Thursday, March 4, ,1000 ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS bocal • Personal flotes Movia<— Mrs. Ira Johnson is moving from 188 Central Avenue to 608 ! North Main street. who come local teterest Lithia chewing' bars a winner at Candy Land. A Dally Chroaicle of I». 25-37. Court Game Lures Stars BEARS GOOD FRUIT Business Vlsitoi F rom Horn brook— Mrs. Susanne Homes Carter Mrs. J. A. Hughes, of Horn­ was a business visitor in Ashland brook was a visitor in. Ashland from Jacksonville, yetersday. yesterday. Toys and games for the Kid­ Styleplus York Blue, silk-lin­ dies’ birthday.— Elhart’B. ed suits on display at Pau'- 139-tf serud’a* , 152-tf From Grant Pass — * ----- , t A. G. Knapp of Grants Paas Te subordinate lodge will con­ Save on medicines and sun­ is a visitor in Ashland on busi­ fer the Initiatory Degree Thurs­ ness. day evening, March 4. Every dries.— McNair Bros. brother’should be there to wel- Business Vitdiot*— eoaie the'4iew members. The picture record of child­ Mrs. E. A. Hunter of Klamath hood becomes a treasure chest 163-3 Falls is in Ashland on business. of happy memories in years to V ÎT come. Photographs never grow stated Madden retreads tires. 53-tl up.—Studio Ashland. Ill— ’ f'K f Clyde Young, who Is employed at the postoffice, is confined to March 6. Important business his home by Illness. relating to Ceremonial on March 13. Refreshments afterwards. Birthday cards.— Elharts. F. D. WAGNER, Potentate. W. H. DAY; Recorder. 156-2 From Oakland— Mrs. Swenson of Oakland, ar­ rived in Ashland last evening to To Mr. and Mrs. Raymond visit her parents, Mr. and Mr?. Dix, February 2«, at 357 Vista Clute of Nursery street. Mrs. street, a daughter, weighing 7 Clute Is quite ill. pounds. Marcelling, Trimming, Sham­ pooing, Dyeing Facials. The Hot sulphur tub baths, d»y Vanity Shoppe, McGee's Store or night, Jackson Hot Springs. 98-tf 155-tf Phone 103. Stated session, Friday evening, Files will soon be here, have your screens made or repaired. Jordan Saab and Cabinet works. > 152-tf I ron» Hilt— William Kerwin of Hilt. Cali­ fornia, Is visiting friends in Ash­ land this week. I Tub baths day or night. Jackson Hot Springs. 134-tf Portland; Jack Foley,I Seven months ago Waynlck was TODAY - TOMORROW mons, Portland; Homer A. Schaler, I di«charf$^d because of repeated infractions of discipline. During the time since, he tried to get Madden soils protected tires. J back in. His former commanding officers held ont against him for Subject the <’30,000 has been saved by the pupils. The campaign has the full ap­ proval of the board of education, which made It ,, however, that pupils were not to be discour­ aged from having savings ac- counts In other banks as well. ODD FELLOW ACTIYHTCh. Watch this space every day. Regalar Meetings Subordinate every Thursday. Encampment, 1st and 3rd Tues­ days. Rebekahs, 2nd and 4th Taasdays. j. . • l?O-tf Hillah Temple Masonic Hall ' ' • SHOP FOR THE NEW THINGS AT THE ROSE Any member of Legion or enxiliery w ill gladly sell you a ticket $1.00 New Lades for Spring ßewing. All kinds and Qualities. öc and up r r. i n Where Yoar Dollar has Mows fe a ts New Window Drap­ eries now on display. All new patterns. 22c and up