Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, March 01, 1926, Page 4, Image 4

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Itoeal j Personal flotes
C. R. Babcock is moving from
44S Allison street to 62 Roca St.
Tub baths day or
Jackson Hot Springs.
Stated communication of Al­
pha Chapter No. 1, O. E. S.,
tomorrow, Tuesday, (March 2)
7:30 p m. Initiation. Visitors
of Worthy Matron.
Watch this space every day.
Regular Meetings
Subordinate every Thursday.
Encampment, 1st and 3rd Tues­
days. Rebekahs, 2nd and 4th
The Encampment will confer
the Patriarchal Degree next
Tuesday evening. All members
and visiting Patriarchs urged to
Refreshments will be
From Tai mrt
Flies will soon be here, have
your screens made or repaired.
From M edford-
Jordan Sash and Cabinet works.
Mr. and Mri- Wilson of Jack­
sonville and. Mrs. Odell Osborn of
Medford, were Ashland visitors From Hornbrook—
FOR SALE— Garlic and white
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Gaines, bottom onion sets. 6c and 8«
were business visitors from Horn-
pound. Also carrots, cheap. 440
Styleplus York Blue, silk-lin­ brook Saturday.
ed suits on display at Pau!
Madden retreads tires.
FOR RENT—Pasture. Walter
Hash. Phone 3F28.
Lithla chewing bars a winner Among the guests at the Hotel
FOR RENT—Small store room
at Candy Land.
Oregon are—
reasonable pricefc.
O. C. Klein and wife, Los
From Talent—
Angeles; Mrs. C. E. Dudley, Ir­
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Miller of win, Iowa; Josie Davis, Seattle;
FOR SALE— Small tracts, 3 to
Talent spent Saturday in Ashland S. A. Bushell, Beattie; Florence
6 acres each, north side East
on business.
Cole, Seattle; Thad G. Dennis, Main St., Just east of box fac­
Seattle; Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Walk­ tory, plenty of water, no city
See the new Looae Compacts er and daughter, Portland; Miss
taxes, 3333 to |660 per acre,
— Karess Line—Lithla Springs Maude Roberts, Los Angeles; Van easy terms, new Btreet to go
160-2 Horn, Los Angeles.
north from Main St., through
center, of 30-acre tract. Fine
Hand tailored suits in our
Marcelling, Trimming, Sham- home sites, good for poultry,
own shop by expert tailors at pooing, Dyeing. Facials.
The berries, etc. H. C. Galey, 66 B.
346 and up. At Orres Tailor Vanity Shoppe, McGee’s Store.
Main St.
Shop, upstairs.
162-1 Phone 102.
A splendid ling of spring suits,
top-coats, flannel nickers, and
boys* long tryusers, Just In at
t ; ,
Mrs. L. Ò. Penland was a visit­
or from Talent Saturday. '
Ten per cent reductions on
millinery and trimmings
Dr. J. J. Bmmens, specialist,
from March 1 to 6. Mrs. H.
of Medford, who has been spend­
Slmons, 26 South Pioneer.
ing a few days in San Francisco,
‘ 160-3
has returned to bis practice.
Visiting in A s h la n d -
Mrs. J. Farris and daughter,
Emily, of Providence, Iowa, are
in Ashland visiting her nephew,
W. H. Sams. They have been in
California for the winter and are
on their way home now.
high grade tailoring eee
tailors upstairs.
Paulserud's for Cleaning.
From Rogne River—
Mr. and Mrs. Ç. E. Sams
Rogue River spent yesterday
the home of Mr. and Mrs. W.
Freeh home-made
amela at the Pisaa.
The picture record of child­
hood becomes a treasure cbest
of happy meinories In years to
come. Photographs never grow
up.—Studio Ashland.
Finishing Tonight
W ith
Mrs. Raaor H l—
Mrt. J. S. Raaor is still quite
ill at the home of Mrs. Casey
on Allison street. Mrs. Aroods
who Is a sister of Mr. Rasor.
is here from Aberdeen, Wash­
ington taking care df her. Their
C. C. Adams and family of son, Frank, was also visiting
Amarillo, Texas, stopped in Ash­ them from Aberdeen, but has re­
traveling turned home.
through the coast atetes looking
for a location. They were very From Weed
J. C. Barnard of Weed was a
favorably Impressed with Ashland.
business visitor In Ashland to­
All wool salts made to order day.
323.ÍO and np, fit guaranteed.
MaddeÀ sells protected tires.
See the new spring samples at
Orres Tailors, upstairs.
Takes New Position—
Modern W o o d m a n -
Miss Florence Marrette has re­
signed her work at the Plasa
Confectionary, where ahe has
worked for Mr. and Mrs. Taylor
for the past year. Miaa Marrette
has taken a position with the lo­
cal telephone company.
Twenty members of the Med­
ford and Ashland Modern Wood­
man, went to Merrill Saturday
evening for the initiation of six­
teen candidates after the busi­
ness meeting. They wars enter­
tained at a banquet by the Royal
Visitor in Ashland — •<
Neighbors o l Merrill.
G. A. Pepper of Oakland, Cali­
Complete aaeortmeut of Kar­ fornia was a . visitor at the L.
e n Toilet Goods.—Lithla Springs J. Orres home over Saturday and
160-2 Suaday.
Orres cleans
and repairs Goes to P o r tla n d -
George McMillan, day clerk at
clothes. Phone 84.
the* Lithla Springs hotel, left thia
morning for Portland on a brief
From Branch—
Frank C. High is in Ashland business trip.
for a week from his ranch in
On Vacation T r i p -
Klamath Co.
Frank It- Hammond is spend­
a vacation visiting bis sis­
Toys and games for the Kid­
ters. Mrs. J. H. Turner at Ash­
dles’ birthday.—Bihart’s.
139-tf land, and Meadamea Yonng and
Minkler of Medford. Mr. Ham­
mond la post master on the S. 8.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Frazier, President Taft on the Dollar
formerly of the Frazier and Son line plying between San Fran­
Feed store, are moving to Grants cisco and the Orient, making a
round trip every 66 days.
Tomorrow — Wednesday
Ashland High Quintet;
Wins Over Klamath
(Continued From Page One)
We wish to thank the neigh-
Birthday Sale enda Saturday.
friends and societies for
-McNair Broa.
tbe kind sympathy and floral
•Bobbed Hal f
; Mari« Prévost
K e n n e th Harlan
L o u in « Faiendn
Melodrama and Comedy
a furious pace.
21-2 lb. Family Package
Candy, 99c.—McNair Bros.
Jallas Orres, who went to
Dunsmuir and Klamath Falls last
week on bnsineee, returned to­
Katzer for Gosnell.
Klamath W ill Start
Bureau Near Ashland
(Continued From Page One)
received from Klamath Falls as
to whether or not that city will
pave or Improve Oregon avenue,
over which autolsts must pass
■to get to Crater Lake. This
roadway has been eharacterised
by many Klamath residents as
one of the worst streets in the
state, and Is productive of brok­
en springs and other discom­
forts unless extreme caution is
exercised in negotiating It.
Although the Ashland cham­
ber of commerce was unable to
' convince! the ¿Klamath people
that the Information, booth should
not be started. It is reported
that other interesting develop­
ments might be expected before
»the close of the present week.
03 i f RU ffiff«
o f onr dear mother, Mrs. M. J.
Mr. Charlee W. Sherman.
M n. Luella M. Stearns.
Mra. Margaret A. Goddard.
M n. Alice C. Roberts.
'picene from “ BOBBED HAIIV’ a warmer picture
Wash Fabrics
ir A lX ife A R
Tax Bill is Endorsed
By Republicans
24 points against the Klamath
team, as against the 44 for Ash­
land Saturday night. If compari­ (Continued From Page Oue)
sons count for anything, Medford pf the counties of a very large
is due for is stormy session when part of the taxable values within
it invades Ashland next Friday «neh counties and resulted In
In fact, if the local
eatly embarrassing such cottu­
boys show the same flash of bril-. ra as the principal and accru­
llant playing aa they displayed ing Interest upon outstanding
Saturday night, it looks like a ¡bonds mature, and
rocky road ¡ahead for the ’’stall­ . WHEREAS, if the passage of
ing” champions of Southern Ore­ this bill could be secured during
the life of the present Congress
Play Clean Ball
provision is made for the imme­
One noticeable change In the diate payment to these land grant
Klamath style of play Is the ab­ counties of a sum totaling 3<r
sence of "roughing” which has 907,000.00, of which Jackson
characterised their work In form­ County’s portion would be ap­
er years. Like Coach Hughes of proximately 3766,000.00, there­
Ashland, French, the Klamath fore.
coach, drills clean sportsmanship • BE IT RESOLVED, That the
into the boys at all times. It was Jackson County Republican Cen­
a good clean game from start to tral Committee considers it of
finish, and ¡although hopelessly
outclassed, the Klamath boys
fought gamely until the end.
Klamath was able to annex but
two field goals, one by Yancey,
forward, and the other by Hall,
guard. Hall, star fullback on the
Klamath eleven, created consid­
erable amusement when he for­
got himself for a moment and
tucked the ball under bis arm
and started racing down the floor
as though on an end run for a
The Ashland "Ponies” proved
they have some likely material
coming up in a year or two for
tbe regular team when they took
the measure of Central Point’s
second team, 31 to 14. The first
halt ended 12 to 6, but the local
youngsters found themselves in
tbe two final periods and took the
lead by a comfortable majority.
Complete assortment of Kar­ On Shopping Trip—
Meadamea C. T. Pine, L. Muel­
ens Toilet Goods.—Lithla Springs
160-2 ler, J. J. Lewis, J. Sands and
Miaa Jessie Sands motored over
Among the gneete at the Hotel from Hilt Saturday on a shop­
ping expedition, and lunched nt
Ashland are—
H. Bernstein, Loa Angeles; the Lithla Springs hotel, re­
8adie Hartley, Klamath Falls; tim in g the same day.
George W. Lucy, Berkeley; Henry
Sbadley, Chlloquin; Mrs. Leroy .On Regular Trip—
Norton, Los Angeles, Portlsnd;
Ted Ragan, veteran shoe sales­
Alonxo Morrison, Portland, Fred man, was In the city Saturday
O. Crawford, Portland; F. R. evening and yesterday on one of
Faller, Seattle; Mr. and Mra. J. Ma regular trips from his Port­
P. Mnrphey. San Francisco; E. L. land headquarters. He left yes­
Gordon, Portlpnd.
terday afternoon for Klamath
Falls where be will remain for
See tbe new Loose Compacta a few days.
—Karesa Line— Lithla Springs
Among the guests at the Lithla
Springs hotel are—
Z. M. Agee, Eugene; J. S. Sam­
mons. Portland; R. C. Parker,
Portlaad; O. W. Wentnor, Shang­
hai China; W. J. Ilamuer, Ban
Francisco; Mr. and Mn. W. Ed­
win and son, Colorado Springs,
Colorado; J. R. Hutchison. Oak­
land; J. C. Alexander, Klamath
Falls; Panl 8. Moore, Portland;
W. K. Adklaeoa, Oakland.
Klamath Falls—
— Ashland
Aldo Parr
G •
Substitntions-^-Klsmath, Yarn es
for Stewart; Ashland, Tilton for
Marske; Roy Parr for Moore;
prime Importance that tbe eili­
senä of Jackson County declare
publicly their intention of sup­
porting, lu every1 reasonable and
legitimate way, their Senators
and Representatives in Congress
in their effort to secure the reim­
bursement of Jackson and other
Counties in the State of Oregon
for this large sum of money. And
it is the dense of this representa­
tive committee that the County
Court of Jackson County be urged
to appropriate sufficient money to
send a representative to Wash­
ington to appear before the proper
Committees' and urge the passage
of this bill, and to give our Sen­
ators and Representatives support
and encouragement in advocating
its passage, and that we further
urge each of tbe other land grant
counties in the State of Oregon,
eighteen in number, to appoint a
representative for the same pur­
pose, to the end that these eigh­
teen counties can present a solid
front in support of this measure.
And the Secretary of this organi­
sation is hereby Instructed to send
a copy of this resolution to each
member of our delegation in Con­
gress, to the County Courts of
each of the land grant counties,
and to the press of each county
and of the state.
Garden Tools
Blddes and Tines—High
Carbon Steel.
are extra select second
growth, white ash, polish­
ed and waxed.
The Winchester Store"
Delicious Cakes
ASH materials are
colors, all guaranteed not to
best for school clothes 1 fade.
Safest, too, as many Boards Clothes made of Everfast
of Health are telling moth­ Suiting can be rubbed and
ers to-day.
scrubbed daily, if you wish.
We recommend Everfast Everfast colors are abso­
Suiting, a beautiful, sturdy lutely fast to sunlight and
m aterial th at looks and weather, perspiration, uric
wears like linen. Blues and acid, strong soap, soda, or
pinks, tan, green, brown, even boiling.
Come in and let us show
noneydew, gold, aurora and
Everfast Suiting.
many other lovely Everfast
For All Occasions
yourself against such mis­
fortunes as sickness, acci­
dents and loss of work, or
business reverses.
Is Your Wardrobe Ready
E A S T E R T IM E ?
away as
much a« you can spare,
you better prepar­
Hart Schaffner ® Marx
ed to meet emergencies
when they come along.
First National
Ready Made and Tailor Made
A »blind, Oregon
Overlaid Shoe Shop