/ . if ,, . MAJARIA GERMS ' Çannot survive three months in the rieh ozone at Ashland. Pure domestic water heipä. ? ■ ' w 8ÜB l -______ .< Thè Tidings Has Been A sh la w s Newspaper. For Nearly Fifty Years h r* Service) (Uaitod VQU z u x ASHLAND CLIMATB{ Without the use of medicine cures nine cases out of ten of This is a proven fa ct NO. 156 ASHLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY,.HAUCH 5, 1926 Successor to the Soml-Weekly T ld tata. Volume 41 lif t Sleeping Baby is Sav ASHLAND GOLF CLUB STARTED IN BIG STYLE Coast Looks Good To This ‘ Man Who • "W i •' Has Left Florida He was driving a 1923 Ford, truck on which were loaded a ll his earthly be­ longings. The truck was in heed of paint as well Louis Dodge I s Elected as oil and grease, but President New Local that didn't bother the Organization driver. His face was wreathed In smiles. He DIRECTORS ARE NAMED seemed to be at peace w ith the world. W ill l a y Out Count« And Get The driver—-his name Everj'thlng In Hhupc For was H. O. P artett— Kariy P lay stepped into the chamber of commerce office yes­ Ashland's new golf club got terday for a non-resident off to a flying start at th e 1 motor vehicle permit. His L i thia Springs hotel last night license showed he had when a permanent organisation a come from Florida. was perfected, directors and of- æ “ Resident of Florida?" fleer* yere chosen and definite he was asked. plans laid for the early comple­ “No, thanks," he re­ tion of the 18-hole course on plied; “ not now." the Pacific highway south of the And then it developed city. he had come from Mount Louis Dodge was elected pres­ Sterling, Iowa, bat a lit­ ident of the organisation as a tle more than a year ago trib u t* to bis untiring efforts in he had hearkened to the the work of prelim inary or­ lure of F lo rid a and gone ganisation. H arry Tomlinson, there to make his for­ another ardent golf enthnslast, tune. was chosen vice-president, and “ But I ’ve got enough Otto W in ter was elected Secre­ of it," he exclaimed. “I tary and treasurer. feel I ’m lucky to get out These . three, together w ith of there alive even if I the following, w ill comprise th * am almoat broke. But board of directors: F. F. W hittle, the Pacific coast looks V . V . Mills, O. F. Bergner a n l good enough for me." A. L. Lamb. So saying, he pasted his F ull Authority permit to the windshield, The board of directors was stepped on the starter, given fu ll anthority to frame and the Ford truck and the constitution and by laws and the ex-Florida boomer map ont the work of th * or- were on their way. .« n iM in a for the fin d » yearn The hoard w ill first employ * golf architect to make a final survey of the proposed course south of the city, and this, re­ port w ill be received early next feeek. H. Chandler Egan of Medford w ill be asked to do this School Board P asses Drawings • work. He also will be asked Of Architect— To Call to lay out the course and got B ids Soon it In readiness as quickly as possible. Plans for the new Junior high The final membership drive school were approved by ' the also w ill be started at once in school board last ntght at a order to cpmplete the member­ meeting w ith J. E. Tourtellotte, ship rolls for the first year. Portland architect. Mr. Tour- This wUl be worked out by the tellotte w ill now go right to hoard of directors. There are work on the detailed plans 41 charter members in the club. which he expects to have in BIG JAPANESE FREIGHTER I S - ^ T ^ WRECK VICTIM Horaisan Mani Turna Over on S i d e a i Grays Harbor Entrance GREW MEMBERS SAVED Four M illion F eet Of Lumber Adrift— Channel May .Be Blocked GRAYS HARBOR. Wash., Mar. 6— (U .P .)— Coast guard offic­ ials fear that the Japanese freighter Horalsan Maru, which turned on Its side at the Grays Harbor entrance last evening, w ill be a total loss. The ship turned over when the coal and wheat in the hold shifted without warning. The vessel had a deck loud of 4,000,000 feet of lumber which went adrift. The 4S officers and members of the crew were rescued by tugs. The vessel Is in danger of blocking the entrance to Grays Harbor. COUNCIL AND FORD TONIGHT; M ■ MAYOR TO ACT I S PREDICTED ON SIDEWALKS; U j»l a Ashland high school’s coming basketball squad make a desperate stand at local armory tonight when |l takes the floor with Medf< high iu an effort to even np the two defeats of a couple of weefce ago. Tonight's contest Is all-lm portant for .the local hoopeters.' I f they win over Medford they w ill still he in the running tor the Southern Oregon champion­ ship. But if they lose they w ill be out of the race. Coach Hnghes and h is , hoys are confident o f victory. Every member of th be built this year night; gentle faofth to announcement • today by local home, - » i ; * •? i ers were Injured«. held on Wednesday evening. erectlUg *-story hulldlng. will cost *200,000. east winds along coast. Southern Pacific official*. CHANGE PLANS FOR NEW POLAR FUGHI OF ASHLAND DIES DRY CHIEF SEEKS SEPARATE BUREAU E M M CAUSES BIG LOSS DF LIFE Syrian Servant Murders Dentist Understanding Is Sailor Injured In Hotel Blast Mela Jvey IO A rttcie Noted Evangelist Southern Pacific Orders New Cars Coming Next Week COUNTESS BAfflCABl WINS LEGAL BA U E Runaway Portland ’ ' Youth Is Located At Dunsmuir Cal Ocean Liner Is Tossed by Storm REAL HEROISM IS SHOWN BY LOCÂL WOMAN Pupils at the H aw ­ thorne school were busily engaged with their studies during mid-afternoon yes­ terday when, without Mrs. H . M. Briggs Dashes wurnlng, the fire gong Into Smoke-Tilled Room through the sounded D a r in g T ir e building. Speedily but without disorder they « NEITHER IS INJURED leaped from thslr desks and within 45 seconds Fire In Iowa Street Home jto every one of the 360 Subdued with but Minimum pupils were outside the Damq^e building. Fire Chief Baughman Pronzpt and heroic action on had slipped Into the build­ the part of Mr*. H. M. Briggs ing unnqjiced and had waved the life of her small baby sounded the alarm in or- and the possible destruction of order to give the pupils a her horn« when fire broke out fire d rill without any on the second floor o f the fam­ advance notice. ily residence at 40« low » street Chief Baughman ex­ shortly after 11 o’clock this pressed belief that a rec­ morning. , ord had been established Mrs. Briggs was at work in getting all of the 350 down-stairs when neighbors no­ pupils out of the building U ' ticed big volumes of smoke pour­ within 45 seconds. ing out from the upper part o f the house, where her baby lay sleeping in a crib. - Chances for sidewalk lm- g provemont in the vicinity of the g new normal school looked bright-, g er today, In spite of the pro­ tests of a group of people who seek to stand in the way of tho city's growth and progress. Mayor Johnson,’ all members of the city council, together w ith City Engineer W alker and City Attorney Briggs, were devoting this afternoon to an investiga­ tion of the proposed sidqwaik Improvement district in the south portion of the city. To Determine Action Upon thé result of their In­ vestigations today w ill rest what­ ever action they w ill .take con­ cerning the. construction of side­ Profession» of Several Members walks in that, district. I t is IM ncuhmn I At W eekly understood, however, that the Session mayor and, council members are determined to go ahead w ith the Professions of several of the preject, Although It is under­ Klwanlans were discussed at the stood that portions of one or two blocks may be excluded regular luncheon of the club at from tho Improvement program. the I.lthla Springs hotel today “ Every time Ashland has tak- when the program wag In cjiatge eb’ eome step touaWd progress a t R. J. Woods» uhairiaam v ie M ill! said that he rep­ tfttd development, objeetton* have resented one of the most malign­ been raised,” said the mayor. ed professions in the business “ I f we halted Improvement pro­ grams Just because of the pro­ world— the insurance agent, He tests of a few people who care stated Jnsnrance agents were ridi- for neither civic progress nor cul^l, but that they were a development, we would never “ necessary evil." They are mak­ get tmywhere. As long as I ing every effort to be recognised am mayor I am going to do bs professional men and in this everything within my power, to campaign are gradually raising bring about a better and larger the standard of requirements. The invention p f the steam city.” engine was the greatest impetus to the growth of insurance, as this caused the concentration of wealth and Industry.- Insurance has kept pace with the progress of commerce, he stated, gradual- That 1* the central figure nual birthday party which is scheduled for next Thursday af­ in the anniversary sale of ternoon. the E. R. Isaacs store Of Mr. Isaacs today declared that this city, as this is the Fifth business during the past year Anniversary of the establishment has been in every way satisfac­ under the management of E. R. tory, and it* is' in appreciation Isaac. The sale starts tomorrow of the splendid patronage that morning. the firm is making such exten­ In this Issue the firm is pub­ sive plans for its annual birth­ lishing a page advertisement day sale. . in which 5 is the predominant »"Business has shown a steady note, eUery price ending in that and increased growth ’ durirffc figure. , the year," said Mr. Isaacs, "and In other features of the sale we are looking forward to an the 5-idea w ill be carried out even better growth during the also— five prises in the , huge coming year." birthday cake which w ill be on O f more than passing Interest display at the store at 6 o’clock is the fact that every employe tonight and which w ill be cut who started with the store fiv9 at 3:30 next Thursday after­ years ago under M r. Isaacs’ noon, when the five prizes will management is still employed be distributed. These prize* there, together with the new are always Interesting and worth employes who have been added while. One of these prizes will because of the Increased busi­ be a *5 gold piece,-another wilt ness. The present employes be a solid gold ring and a third, are Nina Belle Emery, Elsie a solid gold thimble. The other Churchman, Lillian Yates, Suo two prizes are being kept secret. Thompson and Ruby Hicks. They w ill be hidden in the cake The owners of the store are which w ill be cut and served ?o Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Ferguson friends of the store a t the nn- and M r. and Mrs. E. R. Isaacs. Well MC GEE STYLE SHOW 5 IS PLEASING EVENT ning at McGee’* when models dlr- played to best advantage the la t­ est creations to women’s wear and finery. Women visitors, of course, were the more keenly Interested, but husbands and fathers likewise enjoyed the event. Mueic was furnished by an Orthophonie Victrola through the courtesy of Howard Rose. Another pleasing feature of the presentation of souvenirs to all women who attended. * The women who served as madpls for the store were Miss Velma Clapp, Miss L illian McMil­ lan, Mrs. Cleo B lair, Mrs. Bobby readiness for the board within Bowers, Mrs. Joe M iller, Mrs. George Rose and Mrs. George two weeks. , , As' soon as t M detailed plans McMillan FI New Record Set For Fire Drill In Local School L O C A L HOOPSTERS CONFIDENT; •4M Rushes To Rescue W ithout wavering an instant, Mfs. Briggs grabbed up a heavy hath towel, soaked it in water, aqd wrapping It about hfcr face and head, dashed into the bed­ room which by that time was filled with amoks and flames« The baby was s till asleep flT " its crib. Picking up the' in fan t she carried it swiftly down stairs and to safety. Leaving the little tot with neighbors, Mrs. Brigg* then got a bucket of water Amd-waa hraeely lig h t­ ing the Uames when t M fire apparatus reached the house af­ ter a speedy run. Flame» Subdued Fire fighter* quickly subdued the flames with chemical*. The lorn w ill not total more thah *100, according to F ire Chief Baughman. The fire was started from a newspaper which got too close to an over-heated chimney which extended from the lower floor to the bedroom where the baby was asleep. The fire spread rapidly, and flames were eating into the mattress and bed cloth­ ing of the bed adjoining the baby's crib when firemen ar­ rived. Neither Mrs. Briggs nor the baby suffered any ill effects from their narrow «cape. El FREED OF BLAME Of Schooner C. A. Smith Held Not Respon­ sible For Wreck Captain SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., March 5— (U .P .)— A. J. Bloomberg, captain of the lumber tchoonor C. A. Smith, which was wrecked off Coos Bay with the loss of several lives, December 18, 1*2?, was not responsible for the mis­ hap. The federal court so held today to a decision of the ease which occupied three weeks tor tria l here. The Pacific Statm Lumber company was freed of all liability. Damages aggregat­ ing *800.000 were asked by rela­ tives ot the «H ors who lost their lives. Fliers Will Seek Missing Family M OUNT OLBMBNS. MIA.. M a rc h 5— (U .P .)— Lleuteaaut Lawrence E lliott, flying a gteae from Selfridge arm y field, I I this afternoon tor a ra ,b > „ la k e Erie In search members of . the J fam ily of Leamln are believed t o . when they tried 4» nntomobile over the * »M '