uJtfi r 'MALABL4 GBBMS Cannot survive three months in the rich otone at Ashland. Pure domestic water helps. "tdw s Has LY T idings Newspaper. For Nearly Fifty Y ears leen Ashland's Successor to the Seml-'Äreekly Tldlnsa, Volani 41 GRAZING BILL BY STANFIELD GIVEN ATTACK R eserved T ickets For M edford Game .W ill Go On Sale Without the use of medicine cares nine cases out of ten of asthma. This is a proven f a c t ¡Tire Service) (United VOL. XLIX ASHLAND CLIMATE ASHLAND, OREGON, SATURDAY, FEB. 27, 1926. ASHLAND GOLF COURSE PLANS HADE PUBLIC TR AV ELIN G WUjN AUTO " CAMP BOOSTS CITY; H IG H L Y " PRAISED; R E A L “ TESTIM ONIAL IS G IV EN NO. 151 GRANTS PASS“ DEFEATED BY ASHLAND HIGH Initiate WILL HELP FINANCE 12 NEW CABINS About 100\ ,ers of From all indications 22 the local B. O. Elks there will be a real rush 22 If Nestor Aber, Los Angslfs thing to equal Jt," be exclaimed boarded the special train for coveted tickets when 22 traveling man and authority on happly. “Do you know, thia here this afternoon, bound the reserved seat sale 22 auto parks, had his way about strikes me as being the ideal place e for Montague where an for the Ashland-Medford 22 to settle down and really live. it, he’d settle down in Ashland Booster Organization W ill Quintet Continffos initiation of some 35 Site Committee Gives Oom for the rest of his Ufa. Colonel „Greeley Gives Dam ­ high school game starts You've got something here that Local Take Steps to Improve W inning Streak, W in- lin g Str members from Northern plete resum e of the aging Testim ony Be-, at the Rose confectionery no other town in* the west has, At least, that’s what he Auto Park ning 24 24 t o l 7 California points will be W ork B rin g Done at 9 o’clock Monday and you ought to be mighty fore Committee Mrs. J. H. Fuller In the eha held tonight. morning. thankful.’’ of commerce office this mi PROCEDURE OUTLINED The train, which left M ANY MEMBERS SIGNED These two teams will Tourists generally sing the, PLAY AT GRANTS P A S S MONOPOLY IS OLA] I.-M » Aber travels by motor and here at 3 p. m., Is due praises of Ashland and her tour­ Roy Parr Puts up Htellar E xhibi­ meet here next Friday makes many of the weatej Medford Crater» to be Invited to Cam paign Progressing Good; F in ­ to nrrlve at Montague at Chief U. 8. Forester Declares ist facilities, but for a “hard evening, and Ashland states. So he knows auto pari Join in Hospitality tion; ' I xm - u I Girls ancial Aspect» Are t> p. m., and return Measure Would Not Pro­ boiled” traveling man who really must win this game as all over tbe west. Meeting • Defeated D etailed "whenever the crowd gets tect Farpaer needs and appreciates comfort to well as the one in Med- But last night was his together,” according to go Into raptures about Ashland ford next Saturday night visit to Ashland, with Its Definite decision to get back Displaying their old-time team Splendid progress is belufc Llthla Park and Its adjacent one of the passengers. WASHINGTON, D. C., Feb. 27. and her auto park brought smiles to tie Medford for the of the movement to build more work and plenty of speed when made in the membership drive Northern California is In «— (IP) — Another bitter attack of satisfaction to the chamber of Southern Oregon cham- park. and better cabins In tbe Ashland needed, Ashland high school de­ for the' new Ashland golf club, the jurisdiction of the against the Stanfield gracing bill commerce folks this morning. pionshlp and a chance to “I never In my life saw auto tourist park was taken feated Grants Pass high, -24 to according to a report from the local club and occasslonal- was launched here today by Col­ play in the state cham- last night by The Lithlans at 14, In the Grants Pass high committee this afternoon, and ly the club procures spe­ onel W. B. Greeley, chief United pionshlp games at Eu- their monthly dinner at thé school gymnasium last night. with members being signed up cial permission to hold States forester, who appeared be­ gene. C om m ittee To A ct Llthla Springs hotel. All through the first half every day it is expected the or­ their regular meetings In fore the senate public lands com­ The local team is be- The plan of taking Individual there was no question as to the ganisation meeting will be call­ that section of the Juris­ mittee. ing given splendid sup- In McCamant Case ■ subscriptions for the construc­ superiority of the local team ed for some evening early next diction. A royal enter­ Colonel Greeley declared that port, which makes it im- tion of the cabins and having the over the Josephine boys, al­ week. tainment was assured timber growing, watershed pro­ peratfre fBat those who city park board reimburse those though Grants Pass put up a In Very Few Day® In order to acquaint residents those who went to Mon­ tection, wild life andt recreation want the reserved seats who advance the money through hard defensive game and went generally with the proposal, the tague. would be subordinated by the get them as quickly as De Bon Auto Company at top speed from start to fin­ the revenue from the cabins was site committee today made public WASHINGTON, Feb. 27— ( f . 8tanfleld bill in favor of larger possible after they are Paces Several Perplex­ explained by City Attorney ish. its report of tbe Elliott site, in­ P .)—Chairman livestock Interests. Cummins ai - placed on sale Monday. ing Problems Here Briggs and was endorsed by The first half closed with Ash­ cluding the financial aspect of "This bill would reverse the nounced today he would ca 1 Tbe Lithlans as well as members the organisation. This report, hie senate Judictary commits » The proposal of The De Bon land on the long end of a 15 policy of the department of agri­ of the park board, who attended which has been adopted in part, to meet some time next week 1 J Company, the firm being Ed De to 8 score. At the start of the culture which for 20 years has the dinner. second half Grants Pass put on follows: been to protect the homesteaders set a time for voting upon tl s Bon of Weed and Ed High of an extra burst of speed and came 12 New Cabins The committee appointed at nomination of Wallace McCai - Yreka, with the latter an local and small farmers,” declared Cot­ It was proposed to construct within two points of tying the a recent meeting to Investigate one) Greeley. "It would unduly ant to the Judge of the drew t repreaentatlve, that they would sebre. For a few minutes it Golf Expert Here to Com­ 12 double cabins and get them the possibilities of having a court Of appeals, Oregon. favor large sheep and cattle out­ open an automobile salesroom in plete Work on Project under way as quickly as pos­ looked as though the game golf course to be known as tbe fits to an extend which might Cnromlns said the illness ai the Meekler bdilding here, form­ would not be decided until the of J. L. Ketch sible in order to be prepared Local “ Troupers” Will Give Ashland Golf Course submit the cause range monopolies by larg­ absence of several members j erly occupied by H. B. Plummer final whistle. for the auto tourists this sum­ Saw m ill Town Comedy following for your consideration. er livestock Interests.” Lee E. Smith, golf expert who mer. Active solicitation will get holding np a vote and that thei grocery, has created a complex Roy Parr Stars On March 10th After Investigating all possible is no deliberate attempt to d situation. was here several weeks ago In under way next week. 1 But st this Juncture, Roy Parr locations, for a course we de­ the preliminary work of or­ A few days ago carpenters lay final action by the cos Irving E. Vining urged con­ Arrangements have been com­ cided on a piece of property at forward scored six points for ganizing the Med-O-Land golf certed action on the part of started to reconstruct the front mittee. pleted to take the big Legion known as the Elliott and Kin­ the locals in rapid succession course near Talent In conjunc­ The Lithlans In order to assure entrance to thia building and show over to the saw mill city caid raneh. This property Is lo­ and from that point Ashland make other changes. It was an­ the night following its presenta­ cated on the Pacific Highway never lost the comfortable lead tion with J. L. Ketch of this Ashland suitable accommoda­ city, has returned to finish the tions for her tourists. He told nounced then by Messrs De Bon tion here, and the advance re­ five miles south of the city It had regained. Both the Parr work on the course. and High, who were in the city, of the Corvallis auto park which ports Irom Hilt Indicate that a limits. As most of you know boys displayed the best form He stated this morning a larg­ is under the direct supervision that they would open a salesroom big crowd will welcome the op­ Damage of More Than MU for the local quintet. the Kincaid ranch la located on In the building, end that they portunity to see this clever pro­ the Pacific Highway and Neil lion Dollars Reported The high school gym at Grants er crew would be placed at work of the Corvallis chamber of Immediately on the course. Mr. commerce, and the reputation It would equip the place to give duction. • Prom B ig Storms Pass is too small for a regula­ Creek. Thq Elliott property service to the owners of automo­ Smith said he hoped to tie this had for having the flifest cabins Jack Coyle and his crew of fronts on the Pacific Highway Rev. Paul G. Stevens tion floor and tH« tended to biles they sold, such as greasing bother the Ashland S a m lhxongh- course In with the Tillamook, in tbe state. , FRANKLIN. Paga.. Fab. 27 — «tag« assistants are plana lag amt «ten th •oP -tb e*’ » a eaW * >y th e Preeb andVaOhlhg. • tU.P.T—This section Is suffer­ on invading Hilt at an early hour place. The South boundary line Colonel C. G. Thomson, super­ out the game. If Grants Pats ’ Newport and Salem courses which ian Pulpit he manages. Prohibited by Lew ing today from one of the worst on the morning of the 10th In of the EUloft land adjoins the intendent of Crater Lake park has Ils own baskets well located, According to Fire Marshal its forwards were unable to floods in the history of the Up- order to work out the details of old cemetery. and an honorary Llthlan, wsj Rev. Paul O. StSvens, director Clint Baughman this Is contrary prove It last night as they wore tier Allegheney district, driving presentation In the Community tbe honor guest of the evening. of the Pacific coast district of Property Involved to the state law, which prohibits hundreds of families from their Hall which has a much smaller Colonel Thomson advocated a the hoard of national missions The Elliott track consists of (Continued On Pago Four) homes. No casualties have been stage than ordinarily encounter­ 95 acres approximately 8 acres for the Presbyterian church, will such work on any floor other than general hospitality gathering reported as yet. Damage to ed. This means cutting down being on the East side of the occupy the pulpit at the morn­ concrete or dirt, whereas the floor between Tbe Lithlans and Tho property is estimated at more some of -the scenery used for Craters of Medford at the Llthla ing service of the Presbyterian in the building Is wood. It was later stated this servicing would (Continued On Page Four) than a million dollars. Springs hotel in the near future, the production in the Vining. church tomorrow. Although his and It was voted to send such The Hilt Community Hall has headquarters are In Los Angeles be done In the basement of the K illing of Moonshine Sus­ an invitation to tbe Medford Just recently had a new stage Rev. Stevens* work carries him building or In a tin building at pect by Prohi Officer booster organisation. built, and at the time tbe Le­ from Point Barrow, Alaska to tbe rear of the brick building. Arouses Citizens Then it developed that it was gion representative was over Porta Rico, and It Is expected their Intention to make a drive­ there they were installing some he will have an interesting ac­ BEND, Ore., Feb. 27— (U.P.) New Orleans Housewife Re­ new equipment and scenery. —Although C. Ç. McBride, stato count of his work for members way across the sidewalk from ports Harrowing E x ­ Main street Into the front en­ Rebeasals for the performance probl officer, was exonerated by of the local congregation. perience W ith Men trance of the building. Mayor are gradually speeding up, and a coroner's jury for the killing P ate o f Man T ried Under Johnson this morning stated that NEW IRLEANS. Feb. 27— of Vale Tqylor, young moonshine Reputed Drunken A uto Ride A ncient A ct to be (Continued on Page Four) he had advised the contractor to (U.P.)— Police today were seek­ suspect here a week ago, friends Costs Politician $200 Given Tuesday cease work on the building until ing the Identity of the gang of tho young man and other in Penalty the proper application for changes of men who last night waylaid Bend citizens are raising a fund BROCKTON, Mass., Feb. 27.— In the building had been made Mrs. Edith Bauer, aged 23, and to carry on a sweeping investi­ P ast Contest Expected at Mose Barkdull, prominent (lp>— The fate of Anthony Bimba, Local Armory W ith before the council, which the took her to a lonely road near gation Into the affair, It became Medford politician and business accused of violating the Massach­ Klamath Champs mayor said had not been done. St. Bernard where they applied man, was fined 2100 on a known late yesterday. Resi­ usetts blasphemy law, which is a heated iron to her body as a dents generally are not satisfied charge of drunkenness and 2100 229 years old, Is in the hands of Although the Ashland high (Continued on Page Four) Inability of Speaker to be brand. Mrs. Bauer told authori­ with the explanation of the kill­ school basketball sqnad has not on a charge of reckless driving Judge C. Carroll King. Final ar­ Here Cancels Annual ties she was Insulted and cursed ing as given by the state liquor yet rounded into the same form when be entered pleas of gnllty gument was completed this morn­ 1 Session by the men during the painful agents. ing and tbe case was taken under Los A ngeles H ealth Officials to the two charges In Justice It displayed a couple of weeks operation. court yesterday. advigement. The Judge announced Say Dread M alady is ago, the boys are slowly com­ The annual meeting of the Mrs. John T. d w ell, former Jackson County Health Associa­ he would make his decision known on th e W ane ing back after their hard grind H ospital Interne well known Jackson county resi­ tion which was scheduled for Tuesday. and expect to put up a speedy LOS ANGELES, Cal., Feb. 27. dent and now living at New game against Klamath high next Tuesday, March 2nd, has — Tbe smallpox epidemic which "York, forfeited a ball of |100*on Gets M eningitis school at the local armory thia been Indefinitely postponed. has been raging in Los Angeles charges of being drunk. Unusual Disease Contracted evening. Dr. J. L. Else, of Portland, since last December was reported The pair were arrested early who was to have been chief, and In A id in g Others The Klamath team won the B y Arkansas Fam ily on the decline today by cltf health this week between Jacksonville Prom Poor Meat championship of Klamath connty only speaker, at the evening ses­ authorities. Only six new cases end Central Point following a Henry Morgathau Tells Fil and with Ashland still in the sion has notified the Association SEATTLE, Feb. 27— (U.P.) — were reported yesterday. There wild auto ride which terminated PINE BLUFF, Ark., Feb. 27 running for the Southern Ore­ opines o f Possible In­ that it la Impossible for him to Fighting to save the lives of five have been no deaths within tbs in a crash. Officers said both — (U.P.)— Mrs. J. H. Shephard gon championship, the game this vasion Trouble be in Medford on tjie date chos­ hospital patients suffering from is dead and Mx members of her had been drinking. W elch Interests Are Sold to past 24 hours. evening should be a strong draw­ en, but signified his desire to spinal meningitis, Dr. Adolph family are critically 111 today MANILA, P. I., Feb. 27— Syndicate o f Chicago ing card for local enthusiasts. come on a later date. His sub­ Welnslrl, young hospital Interne, as the result of contracting trich­ (U.P.)— Japanese and British Capitalists Coach Hughes will give his ject will be "Goitre and its Pre­ himself contracted the dread di­ inosis, a disease caused from eat­ problems In the Pacific which boys a well earned rest for a vention In our Children." sease and now lies at the point PORTLAND, Ore.. Feb. 27. —- Illin ois P olice ing spoiled pork. The meat was jatkj bring forth an entente, con­ few days after tonight's game Announcement will be made (LP)— Reorganisation of the West eaten at dinner several days ago stitute a menace to the Philip­ of death In the Seattle General In order to put them in the later as to the now date,selected hospital. R o u n d U p G u n m en and the symptoms became alarm­ pines, Henry Morgethay, for­ Coast Power company, formerly for the annual meeting of the The young physician has been best possible condition for the ing yesterday. Physicians fear mer American ambassador to managed and controlled by 'A. Healtht Association. fighting valiantly to • save the two gsfites with Medford next Welch, was completed today, fol­ the remaining members of the Turkey, told the Filipino Univer­ CHICAGO, Feb. 27—Blgbty- week. lowing the sale of the Welch in­ four aliens were rounded up in sity students today In an ad­ charity patients at the hospital, family will die. Campbell of Tl devoting aa nuwh as 20 hours terests to. Herbert Cammack O ff tbe second joint police-federn dress fie!»,'............. . ........ City Becomes Bride of associates of Chicago. Ernest Ja­ raid upon the hgunts of gun­ "Neither Japan nor Great Brit­ dally to his endeavors. W . D. Dunlap Professor John Welnslrl, head Oregon Loses Its ain would attack the United cobson was elected president of men and terrorists within a of the bacteriological depart­ States," he said,'"but If India the company. .weak. A dozen were singled out Miss Margaret Caroline Camp» ment of the University of Wash­ First Game W ith troubles Britain and Russia for deportation proceedings. bell, daughter of Mr. R. P. ington, la directing the battle to blocks Japan, It appears likely Campbell, and W. D. Dunlap of that Japan would ask Britain save his son's life. California Bears Junction City wire married--at Two Well Dressed Bandits Borah Sought To for a free hand In Invading tbs the Methodist Parsonage by Rev. W idow of Commander of Staffs D aring Holdup A uto B attery Is Philippines; that Is, unless Amer­ Pemberton at noon today. The Dirigible Gets Bequest A t Ambassador OAKLAND. Cal., Fab. I ica would be willing to enter the Mrs. Sherman To H ead Third Party immediate family of the bride Prom Relative (U.P.)— The University of ( fight.” • T a k eiv B y Thieves and Miss Jessie Guthrie wars LOS ANGELES, Fob. 27— fornla Golden Bears are hi MIAMI, Fla., Feb. 27— (U.P.) B e Buried Sunday fully preparing to taka tbe the guests. Tbs couple left Im­ While Charles L. Sudden, a guest BOISE, Ida., Feb. 27—Senator FARM BILL PASSES William E. Borah of Idaho will Patty thieves hrs operating in mediately for their home at from Detroit, where he is »» — Mrs. Margaret Ross Lansdowne, clflo coaat championship 1 IN SENATE automobile company official, widow of Lieutenant-Commander ■be asked to head a third party Ashland again, according to re- Junction City. Funeral services for Mrs. M. tonight. Last alght tbO' Mrs. Dunlap la a well known looked on, twe well dressed ban­ Zachary Lansdowne of the 111- in the next national campaign.Iports of police this morning. WASHINGTON. D. C., Feb. 27 O. Sherman, Jackson county plo- defeated t ie University ot Ashland girl and h is worked In dits held np the clerks at the fated Shenandoah, received 25000 — (U.P.)— The agricultural sp- near who died Thursday, will »on’s basketball teens, I I Thia was the announcement to­ Auto accessories appear to be day by Ray McKalg, leader of the object of the thieves. Some­ the telephone office for some exclusive Ambassador hotel yes­ and valuable personal property proprlatlon bill for 1127 was 2:20 o’clock tomorrow afternoon, j the first game of the terday and escaped with more In the will of her grandfather, passed by the senate today. It be held from Stock’s Chapel st I Oregon, crippled by the the Idaho progressive party, who body last night stole the bat­ time. Mr. Dunlap la connected with than 2500 In oaah. The Ambas­ the late Admiral Albert »Ross, carries an appropriation of 2129.- Burial will be at Stearns camo- j Westergren. seemed MM Issued a call for a conference tery out of the auto of John the Standard Oil Co., at Junc­ sador la the home of many of which was probated here Thurs­ 404,988 fbr the fiscal year. shortly either here or at Salt Riggs. Police believe It to "be tcry on Wagner Creek. started. day. Hollywood’s screen stars. tion City. the Fork of youths. Lake City. 22 22 22 22 22 22 21 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 Tl I WILT BE COMPLETED tesdh show wit BE M B AI HILI HIT PENNSYLVANIA MISSION LEADER IB TALK BEBE » I OLD BLASPHEMY LAW CASE WITH JURIST POLICE SEEK GANG El MDSE BARKDULL IS GIVEN STIFF FINE KLAMATH HIGH WILL HAY HEBE TDHIGHT HEALTH MEETING TO BE HEW LATER SMALLPOX EPIDEMIC IS GROWING BETTER WILE PROBE DEATH OF YOUTH IN BEND ONE BEAD AND SIX ILL FROM BABPORK BOUNDS WARNING II WEST COAST POWER «M a n o s lUHCTDH BUY MAH 11 ...... . ■ t OS ANGELES HÖTE CLERKS ARE ROBBED MADE BENEFICIARY i I il