'■ .¡Ÿ ’• ■ ASHLAND DAILY H O » TURE» W lö liS MEETING 'TODAY IN COUNTRY W SESSION f . BY JOSEPH 8. WASNEY . HIP) Staff Correspondent) WASHINGTON,, Mar. 4—(IP) — Specialists In education, 10,- 000 ¿trong gathered here t V c lo e e j» n g e ^ League and a real pennant con­ tended. suits for divorce with the circuit Slsler showed his first good court clerk. of the divorce Judgment when he braved the complaints were filed by discon­ criticism of the St. Louis popula­ tented wives. tion by trading Urban Shocker, then one of the best pitchers in Closing everything on Suntfay the league, to the New York would be nice if more of us Yankees. KIAMATH FALLS, Ore., Mar could afford to lose money play­ 4—Scowling God of divorce and ing poker. the Grim Reaper, known a3 Death, pressed closely but did Do You Need a not quite overtake Dan Cupid QUIETS .DISTURBING RACK­ ING COUGHS ’ •’ and a long and angular stork in Healing pine tar, pure honey, Klamath during the first two and other soothing, cough-heal­ months of 1026. In other words, the age old ing ingredients, go into the mak­ conflict of marriage and, divorce, ing of FOLEY’S HONEY AND If So, Phone death and births, have resulted TAR. No opiates, Justly feared 172 in close victories for marriages by careful mothers, harmful and without medicinal ..value. and births. • Records at different offices at Read the bottle contents as giv­ the county court house revea? en on the package, and learn Best W orkers and Best Paints 42 deaths in Klamath since Jan­ why FO LW S HONEY AND TAR is the superior cough rem­ uary 1, and 50 births. On the other hand there were edy, safe for children and grovn 22 couples who obtained mar­ persons, and reliable for coughs riage licenses from the county colds, croup, tlekllng throat, ner­ clerk’s office during the past vous hacking and like irrita­ two montths, and during the tions. Refuse substitutes.— Sold • No. 4 same period,, 19 couples filed everywhere. a D orithy Lover of Iola. Kaa., never worries ubout dresuiM that button ui» the back. H er « tin s nr«, so limber that alio vap attend to them her­ self. Photo »hows her dem onstrat­ ing the tl-xibllity of her joints- CONSTANTINOPLE CENSUS Meet «he uewly-orowned Indoor ten’ CONSTANTINOPLE, March 4 nts king— Rene Lacoste. youthful — (U.P.)— The first authentic French star He won the honor « ite r census of Constantinople which •jwoewns through a field which In- has Just been taken gives the .*l<«4eY Service every time you drive your car into our service sta­ tion. General — Shell Gasoline —GreAsing — O ilin g - Crank Case Service ‘ Williams Service Station BOULEVARD odd SHERMAN W e H ave A ..y, : ..... K V \ ,z.-. i ¿ P a rk > • , f V • ve equipment for above prices. Bo, yro can net beet ill Come and look them over. It will cost you nothing. Ask for a dem­ onstration. We are here to serve you. If yon are unable to call in person, Phone 147 anytime. ARMSTRONG MOTORS, Inc. H UD SO N -ESSEX DEALERS ' 38 S. First S t Ashland, Oregon Phone 147