? - 5# * f r A f 1 UM T l» Hading, rt5 the bo*«d ¥ • peeted to aid Ih shaping the colt with ao brand and one hay |ung womsa’« careers following horee branded. O on left hip In fpy l i t merry «vening of ..<«M sir graduation. November On Dead Ihdtaa. Hhve a* 4 ¿rglte .whleh all enjoy»* AM name by paying for feed. Cbae. » brief buel«egp tyip to Port« th w w fh iy ; none more ao fcfcMH Courage Orovp spent more Lindsay. Phone H t - L Made T - J Í J Î" r r ' T ■ ■ Td>Wtr-~* in Whose honor.' |n ban >140,OOD ' In public im- 14»-FrL Mon. V 4 H »n planned- irovements, in lfttd. ♦ • - « ' :i Pant T. Jackson, principal af , G*Rd WftfMtad"** Klamath ra il« high school, was O* Tuesday M enl«* a$ M * 9 * le » Frank Rllgh win Leslie Rodgers, caahle« of the among the Klamath visitata MVP ¡ set 8250,000 atore, officq s«d p. m.. the Martha OtasM* First National bank of ftl*m«Jh Chapter a t Westminster Guild Falls, brought Mr*. Rodger* qpd f«V t V basketball g a » a 8«|»r- leatre bolidi«*, will hold Its quarterly banquet children to Ashland Saturday d«g evening. In the Junior rpoaa at the >*ee afternoon to witness the Klam­ Central Point Bonds are hytarian shore*. ath-Ashland basketball game. DEAD AREAA gh school •ted , for new It is a covered dish affair t M They returned home by motor > ¥ ST ATHW inUdlng. all m em bers are ask ed to bring yeaterdov afternoon. CHICAGO, March I — « a covered AUb filled «Uh tatata Fading and weaken«* thdlft ftMh thing agYojj. A . „ ,. • Povtfaad Attorney taftre— . nnla »re not altogether At this »eatin g t v nq»i«et-> Plowden Btott, well known lag committee will give Us ra. Portland attorney and former suit of atmospheric conditions, port and ithe beer officer* wl$i Stanford football star, wee ,n according to Ranva Os gftroqlb, he lp»taU«t. „ ; U jJ the city yesterday with Mrs. chief engineer of a andta station A short pJeqaln* program w iy Stott. They were guests at the here. struck eaid that both of the»« T h at’S ail saving means. I t doesn’t mean “ go­ be given dprlng the cousae of Lithla Springs hotel. conditions can he a« rlbiifed Is the banquet The mite huge » rt ing without things” —-all your life—hut only for to be brought la at thia time, Among the gpesta e t U*e V oin». largely to the broadcast!»* «fgr, a while. ttpn (Itself. Thia conclusion. for the l»St ««after** « a«»»- Strode said, was reached after Saving is ju st procrastination in spending m ent. E. 8. Kremer, Portland? H. it is homed that all memhpr, V. Smith, Portland; G- C. Zau- he had gathered 11,08ft report» putting spending off for a while. and friends <111. bp praaeatfOC dolph, Chico; O. C. Adams and from persons »11 over «he coun­ • Then later, when your bank aceount is big this meeting Tuesday event«** Wife. Amarillo, Texas; W. W. try. "By correlating the shangeu enough yon can spend if you wmat to for things Miller, Roseburg; M. R. Scotti, we made In the transmitter de­ that really count—for education, travel for a Klamath FeUe; H. Stein, Klam­ sign with the reception report»,” ath Falls; W. P Pacey, Portland. Strock said, “we toned th*t „we. home or business of your own, etc. could shut 'dead area»’ hg chang­ Forget the small pleasures now. Spend later Heee For Game ing the circuit cotfstaafe 1« &•> Dr. G. A. Massey and family transmitter. We also found that after you have SAVED FIRST. Open a savings were in the city from Klamath atmospheric condition« had °ttlp- aceount at this bank and let us help you, Falls Saturday evening for the a mlno< effect on tge ‘fadtps’ basketball game. They returned of oar signals. We fo*»4 * * home yesterday. could-change this situation a h » by making changes 1« the traaa- Ashland, Oregon From Medfosd— . mltter.” , < W. J. Vergi» of Medford wa* In Ashland Saturday evening am Radio business. admitted, thaaa WM $hp feUf iw A h W. Prie* a f . the Lithla P xtata « d X*h*r lodge, retnqaed <«•» w*w»w‘Un« **•» »* P.- B«> ftw’ Chapter AC. P R- O-. met at A B B N R S T A .V b b b S -P n w - t«e home o f Mrs. J. W. McCoy, FOB KENT — Sleeping rooms. LUhin Apartment», 86. »oath Second B t 188— tf FOB RENT FnraMhed cab­ ins and apartment* Reasonable, toy moatfe « * ta > . OaH 188. FOB SALE ♦ FOR barley. PF14. BALE R*a*dl— a*®d F. E. Garle. Phone 161-2 or 2 FOR SALjfci—Two good build­ ing lota on North Pioneer Ave., one half block from Main St. Each lot 47 1-2x78 ft. Pave­ ment, sidewalks. If Interested see Misa Coffee. Tidings office or 164 Oak St. FOB SALE— Fifty p v * bred Rhode Island R ad ' henar-tw© roosters go with bunog. R. Le Blanc. »82 Oak. < |8ft-3* FOB BABE OB TBAJH^— Douglas county tlmbeg land for other property. Address Box 8ft, R.F.D., 1, Ashland. 14ft-(* FOR SALE— Progressive ever- bearing strawberry plants. 112 Nnttey. Phon* 46«-J. I48-tf EGOS AM» CHIX.— Leghocp- Tanoatd strain. IndftriduaUy pedi­ greed. Trapneetad. Utility fancy. Limited number. W ill C. Coun­ ter, Ashland, Ore, 141— tf ties limited to eyewear, nose and Saturday. Fehnmry 37, 1»26. There #ere fifteen members throat— X-ray iftfiludlAg tCfittL present. The regutor business Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 bajm I oa &ud I hour occud I m I to 6, Swodonhnrg Bldg., Ash­ the afternoon, at the close of land, Oregon. ‘ which the bosteaa, Mrs. McCoy, served dainty refreshments. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E- »own, and daughter Jean, ware *■- tertplned at a delightful »upper and »a evening »t card* by Mr. JORDAN’S SASH AND CABINET and Mr». N. R. Harris of Beach WORKS, Corner Helman and street Thursday evening lest. Tan Neee, Phone 181. 194-tf Bridge L uncheon— K Mrs. Emma L. Oeder was hor- tees at a very attractive bridge De*lers in Oo*l. Wood. Packing, luncheon, served at the Lithla Crating an* Storage. Long dist­ Springs hotel, Friday last. ance trucking. The table was made very love T. lb POWELL—(jeneral Trans­ ly In wild spring flowers and fer — Good team and mptor favor* In various light colors. trucks. Good service at a rea- The g u e sts en jo y in g Mrs. sonable price. Phone 82 Oeder’s hospitality were the Mes- dame*. G. R. Eaton, Frank Mesh- burn, W. E. Newcombe, apd a . P. J eater of Grants Pans; Mrs. E. Y. Carter, Mrs. A. E. K in n ef and Rrs. J. M. Wagner of Ashland. The afternoon was spent in BuUding, HepatridR, Bhingllng, bridge. OaMnet Work, Clement Work, Painting, Tinting, Refinlnhlng. 120— tf FOR *A X »t — Limitad uumç ber of fine baUdieg pitas cheap. Also strictly modern 7-room honae ready and B-room honae Just start­ ing. Easy term e Just south o t Normal school. Phone «* - ,1a gw ,ta maty, 12-y«gg-ol, Bridgeville». W as yard of the jail here. 'The hanging attracted a huge crpprd, many of whom had been 1* * throng which threatened violence to the prisoner at his tri*) In the Georgetown court- room on Fehruaiy 8. 4 i that time troop* w«re called a«* tear gas bombs ware used to drive the mob back. “Wait a "While Before You Spend“ The Citizens Bank of Ashland Iuiprovii» Home— WELLE8LEY, Mass., Mar., 1 S. G. Owen 1 b making exten­ sive improvements o» hi* resi­ — (U .P .)— W est’s what sad whjr dence at - the corner of Laqreh concerning W ellesley collage glHs wlR be determined by a "peraok- and Otis streets nel board" which has Jnst b eta created. Under direction of Freeld«nt Officiglg im Ellen F. Pendleton, thia board will study the taste In dress an« (Continued from. Page On«) pokers of initiative, aleriadka, reliability, common-sense, tatal-- Lewis had given him - a forged lectual enthusiasm, memory, In­ check and th is ch arge appears tegrity and sense of humor, rof against him on the jell record. the ladrtldaal students. MEBffOV K. THOMPSON Painter and Decorator Paper Hanging Tinting * Specialty Furniture Reflnished Estimates Giadly Furnished Phone >8 or 78 The Woman’s Foreign Mis­ sionary Society of the Metho­ dist church will hold its meet­ ing at the church Friday, March 8 at 2:00 o’clock. Mrs. Fred Engle will lead the meeting, and Mr*. Allen 1* In charge of the devotionals. PAINTING AND TINTING All members and friends In­ If yon appreciate a Sn* class terested are Invited to be pres­ Job of painting or tinting figure ent, with BWENNING A GEAR, the enza. A Kata-find rrove Remedy. Prioe 30c. boa bears thia signature Fon Ji Mar and equl «nA. M»*,- the nigh Mul S an ity FOR SLEEP" THAT’S SIMMON’S MATTRESSES We Have Them At All Prices E xam in ed During the conrs* of the man’s confinement he was taken be­ fore th e bounty oourt and . ex­ amined for his sanity by Dlr*.' G. 8. Newsom and H. D. L. Stewart, but they found no evi­ dences of Insanity, and the was thoroughly enjoyed by all coudty court remanded him to »r*»ent. Then Judge tor Ywureelf The second hour’s program the bustody of the sheriff. •Dtaatat’a Rkaametie Table» Someone believed that he had opened with "Parliamental y hex« beta triad a n i . testai been hound over to the grand Drffl" which dealt with "Amend- | thirty yaata. # h e » n*ad tar ments” and was ably given hy jury on the oheck charge for * R h eu a a tts» , Menritia, CoasCft- members of Mrs. H. C. Galeys , pencilled entry to this effect ap­ patlon and Nsrvona«*M theft pears -opposite his name on the prove satistaatpry and bring group. Jail register. The grand jury resulta. Trnalag’a Tablet B * Then followed "current evenj*;'' vsgetpbi* compound spid and Cultural, by Mrs. E. A. Wood- has met twice, hut Lewis wa& guaranteed py Droggtat. Trns- forgotten, apparently.' and Political by Dr. M. B. 8hpw. Tableta com« 1« two s(p*a, The complaint sets forth that ter’a A splendid review of "Thunder 60c and* p i. 00 per p ack age on the Left," by Christopher Boochf was responsible for hav­ Keo» • ppefcage <• «he home Morley given by Mrs. Domino ing tiled the complaint before taka a tablet sow and thee and thpg < iu wacd off tav«r# Provopt was the concluding num- ’ Kendall. District „ Attorney El­ a«d many Ilia that » a y prove liott is named for having asked her on the program for the af- ; fatal. For sab* hy fer th r warrant and falling to ternoop. Two fine reports which were bring the action to trial. Ken­ lnadv*rtently omitted In the puh- ; dall Is cited for having failed to Mention of the January chapter «old the hearing. Sheriff Haw­ meeting were given by Mrs. F. i kins Is held liable for having b«|R SCHEDULE oi m a ss Surprise on Lawrence Leedom— n i A. surprise that was a sur­ prise was very cleverly planned Saturday night when a group of young Leedom’s friends ar­ ranged to surprise him after the game, the occasion being his birthday. Accordingly a lf repaired to the home of Mrs. Emma Oeder on Granite street with the ex­ Business Visitor— ception of the victim of the I. B. Todd of Hilt, California ed their coming, after the other* were there. Upon their arrival, the house w a s r all dark and it seemod as. If every one was lost In slumber. When they finally aroused the household and were “BUILT WovlcVa Li Stage Line A » », ee » s v ♦«««*•*•> From Ashland To To To To Darling Studio & Art Store PORTRAITS THAT PLEASE Even «hen, you couldn’t hire Dobbin for less than #>,50 a day— say 2$ cent» an ho»r. Yet an hour’s work fo» an electric modoff using oae horsepower o f electricity usually costa only 7 ox 8 cent». v Meat household appliaacee use tifty aaotom o f only i /t o or 1/8 o f a horsepower. You can run them JW hours, for seven or eight cent«. And they are faster than Old t>obbia ever dreamed o f being, w h en h ew a a a cok. •, Ü tiw cheapest service Saturday. Tfie frnlt growers sup­ ply, oompaay lumber camps at Hilt opens up today, with a large crew of men. Our Developing is Reliable. Remember how they used to hitch Old Dobbin to. a windlass and drive him ’naw d and ’round— lifting hey and doing heavy chorea? Weed •y•••••••••••Leedy**•••••< Redding • • • • • • « • e * s e e e o e * e t a * < 8aeramantb Ban Freneticò ....... .. Round Trip % To Los Angelas " i v. you can buy* T > æ CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER COM PANY