to bring this store to its present usefulness; second, to make new acquaintances for the store and its merchandise; third, to make greater progress in our business in order to be better able to serve you in the future. In setting our birthday ‘table, we have placed many values of every need and taste on sale for every­ body. Come to This Birthday * Celebration TURKISH TOWELS EXTRA Value Each Site 20X40 made w ith colored border, Lim it 4 to Each Customer. Birthday Souvenirs For The Ladies Will be Given Away Saturday while 500 last BIS SURE AND GET YOURS. Pure Silk and Fiber Hose No. 6720, a service Hose. Colors are, Thrush, Sunset, Fr. Nude, Beige, Champagne, Pearl, Beaver, Log Cabin and Black, i ------------------ -— and see the anniversary offerings in their entirety. Our Birthday Cake ,----------------------------- Children’s Hose , Hand Bags Our regular |1 .2 5 bags offered for this Bale st this low price Each 95)C New Spring. 8tylee In 7-8 and 1-2 Hose made of Fiber Silk in New Colors. Pair ' See our Birthday Cake now on display in our show win­ dow; also a card telling you all about, this wonderful Caks^ what it contains. Chamoisette Gloves Made With French Cuff and AP« Favey SUtehiag. COlora, Grey, g 3 C Beaver. Brown and Oak, Pair 9U C 1 u . Chamoisette Gloves Made with fancy turnback £ 4 M £ .gqgA h^w o color c o m b in e r^ | ' tlons. Colors: Oak, Beaver, Mod«. Pair a