I iLY T idings MALARIA GERMS survive three months in the rich ozone at Ashland. Pare domestic water helps. TM Tidings. Has Been* Ashland's Newt paper For Nearly Fifty Years ire Service) (Pnttod VOL. XLIX Successor to the 8eml-Weekly Tidings, Volume 49 JURORS FIND RON RUNNING gouty I Captain Pamphlett of Pes- cawha and Mea Con. vioted in Portland SENTENCE 18 DILATED Court Groats Thirty Days in Which to File tor Another Trial t PORTLAND, Ore., Peb. 2«— (U.P.)—Captain Robert Pam-» phlett, Jacob Woltte and five members of the ere* of the rum runner Pescawha and other de. fendants were found- guilty of conspiracy to violate the pro­ hibition law In a verdict re­ turned in federal court late yes­ terday. The defendants were convicted on 11 conspiracy counts. The court granted 30 days In which to prepare a motion for a new trial and delayed the passing of sentence until this motion is filed. The Pescawha was captured by a coaat gnard cutter inside the 10-mile limit while it was aavtng the crew nt a- boat during a raging storm. The case at­ tracted wide attention because of the bravery shown by Cap­ tain Pamphlett and his crew, who faced almost certain death to make the heroic rescue. ANNUAL TAX MOW CiNBE PAID KM • a ment, s He B Says a ’ . • i Ashland taxpayers who want to pay the first Installment of their 1928 taxes can do so now instead of waiting until March dr April, declared Sheriff Ralph Jennings who was in the city last evening on official business. Sheriff Jennings has completed his tax rolls for this year and is now ready to receive the tax money. As in former years a deputy tax collector will be stationed in Ashland during April in or- -der to convenience taxpayers who do not wish to go to Med­ ford. The first half of the annual taxes will be due on or before May 1, and the deputy collector will have an office in the city hall here up until the date of delinquency, said Sheriff Jennings. Drunken Driver Given Shackles In Kansas Q ty 111 ■' • KANSAS CITY, Mo., Peb. 26 •—(U.P.)— Kansas Clty'a police court has adopted a new method of dealing with drunken auto- lets. Burnes V. Moore, convict­ ed of driving whUe drunk, was ordered placed in shackles auu confined in the county jail for a period of 90 days. He also was fined 9100 for falling to render assistance after an ac­ cident. Klamath Dentist Near Death From Ten-Day Fasting R lamath palls , ore., Peb. 26— Pred Westerfelt, Klamath Palls dentist, was reported In a serious condition today, fol­ lowing a 10-day fast for tho purpose of benefiting his health Westerfelt collapsed at a meet­ ing of the Kiwsnls club yester­ day noon just after. he had made a short talk describing ths effects of his fasting. Physicians today said be probably would be forced to undergo aa opera­ tion. Woinan Pays For Marriage License At Man’s Request 8 PORTLAND, Ore., Peb. 8 2 6 — ( U P .) — It’s still 8 leap year in Llnnton, ac- 8 cording to John 'Easter, 8 head of the marriage li- 8 cense department in the 8 county clerk’s office. 8 Easter tells the story 8 of a man and former wife 8 who appeared at the win- 8 dow yesterday for a II- 8 cense to re-wed. “Thia 8 will cost you 93.” Easter 8 remarked, after the cue- 8 tomary information had 8 been filed. The man 8 -calmly turhed to the 8 ‘woman in the case.’ 8 ‘‘Well, if you want to 8 get married, yon’ll have ti to pay for the license,” 8 he Baid. Easter is well 8 on hie way to recovery. 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 H I BADGES WON BI A M D S O TS Four Boys of Troop Two Pass Hard Tests and Receive Honors Ten merit badges were packed home last night b f four scouts from Troop Two from the Boy Scout Court of Honor for this district which meets at Med­ ford once each month. Wesley Hoxie passed for cycling and marksmanship; James Hartley for cycling and ijithflnding; Lloyd High for signaling, flre­ manship and cycling; Marion Prost for cycling, flremanship and interpreting. In addition to the above mfrit badges, Har­ ry Borah took first class and Clarence Woods the second class The cycling test which was taken by all four of the merit badge applicants from Ashland, involves a 60-mile bicycle ride in one day and also taking the bi­ cycle to pieces and putting it together again under the eyes of an expert in that line. The signaling test requires speed and accuracy in both the Semaphore and Morse codes as well as the making of a buzzer, or a wire­ less outfit for the sending of Morse code. The interpreting test taken by Scout Prost Is probably the fir st'o f Its kind in the Crater Lake Council and Is a ‘practical application of the Spanish taken by him in High school. iY, FEBRUARY 26, 1926 ASHLAND. OREGON, Auto Caravan Due to Reach Here Sunday, Accord­ ing to Report BURDEN HIGH ENOUGH Pierce Proposal io Make Four Cents W ill Be Contested Tas A caravan of auto dealers who are staging a protest against the proposal to increase 'the tax burdens of automobile owners, will arrive in Ashland some time Sunday, according to Informa­ tion received here today by lo­ cal dealers from Eugene. Pollowing the announcement this week in Salem by Governor Pierce that he will seek to In­ crease the gasoline tax from three to four cents, the state as­ sociation of antomotfile dealers evolved the caravan plan, and the long string of cars will leave Eugene Saturday afternoon head­ ed for Southern Oregon. According to reports received here, the caravan will seek the support of automobile owners generally in electing legislators who Will agree to safeguard the interests • of automobile owners and to prevent an increase* in the gasoline tax It was indicated that the car­ avan would reach Ashland short­ ly after noon Sunday and would remain here for several hours. Pollowing the trip into Southern Oregon, the caravan will invade Eastern Oregon. BALTIMORE BANDITS STAGEMD HOLDUP Trio Shoot Down Cashier and Policeman and Escape With $16,000 BALTIMORE, Md.. Peb. 26— (U.P.)— Police today were still without clues as to the Identity of the three bandits who staged the most daring holdup ever at­ tempted in this city. The three men shot down an assistant cash­ ier of the Maryland Daid com­ pany, and a policeman who was guarding him and then escaped with a satchel containing ,916,- 000 of company money. The cashier and policemen are both expected to recover. south of the city. The - Hilt course is being built on property back of the Hilt hotel, and will give the little lumber town the distinc­ tion of being the smallest town on the Pacific coast with Its own golf course. Local enthusiasts declared this morning they would be glad to stage a tournament with the Hilt golfers just as soon as the two courses are ready for play. The* local membership committee is making good progress In Its quest for members and it Is expected that an organization meeting will be held early next week. Now comes Hilt to make bid for fame. The little lumber town' over the California line starting work on a nin golf coarse, which, when pleted, will he complete' to last detail, according to brought back to Ashland la nlgl^t by Roy Parr, deputy game warden. The lumber company emplo at Hilt are all enthused ov the project and even now t are said to be framing a cl lenge to Ashland golfers, wl are looking forward to the co: strtfetion of the golf course the highway a short dial E. F. CARLETON TALKS TO ASHLAND KIU A M S CLUB AT WEEKLY LUI iCH TODAY NOON Guide the reading of you* children in the home and you will have an influence in the building of their character which will be secondary only to thij influence wrought by the moth» er, E. P. Carleton, of Eugene, who is a candidate for the Re­ publican nomination for staid superintendent of schools, told the Kiwanlans at thdir regular luneheon meeting today at the Lithia Springs hotel. Mr. Carleton stated the great nUed wave of crimes In the Uni States and the lack of roe, •pect for laws in many sources created a cynicism whieh cj on« of the greatest dangers U| the boys. „ Talks On Locks —• T. H. Simpson, local war« dealer, took as the eu8jert of Ms. talk “Looks.” 'Qa* would think that locks would form a K. F. Carleton Body Is Shipped Tp Former Home BOLTON FUNERAL A different and improved council chamber will greet city officials and Ashland residents Tuesday evening when the coun­ cil holds its next session. Mayor Johnson this week has been supervising a complete re­ arrangement of the room in or­ der to promote better efficiency and more expeditious handling of ,the city's business. Three tables will take the place of the one table. At the center table the mayor will sit with Miss Gertrude Biede, city yacordor T hree cnuncUmen will sit at the table to the left and three other councilmen with re­ porters at the table to the right. The change will be greatly wel­ comed by all concerned. CHICAGO, 111., Peb. 26— It Martin Dnrkln, notorious mail bandit and police killer, es­ capes the noose he will have plenty of trouble awaiting him. A Chicago grand Jury yesterday Indicted him on five separate charges of automobile thefts. All are alleged offenses against ths federal government. ORIGIN IS UNKONWN Loss Pluretl at $500,000— Hafle- Blowers May Be Roe ponsi ble NORTH RENR, Ore., Peb. 26 — (U.P.)—Fire early this morn­ ing destroyed the big.sawmill of the Stout Lumber company here, with an estimated loss of 9600,- 000. The cause of the fire Is un­ known but authorities think an attempt to blow open the safe In the Southern Pacific office, a short distance from the mill, may be linked with the disas­ trous blaze. The fire throws 500 men out of employment and will likewise curtail logging operations of the company, said officials. Be-' cause of the lack of wind the fire was confined to one build­ ing, and not over 5,000 feet of lumber was destroyed. The blaze continued for several hours and could be seen for many miles. Measure Gets Executive Ap­ proval Today; Big Saving Effected (Continued On Page Three) The body of C. H. Nickerson. Ashland carpenter, who died here this week, was shipped last night to his former home at Middlefield, Ohio, for burial. It was accompanied by his daugh­ ter who came here from Port­ land. Funeral services were held at the Dodge chapel prior to the departure. Fire Burly This Morning Razes Plant of Stout Lumber Company FEDERAL TAX LAW T( WASHINGTON, D, Pel,. 28 — (U P.) — T*h e 9387,811,000 federal tax reduction bill be- cam' a law today. It was sign­ ed at 10:22 this morning by President Coolidge, after having passed both branches of congress yesterday. ARMY CHAPLAIN TO TONIGHT FACE CIVIL CHARGE Auto Camp Problem to be Will Be Tried For Mann Act Taken Up; Colonel Violation if Acquitted Thomson to Speak By Army The Lithians, Ashland’s prem­ SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., Peb. ier booster tprgtanizatlon, are expected to take definite action 26— (U.P.)—Charges of violating concerning the need of cabins the Mann white slave act will be in the auto park when they filed against Chaplain Orville I. convene for their regular month­ Clampltt, U. 8. Army, If he is ly dinner *at the Lithia Springs acquitted by the army court hotel this evening, starting at I martial now in session here. This was thp announcement to- 6:30. : day of department of justice Colonel Thomson, superlnten-1 officials. Chaplain Clampltt is dent of Crater Lake national on trial for the alleged betrayal park, and an honorary Lithlan,, „ , , will be the chief speaker of j ° f LucUle Swallow, Kansas girl, tozmi JVlrS. S k een W ill Be Buried Sunday The Funeral services for Thomas the auto park situation. K. Bolton, prominent Ashland Lithlan quartet will furnish some druggist who died yesterday, peppy music. Funeral services for Mrs. Rina will be held at 2:30 tomorrow Josephine Skeen, daughter of afternoon, from Block's mor­ Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Keeton, who tuary, with burial at Hargadlns died in Klamath Palls yesterduy, cemetery. will be held from Stock's Under­ taking Parlor Sunday afternoon at 1:30. Interment will be In the Moun­ tain View cemetery. Mrs. Skeen Members of Med-O-Land Golf Is also survived by her husband and country club will get a lit­ and two children. MULVANE, Kansas, Peb. 26— tle action next Sunday when five Dave Alley, 80-year-old frontiers temporary holes will be ready n ai . tho new mode W» ttvlnc to» U e »to p e r s coarse near Talent, according to killing buffalo, died here yes­ announcement today by J. L. terday from an attack of In. fluensa. He was 80 years old. Ketch, manager of the club. In his earlier days Alley la Within another week two more said to have killed as many temporary holes will be In readi­ ness, he said. as 100 buffalo In one day. Old Frontiersman Is Victim of Flu Five Temporary Holes Ready At •Med-O-Land Club LUMBER RAIES ARE HELD UNREASONAEtEE Durkin Indicted Workmen Injured Film Star To Wed For Auto Thefts Pinehurst Opens In OU Well Fire New Post Office London Resident %' Po»\v ' X BIG S Â Ï H lL t i^ Look Z FÇ rook CREDITORS OF ÀUTO DEALERS WILL PROTEST " . CHALENGES ¿SHLAND GOLFERS ON COOS BAY In Big Robbery A. 9 WHITLEY IS DESTROYED GASOLINE TAX Local Squad Expects Easy Victory Tonight; Girls More Tables and Better Services Will Be Held From Also to Play the dinner. Irving E. Vining al- Facilities Provided for Stock’s Mortuary To­ so will be present and probably Future Sessions morrow at 2:30 wHl have something to say on Ashland high school's basket­ LONG BEACH,» Cal.. Peb. 26 — Two workmen were seriously burned in a fire which started when an oil line gave way fol­ lowing the bringing in of a new well In the Long Beach oil fields. A long stream of fire swept down Pacific avenue, menacing a number of wells. The fire toss was estimated at 9125,000. NO. 150 HILT BUILDING GOLF COURSE " LUMBER TOWN GETTING BUSY; ’ PLAY GRANTS PASS ball squad will go to Grants Pass this afternoon where it will meet the Grants Pass team there this evening. The local basketeers defeated Grants Pass handily here Monday evening and expect to repeat again this evening. Grants Pass has a good pass­ ing team but it Is woefully weak on basket • shooting, but the Ashland quintet, if it is In good form will have no trouble In winning. The girls’ team also will go Pass and play th e Grants Pass girls In a prelimin­ ary game. The Ashland girls won their game with Grants Pass here the first of the week. ASHLAND CLIMATE Without the use of medicine cures nine cases out of ten of asthma. This is a proven fact. The newly established po»t office of Pinehurst, Mrs. Lula DeCsriow, postmistress, opened for business tod$y. The Ashland- Klamath, Palls stags leaving the Ashland postofftoe kt 8:80 a. m , supplies the new office and wilt bring the mail in from Pine­ hurst daily at 4 p. m. REDWOOD* CITY, Cal., Feb. >4— (U.P.)—With ' a carious crowd packing the court room, Constance Talmadge. film star, and A. W. Mackintosh of London today got a marriage license for their wedding tomorrow at San Mateo. t I Interstate Commerce Com­ mission Orders New Schedule Today WASHINGTON, D. C„ Peb. 26 — (U.P.)v-Tha interstate com­ merce commission ruled. today that the present rates on lum­ ber and related commodities from Oregon, Washington and Cali­ fornia are unreasonable and pre­ judicial, and ordered the rail­ roads serving that territory to prescribe new rates which must be effective before May 17. CHICAGO, ifl., Feb. 26— (U.P.)—Chicago po­ lice today were continu­ ing their search for Otto David, who is suspected of the robbery here Tues­ day of Moody Tabernacle, at which time 97.670 in cash and bonds were tak­ en by four masked ban­ dits who bound the watchman. Dnvld went to the pas­ tor some weeks ago and said he had been a crook all his life and wanted to reform. He has con­ fessed two murders and numerous other crimes. Believing him, the pas­ tor gave him a Job as Janitor. But David failed to show up for work af­ ter tho robbery and has been missing ever since. IB 10 HAVE BANQUET Ashland Attorneys Will At­ tend Function at Med­ ford Tomorrow All the members of the bar of Josephine, Jackson and Klam­ ath counties will meet at a banquet to be held at the Hotel Medford, in Medford, Saturday evening at 6:30 p. m. William M. Briggs, chairman of the program committee, an­ nounces that It is to be a ban­ ner meeting, as Chief Justice Thomas A. McBride, and As­ sociate Justice John L. Rand, of the Supreme Court of Oregon are to deliver addresses. A E. Reames, prominent attorney of Medford, is to read a paper on “The proper method of mak­ ing a record for appeal.” • Inasmuch as the speakers ob­ tained are among the foremost jurists of the west every mem her of the bar of the counties mentioned will be present. Those who will attend from Ashland are Nellie Dickey, W. J. Moore, L. A. Roberta, E. D. Ilrlggs and William M. Briggs. SEATTLE MAN HELD : e Local Customers Semiring Whereabouts of Missing Piano Man RECORD DECLARED BAD Watchmaker Leaves City For Parts Unknown; Police Active Police today began receiving inquiries concerning the where­ abouts of A. W. Whitley, watch maker and erstwhile manager of the Whitley piano house. Whitley left the city two nights ago and has not since been seen, although he la reported to have told some of his creditors that he would return within a few weeks. That the piano house has been in financial difficulties for the past two weeks was known to the police by reason of Whit­ ley’s efforts to bring about the arrecst of his son-in-law in an argument over the company’s business affairs. Family Argument The police, however, refused to interfere with what appeared to be a family argument, and District Attorney Chaney like­ wise declined to take action af­ ter Whitley had lodged com­ plaint with him. According to reports received from the police at Sedro Wooly, Wash., Whitley left there sud­ denly about two years ago, leav­ ing his wife and family In a destitute condition. His wife later procured a divorce. Po­ lice here say an investigation has disclosed Whitley’s business deal­ ings to hsvH buen unsavory in several other towns where he located prior to coming to Ash­ land less than a year ago. Police were informed that sev­ eral watches left with Whitley to be repaired by lecal custom­ ers have not been returned to the owners, but none of the owners thus far has lodged «ny formal complaint with the auth­ orities. NEW CHARGE TIED aeainsefrakcer Charles Ponzi Sought on Federal Warrant Charg­ ing- Mail Fraud Love Trianarle Ends With Cafe Owner Killing JACKSONVILLE, Pis., Peb. 26— (U.P.)—Charles Ponsl, erst­ W ife’s Alleged Lover SEATTLE, Wash., Peb. 26 — (U.P.)—A Charge of first de- gree murder was filed here to , . r . day agalnsf- Prank; J.^Parley cafe owner, who admitted killing Edwin J. Manus earlier this week as the result of a love triangle in which Farley’s wife is alleged to have figured. Parley told police he fol­ lowed his wife to a hotel and found Manus In the room when the door was opened. He im­ mediately shot and killed Manus. Farley Indicated he would plead the unwritten law. Portland Actor Robbed Of Cash PHILADELPHIA, Peb. 26- ( U.P. f—-Jack M cCarthy of P o rt­ land, an adtor playing in a mu slcnl show here, was held up hers today by two men and robbed of 9400 In cash and Jewelry. McCarthy was on hla way to his hotel from a restau raat party when he was robbed VETERAN TELEGRAPHER BUZZARDS BAY, Mass.. Peb. 26— (U. P .)— Slxty-slx years a telegrapher, and still at the koy. le the record of Elisha Ryder, op­ erator at Buzzards Bay station, who will celebrath his 77th birthday next month. Ryder learned telegraphy at the age of 11, and he’s been at It ever since. He considers 160 messages a small day’s work. while financial wizard, is In for more grief. It was revealed here last night when federal postal Inspectors procured a warrant for hla arrest charging him with using the malls to defraud in connection with his land selling operations In Florida. He Is now at Liberty under bonds on' state charges growing out of his operations in Florida. California And » , Oregon To Meet In Hard Series BERKELEY, Cal., Peb. 26— (U.P.)— The basketball teams of tbe University of Oregon and University of California are all primed for their two-game aeries which starts tonight at tho Oakland auditorium for tho Pa­ cific coast conference champion­ ship. Oregon has a patched lineup due to the Illness of Al- West ergren, while California presents a solid front. In tenet here is at a high pitch. Legion Dance To Be Held Tonight Members of glon are expecting of pleasure dance thia 4 land armory, nlshed by Loveland's