MIJITO#? A S HA Growing 0 «■.„«M.» ■ M)Ä ANGEL»!, t t f c 16— Bob- •rt BMkUr, 88, M m 4 W Uto. but ha dl« a to w »»t to «la «toma. ¡' HU favorita 0*t, w R hU a ral, Madden Oreen Perkin« — „„,. Telephone 39 OFFICIAL CITY PAPBR Bot Ben« enpuiUte« the tac-, tieni error «f saying Narrg got bn «one frota D. R. H ie b « , "a dtsakarged trgasury «««HOT«.” ontha ▲«Wording to Hickey, tha three banka «id make a “eaneolldated rdtnra," an ■ Reed ne olaarly demonatrated the law demanded. Later, however, their counsel, the firm of Reed, «haw. Smith and McCray— of which Senator Read’s a member— «Ineerered that they'd have saved »91,- 473.87 If they'd made thetr re­ turn» separately. / Consequently they reined heefc at the Internal revenue bureau nntll It allowed them to do It that way, and returned their »81,478.87. , ‘ ■ One Mhnth Three Months Six M onttu One-«Bar Inæ rtlon - --v -,— .— v .— . ,r ~—...... — ~~r— --y-~■ V Bates fo r Legal and Mieeellaneons Advertising insertion, per 8 point line ____ ...______________ •nhseouent insertion, 8 point line' -------------------- - Obituagjee, per line . DONATIONS Me «lonatlops to «Ah titles or otherwise w ill be made la advertlB- sr Job printing — oar contributions w ill be in cash. Look for Yourself MJUCR’S TOGGERY “Hab-a-dash Ina” ' W H A T aD N SfTTVTR S A D V E R TIS IN G “A ll future events, where an admission charge la made or a collection taka« la Advee»IMna’f • J No discount w ill be’ snowed Religions or Benevolent Orders. i F K B R IA R Y 38, 1038 ' SA LVA TIO N PROM GOD— " I have waited for thy salvation, O Lord." Gen. 49.18. 4 • • UNIVERSITY o r OREGON, Eugene, Reb., >8— (Special— A complete botn^eal survey of tbe Kirby toglon \ and the conat ebnthwest of Grants Rasa M to Vo made by Louis R. Henderson, ¿•an of the botanla^ of . the »ovthweet, who for five month« baa been arranging specimens Of |Ae University of Oregon. Mr. Hendcnon <111 spea« sev- if» l months collecting specimens I®, the Kirby region, which Is One of the most characteristic and fruitful dlstrtcta ft» tb«TataW. (if . I . • )• .J' * P p A Y B R —«-‘.Therefore, O L c M , we also would wait on Theo, to- be ef Kood courage, and seceive heart strength fronts Thee." ! I .- ; ---------------U SUCCESS TO LITHIANS > The U tlu a Park campground needs improved cabins to properly house the modern tourists who are n o t sat­ isfied w ith merely a place in which to park their auto­ mobile and pitch their tent. This hks been a conclùsi on ig wbrch all have agreed for sometime. ■ The rub lias been in finding some organization, in­ dividual or parties who would f « t the necessary work back.of a plait ip make it possible to finance the building of these cabins. It was suggested once that a certain number of })usiqe^B hpusea in town each finance the construction of one.cabin and take their reimbursement f$om the proceeds of the Centals. - However, thi§ plan did not materialise. • A live' organization, the Lithians, is adopting the problem and at a m eeting tonight expects to work out a ]>jan whereby it can procure the necessary finance« f«)r the calyn». The Tidings realizes this i i ^ n important tisk pnd donfidentally feels that the* lith ia n s will prove s|ccem ful Ù» their effort# .to give thped that Senator Stanfield w ill meet with success in his efforts to have congress appropriate the sum of $756,000 for Jackson oouuty, which was lost to thi» county when the old Oregon and California land grant lands reverted to tlte government. • It was a blow to this country and several other coun- tfeg of western Oregon when this valued property was tt-jken from the tax rolls, and it is no more than right that the government should reimburse the counties which h iv e suffered tliis financial lues. f Senator Stanfield has promised to w age a determined fight for this hill, but he calls attention’ to the fact that itf w ill take united support of the c ity e n s o f Oregon if tHfc bill is to win approval. County officials of all affected ctranties recently vot- «d-to lend whatever possible a id they could in recovering liti« «money. It m ight not lie amiss for tbe chambers o f commerce and other organizations to this follow tb it movement which means much to those who pay the taxes. AND R Jo ^egl9 vclth: l ^ r w J ie llP K .b s tò Tn Pittsburgh. The Mellon Na- for a man to heep^afe his motley and ’hlrf bdir. ' 7 ’UOnal, ' the UwlOw'.^avJilgg/ and the Union Trust company. touch of spring makes 8ome time ago they had oe- Lu«kh Hhe emoney, Moeen’t ole world grin. hapion Io file ,income t a t ' re- amount to much If you doh’t turps. In s te a « of doing I t know how to use it. separately— a return for each Getting married antes sleep. Institution— they did -It In /m e No m atter what you study, If W h a t’s known as a you keep at it long enough you You don’t have to w ait up for chunk. "consolidated return." the chaperon to take a nap. w ill be learned. ........ MAOHANIMOUS KLAMATH B ut in a spirifc of magnanimity, the Klapiath folks1 ed Ui Insanib Aahland to help finance th et project : to flilsjcjty a eUanctTlo pdt up part o f tbe fnonqy which 'tie uscii 'In4 diverting auto tourist fraffic from thO fie lugkw uy-tkriiugh . Aaliioud to Klamath county. Wa'are bvdrwhtflined by this spirit „of good foliowy 4»d eooptyrtGou. ÎT feTpThds us æ th« WTfe whô herlbusbeod lmj a quantity e f strychnine uud then it in bis » D p , • ' « . .. U tliiah«^ decide to get bu*y,'we’re willing to 4 those cottages built in the auto purit 1»«* of J o u a - - • ~ -•« THdret« one Sray Arifiaad can trim K)amath. ' Just e i f to |liç_hiKh school bpskethnl| ^«¡uad tQinpjrow - ? ' J ■ - i Z . "Tri" ” • * • » 1 u «>" T fcij-h thrM T t ö f Weather that makes dad think of iif*And,m other plan h e r apring house cleaning. Aiperican Le g i op show to bo ZV.. . ' -.V • ■ » - > city. Well, there is one. Argument sella a few goods, while politeness sells m a n y .. KlainaOuF«!!« hasJnriied a deaf ear to the plea of the A«J>lajid chambeif ¡of cmnnuWce, which soQght to disHiiadé K|Junafh' fropa' cstahnsliiHg a tourist information bureau a tih e junction of the P acific and Ashlalnd-Klauiath hi gin t forget oses ' ARAB HOLQWT ; MTTSBUtttJ, Kan.. Reb. »»— ■„By C H AR LES P t S T E W A R T ( U P ) — A ybung Arab is solo­ • R EA Service W rite r ist with the men*« glee eiub of Congressmen don't know whht W A SHING TO N — Norris, Reed th e Pittsburg State Teachers wo want. But th a t’s (air. We ,college here thia season. and the Three Mellon Banka! don’t know what congressmen t ■> . « rj Kh Is Job Negelm who camo Oood title for ;a‘ story, what? want. .. i < ■ • r < «. TWO flflngh almost impossible Doing, right wonld be ' » g » tpngnjas. I f-U -wae-was Health an« domqlon abuse arc all a man needs, even If they are not all he wants. Prospect of following in dad’s footsteps is discouraging wheri • W h a t ; makes most o< our jrou realise you may have a troubles Is that elvilisation is al­ eon like his. ways trying to get too far ahead of human nature. FeW cooks are fired because i ■ . Senator Norris efitlcised this H e . didn't, «ay* i t was crooked. but he did say it saved the threw outntfc ».91,47847... Hie petal was that it was a big saviag— Worth investigate«.' Rut t M N ’« no W»y o f Investigating (It, because > of so much secrecy about the Internal revenue bu­ reau. . '- . ,, Hes Heck ahys: "w hen a thby are bad cooks. Most cooks Woman gite to be 30, She auto­ are flrdd because they are bad m atically sets her age back to Up rose Senator referees. , 86 or 2».** made mincemeat of OUT OUR W AY B O B .IW E GOTA PEACH OF AM »OCA FOR A SPRING t>QEM ! » IT- ^ f A P T S OFF L »v(t T U s — O o R S a c k , s a r d ' s F 0 Ù OF ROBlMS, r r »S A OF SPRiMCr. AIR is f o l l o F somc I TUiMGr «^ -THAT M AKES V M E vu & m TTO By Williams to America from Jerusalem four years ago to study music. Be., 2$ x z z x KLAMATH ASHLAND A m ory, Saturday, Feb. 27 Klamath Fails Team is Champion of That Section and a good game is assured. You Will be Pleased with ’ - Every Printing Order - WE DO FOR YOU. Regardless of what kind of printing you may need. LETTERHEADS, STATEMENTS, ENVELOPES, BOOKLETS, OR WHAT N O T / rHE TIDINGS PRINT SHOP and« to your Vntire satisfaction at reasonable