i tnninui > U è 4 J . D . MlUer. Th» membership ta urged to «fegar the date' itt tnlftd and he present to enjoy thé pleasant ‘bvlMufc ' : \ At thla,;B given a ire violin solos b Mrs. H°T?“ Mrs. Wllapfi. ber,. “Befcei played the .J also whistled Mrs. ifary Nlms, hostess. The roll call Is again “ C u rre n t Eiehfir, and Mri. Perròii 4 m w ith •v; ,. M». Gratto S. Andrews, lüdüor CALENDAR OF THE WEEK rhursday, March 4 — Trinity Qaild, > Paridi Hodae. After- Ttteeday, March ®— W. C. T. U. Librhry. Thursday March 11— Elks’ Ladies Card Club. Club rooms. Friday, March 18— P. N. 0. Club. Hostesses, Mrs. Mary Wilshire and Mrs. Jennie Gil- bert, •» •. i ' • j : Thursday, March 4— Mission 8tudy Class. Peasant Pip- newts. Hostess, Mrs. J. W. McCoy. 7:10 p. m. F r 1 day, Marfch G—Woman's Home Missionary Society* M. Ashland Study Club— E, Gkurdh 8:00 p. m. Mrs. H. O. Anderson was host­ Monday, March S— Ashland Study ess at Monday’s meeting of the fclub. Mrs.’ C. W. Nlms, hos- Ashland Stud/ Club. "Currant Evdbta,’’. the roll Monday March S— French Club. call, brought out many interest­ Mrs. ■#. M. Póley. hostess. ing topics and provoked lively Moidéy, M m H, «—UdleS * r t discussion. blub. Mn. Ñorm í Reeder The selected subject, given by and Mrs. J. D. Miller, hos- Mrs. W. M. Poley, was "Wing- handed Animals, Commoftly Known as Bats.’’ This was quite E ven to t; *• unusual and conveyed a fund of ■eaday, March «— Alpha information not generally knovfn. broidery Club- Masonic "Irish Playa and PJayeri," i : S 0 p. to. was the hour topic prbednted by Mrs. F. D. Wagner. The dis­ Bcsday, ftfaroh » Upper cussion was both Interesting and ley Community Club. entertaining. Mrs. Wagner ateo Mark True, hostess. « P A TE N TE D S L Therein 7 * lies the essenhal difference between this patented shoe and ordinary orthopedic footwear. Vet the EAED-GEIR loots Sad abti like the average b I j U m I i oxlorci. which It is» » \ t * ? *.. “It’s an In tile ihvlsihlé baffo ami thè unique lacing arrangement"—and these we ask yon to allow us to explain. Support for the side of the foot, as well as the bottom. Let ns show yon, and you will S •‘/eel Ike dijtoresce.* JC/SX Zlliufralwu xlww tiH j «M •/ V ■ ■» * a tciT ral ity le i »< l»p(. «>■' Mrs. 'Jackson Gyger Surprised.— T h e. ladieg of the Congrega tlonul church had a most de­ lightful surprise party in honor of one of their number, Mrs. Jackspn Gyger of Nell creek. Mrs. Gyger has but recently fh- turhed to her home .from, the hospital and her friends went out to spend the afternoon with her, planning it ap that the sur­ prise element ‘ entered thereto. The villtors had brought dp* llclous refreshments, and af­ ter the afternoon had passed lii cosy visit of old friends, all en­ joyed the repast before return­ ing to their hompg. The pleasant affair will be a bright spot in the memory of everyone present. • ■' t 1 >. j t ' « . Benefit A S u ccese- "The lmlt^EML Leap Year and her Committee of Past Noble Grands tor the Bierithr Fagd ht the - bdd Fellows Home ht Portland) Orégdn was a most * W 2 % . io tb i Phrent-’iw h é i» eafràeii gftirhöon The«« amuslpg dot|ea., velveteen give one the entire mana^ gerle flwm Which to draw. .bftaorted from Austria, there are Ä 'c h S a 1 Ä S U « » at the usuhl ‘hour unless aft nottncebWir is A ide to the con the Vining Theatre next Mon­ day and Tuesday nights, sqtved delicious refreshments. Mr. Coyle was assisted in serving the refreshments by members of the Legion. The meeting wee de­ clared a most enjoyable one and all felt indebted to Mr. Coyle for his addition to the evening'! program. / f gltey Òòbitiuhit, bn Tuehdsy, March the Üpper Valley Community Club wjlil ba ohtertaihbd at the home of Mrs. Msfk T#ite. » Thia will ,he one Ai the xery helpful mhetlngg pf the /M r. At this time, Miss Ada BreWster. county bbifo demonstration agent, will brlhg slides show­ Floral Society Meets— ing kitchen improvements. "Hie Ashland Floral ( Society • It will really be a demon- convened Monday evening far gtrailon Of the latbtt things be­ its regular monthly meeting, with the discussion of the ‘.'S p ’ l' Gul!« 8uptft*-- . M longing in b modern kitchen. Six-thirty M onda/ evening saw » All members of the tlbh and parution of the Soil" the featdfe the tables in the Junior room , any others Interested .< in seeing of the program. The comprehensive, Instructive]1 comfortkhly filled with member! | and lntdrfeatlng talk b | Barndfd and frledds of the Martha Oil- I Joy on the above subject wa>] lette Chapter of the Westminster a t the presbytqrian church, j enjoyèd vefy itiuch by the society. J Guild ' As Usual the tables 4ere la­ The one thing which .. t / » stressed during the talk wds tile den with a wealth of satisfying < conservatloh and use of such as viands to which guests did fall , otherwise were destroyed; useful] justice. At thé d o sé Of thé riftddét. and valuable materials such as lqaves, weeds flower and corn] Mi>. Babcock, predicting, an­ thé program numbers, stalks and other debris frott nounced ’ the gàrden that can be dug in ^ ] 1 the first Of hbteb was a Mhutl- fal piano solo by Mfs. J7 R. Rob- ! the soil or composted. This Ai4 n eittlly -eft- Duflng thé general dlscussioa ] 1 ertson. A redding,, hftmorols, that followed the talk, tatperleno-]1 cored. es were related o f1 this conserva-1 given by Miss Edhà- Gohefcn brought rounds of applause, she tlon having been practiced a n a ]1 Auxiliary Mas Good Meeting— The American Legion Auxil­ of the marked benefit that It responded with a thoughtful lit­ tle poem, "toork.” Mrs. Zlm- iary met Monday evening at the was to the soil and In turn monhsn sang twb lovely son^s to the vegetation raised upon It.| Legtoh 'room in the Armory. U^usdal interest was shown by The fact that oni* Ashland which àll ènjpyél ana to whkdi kppreciatlve applshse wS* giv­ the large number In attendance. soil Is. rich in pothsh and that] As a last number Mts Including sqyeral ne^ members the element that it lacks is en. who were welcomed into the or­ nitrogen, was mentioned. Nitro-] ganisation. gen . is ..supplied by such in or-] The Auxiliary .has purchased gable fertilizers as nitrate of] gave much • pleasure, whlcli MUf» ftra a piano which will be a great sodâ ‘or sulphate of ammonia] heartily fctprefleed. Foley was the accompanist Tor hplp In Its work and will add and by the organic fertilizers both Mrs. Howell and Mra'EÜtt- pleasure to the regular meetings. as manure, straw leaves and] V In the*«ear future the members other debris that may be dug] m ennsn. ,* gained through the recent mem­ Into the soil. The latter form of] During the business meettqg the keport Of the secretary àhd bership drtvh will he initiated. fertiliser Is of course the most] treasurer was read and pro/sst Following the meeting a happy lasting therefore the most bene-] quite gratifying. . Surprise was in • store for those ficlal. | The report of the nominating present. Mr. Jack Ooyle, who Is The necessity of deep digging committee was also read, resÿiV assisting the Legion members in and thoroughly breaking up of] j lng In the election of Miss Edna directing the entertainment^ the soils wgs emphasized. | "Black ana White Revue,’” , at The Floral Society holds its] Gohpen prsldent; Mrs. C. V. meeting once a month, with] Howell, vice president, and Miss dertle fiaan, seèreUry-tressnr- , some thing by way of program] The same committee will Jhat will be especially helpful tol er. act as a program committee flower lovers. I during thd, r*st of the year. i Everyone Interested Is very The time of next meeting Will welcome," I be anhouûcéd later. The editor acknowledges thé courtesy of th e writer of the above report. ] The French club had no reg- • w e ttlkr meetiag hist Monday m ib , ilhithfd i . W Alwa/s M bh duty Affo fréàld be dò glad to b eet b oro of tig mébber» beo. At the prheeht tune, Ashland has three circle» with V tdtifl mem­ bership of th e htthdred And the RebekAhi and Odd Feb è if kt. Anyohe li Wèlcomé to lows Wires and sweethearts èf com« to the council meetings this Jurisdiction and a tew In­ Several tblhgi of interest were vited gSSSta. Ashland, Medford, discussed ànd motlbb carried tor Jaèkaofavllle and ’Grants Pass the sefcreilfy to write té Ore- were represented. goti’h sehaton fihkflik them to After dancing until midnight endorse the bill on Perils of eti retired .to the dining-hall Narcotics. . / ♦ • • where thé basket supper whs held and hot coffee served. To the National pledge to Those present voted it as one lhbdr ftfr the "Slf h's," Pesco, of the best times of their lives. Prohibition, Protection of home, After all expenses were paid chUdl-en àhd school, and Pfétec- the Committee h a d .>15 for the tlon from drugs, wè are adding Elevator Fund. in Órefcod Public Téithòok». We extend a tote of thanks v We find that quite A few have to those who so léyally stood by heretofore opposed the tektb'ook bill are now favoriiif it. th e Lady Minnie L. Stickel. greatest argilihent against' the Lady Lncy Mee. bill was tfie ifreat Initial c^st. Lady Berthh R. Adams. Tet that would aboBdt tó but 81ster Ella Sutton, D.D.I >1 pet >1,000 of assessed val­ Bister Em idi Fleming. uation. .iih ’t it better tO pay this coat once rathef. tbafi to stand the eaorwoae« waste every year? California’s ilf brigo for the eight elementary grades Is 44 1-4 cents,' Washington 4v- eragéi Jl.JO. per year, whllo Oregon’s average is >4.80 end books e ie betting mòre expen­ PITTSBURGH, Pa.. March sive every year. (□») _ Fire swept the works of • e e Hubbatil & to ., tool manufactur­ Tooí Plant Razed By Damaging Fire Supporlhg the Service Shop Is ers bore yesterday, destroying feaporting youf organization. buildings and machinery valued at hearty ll.OOO.oho. Two men were Grants Pass — 8tre4t paving Injured In fighting the blase and thedfd o f-ib is , will be Surpassed a .t score of residents in nearby hdusee vyete tofcOfi ont in the this year A * e* • * • Portland — KOW broadcast­ bltlhg cold. Adveittse Í . & . j ing station dedicates «neat new in the Want. West. studio in- !tr t “- ^-rrrhitf “ it A amo POKING . olt j You A pe Cordially Invited To Attend A 1 No attempt will be made to STYLE s R o tn dihplay other than such gar- ifients aa are Tdgnlarly fcar- tied id oar stock. TONIGHT . at 7145 at our- store SOUVENIRS SPRING‘ STYLES IN • Millinery, Coats, Suits, Dresses and Footwear well Modeled MÙSfC FüfeffîaÉÊÔ BY t^bÈTERY OF IÎ o W à A d ROSÉ W öß- THOPHONIG VICTROtiAi T* civic Improvement Club— . I owing to the absence 6f the Considerable business pertain­ tescheE Mrs. T. J - Mslmgren. ing to the welfare of the Civic i was 1U. . Club was brought befqre the Ex-1 wUP It will meet' next e Monday at equtiv« Board o f.th a t, body at The home «of Mrs. W, M. Pole/ Its meeting Tuesday of this week. At two thirty p. to., the regu­ lar session ' ebnvehed and some little time was spent In reading' reports and In m*ktnK a number of IflSfiVfifififlfMRb fff Illtefint fffT the Club.- ,» The treasurer’s-reporf waa r>** peclally gratifying. Two an­ nouncements proved very in. teresting; first, that s Saint Pat J rick’s tsa would be given by Ihe club. The general filans werol stated »but d etails' Will be Work-1 ed oui later. On April 14, Founders* Day] will be observed. Especial nt->j tentloh is to be paid the found-] era and the older ladlbs. This] will be an open taeetlng and | every one Is expected to Invite someoae far the sitekioon. i A hitter was bead from Mwm Rachel fa n ÄSnle, ypiMhg th j thanks of the depaHininl for the Civic Club’s contribution o f, $J0 for the Scholarship Loan Met Dance given at E H Mrs. H and sai wiisoA A. ■ totes ■ ; ■ Gold HUI 1. at the library Motfony With Hrs. • b, $. 'fg h ill -FfWay night Feb- fcdger Vìè péehldSnt and Mrs. hu».' seth by Minnie L. stickel Mèyètf, SecrSihH. 4 h 0 hre so ¡ l J nd Sunbeam Claes Meet«— The Sunbeam ,class of the M. E. Sunday iciioo'l surprised their teacher Saturday night at the home of Mrs. L. B. PowdU, who had invited Mrs. J. W. Frasier to dinner b id wpUe lingering at the table to visit, the girls and tlielr motiifcr* who could come, qhletly arrived. When the guest of honor vtas asked to gd to the other room she wAs greeted by laughter from those assembled. Games were played Uiftil tlirie for refreshments, which con­ sisted of delicious chocolate and dainty cookies, with home made candies whlcli the girls had brought with them. Mrs. Fysseler added much to the merjlment of the evening, in carrying ddt the entertain­ ment planned. ' The members of the class are: Marjorie Mills, Beulah Hervey, Mae Powell, Muriel Cuthbertson, Esther Jenkins, Marie Rigdon, Laverne Ramsey, Sylvia Martin. They have chosen Mias Rul^ PoWell as th'elr teacher. • Ï Parenhfeether XU A L to the finest inïpoitéd salad oils that mâÿ cost you twice as much—Maroia k the per- Mayonnaise. Regardless o f price, the World affffrds no finef salad oil than Mazola. tf c o r n ^ iiie - c o b ,f r u etto'i hetp liking MaxoUh fo r th û - ta^k oil it p rc tttd Jrom the hiearti of x J g k ti^ened «»m. «fiyree?«. FO R SALADS „ cöokiwo